Monday, October 21, 2024

Petra's Temple of the Winged Lions Volume 2: The Finds and Community Engagement

Edited by Pearce Paul Creasman, Noreen Doyle, and China Shelton
Petra's Temple of the Winged Lions Vol. 2 cover

with contributions by John D. M. Green, Mukhles M. Al Ababneh, Zeyad Al Salameen, Liaqat Ali, Nora Alomari, Deirdre Grace Barrett, Summer Courts, Caroline Durand, Kathryn M. Grossman, Catreena Hamarneh, Jehad Haron, David J. Johnson, Hussein K. Khirfan, Raneen Naimi, Matthew O’Connor, Tim Penn, Megan A. Perry, David S. Reese, Faris Saadeh, Muhammad Shiraz, Robert Wenning, and William G. Zimmerle

Amman: The American Center of Research, 2024

Bringing Petra’s Temple of the Winged
Lions to publication in the present
volumes has represented a major accomplishment,
spanning nearly 􀄙fteen years
of engagement by the American Center of
Research (ACOR) and dozens of colleagues.
As you will read in Chapter One, the temple
itself has had a scholarly journey dating back
to 1974, culminating now forty-one years later
in the two volumes of scholarship presented
here. Hundreds of scholars, students, and
benefactors from the U.S., Canada, Jordan, and
elsewhere have worked at and supported the
work at the site during that time and played an
essential role in seeing the temple’s story told.
Here, we thank them and o􀄛er these volumes
as a testament to their dedication and immense
collective effort.

Petra’s Temple of the Winged Lions Vol. 1

Pearce Paul Creasman, Noreen Doyle, and China Shelton (eds.)
Petra's Temple of the Winged Lions Vol. 1 cover
Excavation and Conservation Projects
1973–2005 and 2009–2021
Two Volumes
Volume 1
The Site, Project History, and Architecture
with contributions by
John D. M. Green, Khaled Al Bashaireh, Nora Alomari,
Marco Dehner, Giuseppe Delmonaco, Chrysanthos Kanellopoulos,
Pauline Piraud-Fournet, Luca Maria Puzzilli, and Francesco Traversa

Bringing Petra’s Temple of the Winged
Lions to publication in the present
volumes has represented a major accomplishment,
spanning nearly 􀄙fteen years
of engagement by the American Center of
Research (ACOR) and dozens of colleagues.
As you will read in Chapter One, the temple
itself has had a scholarly journey dating back
to 1974, culminating now forty-one years later
in the two volumes of scholarship presented
here. Hundreds of scholars, students, and
benefactors from the U.S., Canada, Jordan, and
elsewhere have worked at and supported the
work at the site during that time and played an
essential role in seeing the temple’s story told.
Here, we than􀂔 them and o􀄛er these volumes
as a testament to their dedication and immense
collective e􀄛ort.

Das Johannesevangelium in antik-christlicher Rezeption

Edited by Jörg Frey and Tobias Nicklas 
 Cover of 'undefined'

The Gospel of John had a particularly broad reception in ancient Christianity. This volume offers exemplary individual studies on key authors, overarching motifs, and exemplary texts. After the introductory presentation of the fields, genres, and media of the reception of John, the contributions are devoted to early Christian authors such as Clement, Tertullian, and Origen as well as central discourses of Christology and pneumatology. Specific studies examine the reception of particular texts such as the Jacob's Ladder, the Samaria pericope or the spear thrust scene, the structure of textual tradition and local traditions around »Bethabara« and the reception of ancient textual traditions up to the time of the Reformation. The studies show the multifaceted interconnectedness of Johannine texts and themes and the significance of this gospel for ancient Christianity.

2024. VIII, 403 pages.

DOI 10.1628/978-3-16-163929-6
Sponsored by: SNF
Published in German.
Table of contents:
Jörg Frey: Das Johannesevangelium in antik-christlicher Rezeption. Zur Einführung in den Band - Joseph Verheyden: Clement of Alexandria and John the Evangelist, or How to Deal with a »Spiritual« Gospel - Tobias Georges: Das Johannesevangelium bei Tertullian - Alfons Fürst: Merkmale philosophischer Exegese im Johanneskommentar des Origenes - Cosmin Pricop: »Der Logos in uns«. Das Wohnen des Logos und seine Sinnverbindungen im Johanneskommentar des Origenes - Benjamin Gleede: Der Johannesprolog im arianischen Streit. Zentrale Bastion des Nizänismus? - Martin Meiser: Joh 1,51 (und die Jakobsleiter) in frühchristlicher Rezeption - Monnica Klöckener: Die Begegnung am Jakobsbrunnen in den Johanneskommentaren des Theodor von Mopsuestia und des Kyrill von Alexandrien innerhalb der altkirchlichen Auslegungen von Joh 4,1-42 - Ilaria L. E. Ramelli: The Holy Spirit as Paraclete in Third- to Fifth-Century Debates and the Use of John 14-17 in the Pneumatology of that Time - Andreas Hoffmann: »Ein wachsames Wort wählte der Evangelist [...]« (Aug., Io. eu. tr. 120,2). Die Lanzenstichszene (Joh 19,34) bei Augustinus - Hans-Ulrich Weidemann: Bild und Erstlingsgabe. Die Lanzenstichszene (Joh 19,31-37) im Johanneskommentar des Cyrill von Alexandrien - Nestor Kavvadas Getrennt oder vermischt? Die johanneische Lanzenstich-Szene im Spannungsfeld des nachchalkedonischen Konflikts - Christos Karakolis: The Giving of the Spirit in John 20:22. Examples of Patristic Reception in the Fourth and Fifth Centuries - Jan Dochhorn: Βηθαβαρᾶ in Joh 1,28. Eine Variante und ihre religionsgeschichtlichen Hintergründe - Philip Thomas Mohr: Textual Ambiguity and Theological Clarity in Theodore Beza's Translation of John 8:44 - Appendix: An English Translation of Beza's Annotations at John 8:44


The Vorderasiatisches Museum Berlin goes digital!

The Vorderasiatisches Museum Berlin goes digital!
Pay us a virtual visit! Walk through Babylon’s Processional Way to the Ishtar Gate – all from the comfort of your own home, and any time you like. The currently closed Vorderasiatisches Museum on Museum Island Berlin has fully digitized its historical permanent collection. We invite you to move through this three-dimensional museum space, or to navigate your way from one point the next and view selected collection highlights in the 3D viewer.


Sunday, October 20, 2024

The End of the Book of Numbers: On Pentateuchal Models and Compositional Issues

Jordan Davis  
Cover of 'undefined'
It has become increasingly clear that Numbers is the litmus test for new ideas relating to the formation of the Pentateuch. At the same time the profusion of ideas has only resulted in a corresponding lack of agreement between scholars. In the present study, Jordan Davis grants significant attention to the geographical references found at the end of the book of Numbers, combining archaeological, historical and literary critical insights, in the attempt to arrive at more »verifiable« results. With a detailed view at the Transjordan conquest traditions (Num 21:21-35; 32; Deut 2:24-3:20*) and the twin legal narratives relating to Zelophehad's daughters (Num 27; 36), the author argues for the historical catalysts underlying these traditions and then points to the ideological motivation behind their redactional expansion.

2022. XIV, 311 pages.

DOI 10.1628/978-3-16-161857-4
Table of contents:
Chapter 1: Introduction
Chapter 2: Setting the Stage: Background for Understanding the Book of Numbers
Chapter 3: The Occupation of Transjordan
Chapter 4: Female Inheritance
Chapter 5: Conclusion



Alma Brodersen 
Cover of 'undefined' 
The Book of Ben Sira, written in Hebrew in the early second century BCE, is often regarded as containing the earliest references to the canon of the Hebrew Bible / Old Testament. In contrast, Alma Brodersen examines methodological and historical issues regarding the beginning of the biblical canon and Ben Sira, and demonstrates that the book itself - as distinct from the later Prologue to its Greek translation - does not actually refer to texts as canonical. In addition, a systematic analysis of key passages in Ben Sira 38-39 and 44-50 in Hebrew and Greek uncovers similarities with other ancient texts which are not canonical today but preserved in the Dead Sea Scrolls. Far from proving the existence of the biblical canon in his day, Ben Sira's book indicates instead the importance of oral teaching and the relevance of a wide range of traditions.

2022. XIII, 257 pages.

DOI 10.1628/978-3-16-161992-2
Sponsored by: Schweizerischer Nationalfonds (SNF)
Table of contents:
1. The Beginning of the Biblical Canon and Ben Sira
1.1. Introduction
1.2. Languages
1.3. Canonical Categories
1.4. Intertextual References
1.5. Aim and Structure of the Study

2. Historical Contexts of Ben Sira
2.1. Date and Historical Setting of Ben Sira
2.2. Writing at the Time of Ben Sira
2.3. Writing in the Book of Ben Sira
2.4. Conclusion

3. Greek Prologue to Ben Sira
3.1. Introduction
3.2. Greek Text and Translation
3.3. Analysis
3.4. Key Terms: Law, Prophets, and Writings
3.5. The Prologue and the Question of Canon
3.6. Conclusion

4. Ben Sira 38:24-39:11
4.1. Introduction
4.2. Hebrew Text and Translation
4.3. Greek Text and Translation
4.4. Comparative Analysis
4.5. Sir 38:24-39:11 and the Question of Canon
4.6. Conclusion

5. Ben Sira 44-50: Survey
5.1. Introduction
5.2. Textual Basis
5.3. Comparative Analysis
5.4. Sir 44-50 and the Question of Canon
5.5. Figures and the Question of Quotation
5.6. Conclusion

6. Ben Sira 44-50: Case Studies
6.1. Selection of Case Studies
6.2. Enoch (Sir 44:16; 49:14)
6.3. Judges (Sir 46:11-12)
6.4. Isaiah (Sir 48:17-25)
6.5. Job (Sir 49:9)
6.6. Twelve Prophets (Sir 49:10)
6.7. Conclusion

7. Results
7.1. The Beginning of the Biblical Canon and Ben Sira
7.2. Implications
7.3. Concluding Summary


The Origins of P: Literary Profiles and Strata of the Priestly Texts in Genesis 1 - Exodus 40

Jürg Hutzli  
Cover of 'undefined'
In this study, Jürg Hutzli analyses all Priestly texts in Genesis-Exodus. He evaluates crucial questions concerning P, namely inner stratification, literary profile, historical setting, and relationship to the non-P »environment« separately for each Priestly unit or section. An important result of the author's study is the conclusion that the Priestly texts form a stratum that is more composite and less homogeneous than previously thought. Single units like Gen. 1, the Priestly flood story, and the Priestly Abraham narrative have their own distinct theologies that do not fit that of the comprehensive Priestly composition in every respect. Furthermore, as recent studies point out, the literary profile of P is not the same in every section (either a source or a redaction). The author evaluates these observations diachronically for an inner differentiation of the Priestly strand.
2023. XI, 447 pages. DOI 10.1628/978-3-16-161641-9
Table of contents:
I. Introduction
1.1 State of Research and Preliminary Considerations concerning Profiles and Strata of the Priestly Literature
1.2 Methodological Considerations

II. Analyses of the Priestly Texts in Genesis 1-Exodus 40
2.1 The Creation Account in Genesis 1:1-2:4a
2.2 The Genealogy in Genesis 5
2.3 The Priestly Flood Account in Genesis 6-9
2.4 The Priestly Table of Nations in Genesis 10
2.5 The Genealogy in Genesis 11:10-26
2.6 The Priestly Ancestral Narrative in Genesis 11:27-50:13
2.7 The Priestly Texts in Exodus 1-12: Israel's Stay in Egypt and Exodus
2.8 The Priestly Story of the Miracle at Sea in Exodus 14
2.9 The Priestly Texts in Exodus 16-20: Israel Moves to Sinai
2.10 The Priestly Texts in Exodus 24:15b-40:38: The Tabernacle Account

III. Synthesis
3.1 Stratigraphy of P: Sources and Redactions in the Priestly Texts of Genesis 1-Exodus 40
3.2 The Literary Profile of the Priestly Texts in Genesis 1-Exodus 40
3.3 The Literary-Historical Relationship between the Priestly and non-Priestly Strata in Genesis 1-Exodus 40



Saturday, October 19, 2024

Paulus im Kontext des Diasporajudentums

Paulus im Kontext des Diasporajudentums: Judenchristliche Lebensweise nach den paulinischen Briefen und die Debatten um »Paul within Judaism« 
Ruben A. Bühner  
Cover of 'undefined'

2023. XIV, 435 pages.

DOI 10.1628/978-3-16-162750-7
Sponsored by: SNF
Published in German.

 Under the umbrella term »Paul within Judaism,« new interpretations of Paul's letters have recently emerged. In this context, Ruben A. Bühner examines the continuity of a Jewish way of life before and after Jews turned to Christ. By interpreting Paul in the context of a diverse Diaspora Judaism, he argues for a mediating position in an increasingly ideological debate. Thus Paul understands himself both as a Jew and as committed to a Jewish way of life, while at the same time seeing himself as »in Christ« also committed to community with non-Jews.


Roman Military Tribunes (First Century BC to Third Century AD): A Historical and Prosopographical Study. Volume I. Prosopographical Catalogue, Part 1: Roman Military Tribunes (tribuni militum in exercitu) and in the Garrison of the Roman Capital (tribuni militum in praetorio)

book cover

H 245 x W 174 mm

396 pages

Published Oct 2024

Archaeopress Archaeology


Paperback: 9781803278537

Digital: 9781803278544

DOI 10.32028/9781803278537

Roman Military Tribunes is a historical and prosopographical study of the men who served in that rank between the first century BC and the third century AD, presented in three volumes. Volumes I and II contain the prosopographical catalogue in two parts, while Volume III will offer an analysis of the evolution of the rank of military tribune.  

This volume (I) presents a catalogue of 285 Romans who held the military rank of tribune, divided into two main groups. The first of these, Tribuni militum in exercitu, i.e. military tribunes in the army, contains the biographies of 133 military tribunes who received their appointment during the first century BC and first century AD. This group of Roman officers includes those whose later status – following the reforms of Augustus – would qualify them to serve as senatorial tribuni laticlavii, and a much more numerous group who as equites would have qualified to serve as tribuni angusticlavii

The second group of 152 individuals, Tribuni militum in praetorio, features Roman military tribunes who, between the first century BC and the third century AD, were assigned to serve in the cohortes praetoriae, cohortes urbanae, cohortes vigilum and equites singulares Augusti. These formations formally belonged to the Roman military system, although they had a special status. As they alone were stationed on Italian soil, they formed the garrison in Rome, and served to protect the person of the Emperor.


Tribuni militum in exercitu (from the 1st century BC to the 1st century AD)


Tribuni militum in praetorio (from the 1st century BC to the 3rd century AD)



Vom Sinai zum Zion? Das Verhältnis der Gottesbergüberlieferungen im Alten Testament

Vom Sinai zum Zion? Das Verhältnis der Gottesbergüberlieferungen im Alten Testament 
Florian Oepping  
Cover of 'undefined'

2024. XVI, 300 pages.

DOI 10.1628/978-3-16-163482-6
Sponsored by: SNF
Published in German
Florian Oepping traces the relationship between the traditions of the Mountain of God. The depiction »from the Sinai to Zion«, as presented in the Old Testament, cannot be maintained based on the results of the present study. Instead, the two Mountain of God-traditions are in a literary dialogue.
Table of contents:
A. Hinführung
I. Einleitung
II. Altorientalische Befunde zum Bergmotiv
III. Das Bergmotiv im Alten Testament

I. Gottesbergvorstellungen aus der Königszeit im Nordreich Israel
II. Gottesbergvorstellungen aus der Königszeit im Südreich Juda
III. Gottesbergvorstellungen aus der exilischen und nachexilischen Zeit in Jerusalem
IV. Gottesbergvorstellungen aus hellenistisch-römischer Zeit in Samaria

C. Ertrag




Ironie und Ambiguität im Ijobbuch

Tobias Häner  
Cover of 'undefined'

2024. XVI, 473 pages.

DOI 10.1628/978-3-16-162714-9
Sponsored by: FWF
Published in German.

Taking up a recent trend in studies on the book of Job, Tobias Häner centers his work on irony and ambiguity in the text to show that both rhetorical features appear throughout the book and point to the finiteness of human cognitive faculty.

Table of contents:
1. Einleitung: Ironie und Ambiguität als Themen der Ijobforschung
2. Ironie und Ambiguität - Bedeutung, Relevanz und Adäquanz zweier Begriffe
3. Der literarische Kontext des Ijobbuches
4. Ironie und Ambiguität im Prolog (Ijob 1-2)
5. Ironie und Ambiguität in Monolog und Dialog (Ijob 3-37)
6. Ironie und Ambiguität in den Gottesreden (Ijob 38-41)
7. Ironie und Ambiguität im Epilog (Ijob 42,7-17)
8. Konklusion




Friday, October 18, 2024

Open Access Monograph Series: Forschungen in Ephesos

[First posted in AWOL  21 February 2020, updated 18 October 2024]

Forschungen in Ephesos

Der erste Band der Reihe "Forschungen in Ephesos" erschien bereits 1906. Er wurde von der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften (ÖAW) herausgegeben, die die Reihe seit 1977 im eigenen Verlag veröffentlicht.

Die Grabung Ephesos in der Westtürkei ist Österreichs größtes Wissenschaftsunternehmen im Ausland. Seit 1895 führt das Österreichische Archäologische Institut (ÖAI) Ausgrabungen im Gebiet der antiken Stadt durch. Seit 2015 zählt das antike Ephesos zum UNESCO-Weltkulturerbe.

Ein Langzeitprojekt wie Ephesos bietet die Möglichkeit, an einer der bedeutendsten Fundstätten des Mittelmeerraumes archäologische Grundlagenforschung und Methodenentwicklung zu betreiben: Als Forschungsgegenstand steht eine Stadtanlage mit ihrem Umland zur Verfügung, die von der Bronzezeit bis in das Mittelalter durchgehend besiedelt war, und dies zumeist als Zentralort der Region. Die Grabung Ephesos begreift sich dabei als Plattform für interdisziplinäre Grundlagenforschung in der Archäologie. Bei den Feldforschungen werden heute modernste und zu großen Teilen zerstörungsfreie Methoden wie Surveys und geophysikalische Prospektion eingesetzt und nur gezielte, meist klein dimensionierte Grabungen durchgeführt. Einen zunehmend bedeutenden Aspekt der Arbeiten des ÖAI bilden Denkmalpflege und Monitoring des antiken Bestands.

Zum 125-jährigen Jubiläum des Grabungsbeginns machte das Österreichische Archäologische Institut (ÖAI), in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Verlag der ÖAW und dem von der Universität Heidelberg und der bayrischen Staatsbibliothek betriebenen Fachinformationsdienst Propyläum die gesamte Reihe der Öffentlichkeit und der Nachwelt als Open Access Publikationen sukzessive frei zugänglich.  

Der Katalog anlässlich des 125-jährigen Jubiläums ist " href="" target="_self" title="PÜLZ Andrea M.">PÜLZ Andrea M.

Byzantinische Kleinfunde aus Ephesos

Ausgewählte Artefakte aus Metall, Bein und Glas. Mit Beiträgen von Birgit Bühler, Michael Melcher, Manfred Schreiner und David Zsolt Schwarz
In Ephesos umfasst die materielle Kultur der byzantinischen Periode neben Körper- und Gewandschmuck auch Kleinfunde mit liturgischem Hintergrund, Geräte, Werkzeuge und Waffen sowie kleinteilige Ausstattungselemente wie Beleuchtungskörper, Schlösser und Schlüssel. Mannigfaltig sind ebenfalls die dafür verwendeten Materialien: Luxusgüter sind aus Edelmetall und Elfenbein hergestellt, Schmuck des Alltags hingegen meist aus Buntmetall gefertigt. Erklärtes Ziel dieser Arbeit war die möglichst...
Open access
Erhältlich als: Printausgabe, E-Book

Der Staatsmarkt

Die Inschriften des Prytaneions. Die Kureteninschriften und sonstige religiöse Texte
Open access
Erhältlich als: Printausgabe, E-Book