Sunday, August 20, 2023

Working Classicists

Working Classicists 

Put simply, Classics is the study of the ancient Mediterranean and Near East. It encompasses every aspect of these cultures, from daily practices and art, to warfare and religion. Most people think of Julius Caesar or Homer as a frame of reference, and as a starting point, that’s as good as any.

If you’re thinking in terms of classification, ‘Classics’ is the study of the ancient world using source texts in the original languages; while ‘Classical Studies’ is similar, but with the texts in translation. Regardless, the two are often swirled into one concept.

In recent years, we’ve seen an increase in discussion about which cultures the subject should include, and whether we should call it ‘Classics’ at all. A popular alternative which you may see pop up is ‘Critical Ancient World Studies’, a term which seeks to address the colonial nature of some older methods of study. 

The ability to explore ancient civilizations in countries like Turkey, Iran, India, and China is increasingly included in such discussions. The field is constantly changing and developing to meet the needs of the modern world and embrace new ideas. That’s why we love it...


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