Sunday, September 30, 2018

The Digital Archaeological Atlas of the Holy Land

[First posted in AWOL 11 August 2011, updated 30 September 2018]

The Digital Archaeological Atlas of the Holy Land

Coming Soon: Virtual Reality on the Web! VR Walk-throughs of Archaeological Sites in the Lower Kidron Valley!
The Digital Archaeological Atlas of the Holy Land (DAAHL) is an international project that brings together experts in information technology including Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and the archaeology of the Holy Land (modern Israel, Palestine, Jordan, southern Lebanon, Syria and the Sinai Peninsula) to create the first on-line digital atlas of the region held sacred to the three great monotheistic faiths - Judaism, Christianity and Islam. Using the power of spatial information systems such as Google Maps and Google Earth, GIS, the tens of thousands of recorded archaeological sites for the region - from the remote prehistoric periods to the early 20th century - will be entered into a comprehensive database along with site maps, photographs and artifacts. The historical and archaeological content for this project will be developed by a team of over 30 international scholars working in the region, helping to provide the data used to create the Atlas. This website and its content will serve as the prototype "knowledge node" of a more comprehensive Digital Archaeological Atlas Network for the Mediterranean region.

The site now contains a variety of Google Maps interfaces that let you explore the region and the archaeological resources it contains. The link bar under the DAAHL header provides access to the main functions currently available in the website. These include:

The Mediterranean Archaeological Network or MedArchNet is one of the first attempts to create 'Portal Science' for archaeologists and the interested public. Consequently, a major goal of MedArchNet is to make archaeological data from the Mediterranean lands accessible to various communities, including school teachers, tourists and travel agents, university students and professors, researchers, and public policy makers. MedArchNet taps into the fast-growing field of 'portal science' and will serve researchers and explorers as a platform for international collaboration, while also allowing the general public to share in the excitement of archaeology and discovery. This link takes you to the MedArchNet homepage.
Empires presents one set of examples of Global Moments in the Levant. On this page the DAAHL includes an interactive Google Maps interface that presents the rise and fall of empires in the ancient world. The map can be animated to display the empires across time; individual empires can be selected to display summary information, and archaeological sites extant during the empire's time span can be displayed and queried on the map.
Archaeological Periods organize over 17,000 sites in the DAAHL database by more than 60 time periods from the Lower Paleolithic, more than 2 million years ago, to the Late Ottoman period, which ended in 1918. A Google Maps interface lets the user animate site clusters through time, and explore the distribution of archaeological sites in the Levant during any of these periods. Short introductions to the time periods are included as well.
Shishak's Campaign presents information related to the Egyptian Pharoah Sheshonq I (known in the Hebrew Bible as Shishak) and his military expedition into southwestern Asia. His invasion of Judah and Israel is documented on the south wall of the Temple of Amun Ra at Karnak, and described in the Bible (1 Kings 11:40; 14:25; 2 Chronicles 12:2-9). The DAAHL uses the latest "tour" capability in the Google Earth API to track some of the movements of Shishak's army.
Case Studies are specialized, in depth explorations of different subjects in the atlas. Tom Levy's exploration of the Edomite Lowlands during the Iron Age, which is accompanied by an interactive Google Maps display, is a prime example. Other case studies are presented as online Powerpoint or HTML presentations.
About the Atlas displays information about the main research partners who are developing the atlas. The Atlas is an international project that brings together experts in information technology and Levantine archaeology to create the first on-line digital atlas of the region held sacred to the three great monotheistic faiths - Judaism, Christianity and Islam.
PEF Maps are maps produced for the Palestine Exploration Fund by Claude R. Conder of the British Ordanace Survey in the 1870s and 1880s. These classic maps contain more than 10,000 place names, and are an important resource for Late Ottoman period Palestine. The GAIA Lab at Arizona State University converted the map sheets into more than 50,000 tiles in an interactive Google Maps display that can be zoomed and panned to show the maps in the background, with the DAAHL archaeological sites superimposed.
Search Database opens a page in the website where users can query the database by such things as site name, time period, site type, site conditions, etc. Queries are submitted to the DAAHL web server and the results are returned to the user as dynamic kml, which opens on the user's computer in Google Earth. All sites displayed in the result sets are "backlinked" to the DAAHL database, so they can be explored indiviually by following their links. See the video below for an example of a time period search.
The Spatial Search link opens a page with in interactive Google Maps display. The user can draw an irregular region of interest on the map and perform a search for all the sites in the DAAHL database that fall within one kilometer of the search region. Like the database search, results are displayed as points in Google Earth; the user can determine the point display style, and all search results are back-linked to the Atlas.
Use the Make Maps function to make queries of sites by time period and/or site/feature type, and display the results on a Google Maps interactive map that includes site clusters and individual sites. Clusters can be clicked to zoom to the next level, displaying smaller clusters and individual sites.  Hover over site points to see the site name.  Use your computer's screen copy function to copy the map; then paste it into a graphics editing program and crop it to the map--then you can use the map in presentations or documents.
Site Preservation links to a page in the DAAHL website that displays two film clips. The first shows how the Spatial Search is done, and illustrates how this function can be used to help preserve archaeological sites by minimizing the impact of development projects through avoiding sites. The second film clip is a trailer to a movie that discusses the danger to one of Jordan's most significant Early Bronze Age sites posed by expanding gravel quarries.
Contributors to the DAAHL project have come from many countries, universities, and research institutions. All sites and project data that are contributed to the DAAHL are "branded" with the contributor's information and cross-linked to their websites. The DAAHL database safeguards our contributor's information and drives website traffic to their research projects.

Saturday, September 29, 2018

Open Access Journal: Bulletin for Biblical Research (BBR)

[First posted in AWOL 1 November 2009. Updated 3 October 2018]

I have been informed that Bulletin for Biblical Research (BBR),ISSN: 1065-223X is not an open access journal and have removed the links to it.

Museum Helveticum in JSTOR

Museum Helveticum (Arts & Sciences XV)
Coverage: Vol. 1, No. 1 (1944) – Vol. 61, No. 4 (Dezember, 2004)
Moving Wall: 2 years
Publisher: Schwabe AG Verlag
ISSN: 0027-4054

Friday, September 28, 2018

Open Access Journal: The Ostracon: The Journal of the Egyptian Study Society

[First listed in AWOL 5 November 2009. Updated 28 September 2018]

The Ostracon: The Journal of the Egyptian Study Society
The Ostracon is published annually by members of the Egyptian Study Society. The ESS is a non-profit organization whose purpose is to study Ancient Egypt. It is an associate group of the Denver Museum of Nature and Science. Articles are contributed by members and scholars on a voluntary basis. Member participation is encouraged. Nothing may be reprinted in whole or part without written permission of the author. The opinions expressed in The Ostracon do not necessarily represent the views of The Ostracon staff, the Egyptian Study Society, or the Denver Museum of Nature and Science.

Ostracon Volume 25-1 | Fall 2014

  • Tausert Temple Project: 2014 Season University of Arizona Egyptian Expedition by Pearce Paul Creasman, Rebecca Caroli, Tori Finlayson, and Bethany Becktell p. 3
  • Nefertiti’s Left Eye: An Enigma by Stephanie Denkowicz p. 12
  • Ostracon Volume 24-1 | Fall 2013

  • Tausert Temple Project: The 2013 Season and Other Notes p. 3 by Pearce Paul Creasman
  • Did the May Kamil Meteorid Contribute to the Downfall of the Old Kingdom? p. 12 by Aly Barakat
  • The Meidum Pyramid: Clues for an Undiscovered Chamber p. 21 by Charles Rigano
  • Ostracon Volume 23-1 | Fall 2012

  • Tausert Temple Project: Report for the 2011 Season p. 3 by Pearce Paul Creasman
  • Problem No. 48 of the Rhind Mathematical Papyrus p. 8 by George M. Hollenback
  • Year Counts in the Egyptian Calendar p. 11 by James Lowdermilk
  • Ostracon Volume 22-1 | Fall 2011

  • Tausert Temple Project: 2010 - 11 Season p. 3 by Richard H. Wilkinson
  • Preliminary Report on the Discovery of the Lost Ancient Copper Mines of Gebel Safariat, Southwest Sinai, Egypt p. 11 by Aly A. Barakat
  • An "Unknown Weapon" of Ancient Egypt: Identifying a Mystery Weapon in a Work by Sir Francis Burton p. 17 by Don Arp, Jr.
  • Ostracon Volume 21-1 | Fall 2010

  • The Tausert Temple Project: Report for the 2009-10 Season p. 3 by Richard H. Wilkinson
  • The Invasions of Egypt by the Sea Peoples and the End of the Bronze Age p. 12 by Dennis Pricolo
  • The 'Rectangle-Half' in Egyptian Mathematics p. 24 by George Hollenback
  • Ostracon Volume 20-1 | Fall 2009

  • The Tausert Temple Project: 2009 Season p. 3 by Richard H. Wilkinson
  • Attica Mines, Breece: A Possible Twelfth Century BCE Reference p. 14 by Aly Barakat
  • Executing the Will of Pharaoh: The Roots of Performance Measurement in Ancient Egypt p. 22 by Steven L. Krahn
  • Ostracon Volume 18-1 | Fall 2007

  • The Tausert Temple Project: 2007 Season p. 3 by Richard H. Wilkinson
  • Book Review: The Middle Kingdom of Ancient Egypt: History, Archeology, and Society p. 11 by Wolfram Grajetzki reviewed by Jane Bigelow
  • The Phoenix and the Benben: The Start of the Egyptian Calendar as the First Time p. 12 by James R. Lowdermilk
  • Ostracon Volume 17-2 | Fall 2006

  • Private Tombs in the New Kingdom: The Creation of Sacred Space p. 3 by Ashleigh Goodwin
  • The Tausert Temple Project: 2006 Season p. 9 by Richard H. Wilkinson
  • Bahariya Oasis: In the Footsteps of Dinosaur Hunters p. 13 by Bonnie M. Sampsell
  • House of Scrolls: Book Review p. 18 The Lost Dinosaurs of Egypt by Josh Smith reviewed by Bonnie M. Sampsell
  • Ostracon Volume 17-1 | Spring 2006

  • How Pyramids Were Built: Where the Evidence and Lack of Evidence Leads p. 3 by Charles Rigano
  • The Tausert Temple: An Additional Feature Discovered in the 2005 Season p. 9 by Richard H. Wilkinson
  • The Mortuary Temple of Hatshepsut at Deir El-Bahri: The Construction and Restoration of a Masterpiece - Part II p. 10 by Bonnie M. Sampsell
  • A Continuous Thread: Flax Spinning in Ancient Egypt p. 14 by Rhonda K. Hageman
  • Coloring the Ancient Egyptian World p. 17 by Heather Van Benthem
  • Pages

    Corpus Scriptorum Ecclesiasticorum Latinorum (CSEL)

    Corpus Scriptorum Ecclesiasticorum Latinorum (CSEL)
    This repository hosts digital versions of the public-domain volumes of the Corpus Scriptorum Ecclesiasticorum Latinorum (CSEL).
    These XML files were produced by data entry company Jouve, who OCR'd, corrected and encoded each volume of CSEL in accordance with the latest EpiDoc standards. While adequate, more can and should be done to improve the XML (the -dev(elopment) suffix indicates the repository is open to improvement).
    A Wikipedia link to this repository can be viewed here.
    All the works in the repository for which we have added metadata are listed below, organized by author, with links to the individual files. If you see any problems with this list, please start an issue on the main repository page. At this time, the repository contains 6,055,446 words of CTS-compliant Latin.
    The list below also includes the unique identifiers that we use for every author, work, and edition. We use standard identifiers to name our texts, including references to the numbers adopted by the canons of the TLG and (for Latin) PHI. The final element in the URN identifies the edition. See the TEI headers of the individual files to find all information about the origin of the file.
    How to download individual files from this page
    Clicking on the file's link will take you to the file in the repository. If you wish to download the TEI-XML of the file, right click on the link and choose "Save link as..."

    This project is maintained by OpenGreekAndLatin

    Hittite Divine Names. Version 0.2

    Hittite Divine Names

    Version 0.2


    Hittite Divine Names (HDN) is an open, collaborative, flexible, and in-progress digital database of the divine names attested in the Hittite written sources. The database pursues two goals. On the one side, it aims at providing an update to van Gessel’s Onomasticon of the Hittite Pantheon (1998, 2001). On the other side, it is conceived as a tool for quantitative analysis in the frame of a broader study on selected aspects of Hittite religion. Together with the related database Hittite Personal Names, HDN has been conceived and initiated by M. Cammarosano in 2016 within the DFG-funded research project Hittite Local Cults.

    Thursday, September 27, 2018

    PADIS: Palestine Archaeological Databank and Information System

    [First posted in AWOL 10 August 2011. Updated 27 June 2018]

    PADIS:  Palestine Archaeological Databank and Information System

    A tool for protection, study and valorization of the Archaeological Heritage of Palestine

    • A coherent organization of archaeological and topographical data from Palestine.
    • An interactive databank created to prompt the safeguard of archaeological and historical sites and as scientific and practical tool for the protection, study and cultural valorization.
    • A database including satellite images, aerial photos, excavation photos, topographic maps, and updated bibliographic references, expandable with the cooperation of Palestinian scholars and institutions.

    The Open Digital Archaeology Textbook

    The Open Digital Archaeology Textbook


    This volume goes hand-in-glove with a computational environnent that uses Jupyter Notebooks coupled with the Binder service as a way of serving and running the notebooks online in a browser. This relieves both instructors and students of the problems of installing software in different environments and the troubleshooting that this entails. Instead, students and instructors can concentrate on the learning and writing literate code that explores archaeological issues. To launch the ODATE notebooks, please go to the list of notebooks and hit the launch binder button. To examine or download the code, click the repository links instead.

    THIS IS A DRAFT VERSION. The ‘Live’ version (or latest version) will always be at

    Open Access Journal: News in Conservation

    [First posted in AWOL 7 April 2013, updated 27 September 2018]

    News in Conservation
    News in Conservation (NiC) is the e-paper from IIC. Published electronically six times per year, it is delivered via an email alert to members and freely downloadable from the IIC website in open access. Together with delivering worldwide conservation and preservation news to our community, NiC is a vehicle to keep members informed of IIC activities and other news to share. NiC is an evolving project, one that exists thanks to the support of authors and writers that contribute articles and other informative material guaranteeing a steady flow of relevant content.
    News in Conservation, Issue 67, August 2018
    contributors, S. Grow; Vari, "News in Conservation, Issue 67, August 2018", News in Conservation, vol. 67, London, News in Conservation, International Institute for Conservation of Historic and Artistic Works, 08/2018.
    News in Conservation, Issue 66, June 2018
    Grow, S., and V. contributors, "News in Conservation, Issue 66, June 2018", News in Conservation, vol. 66, London, News in Conservation, International Institute for Conservation of Historic and Artistic Works, , 06/2018.
    News in Conservation, April 2018
    "News in Conservation, Issue 65 April 2018", News in Conservation, vol. 65, London, International Institute for Conservation of Historic and Artistic Works, 04/2018.
    News in Conservation, February 2018
    "News in Conservation, Issue 64 February 2018", News in Conservation, vol. 64, London, International Institute for Conservation of Historic and Artistic Works, 02/2018.
    News in Conservation, December 2017
    "News in Conservation", News in Conservation, vol. 63, London, International Institute for Conservation of Historic and Artistic Works, 12/2017.
    News in Conservation, October 2017
    "News in Conservation, October 2017", News in Conservation, vol. 62, London, International Institute for Conservation of Historic and Artistic Works, 10/2017.
    News in Conservation, August 2017
    "News in Conservation, August 2017", News in Conservation, vol. 61, London, International Institute for Conservation of Historic and Artistic Works, 08/2017.
    News in Conservation, June 2017
    "News in Conservation, June 2017", News in Conservation, vol. 60, London, International Institute for Conservation of Historic and Artistic Works, 06/2017.
    "News in Conservation, April 2017", News in Conservation, vol. 59, London, International Institute for Conservation of Historic and Artistic Works, 04/2017.
    News in Conservation, February 2017
    "News in Conservation, February 2017", News in Conservation, vol. 58, London, International Institute for Conservation of Historic and Artistic Works, 02/2017.
    News in Conservation, December 2016
    "News in Conservation, December 2016", News in Conservation, vol. 57, London, International Institute for Conservation of Historic and Artistic Works, 12/2016.
    News in Conservation, October 2016
    "News in Conservation, October 2016", News in Conservation, vol. 56, London, International Institute for Conservation of Historic and Artistic Works, 10/2016.
    News in Conservation, August 2016
    "News in Conservation, August 2016", News in Conservation, vol. 55, London, International Institute for Conservation of Historic and Artistic Works, 08/2016.
    News in Conservation, June 2016
    "News in Conservation, June 2016", News in Conservation, vol. 54, London, International Institute for Conservation of Historic and Artistic Works, 06/2016.
    News in Conservation, April 2016
    "News in Conservation, April 2016", News in Conservation, vol. 53, London, International Institute for Conservation of Historic and Artistic Works, 04/2016.
    News in Conservation, February 2016
    "News in Conservation, February 2016", News in Conservation, vol. 52, London, International Institute for Conservation of Historic and Artistic Works, 02/2016.
    News in Conservation, December 2015
    "News in Conservation, December 2015", News in Conservation, vol. 51, London, International Institute for Conservation of Historic and Artistic Works, 12/2015.
    News in Conservation, October 2015
    "News in Conservation, October 2015", News in Conservation, vol. 50, London, International Institute for Conservation of Historic and Artistic Works, 10/2015.
    News in Conservation, August 2015
    "News in Conservation, August 2015", News in Conservation, vol. 49, London, International Institute for Conservation of Historic and Artistic Works, 08/2015.
    News in Conservation, June 2015
    "News in Conservation, June 2015", News in Conservation, vol. 48, London, International Institute for Conservation of Historic and Artistic Works, 06/2015.
    News in Conservation, April 2015
    "News in Conservation, April 2015", News in Conservation, vol. 47, London, International Institute for Conservation of Historic and Artistic Works, 04/2015.
    News in Conservation, February 2015
    "News in Conservation, February 2015", News in Conservation, vol. 46, London, International Institute for Conservation of Historic and Artistic Works, 02/2015.
    News in Conservation, December 2014
    "News in Conservation, December 2014", News in Conservation, vol. 45, London, International Institute for Conservation of Historic and Artistic Works, 12/2014.
    News in Conservation, October 2014
    "News in Conservation, October 2014", News in Conservation, vol. 44, London, International Institute for Conservation of Historic and Artistic Works, 10/2014.
    News in Conservation, August 2014
    "News in Conservation, August 2014", News in Conservation, vol. 43, London, International Institute for Conservation of Historic and Artistic Works, 08/2014.
    News in Conservation, June 2014
    "News in Conservation, June 2014", News in Conservation, vol. 42, London, International Institute for Conservation of Historic and Artistic Works, 06/2014.
    News in Conservation, April 2014
    "News in Conservation, April 2014", News in Conservation, vol. 41, London, International Institute for Conservation of Historic and Artistic Works, 04/2014.
    "News in Conservation, February 2014", News in Conservation, vol. 40, London, International Institute for Conservation of Historic and Artistic Works, 02/2014.
    Front page of December 2013 News in Conservation
    "News in Conservation, December 2013", News in Conservation, vol. 39, London, International Institute for Conservation of Historic and Artistic Works, 12/2013.
    Front page of October 2013 News in Conservation
    "News in Conservation, October 2013", News in Conservation, vol. 38, London, International Institute for Conservation of Historic and Artistic Works, 10/2013.
    Front page of August 2013 News in Conservation
    "News in Conservation, August 2013", News in Conservation, vol. 37, London, International Institute for Conservation of Historic and Artistic Works, 08/2013.
    Front page of June 2013 News in Conservation
    "News in Conservation, June 2013", News in Conservation, vol. 36, London, International Institute for Conservation of Historic and Artistic Works, 06/2013.
    Front page of April 2013 News in Conservation
    "News in Conservation, April 2013", News in Conservation, vol. 35, London, International Institute for Conservation of Historic and Artistic Works, 04/2013.
    Front page of February 2013 News in Conservation
    "News in Conservation, February 2013", News in Conservation, vol. 34, London, International Institute for Conservation of Historic and Artistic Works, 02/2013.
    "News in Conservation, December 2012", News in Conservation, vol. 33, London, International Institute for Conservation of Historic and Artistic Works, 12/2012.
    Front page of October 2012 NiC
    "News in Conservation, October 2012", News in Conservation, vol. 32, London, International Institute for Conservation of Historic and Artistic Works, 10/2012.
    Front page of August 2012 NiC
    "News in Conservation, August 2012", News in Conservation, vol. 31, London, International Institute for Conservation of Historic and Artistic Works, 08/2012.
    Front page of June 2012 NiC
    "News in Conservation, June 2012", News in Conservation, vol. 30, London, International Institute for Historic and Artistic Works, 06/2012.
    Front page of April 2012 NiC
    "News in Conservation, April 2012", News in Conservation, vol. 29, London, International Institute for Historic and Artistic Works, 04/2012.
    Front page of February 2012 NiC
    "News in Conservation, February 2012", News in Conservation, vol. 28, London, International Institute for Historic and Artistic Works, 02/2012.
    Front page of December 2011 NiC
    "News in Conservation, December 2011", News in Conservation, vol. 27, London, International Institute for Historic and Artistic Works, 12/2011.
    Front page of October 2011 NiC
    "News in Conservation, October 2011", News in Conservation, vol. 26, London, International Institute for Historic and Artistic Works, 10/2011.
    Front page of August 2011 NiC
    "News in Conservation, August 2011", News in Conservation, vol. 25, London, International Institute for Historic and Artistic Works, 08/2011.
    Front page of June 2011 NiC
    "News in Conservation, June 2011", News in Conservation, vol. 24, London, International Institute for Historic and Artistic Works, 06/2011.
    Front page of April 2011 NiC
    "News in Conservation, April 2011", News in Conservation, vol. 23, London, International Institute for Historic and Artistic Works, 04/2011.
    Front page of February 2011 NiC
    "News in Conservation, February 2011", News in Conservation, vol. 22, London, International Institute for Historic and Artistic Works, 02/2011.
    Front page of December 2010 NiC
    "News in Conservation, December 2010", News in Conservation, vol. 21, London, International Institute for Historic and Artistic Works, 12/2010.
    Front page of October 2010 NiC
    "News in Conservation, October 2010", News in Conservation, vol. 20, London, International Institute for Historic and Artistic Works, 10/2010.
    Front page of August 2010 NiC
    "News in Conservation, August 2010", News in Conservation, vol. 19, London, International Institute for Historic and Artistic Works, 08/2010.
    Front page of June 2010 NiC
    "News in Conservation, June 2010", News in Conservation, vol. 18, London, International Institute for Historic and Artistic Works, 06/2010.
    Front page of April 2010 NiC
    "News in Conservation, April 2010", News in Conservation, vol. 17, London, International Institute for Historic and Artistic Works, 04/2010.
    Front page of February 2010 NiC
    "News in Conservation, February 2010", News in Conservation, vol. 16, London, International Institute for Historic and Artistic Works, 02/2010.
    Front page of December 2009 NiC
    "News in Conservation, December 2009", News in Conservation, vol. 15, London, International Institute for Historic and Artistic Works, 12/2009.
    Front page of October 2009 NiC
    "News in Conservation, October 2009", News in Conservation, vol. 14, London, International Institute for Historic and Artistic Works, 10/2009.
    Front page of August 2009 NiC
    "News in Conservation, August 2009", News in Conservation, vol. 13, London, International Institute for Historic and Artistic Works, 08/2009.
    Front page of June 2009 NiC
    "News in Conservation, June 2009", News in Conservation, vol. 12, London, International Institute for Historic and Artistic Works, 06/2009.
    Front page of April 2009 NiC
    "News in Conservation, April 2009", News in Conservation, vol. 11, London, International Institute for Historic and Artistic Works, 04/2009.
    Front page of February 2009 NiC
    "News in Conservation, February 2009", News in Conservation, vol. 10, London, International Institute for Historic and Artistic Works, 02/2009.
    Front page of December 2008 NiC
    "News in Conservation, December 2008", News in Conservation, vol. 9, London, International Institute for Historic and Artistic Works, 12/2008.
    Front page of October 2008 NiC
    "News in Conservation, October 2008", News in Conservation, vol. 8, London, International Institute for Historic and Artistic Works, 10/2008.
    Front page of August 2008 NiC
    "News in Conservation, August 2008", News in Conservation, vol. 7, London, International Institute for Historic and Artistic Works, 08/2008.
    Front page of June 2008 NiC
    "News in Conservation, June 2008", News in Conservation, vol. 6, London, International Institute for Historic and Artistic Works, 06/2008.
    Front page of April 2008 NiC
    "News in Conservation, April 2008", News in Conservation, vol. 5, London, International Institute for Historic and Artistic Works, 04/2008.
    Front page of February 2008 NiC
    "News in Conservation, February 2008", News in Conservation, vol. 4, London, International Institute for Historic and Artistic Works, 02/2008.
    Front page of December 2007 NiC
    "News in Conservation, December 2007", News in Conservation, vol. 3, London, International Institute for Historic and Artistic Works, 12/2007.
    Front page of October 2007 NiC
    "News in Conservation, October 2007", News in Conservation, vol. 2, London, International Institute for Historic and Artistic Works, 10/2007.
    Front page of August 2007 NiC
    "News in Conservation, August 2007", News in Conservation, vol. 1, London, International Institute for Historic and Artistic Works, 08/2007.