Wednesday, January 1, 2025

Roundup of Resources on Ancient Geography

[Most recently updated 1 January 2025]

Included in the following list are links to digital project dealing with geography and the ancient world. It is an eclectic list, culled mostly from entries in AWOL. It has no pretentions of being complete or comprehensive, but is offered to give readers a sense of the range of materials currently accessible. I have (for the most part) not included the scores of atlases, maps and other orginally paper-based geographical resources which are accessible online in facsimile.

I welcome comments, suggestions for sites to include, notices of projects under development, and any other sorts of reactions you may have.  Please use the comment function below, or email me directly.  I'm easy to find.

2300 Ancient Sites on Google Earth 
On several occasions I have blogged on the possibilities of Google Earth and its online spin-off, Google Maps. My last blog on this topic was a bit over half a year ago, when I had some 1700 items available. In the meantime, I have added more than 550 ancient sites to my list, from all quarters of the ancient world.

The starting point: the Maparabia project

The Ancient Arabia website was launched as part of the French National Research Agency research project Maparabia (2018-2023, ANR-18-CE27-0015, P.I. J. Schiettecatte, CNRS, UMR 8167). It is devoted to the study of the Arabian Peninsula through data analysis and mapping of the territorial, historical and cultural dynamics. The funding allocated to the project has enabled a group of researchers from various backgrounds, fields (history, archaeology, epigraphy, linguistics, geomatics and geography) and institutions (CNRS, CNR, University of Pisa), to work hand in hand to produce a much-needed set of scientific tools.

Personal names constitute a fundamental source for our understanding of ancient societies.  Onomastics reveal much about an individual’s cultural, social and geographic identity. Studying them throws important light on the processes of cultural change that affected the inhabitants of the Roman Empire as well as on family relations and the social organization of civic communities across the Roman provinces.

AdriAtlas: Atlas informatisé de l'Adriatique antique (1100 a.C. - 751 p.C.)
Cet Atlas, lié à une base de données constamment enrichie, a pour but de fournir un état de la recherche sur l'Adriatique antique entre le XIe s. av. J.-C. et le milieu du VIIIe s. ap. J.-C. C'est une réalisation du programme international AdriAtlas financé par l'Agence Nationale de la Recherche (partenaires : Ausonius-Bordeaux, Ecole française de Rome, M²ISA-Paris), la Région Aquitaine et l'Ecole française de Rome. Jusqu'à présent, seule l'Adriatique orientale a été couverte, avec la collaboration des Instituts d'archéologie de Ljubljana (Slovénie) et de Tirana (Albanie), les Universités de Trieste (Italie), Pula, Zadar et Zagreb (Croatie), de l'université catholique de Croatie et des chercheurs des universités de Bordeaux, Clermont-Ferrand et Grenoble. Actuellement les sites de l’Adriatique occidentale connus par les sources écrites sont progressivement ajoutés par les équipes universitaires de Bari, Bologne, Chieti, Ferrare, Foggia, Lecce, Macerata, Padoue, Trieste et Vérone. 
Amphores. Recueil de timbres sur amphores romaines (RATAR)
Depuis quelques décennies, les amphores ont pris la première place comme source de l'étude des échanges dans l'Antiquité. Les inscriptions qu'elles portent fondent la connaissance de l'organisation de leur production, de leurs contenus et de leur distribution. Depuis de nombreuses années, une petite équipe du Centre Camille Jullian, Université de Provence – CNRS, étudie les timbres sur amphores romaines et a constitué une base de données, informatisée depuis 1987, à partir de publications. Le lecteur peut se reporter aux introductions des deux volumes RTAR I et II cités ci-dessous où les principes suivis pour la constitution de la base de données sont exposés.
Anatolian Atlas
The Anatolian Atlas is a resource for scholars interested in the archaeological settlement patterning and historical geography of Ancient Anatolia (modern day Turkey).      
Here you will find Google Maps that display the extents of various archaeological surveys that have been conducted in Anatolia as well as numerous archaeological sites. These sites, when possible, are linked to online content that provides more information. They also often have citations for scholarly work that has discussed them. The works that are cited can be found in the bibliography.

Finally, the Anatolian Atlas also hosts original research that has been developed in CAMEL by scholars of the Oriental Institute.
The Anatolian Roads Project
This site is dedicated to research in the field of the Roman road system located in ancient Anatolia, present-day Turkey. The site is sponsored by the History department of Wisconsin Lutheran College under the direction of Dr. Glen L. Thompson and by the Asia Minor Research Center under the direction of Dr. Mark Wilson. The Anatolian Roads Project (TARP) is a work in progress and thus will be updated and improved as time goes on.
Ancient Mediterranean Ports
The Union of Ancient Mediterranean Ports was created in 1995 from a network of cities with the common characteristic of having been founded during Greek antiquity. The union was enacted in 1996 with its headquarters in the ancient town of Agatha, current Aged of Southern France...
Ancient Locations:Database of Archaeological Sites
ANCIENT LOCATIONS is my collection of Placemarks of archaeologically interesting locations of the ancient world.
The list is continuously updated and expanded to give anyone with an interest in archaeology and history the possibility to look up the coordinates of relevant sites.
Locations are included if they existed prior to 476 CE in the Old World (end of the West-Roman Empire) and prior to 1492 CE in the New World (re-discovery of the New World).

Ancient Ports – Ports Antiques

Le Projet d’inventaire des Ports Antiques

This web site presents work done to collect, identify and locate ancient harbours and ports. It is based on a study of existing documentation and does not aim at finding new ports that were unknown at the time of writing. The result is a list of around 2750 ancient ports based on 66 ancient authors and a few modern authors. 
Ancient World Mapping Center
Recently the Center has been able to acquire its own server, so this is the ideal opportunity to revise and upgrade the website now launched here. The new site provides a robust platform to host the Center’s activities, especially its online initiatives Antiquity À-la-carte and the newly conceived Benthos project. Please explore and enjoy. You are encouraged to join the AWMC community and participate by registering yourself as a user of the site. The Center can only function with much valued support from donors. If you too would like to make a contribution, please visit the Support AWMC page.

Produced by the Ancient World Mapping Center at UNC-Chapel Hill, AWMC Interactive allows users to explore geospatial data from the Center and its partners without the need for specialized GIS software or training. The map features multiple datasets which users can switch on and off using the Map Layers button, as well as a search feature to help find individual sites.

ANE Placemarks for Google Earth
From Olof Pedersén
A preliminary set of placemarks (ANE.kmz) for Google Earth of a selection of the most important archaeological sites in the Ancient Near East can be downloaded here (as an alternative try right-click or ctrl-click).
Antiquity À-la-carte
The Antiquity À-la-carte application is an interactive digital map of the ancient world.
APAAME: Aerial Photography Archive for Archaeology in the Middle East
APAAME is long-term research project directed by Professor David Kennedy and Dr Robert Bewley, and is based at the University of Western Australia. The project is designed both to develop a methodology suited to the region and to illuminate settlement history in the Near East. The archive currently consists of almost 45,000 aerial images, over 40,000 of which are displayed on the archive’s Flickr site.

Although principally focused on Jordan, in which there has been an annual programme of flying since 1997 (The Aerial Archaeology in Jordan Project), high resolution satellite imagery on Google Earth is now permitting research on neighbouring countries.

We will be keeping you up to date on what we are finding, how we are finding it, and also taking you with us on our fieldwork in Jordan.
Le site de l'archéogéographie est une réalisation du Groupe de Recherches du CNRS intitulé "Traité de l'ESpace des Sociétés Rurales Anciennes" (= GDR 2137, TESORA). Ce groupe, dont l'existence institutionnelle prend fin en 2007 après 8 années d'existence, a conçu et formalisé une discipline nouvelle nommée archéogéographie et rédigé le Traité d'archéogéographie qui lui sert de base (en cours de parution). 

L'archéogéographie est enseignée à l'Université de Paris-I Sorbonne dans le cadre d'un Master “archéologie et environnement”, dont elle constitue une des quatre options. Les cours d'archéogéographie sont donnés par Gérard Chouquer, Magali Wateaux, Sandrine Robert. La direction de thèses sur des thèmes d'archéogéographie est assurée par Gérard Chouquer dans le cadre d'un Doctorat d'archéologie de l’École Doctorale d’Archéologie de l’Université de Paris I (ED 112). Certaines thèses sont encadrées en co-direction avec Joëlle Burnouf.

À partir de l'année universitaire 2007-2008, l'archéogéographie est enseignée à Coimbra, dans le cadre d'un Master "Archéologie et territoires", Spécialisation Archéogéographie, et, à partir de 2008/2009 dans le cadre d'un Doctorat d'archéogéographie. L'encadrement des thèses du doctorat d'archéogéographie sera assurée par Maria da Conceição Lopes.
Le responsable du site internet de l'archéogéographie est Gérard Chouquer, directeur de recherches au CNRS dans l'équipe Arscan ("Archéologie et Sciences de l'Antiquité" UMR 7041 du CNRS) et la sous-équipe "Archéologies environnementales" que dirige Joëlle Burnouf.
Archaeological Atlas of Coptic Literature
An exhaustive digital Archaeological Atlas of Coptic Literature provides a new comprehensive perspective on the spread and development of Coptic literature and manuscript culture. This versatile tool allows detailed and focused research and correlation of chronological, regional and thematic data. It also illustrates the relationship between settlements uncovered by the archaeological and topographical investigations and intellectual activity revealed in manuscripts.

Η Πράξη «Αρχαιολογικό Κτηματολόγιο» (με κωδικό MIS 5003765) εντάχθηκε στο Επιχειρησιακό Πρόγραμμα «Ανταγωνιστικότητα Επιχειρηματικότητα και Καινοτομία 2014-2020», με φορέα υλοποίησης τη Διεύθυνση Διαχείρισης Εθνικού Αρχείου Μνημείων και συνολική δημόσια δαπάνη 2.980.978,38 €.

 Iran is one of the major constituent regions of the ancient world, located in southwest Asia, between the Indus and the Tigris rivers. It is bounded to the north by the Central Asian steppes, the Caspian Sea, and the mountains of Caucasus; to the west by the Anatolian Plateau and the plains of Mesopotamia; to the south by the Persian Gulf and the Sea of Oman; and to the east by present-day countries of Pakistan and Afghanistan. Iran is estimated to have over 300,000 archaeological sites, dating from the Old Stone Age to medieval times. These sites range from prehistoric caves, shelters, and campsites to highly complex monuments and cities. The archaeological exploration of the country began as early as the seventeenth century and led to the formation of archaeological institutions and the creation of Iranian archaeology disciplines and curricula in Iran, Europe, and North America.
Archaeological Survey of Israel - English - Hebrew
The sites documented in the Archaeological Survey of Israel are published on the website where they are displayed in survey squares of 100 sq km (10 × 10 km). The list of maps is presented below in alphabetic order, according to their names and numbers as recorded in Yalquṭ Ha-Pirsumim. The survey maps can be seen on the right side of the screen against the background of an aerial photograph. The sites (marked with yellow dots) can be accessed by zooming in on the screen and a description of them will appear by clicking on the dots. The introduction to each map and search options are also displayed.
SITARSistema Informativo Territoriale Archeologico di Roma – è un progetto di archeologia pubblica partecipata promosso dalla Soprintendenza Speciale Archeologia Belle Arti e Paesaggio di Roma. Il suo obiettivo è dare visibilità, trasparenza e diffusione ai dati scientifici degli scavi archeologici della città di Roma: un catasto digitale dedicato al patrimonio di Roma, liberamente accessibile e consultabile da tutti.
ArchAtlas is a web-orientated archaeological mapping and research project, founded by the late Prof. Andrew Sherratt, which continues to be developed at the Department of Archaeology, University of Sheffield, UK.
Археологическая карта Крыма 
Археологические экспедиции, регулярно работающие в Крыму.
История Крыма открывается нам во многом благодаря археологическим раскопкам. В приводимом ниже списке и на карте указаны экспедиции, в течение многих лет проводящие археологические исследования в Крыму на ряде крупных памятников. В некоторые из экспедиций можно поехать волонтером. Волонтерам, как правило, приходится оплачивать свое пребывание. Более подробную информацию Вы можете найти на сайтах экспедиций, если таковые есть и функционируют, либо, установив контакты с прошлыми участниками или руководством. Многие, побывавшие в экспедициях, и дальше именно так предпочитают проводить отдых в Крыму и история Крыма, открываемая археологией, становится частью их жизни. Подчеркну, что экспедиций, конечно, гораздо больше, но многие носят кратковременный характер, и часто их задачей являются раскопки отдельного объекта. В этом случае, как правило, экспедиции немногочисленны, раскопки выполняются профессиональными археологами с привлечение небольшого числа опытных рабочих.
ARMEP: Ancient Records of Middle Eastern Polities
ARMEP 1.0’s interactive map interface displays the find spots of about 6,700 ancient texts, all of which were written in the Akkadian and Sumerian languages and in cuneiform script. Most of these inscribed artifacts were discovered in modern-day Iraq, Syria, and Turkey, while others originate from Egypt, Iran, Lebanon, and Saudi Arabia. Although the texts range in date from ca. 2334 to 64 BC, most come from Neo-Assyrian times (744-612 BC). The dataset is derived from the Open Richly Annotated Cuneiform Corpus (Oracc) and it includes texts from the following projects: Inscriptions of Suhu online (Suhu; LMU Munich); Royal Inscriptions of Assyria online (RIAo; LMU Munich); Royal Inscriptions of Babylonia online (RIBo; LMU Munich) Royal Inscriptions of the Neo-Assyrian Period (RINAP; UPenn and LMU Munich); and State Archives of Assyria online (SAA; formerly UCL, now LMU Munich).
Assyrian empire builders links to a set of useful External Resources. Among these is:
Explore the locations of Assyrian cities using our content for Google Earth. Download all Google Earth content (KMZ files) used in People, Gods & Places (12KB). Follow these instructions to download Google Earth for your computer.

The project ATHENS WESTERN HILLS was conceived and implemented by the nonprofit society Dipylon, in order to collect historical and cartographic data for the Ηills of the Muses, the Pnyx, and the Nymphs. The old maps of Athens preserve unique archaeological and historical information about the area, which is depicted on a single cartographic background, further enhanced with visual resources.

Atlas archéologique de la Tunisie
Babelon, Ernest. Atlas archéologique de la Tunisie : édition spéciale des cartes topographiques publiées par le M inistère de la Guerre. accompagnée d'un texte explicatif rédigé par Mm. E. Babelon, R. Cagnat, S. Reinach. [Texte] / . Paris 1893.
Atlas archéologique de l'Algérie
Gsell, Stéphane. 1864-1932: Atlas archéologique de l'Algérie : édition spéciale des cartes au 200.000e du Service Géographique de l'Armée / avec un texte explicatif rédigé par Stéphane Gsell. Texte. . Alger : Paris 1911.
Atlas archéologique de l’Égypte 
L’Atlas archéologique de l’Égypte, de Georges Daressy, fait probablement partie des trésors du cabinet d’égyptologie du Collège de France. Arrivé en Égypte en 1886, conservateur au musée de Boulaq, secrétaire général et directeur par intérim du service des Antiquités de l’Égypte, Georges Daressy a, en effet, au fil des ans, patiemment noté sur son Atlas, toutes les découvertes archéologiques dont il avait connaissance. Ayant participé à de multiples campagnes de fouilles et ayant accompli de nombreuses découvertes (dont celles du palais d’Amenhotep III et de la seconde cachette royale de Deir el-Bahari), travailleur infatiguable, il avait une profonde connaissance du terrain. Son Atlas est, en outre, une véritable œuvre d’art à laquelle rendent justices les « fac-similés » de cette publication que nous avons le plaisir d’offrir au public. Les cartes d’état-major, les index (en français-anglais et en arabe) et la bibliographie complètent l’appareil critique.

Atlas des Sites du PRoche-Orient (ASPRO)
L’ Atlas des Sites du Proche-Orient (ASPRO) se présente comme un répertoire analytique de près de 2 000 sites occupés entre 14 000 et 5 700 BP (environ 14 000 - 4 500 av. J.-C.) sur un territoire qui s’étend du Sinaï au Turkménistan et de l’Anatolie au golfe Arabo-Persique.
Atlas of Old Iranian Inscriptions

Atlas: Middle East & North Africa

Atlas PALM: Atlas du Patrimoine Archéologique Littorale Méditerranéen

Le projet

Né de la volonté de mettre à disposition de tous une part méconnue du patrimoine culturel, l’Atlas PALM propose de mettre en ligne et en lumière 60 années de découvertes et de recherches archéologiques sous-marines sur les côtes de la région Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur.

Si la pratique de l'archéologie sous-marine est relativement récente, l'exploration des fonds méditerranéens français a néanmoins généré au cours des soixante dernières années une documentation riche, abondante et variée. La diversité de ce patrimoine archéologique illustre, sur plusieurs millénaires, l'histoire des régions littorales françaises et leur rôle d'interface entre monde méditerranéen et continent européen. A l'inverse du patrimoine terrestre, ces vestiges, pourtant témoins et acteurs de l'identité méditerranéenne, sont souvent invisibles ou inaccessibles, immergés, fragiles, en proie aux pillages et aux destructions.

Atlas Préhistorique de la Tunisie 
at the Institut National du Patrimoine, Tunisie
 Two additional fascicles are available at the digital library of the École Française de Rome
Atlas préhistorique de la Tunisie. 1. Tabarka. 1985.
Atlas préhistorique de la Tunisie. 2. Bizerte. 1985. 
The Archaeological Sites of the Aegean Minoans
The Aegean Minoan 3D GIS Project was initiated in 2007 to produce a three-dimensional (3D) full-color mapping of the archaeological sites of the Minoans in the Aegean Sea area using Google Earth. It is intended to be a definitive geographical reference available to everyone. While this is an ongoing project and we are always looking to improve it, thanks to the many contributing scholars and volunteers it is by far the most comprehensive and accurate mapping of its kind ever made and includes the sites and geographical features listed below.
Benthos: Digital Atlas of Ancient Waters beta version
Benthos is a new initiative of the Ancient World Mapping Center that aims to catalog and map the waters of the ancient Mediterranean basin, including both physical and cultural geography. The project will provide interactive maps of Mediterranean shipping networks, bathymetric data, and views of ancient coastlines. Currently the project is in a preliminary state, with a functional beta version of the application based off of Antiquity À-la-carte.
Click here ... in order to launch the map application. This application works best with FirefoxChrome, or Safari and currently does not work correctly with Internet Explorer.
Bible Geocoding: The location of every identifiable place mentioned in the Bible
The Big Ancient Mediterranean
BAM was developed at the University of Iowa by Paul Dilley (University of Iowa), Sarah E. Bond (University of Iowa), and Ryan Horne (UNC-Chapel Hill). The open-access project integrates GIS tools, network analysis, and textual annotation/data mining capabilities in order to allow the exploration and visualization of ancient texts in new ways. The first individual module within Big Ancient Mediterranean is called Terra Biblica. Terra Biblica is a tool for the geospatial analysis, literary network visualization, and plot mapping of biblical and related texts up to the year 337 CE. BAM also houses the Iowa Canon of Latin Authors. The Iowa Canon of Latin Authors and Works is a catalogue and information repository for all extant Latin authors and their writings, including fragmentary texts, as well as translations into Latin, from the earliest period through the seventh century CE.
British Library Maps at Pelagios Commons
During Phase 3 of Pelagios (2014/2015) we worked with various sources to  encompass “Early Geospatial Documents” – including early Christian Mappae Mundi and pilgrimages, Portolan charts, and Islamic and Chinese maps. In collaboration with the team at the British Library, and funded by the A W Mellon Foundation, the following digital sources are available to download and use. Each is accompanied by an XML and Excel file containing catalogue information relating to each image.
Carta Archeologica di Roma

On-line la Carta Archeologica di Roma

E' consultabile sulla piattaforma web il lavoro preparatorio della Carta Archeologica di Roma, conservato nel patrimonio documentario dell'Archivio Storico a Palazzo Altemps, edito sotto forma di ebook a cura di Luigia Attilia.
La carte nationale des sites archéologiques et des monuments historiques : feuilles 1/50 000
Responsable Scientifique et Administratif : Mustapha KHANOUSSI
Responsable NTIC : Ali DABBAGHI

1. Nature: Projet présidentiel
2. Références 
- décision du Conseil Ministériel Restreint sous la présidence de son Excellence le Président de la République du 21 Juillet 1991.
- décret n°1443-1992 du 03 août 1992
. Cadre général
Malgré la diversité des projets d'inventaire dès la fin du XIX ème siècle, il n'y a pas encore un inventaire général et exhaustif des sites archéologiques, des monuments historiques et du patrimoine vernaculaire.
4. Contenu
La carte nationale des sites archéologiques et des monuments historiques a vu ses objectifs clairement précisés par le décret n°1443-1992 daté du 3 août 1992 :
Article premier. – Il est institué une carte nationale des sites archéologiques et des monuments historiques en terre et en mer dans le but d’établir l’inventaire général des lieux et édifices qui constituent une partie du patrimoine culturel national.
Article 2. – Pour le recensement des sites et des monuments, il sera procédé à l’établissement et à l’impression des documents suivants :
- carte au 1/50 000e comportant la localisation des sites
- plan au 1/2000 comportant la localisation des monuments et des tissus urbains traditionnels.
- fichier comportant une description des sites et des monuments, une évaluation des superficies, une couverture photographique et, dans la mesure du possible, une enquête foncière préliminaire. »

We are happy about your interest at CHARDA-Xplore. In the following you will get some short information about the project.

The Chinese Archaeology Database (CHARDA-Xplore) began as part of the research project 'Chinese Metal' (CHIME), located in the research-cluster 2 of the DAI, and was originally designed to collect and document the available information on early Chinese metal finds.

CHARDA-Xplore basically serves as a collection of standardized and geo-referenced archaeological information, providing the possibility to analyze these data statistically and to map spatial and temporal distribution patterns.
China Historical GIS 
The China Historical Geographic Information System, CHGIS, project was launched in January 2001 to establish a database of populated places and historical administrative units for the period of Chinese history between 221 BCE and 1911 CE. CHGIS provides a base GIS platform for researchers to use in spatial analysis, temporal statistical modeling, and representation of selected historical units as digital maps.
Corinth Computer Project

A Collaboration Between

University of Arizona & University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology under the auspices of Corinth Excavations, American School of Classical Studies at Athens
Since 1988 a research team from the Mediterranean Section of the University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology at the University of Pennsylvania has been involved in making a computerized architectural and topographical survey of the Roman colony of Corinth. Known as the Corinth Computer Project, the fieldwork has been carried out under the auspices of the Corinth Excavations of the American School of Classical Studies at Athens, Dr. Charles K. Williams II, Director. 
Corona Atlas & Referencing System
CORONA is the codename for the United States’ first photographic spy satellite mission, in operation from 1960-1972. During that time, CORONA satellites took high-resolution images of most of the earth’s surface, with particular emphasis on Soviet bloc countries and other political hotspots in order to monitor military sites and produce maps for the Department of Defense. The more than 800,000 images collected by the CORONA missions remained classified until 1995 when an executive order by President Bill Clinton made them publicly available through the US Geological Survey. Because CORONA images preserve a high-resolution picture of the world as it existed in the 1960s, they constitute a unique resource for researchers and scientists studying environmental change, agriculture, geomorphology, archaeology and other fields.
Cuneiform Site Index (CSI): A gazetteer of findspots for cuneiform texts in the Eastern Mediterranean and the Middle East
Rune Rattenborg
This index contains primary spatial, toponym, attribute, and external link information on approximately two hundred and fifty locations across the Eastern Mediterranean and the Middle East where texts written in cuneiform and derived scripts have been found. The index has been prepared by Rune Rattenborg as part of Memories For Life: Materiality and Memory of Ancient Near Eastern Inscribed Private Objects a research project based at Uppsala University and the University of Cambridge financed by a Research Project Grant from the Swedish Research Council (grant no. 2016-02028). The intention is to continuously update this index to provide an easy digital geographical reference for Assyriologists, Near Eastern Archaeologists, and other researchers with an interest in the cuneiform script. New download versions will appear regularly. Time permitting, we will aim to expand the index to contain also basic periodisation and bibliographical information for easy reference, along with quantitative data.
The current version of the index is stored with the University of Uppsala Department of Linguistics and Philology, hosted by Jakob Andersson and is available for download through links here. The index is supplied in .kml (suitable for use with GIS applications and Google Earth), .csv (for database integration) and .geojson (for GIS and web mapping applications).

All resources are released under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License (
Database of Roman Temples
The Rome Research Group is a collection of projects involved in exploring various features of the city of Rome and the world it influenced. Working broadly in the world of the Digital Humanities, current projects are mapping the street shrines (edicole sacre) of Rome, built beginning in the Medieval period, and the temples of the ancient Roman world. Find out more about us here.
Descriptio Romae
L'immagine che gli studiosi hanno di Roma è quella del luogo, per eccellenza, depositario di valori artistico-architettonici di primaria importanza, meta di ogni viaggio (reale o intellettuale) che a quei valori voglia attingere. Paradossalmente la conoscenza della città è resa problematica proprio in ragione della straordinaria estensione del suo patrimonio e della altrettanto vasta - e non coordinata - diffusione delle relative fonti documentarie.
Digital Atlas of Roman and Medieval Civilization (DARMC)

The Digital Atlas of Roman and Medieval Civilization (DARMC) makes freely available on the internet the best available materials for a Geographic Information Systems (GIS) approach to mapping and spatial analysis of the Roman and medieval worlds. DARMC allows innovative spatial and temporal analyses of all aspects of the civilizations of western Eurasia in the first 1500 years of our era, as well as the generation of original maps illustrating differing aspects of ancient and medieval civilization. A work in progress with no claim to definitiveness, it has been built in less than three years by a dedicated team of Harvard undergraduates, graduate students, research scholars and one professor, with some valuable contributions from younger and more senior scholars at other institutions. For more details on who we are, please see the People page...
Digital Atlas of the Roman Empire
Johan Åhlfeldt, Lund, Sweden.
The Digital Atlas of Roman Sanctuaries in the Danubian Provinces (DAS)

Maps are the best tools for visualising big data, especially in the age of Google Maps and modern network studies. Numerous big projects focusing on Roman history are using already this surface to present their database also in form of maps, which help us to understand many specific details and local particularities of provinces or larger entities within the Roman Empire and beyond. There are fantastic maps focusing on global maps of the Graeco-Roman worldepigraphic material of the empire, the Roman cities and settlements, a map which compares ancient and medieval Europe,  the terra sigillata production sites, the amphorae and other pottery production sites, Roman economy and their sites and the Roman roads and networks.
The Digital Archaeological Atlas of the Holy Land
The Digital Archaeological Atlas of the Holy Land (DAAHL) is an international project that brings together experts in information technology including Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and the archaeology of the Holy Land (modern Israel, Palestine, Jordan, southern Lebanon, Syria and the Sinai Peninsula) to create the first on-line digital atlas of the region held sacred to the three great monotheistic faiths - Judaism, Christianity and Islam. Using the power of spatial information systems such as Google Maps and Google Earth, GIS, the tens of thousands of recorded archaeological sites for the region - from the remote prehistoric periods to the early 20th century - will be entered into a comprehensive database along with site maps, photographs and artifacts. The historical and archaeological content for this project will be developed by a team of over 30 international scholars working in the region, helping to provide the data used to create the Atlas. This website and its content will serve as the prototype "knowledge node" of a more comprehensive Digital Archaeological Atlas Network for the Mediterranean region.

Mapping the Ancient Jewish world project between 586 B.C.E – 650 C.E.

The scope of our research is based on a broad period: the Second Templeand the Mishnah and Talmud period.

This project aim to construct an interactive mapping of the archaeological findings and The literary evidence about Jews around the world.

Based on a vision of information sharing and masses wisdom, the project focuses on creating an interactive map that presents critical points of reference to Jewish communities, findings and writings, as well as a link to the world of contemporary research and relevant bibliography.

The main map relies on the GIS system in order to enable users around the world to learn details using different layers according to different research and knowledge needs.

The project is coordinated by Prof. Eyal Ben-Eliyahu from the Department of History at the University of Haifa, Israel.

The project takes place in the Elijah laboratory - a research lab for crowdsourcing under the mangment of Dr, Moshe Lavee.

Digital Augustan Rome

Digital Augustan Rome is a long term mapping project that is prepared to provide a worthy digital successor to the published book and maps of Mapping Augustan Rome that appeared as Supplement 50 in the Journal of Roman Archaeology Series, 2002. The volume was directed by Lothar Haselberger in collaboration with David Gilman Romano and edited by Elisha Dumser. The entries were written by over 12 authors.  
The Digital Gazetteer of the Song Dynasty
A digital history project at the University of California, Merced
In 1958, Sinologist Hope Wright published a work entitled An Alphabetical List of Geographical Names in Sung China. Originally published in Paris by the Centre de Recherches Historiques of the École Pratique des Hautes Études, and reprinted as a second-generation photocopy in 1992 by the Journal of Song-Yuan Studies, the Alphabetical List is now out of print.

Wright’s compilation is the most comprehensive print source for Song geography in any language. The Digital Gazetteer of Song Dynasty China (DGSD) is a MySQL database derived primarily from the Alphabetical List.
A digital map of the Roman Empire

The project is described in this article. The digital map has been created by Johan Åhlfeldt with support from the Pelagios project.
Digital Maps of the Ancient World: Mapping the Ancient World little by little…
The aim of this platform is to map out the Ancient World in as many aspects as possible. This website and subsequent content came about from my wife, parents and a few of my pupils asking to have access to the maps, which had been created to use as part of my Classics syllabus.

The maps are an ongoing process and so are not complete but I do hope that you will find them useful; for the classroom, personal interest or just to double check a specific place or site.

Chrystina Häuber & Franz Xaver Schütz
Die Klassische Archäologin Dr. Chrystina Häuber (jetzt Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität [LMU] München, Department für Geographie) und der Geograph und Programmierer Dr. Franz Xaver Schütz (Hochschule München, Fakultät für Geoinformation und FORTVNA Research Center for Archaeological Information Systems Regensburg) haben die Forschungsprojekte "FORTVNA" (1994-2001) und "The Eastern Part of the Mons Oppius in Rome" (2001-2003) gemeinsam durchgeführt. Im Forschungsprojekt "FORTVNA" haben sie das gleichnamige objektorientierte Informationssystem zur Erforschung der Topographie des antiken Rom entwickelt, während das Forschungsprojekt "The Eastern Part of the Mons Oppius in Rome" nach dem Untersuchungsgebiet auf dem Esquilin in Rom benannt war, an dem sie das Informationssystem "FORTVNA" erprobt haben. Um die erzielten Resultate in Karten umzusetzen, begannen sie 2003 mit dem laufenden Forschungsprojekt "AIS ROMA"...

  Egyptian Antiquities Information System Newsletter
Egyptian Antiquities Information System is the official Geographic Information System (GIS) department of the Supreme Council of Antiquities (SCA), the government institution responsible for protecting Egyptian archaeological sites. EAIS collaborates with a large number of national and international stakeholders to develop Cultural Resource Management in Egypt and facilitate site management and protection.
The Epigraphic Landscape of Athens
Welcome to the Database of The Epigraphic Landscape of Athens, a project whose objective is to show the relationship between public inscriptions and urban space in ancient Athens
EurAtlas: History and Geography of Europe
Euratlas is a website dedicated mainly to the historical geography of Europe but it offers also a world atlas and a wide collection of pictures in order to give a comprehensive view of history and geography.

Our continent is presented here as a wide cultural area limited north by degree 60, east by the Ural - Caspian - Zagros line, south by the Sahara and west by the Atlantic Ocean...
 FastiOnline: A database of archaeological excavations since the year 2000
Between 1946 and 1987 the International Association for Classical Archaeology (AIAC) published the Fasti Archaeologici. It contained very useful summary notices of excavations throughout the area of the Roman Empire. However, spiraling costs and publication delays combined to render it less and less useful. AIACs board of directors thus decided in 1998 to discontinue the publication and to seek a new way of recording and diffusing new results. The Fasti Online is the result of this effort.


GapVis is an interface for exploring and reading texts that reference ancient places. It includes maps and data visualizations that show what locations are referred to a different points in the narrative and allows you to dig into the details to learn more.
GeoDia (jee-oh-DEE-uh, short for "geodiachronicity") is intended to provide a simple, intuitive way for people to visualize the temporal, geographic, and material aspects of ancient Mediterranean civilizations. Enter GeoDia >>
Geographical Information System (GIS) for the Database of Neo-Sumerian Texts

 A new Geographical Information System (GIS) has been implemented for the Database of Neo-Sumerian Texts (BDTNS, It incorporates textual data, archaeological sites and collections where the cuneiform tablets are currently kept.

The Geography of Pliny the Elder compiles and maps the geographic data in Pliny's Natural History. The database, available here, includes some 6,500 unique entries, and this application maps all those entries that are locatable. Users can click on a feature or use the search function to find citations in Pliny and a link to a feature's associated Pleiades entry, where further data, much of it beyond the scope of Pliny, can be found.

GIS Center Newsletter
Egyptian Minister of State for Antiquities (MSA), Geographic Information System Center

The GIS Center was founded to improve SCA's ability to protect and manage archaeological sites. This goal was achieved by creating a system for identification of the location and characteristics of archaeological sites and to record them in a searchable GIS and database. The information is then transferred to targeted stakeholders, which enables them to take the existence and significance of these sites into consideration in all conservation, land management and planning, and related socio-economic activities...
 GIS in Archaeology: The Complete Guide

Introduction to Geographic Information Systems

Geographic Information Systems (GIS) are tools for the input, analysis and output of spatial data. Geographers initially used these tools for resource management purposes (Burrough 1986). Over the last decade, GIS applications have revolutionized many disciplines in many ways (Marble, 1990), though some disciplines adopted them earlier than others. In the field of archeology, GIS has barely reached the end of the experimental stage. Although it was used fairly regularly in the early 1980?s, (Kvamme, 1996) its present utilization has dramatically increased. At the time this paper was written, over 500 archaeologists worldwide were registered GIS users with the online database "GIS-using archaeologists", developed byPaul Miller and Ian Johnson in 1995. It is suspected that the actual number of GIS users in the archaeology circle is substantially higher.
GlobalXplorer° is an online platform that uses the power of the crowd to analyze the incredible wealth of satellite images currently available to archaeologists. Launched by 2016 TED Prize winner and National Geographic Fellow, Dr. Sarah Parcak, as her “wish for the world,” GlobalXplorer° aims to bring the wonder of archaeological discovery to all, and to help us better understand our connection to the past. So far, Dr. Parcak’s techniques have helped locate 17 potential pyramids, in addition to 3,100 potential forgotten settlements and 1,000 potential lost tombs in Egypt — and she's also made significant discoveries in the Viking world and Roman Empire. With the help of citizen scientists across the globe, she hopes to uncover much, much more. This is just the beginning. With additional funding, Dr. Parcak aims to revolutionize how modern archaeology is done altogether, by creating a global network of citizen explorers, opening field schools to guide archaeological preservation on the ground, developing an archaeological institute, and even launching a satellite designed with archaeology in mind.
Google Ancient Places
The Web is seeing an explosion of digitized material being made freely and openly available online. Google Books alone has some 12 million books in over 300 languages; but other collections, such as the Open Library and the Hathi Trust, are also making accessible texts, many of which were previously available only in prestigious university libraries. But the challenge is: What’s there? And how can it be used?
Heritage Gazetteer of Cyprus
Welcome to the Heritage Gazetteer for Cyprus (HGC). Cyprus has played an important role in the history of many cultures. It has been described in many languages and several different alphabets, over several millennia. This can make identification of places difficult; and it means that interesting historical information may be dispersed, and hard to access.

The overall aim of this project, therefore, is to facilitate the use of a wide range of expertise in recording the historic geography of Cyprus; the resource has been designed to record all locations/monuments attested as in use in any period up to 1882, and all names used for these locations on the island, in any language or period up to the establishment of standard reference systems. Modern administrative districts are named according to the Οδηγός Τυποποίησης Ονομάτων (Nicosia, 2007, available online). Modern toponyms are given in the form used in the Complete Gazetteer of Cyprus (Nicosia, 1987, pp 1-1301 available online: see also the list of Towns and Villages of Cyprus, pp. 1303-1669).
Heritage Gazetteer of Libya
The Heritage Gazetteer of Libya is designed to provide a tool for exploring the rich historic heritage of Libya, based on the work of members of the Society for Libyan Studies. The core data are drawn from the publications of the Society, including two guidebooks to Tripolitania (2009) and Cyrenaica (2013) by Philip Kenrick; further information is being added from the Archives of the Society, and from other publications by members.
Hestia uses a range of digital technologies as part of a blended, innovative approach to studying the geography of Herodotus’s Histories. Using a freely available digital text of Herodotus from the Perseus on-line library, Hestia captures all place-names mentioned in the narrative, organises that information in a database, and then explores those spatial relations through a series of mapping applications, such as GIS, GoogleEarth and the Narrative TimeMap. Our work both challenges the usual division between East and West by bringing to light the deep network culture that underpins the Histories, and finds ways of bringing Herodotus's world into people's homes. 
Hierokles: Synekdemos
Ryan Horne
Application Information

Early in the reign of Justinian, an otherwise unidentified author named Hierokles composed the Synekdemos, a sprawling list of the provinces and major cities of the Eastern Roman Empire. Containing nearly a thousand toponyms, the Synekdemos is an unparalleled source on the geography of the Byzantine world. It not only indicates the administrative divisions of Justinian’s time, but also suggests what places, in the view of one educated Roman, “mattered” in the early 6th century CE.

A Historical GIS of Nubia (1815-1822): Based on the William J. Bankes Archive

The cross-disciplinary research project aimed to draft a reconstruction of ancient Nubia through the study of the Bankes Archive. For this purpose, a historical geographic information system (HGIS) is used to structure and present on a digital, multi-layered map information extracted from the Bankes’ documents, such as locations, relations, systems and interactions of the human communities. GIS is an excellent instrument to manage through digital maps what are conventionally named “geographical data” (positions, connections, interactions, paths) and “non-geographical data” (dates, frequency, events, goods traded, etc.).

Hittite Historical Atlas
Since 1906, the excavations at the Hittite capital Boğazköy/Hattusa have yielded thousands of cuneiform tablets and fragments, most of which was published. Nevertheless, there are centres other than Hattusa, which produced tablets. These include Maşat Höyük/Tapigga Kuşaklı/Sarisa Ortaköy/Sapinuwa, Oymaağaç/Nerik and Kayalıpınar/Samuha. The texts from the Hittite centres mention over 4000 geographical names (regions, mountains, rivers, cities), which suggest that the Hittites had a considerable knowledge of their surroundings and geographical terms.
Hittite Monuments

Hittite Monuments is an experimental site, built with an aim to provide visual references to all major Hittite monuments. The locations listed below are the sites that has monuments belonging to the times of Hittite/Luwian civilization and culture. The text list below divides the sites in two chronological groups. This is definetely not a complete list, nor the listed sites may have complete information. Some pages are still missing information or images. As time permits I continue to update the pages with more information. I would appreciate any comments, feedback, and information. -Tayfun Bilgin
Holy Land Maps from the Eran Laor Cartographic Collection
The Holy Land has been the subject of a relatively large number of maps, chiefly due to its religious importance. Some of the earliest maps reflected ancient traditions of mapping such as that of Ptolemy; others were meant to illustrate the Holy Scriptures. Some maps were printed separately; while others were published as part of atlases, itineraries and travel books. Owners who could afford the expense added coloring to their maps.
Arama kutusundan güncel yer adı (ör: Killik), eski yer adı (ör: Sıddıkiye), veya il/ilçe (ör: Gürpınar) adıyla arama yapabilir veya sağdaki haritaya tıklayarak yer adı bulabilirsiniz.
Üye olmak koşuluyla düzeltme yapabilir ve yeni bilgi ekleyebilirsiniz. Üye olmak için geçerli bir e-mail adresi ile kullanıcı adı almanız yeterlidir.

Projenin amacı TC sınırları içerisinde halen var olan ve geçmişte kullanılmış tüm yer adlarını belgelemektir. Halen veritabanında 42154 güncel kayıt, 33624 eski yer adı mevcuttur. Kullanıcıların katkısıyla bu sayıların artacağını umuyoruz.
The Interactive Nolli Map
The Nolli Web Site presents the 1748 Nolli map of Rome as a dynamic, interactive, hands-on tool. The public now has access to cataloged information about the map in both written and graphical form. The map not only provides rich information, but it has the ability to be updated with new data over time to embrace expanding knowledge.

Der iDAI.gazetteer ist ein Werkzeug, um die Ortsdaten-Struktur innerhalb des DAI sukzessive zu optimieren, d. h. sowohl die Zahl der mit Ortsdaten versehenen Informationsobjekte zu erhöhen, diese dann in die weltweiten Ortsdatensysteme einzubinden, und auch die im DAI schon vorhandenen Informationsobjekte mit Ortsdaten zu vereinheitlichen. Der iDAI.gazetteer ist somit der Auftakt zu einem großen, neuen Querschnitts-Arbeitsfeld.
Irancarto est un site de recherche consacré aux études cartographiques sur l’Iran et le monde iranien actuel ou passé : société, démographie, économie, politique, culture, histoire, linguistique, arts, villes, campagnes...
  • A resource development project that will confront a unique challenge in the gazetteer eco-system: a gazetteer of historical roads to support the creation of linked open road datasets.
  • The alignment process will be done not just by places conceptualised as dots, but through unique roads or road segments connecting sets of places.
  • Linking with other Pleiades-linked resources will be enabled based on the places associated with each road (segment) URI.
  • This project is a proof-of-concept to allow implementing the proposed methodology to the full spectrum of historical road networks by a community of users.
  • The method will be tested by adding a new data resource linked to Pelagios: the most up-to-date and accurate digital dataset of Roman roads in the Iberian Peninsula.


“These maps have never been surpassed, not even as a general cartographic work, let alone as thematic maps of ancient remains and traces.”

Manolis Korres,
Creation, Content and Value of Kaupert's Maps of Attica,
Athens 2008, p. 15.

The ambitious undertaking to record the antiquities of Attica on uniform topographical maps was set as a primary goal with the foundation of the German Archaeological Institute in Athens in 1874. The historian-archaeologist Ernst Curtius was the mastermind behind the project that was carried out in 1875-1894 under the supervision of the topographer, cartographer, and head of the mapping department of the General Staff of the Prussian Army, Johann August Kaupert.

The cartographic achievement entitled Karten von Attika: auf Veranlassung des Kaiserlich Deutschen Archäologischen Instituts und mit Unterstützung des K. Preussischen Ministeriums der geistlichen, Unterrichts- und Medicinal-angelegenheiten aufgenommen durch Offiziere und Beamte des K. Preussischen Grossen Generalstabes, mit erläuterndem Text, Berlin : D. Reimer, 1881-1900) consists of three map series and a volume with an extensive accompanying Explanatory Text (Karten von Attika: Erläuternder Text).

The final work includes 26+2 sheets covering a large area of the Attic countryside bounded by mount Parnes to the north and the city of Eleusis to the west. Sheets I and II were produced at a scale of 1:12500 (these are accompanied by their derivatives, sheets Ia and IIa) and sheets III–XXVI at a scale of 1:25000. The second map series consists of ten 1:100000 scale map sheets, including areas north of Parnes and outside the historic boundaries of Attica. Finally, the third part of the work is a single large map of the area produced at a scale of 1:100000.

An integral part of the Maps of Attica is the accompanying Explanatory Text, the main author of which was the philologist-archaeologist Arthur Milchhoefer: this is a topographical-archaeological commentary extremely rich in information that sometimes revises the existing mapping. The text contains important archaeological descriptions of physical remains indicated on the map sheets, as well as information about the Attic countryside of the 19th century, which was to be lost in later years due to changes in land uses, culminating in the major public works in the transition from the 20th to the 21st century (Attiki Odos, Eleftherios Venizelos International Airport, projects for the 2004 Olympic Games).

Thanks to their large scale (1:25000) and the amount of detail depicted, the Maps of Attica provide a unique source of historical and archaeological information on the natural and cultural resource of Attica and remain a reference work for scholars of Attic topography.


The 24 sheets of the Maps of Attica (III–XXVI, 1:25000) were transferred to the digital by making the most of digital humanities technologies, especially Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and web mapping. The webGIS platform embodies a multi-level research program organized around four central axes:

  • Synthesis of the thematic content of the Maps of Attica into a single map by classifying the amount of information of the original work into remains of human activity of all kinds.
  • Distinguishing the contents on the map into surviving remains and damaged by newer activities.
  • Translation into Greek of the Explanatory Text of the Maps of Attica compiled by Ernst Curtius, G. von Alten, and, especially, Arthur Milchhoefer; the text had never before been translated in its entirety into Greek.
  • Recording of Attic toponyms.
Kima Historical Gazetteer: Place Names in the Hebrew Script
The Pelagios Resource Development Grant of the first round has enabled us to launch the project Kima, a Hebrew script, attestation-based historical gazetteer. The resulting resource was a promising database, which was, however, still unbalanced and required more work in order to make it usable as an encompassing, multipurpose gazetteer. We were thrilled, then, to hear that our application for the second round was successful.

The Horatio Herbert Kitchener map was published in London in 1885, as a result of the first scientific survey of Cyprus and became a cartographic standard until the middle of the 20th century. This map contains a wealth of valuable information of geographical, historical and cultural interest for the island. Much of this information still needs careful investigation by the scientific community.

This is the 2nd version of the interactive web application for exploring the maps produced from Kitchener's survey of Cyprus. The new functionality includes (among others).

Knowledge and Power in the Neo-Assyrian Empire includes a collection of teaching resources.  Among these are:
The identification of ancient places with modern sites is not always certain. We have followed the certainty codes 1-4 in Parpola and Porter, Helsinki atlas (2001), and coloured the pins in the Google Earth (KMZ) files accordingly:
  1. Yellow: definitely known location (no "probably/perhaps/possibly" in People, Gods, and Places)
  2. Green: "probably" known to be a modern location
  3. Aqua: "perhaps" known to be a modern location
  4. White: "possibly" known to be a modern location

AWMC is excited to announce the latest addition to the Maps for Texts series with Livy Study Maps: Book 21. This set of nineteen maps is designed for students and teachers working with Livy’s text, and offers detailed coverage of famous episodes like Hannibal’s crossing of the Alps and the disastrous Roman defeat at the Trebia, as well as of lesser-known campaigns from Book 21 of the History of Rome.  The maps are available as free digital downloads under the CC-BY-NC 4.0 license.

MAGIS: Mediterranean Archaeology GIS 
Welcome to MAGIS, an inventory of regional survey projects in the greater Mediterranean region

Athens has been a phenomenal city in the history of Western civilization. Our knowledge about its past is based on specific archaeological sites and systematically excavated monuments, recognizable and thoroughly studied, such as the Acropolis, the Kerameikos, the Agora, and the Olympieion. However, besides these open spaces, there is another, invisible, ancient city, brought into light by significant excavations undertaken within the scope of public works and hundreds of interventions in private plots of land. Wanting to direct research towards these so-called rescue excavations and urban archaeology, Dipylon envisioned developing an innovative digital platform containing all the scattered archaeological remains in the city.

Mapping the Ancient Jewish Diaspora: 117-650 ce
מיפוי התפוצה היהודית בשלהי העת העתיקה 117-650 לס' 
This project aim to construct an interactive website that will map the Jewish Diaspora in the late antiquity.

 The terminus a quo for the proposed research is the Diaspora uprisings against Trajan (115–117) and the ensuing shifts in Jewish life, one of which was the harsh blows experienced by some of the major centers of Jewish settlement in the Diaspora, first and foremost, the Jews of Alexandria and its environs, and the Jews of Cyrenaica and Cyprus.
Mapping Mesopotamian Monument

Mapping Mesopotamian Monuments presents a topographical survey of the standing historical monuments and architecture in the region from Iraqi Kurdistan and Southeastern Anatolia (Turkey), to Southern Iraq. A work in progress, this monument survey covers all historical periods from ancient to modern. It includes ancient Mesopotamian rock reliefs carved into the cliff faces of the mountains, early Christian churches and monasteries, early Islamic, Ottoman and twentieth century architecture and monuments. This database of images invites you to explore the multiple layers of the rich historical landscape of Mesopotamia. Envisioned and directed by Professor Zainab Bahrani, the basis of the survey is an on-going field project that assesses the condition of monuments, maps their locations and records them with digital techniques in order to provide a record and to facilitate future preservation work across this region.

Maps for Texts
In this series, the Center compiles maps for ancient texts which can be usefully illustrated in this way.  Naturally, the likelihood is that in most, perhaps all, instances these texts were not originally accompanied by maps.  The series is openly licensed under Creative Commons BY-NC 4.0.  Please direct all questions or comments to
Maps, GIS Data, and Archaeological Data for Corinth and Greece
We present this collection of modern and historical maps, GIS data, and resource links for archaeologists, novice cartographers, and experienced GIS users. Original material, redistributed copies, and modified versions are offered under Creative Commons licensing. Feel free to copy, share, remix, transform, and build upon the maps and data as long as the source and changes are documented and they remain free. Download links may be found for both high resolution TIF images and Shapefiles covering the Corinthia and beyond. Those who wish to finish the readymade maps with an image editor like Photoshop may click the links beneath each thumbnail map. Others with GIS skills to construct their own dynamic maps should see the GIS Data section. Sources for the data as well as other good open data resources are further down the page.
Maps of the Ottoman Empire
The W. F. Albright Institute of Archaeological Research (AIAR) in Jerusalem in cooperation with the Center for Ancient Middle Eastern Landscapes (CAMEL) at the University of Chicago scanned and geo-referenced a series of topographical maps of Eastern Turkey and the lands of the broader Ottoman Empire with a grant from the US Department of Education TICFIA program. The bulk of the collection contains topographical maps compiled at the British Intelligence Division War Office in 1915 derived from map and survey data collected during multiple expeditions 1839-1906. The collection contains high resolution copies of the original maps held by AIAR, and geo-referenced versions can be requested by contacting
Maps: Syria 1:50.000 Series K 723, Ed 1 DMA/AMS Washington DC.
Digitized at Arachne, the central Object database of the German Archaeological Institute (DAI) and the Archaeological Institute of the University of Cologne, administrated by Reinhard Foertsch.
Mapping the Jewish Communities of the Byzantine Empire
The aim of the project is to map the Jewish presence in the Byzantine empire using GIS (Geographical Information Systems).

All information (published and unpublished) about the Jewish communities will be gathered and collated.

The data will be incorporated in a GIS which will be made freely available to the general public on the world-wide-web.

The Mediterranean Archaeological Network (MedArchNet)
Our vision for MedArchNet (The Mediterranean Archaeological Network) is to develop an international network of archaeological sites, from remote prehistory to the early 20th century that provides a model for world cultural heritage research, management, and presentation.  MedArchNet is a virtual organization (VO), which will be built initially in small, incremental steps by incorporating a few thematic nodes and requesting VO members to make modest contributions of data.  This prototype represents a shared vision of what MedArchNet can become--a network of archaeological site data spanning the Mediterranean basin that will empower archaeologists, historians, cultural resource managers and the public with tools to conduct cross-regional studies in ways that have never before been possible, while providing methods for monitoring site conditions and planning for infrastructure development that minimizes adverse effects on archaeological sites.
MEGA-Jordan:  The National Heritage Documentation and Management System

A State-of-the-Art System for Jordan’s Archaeological Sites

MEGA-Jordan is a purpose-built geographic information system (GIS) to inventory and manage archaeology sites at a national level. It has been developed using state-of-the-art technology and requires no more than basic computer skills to enter site and site element boundaries and buffer zones; site details such as condition, threats, and other monitoring updates; and to print out detailed, up-to-date reports on Jordan’s vast number of archaeological sites. The system, in both Arabic and English, is web-based and will standardize and centralize data throughout the Kingdom.
Mapping Mediterranean Lands (MEDMAPS)
Mapping Mediterranean Lands (MEDMAPS) showcases sixteen important early maps and related information from the collections of American centers for international research in the Mediterranean region. As part of the Digital Library for International Research, under the aegis of the Council of American Overseas Research Centers, this three-year project completed a comprehensive survey of maps in the collections of American research centers in the Mediterranean area and created web-accessible bibliographic records. In addition, this site includes information about unique maps and illustrated plates in atlases and other publications relating to archaeological excavation and exploration.

Mapping Mediterranean Lands is funded by a grant from the U.S. Department of State, Education and Cultural Affairs (ECA), 2002-2005. The three-year survey was conducted by the project's Head Cartographer, Leonora Navari, in cooperation with the American centers for international research. Ms. Navari also wrote the exhibition essays and other project notes. 
The Via Appia, ‘Queen of Roads’, became a hallmark of the political and cultural presentation of the city of Rome as the centre of the then existing world, and is still seen as an iconic monument of ancient Rome. Since 2009 the department of Classical Archaeology of the Radboud University Nijmegen has started a field work project in close collaboration with the Royal Netherlands Institute in Rome, named ‘Mapping the Via Appia’. The project aims at a thorough inventory and analysis of the Roman interventions in their suburban landscape, focusing on parts of the 5th and 6th mile of the road. The stretch starts where the modern Via di Erode Attico crosses the Via Appia antica and ends at the point where the Via di Casal Rotondo crosses the ancient road. Other partners are the Faculty of Earth and Life Sciences and the SPINlab of the VU University Amsterdam, and the Soprintendenza Speciale per I Beni Archeologici di Roma.
Version 1.0 of the MAPA Gazetteer, presented here in CSV and JSON formats, is the presentation of a gazetteer drawn from legal, economic and administrative texts from the First Millennium BCE, issued in and around the Mesopotamian city of Uruk. The listed toponyms were input manually from the books and articles in MAPA_Gazetteer.bib. The gazetteer follows the JSON-LD based Linked Places format of the World Historical Gazetteer. The readme contains a key to the database’s fields, a brief introduction to the MAPA project and its next steps, and a bibliography.
Moldovan Family Holy Land Map Collection
The Moldovan family Holy Land Map Collection was built over several decades by Dr. Alfred Moldovan and his family. It consists of 94 discrete maps dating from 1480-1797, printed in 23 distinct locations across Europe. The majority of the maps were printed in the 17th and 18th centuries in Amsterdam, Antwerp, Basel, Lyon, Paris, Rome, Strassburg, Tuebingen, and Venice. There are over fifty cartographers and engravers represented, including Adrichem, Bunting, Calmet, Hole, Mercator, Munster, Ortelius, Visscher, Wit, and Ziegler. It also features the unique surviving copy of Antonio De Angelis’s map of Jerusalem, printed in Rome in 1578. The map, the first view of Jerusalem based on direct observation and a key source for subsequent Holy Land cartography, was discovered by Dr. Moldovan and subsequently published in a study by him in 1983 in an article entitled “The Lost De Angelis Map of Jerusalem, 1578" in The Map Collector vol. 24 (1983), 17-25, )
Mycenaean Atlas Project 
The purpose of this web site is to provide accurate latitude and longitude coordinates for all the Early, Middle, and Late Helladic (Mycenaean) find sites both in Greece and in places which the Mycenaean culture touched. This site also provides some bibliographic information as well as times of occupation and the nature of the finds at the various sites. The main purpose is, however, to provide locational information.
New Online Repository of Maps and Geospatial Data for the Middle East
December 13, 2016
The Center for Ancient Middle Eastern Landscapes (CAMEL Lab) at the Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago would like to announce that a substantial subset of its digital holdings of maps and geospatial data are now available for online public search and download.
Thanks to the funding of a 2014-2016 IMLS grant, geo-referenced versions of historical and modern maps and satellite imagery have been included in the Oriental Institute’s ever-expanding Integrated Database, available on the Search Our Collections webpage. To access maps and geospatial data specifically, choose “CAMEL” from the first drop-down list.
Nubian Gazetteer: KML file download
Salvoldi, Daniele; Geus, Klaus: A Historical Comparative Gazetteer for Nubia. In: Dotawo: A Journal of Nubian Studies 4 (Summer 2017), 59–182 [ISBN-13: 978-1-947447-20-2; free pdf in open access under]. With sixteen colour maps.
Here is the basic .kml file for download. Please share and let's make it standard!
Old Maps Online: Discovering the Cartography of the Past 
The OldMapsOnline Portal is an easy-to-use gateway to historical maps in libraries around the world.
OmnesViae: Roman Routeplanner: a reconstruction of an antique Roman map with internet technology is an initiative by René Voorburg. It is born out of a fascination for the culture of the ancient Romans. OmnesViae wouldn't have been possible without Richard Talbert's research work on the Tabula Peutingeriana.
Between March and September 2011, I've spent hundreds of hours of scarce spare time creating OmnesViae. Therefor I would like to thank my wife Mariet above all for her patience with my obsessive zeal.
OmnesViae is not just the work of one person. The website by Martin Weber proved to be a useful reference and a handy source for current day place names. The geolocations in OmnesViae are for a large part obtained from the Pleiades initiative. Many people gave me feedback or helped me with translations. I particularly would like to thank Maria Tzaneti, Marlene Sturm, Tim Koster, Martin Weber, Hans de Bode, Ben Mugnier, Eric Rulier, Wouter Kool, Aad Oliehoek and Claude Chauviere.

British Mandate: A Survey of Palestine, prepared by the British Mandate for UN prior to proposing the 1947 partition plan
This is the official books produced by Government of Palestinian (British Mandate) for the years of 1944-1945 which was prepared by the British Mandate for the United Nation Special Committee on Palestine (UNSCOP) in 1946. These three volumes contain a wealth of information about Palestine until the end of 1946...
On-line Geographical Information System for the Theban Necropolis (OLGIS-TN)
By Peter A. Piccione and Norman S. Levine
The OLGIS-TN database and maps run--both in the field and the office--on any computing device that receives Internet data, including: desktop and laptop computers, tablets, iPads, notebooks, smartphones, etc. To navigate through the Theban necropolis in real-time fashion also requires GPS capability in the same device. However, users of smartphones might find that their small screens are not as convenient for mapping and searching as devices with larger screens. Users working in the field might find the screens of iPads, tablets, notebooks, and 2-in-1 laptops to be more useful.
Orbis Latinus Online (OLO)

Lateinisch-Deutsche Ortsnamen

Der Gazetteer Orbis Latinus Online (OLO) für Lateinisch-Deutsche Ortsnamen basiert auf der dreibändigen Druckausgabe von Orbis Latinus aus dem Jahr 1972.

ORBIS: The Stanford Geospatial Network Model of the Roman World
ORBIS: The Stanford Geospatial Network Model of the Roman World reconstructs the time cost and financial expense associated with a wide range of different types of travel in antiquity. The model is based on a simplified version of the giant network of cities, roads, rivers and sea lanes that framed movement across the Roman Empire. It broadly reflects conditions around 200 CE but also covers a few sites and roads created in late antiquity.

The model consists of 751 sites, most of them urban settlements but also including important promontories and mountain passes, and covers close to 10 million square kilometers (~4 million square miles) of terrestrial and maritime space. 268 sites serve as sea ports. The road network encompasses 84,631 kilometers (52,587 miles) of road or desert tracks, complemented by 28,272 kilometers (17,567 miles) of navigable rivers and canals.
PADIS:  Palestine Archaeological Databank and Information System

A tool for protection, study and valorization of the Archaeological Heritage of Palestine

  • A coherent organization of archaeological and topographical data from Palestine.
  • An interactive databank created to prompt the safeguard of archaeological and historical sites and as scientific and practical tool for the protection, study and cultural valorization.
  • A database including satellite images, aerial photos, excavation photos, topographic maps, and updated bibliographic references, expandable with the cooperation of Palestinian scholars and institutions.
Palestine Open Maps
Palestine Open Maps is a platform that seeks to combine emerging technologies for mapping and immersive storytelling to:
  • Open-source and make searchable, for the first time, a uniquely detailed set of historic maps from the period of the British Mandate of Palestine;
  • Curate layered visual stories that bring to life absent and hidden geographies, in collaboration with data journalists, academic researchers, and civil society groups.
This alpha version of the platform allows users to navigate and search the historic map sheets, and to view basic data about present and erased localities.

Pelagios: Enable Linked Ancient Geodata In Open Systems
PELAGIOS stands for 'Pelagios: Enable Linked Ancient Geodata In Open Systems' - its aim is to help introduce Linked Open Data goodness into online resources that refer to places in the Ancient World. Why do we want to do that? Well, we think it will make all sorts of other things possible, including new modes of discovery and visualization for scholars and the general publicPelagios also means 'of the sea', the superhighway of the ancient world - a metaphor we consider appropriate for a digital resource that will connect references to ancient places.
Peripleo* is a search engine to data maintained by partners of Pelagios Commons, a Digital Humanities initative aiming to foster better linkages between online resources documenting the past. 
Peripleo is an initiative by Pelagios Commons, developed under the leadership of the Austrian Institute of Technology, Exeter University, The Open University, the University of London School of Advanced Study and the Alexander von Humboldt Institute for Internet and Society.

Periplus: Mapping the Future 

 The Periplus Atlas is under development using ArcGIS Pro and ArcGIS Online, enabling multiple users to contribute collaboratively. A streamlined version has been shared as a webmap through the portal of ArchaeoCosmos of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens. During the planning phase, we decided to incorporate the dataset from the Pleiades project in order to align our data as closely as possbile. Over the past five years (2019-2024), we have substantially improved the original dataset by adding new features, repositioning existing ones, eliminating duplicates and correcting errors, and importantly, by introducing thousands of new place names

Piggin Peutinger Diagram
The most famous map in the world is the Tabula Peutingeriana, a Roman chart of roads and seas. In 2007, UNESCO placed it on its Memory of the World Register, a global list of 301 documents (as of 2013) which are irreplaceable to comprehend our recent and distant past.
Springing from the Classical Atlas Project and the Barrington Atlas of the Greek and Roman World, Pleiades is a historical gazetteer and more. It associates names and locations in time and provides structured information about the quality and provenance of these entities. There is also a graph in Pleiades: names and locations are collected within places and these collections are associated with other geographically connected places. Pleiades also serves as a vocabulary for talking about the geography of the ancient world within Linked Data sets and is referenced by research projects such as Google Ancient Places and PELAGIOS.
Pompeii Bibliography and Mapping Project
The Pompeii Bibliography and Mapping Project is working to create a unique resource that binds two resources in a responsive online user interface. The first component is an exhaustive database of citations and full-text repository relating to the ancient city of Pompeii.  The second component is a Geographical Information System (GIS) map of that ancient city.  Both of these components are available in their beta formats. The online interface planned will allow a user to navigate the bibliographic database and repository via the GIS map or, conversely, to illustrate places in the GIS map found in a search of the database or repository. These components are described in greater detail in the following sections.
POTSHERD : Atlas of Roman Pottery

This is a collection of pages on pottery and ceramics in archaeology, principally of the Roman period (1st cent. BC - 5th cent. AD) in Britain and western Europe.
  • The pages include an introductory Atlas of Roman Pottery, containing descriptions and distribution maps of types of Roman pottery (particularly types found in Britain).
  • The pages of the Atlas describing the individual wares can be accessed through the main menu, which lists the wares by CLASS (table wares, cooking wares, transport amphoras etc) or SOURCE (by province of origin). Links to these indices will also be found in the main menu bar.
Proxeny Networks of the Ancient World  (a database of proxeny networks of the Greek city-states)


PNAW is a database of evidence for a particular kind of social networking between Greek city-states in the Ancient Greek world, known as proxeny (Greek: proxenia). It enables this material to be used to visualise the highly-fragmented political geography of the ancient world during the Archaic, Classical, and Hellenistic periods, and to get a sense of how densely and intensely interconnected were the states which made it up.

QuarryScapes Atlas

The QuarryScapes Atlas displays a variety of ancient quarry landscapes. The purpose of the atlas is first of all to show the great variability of such landscapes and introducing them with photos and few words. The atlas will be further developed, and hopefully evolve to a comprehensive web-book with contributions from many researchers. In this first edition of the atlas we have picked 15 quarry landscapes; most of them in the project region, but also a few outside. Collectively, these 15 sites display a broad range of quarry landscapes; different periods and historical settings, different geology, morphology and climate. Also, they are in different stages of development as cultural heritage sites, from “unknown and remote” to outdoor museums.

Recogito: Linked Data annotation without the pointy brackets
Recogito is an initative by Pelagios Commons, developed under the leadership of the Austrian Institute of Technology, Lancaster University and The Open University, with funding from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.

Recogito is provided as Open Source software, under the terms of the Apache 2 license. It can be downloaded free of charge for self-hosting from our GitHub repository.

Pelagios Commons offers free access to a hosted version of the software at in the spirit of open data and as an act of collegiality. Please refer to our Terms and Conditions of Use for information.
Register of Ancient Geographic Entities (RAGE)
A cooperative effort to provide the infrastructure for cross-project placname searches and interactive online mapping applications.
Regnum Francorum Online — interactive maps and sources of early medieval Europe 614-840
This is a website about visualizing early medieval Europe 614-840 on maps. Here you will find interactive maps of the Frankish kingdom, activities of Merovingian and Carolingian kings, donations of the nobility and development of the property of monasteries and other institutions. The locations on the map are clickable and connected to quotes from, and references to primary sources and literature. Simply click on a location and discover which sources are available on this site and on the internet for a particular city. There is an overview of the interactive maps in the Gallery section, intended as a starting point if you are new to this website.
Resources for Teaching Ancient Geography
From History From Below: Musings on Daily Life in the Ancient and Early Medieval Mediterranean By Sarah E. Bond

Edited by Sebastian Heath

'roman-amphitheaters' is a digital resource that collects information about Roman amphitheaters with a primary goal being the easy use of its data in a wide variety of computational environments. It is designed to support open-ended inquiry into the place and role of amphitheaters in the Roman Empire.

The file 'roman-amphitheaters.geojson' holds the latest information and is the source for other derived files, including 'roman-amphitheaters.csv'. The 'utility.ipynb' generates these other files.

By default, github will display the 'roman-amphitheaters.geojson' file as a map.

Roman Amphitheater Map and Data Browser

Roman Roads and Milestones in Judaea/Palaestina
In 1970 The Israel Milestone Committee (IMC) was formed by Mordechai Gichon as a branch of the International Curatorium of the Corpus Miliariorum. The aim of the committee was to assemble, study and prepare for publication the milestones inscriptions found in Israel. The IMC also intended to carry out a systematic survey of all the extant remains related to roads, in order to provide a comprehensive picture of the Roman road network in Israel. For almost 40 years the Committee's field and research work was led by Israel Roll and Benjamin Isaac together with other scholars.
The Romans: From Village to Empire: A History of Rome from Earliest Times to the End of the Western Empire (2nd edition; 2011)
second edition of Mary T. BoatwrightDaniel J. GargolaNoel LenskiRichard J. A. Talbert The Romans: From Village to Empire: A History of Rome from Earliest Times to the End of the Western Empire has appeared from Oxford University Press (2011). The following list provides access to digital (.pdf) versions of the maps that appear in the text. As the files are large, we recommend that you right click the link below the thumbnail and save a local copy..
ROMAQ: The Atlas Project of Roman Aqueducts
Roman aqueducts are amongst the most impressive and interesting structures that have survived from the Ancient World. Although aqueduct bridges such as the Pont du Gard are best known, roman aqueducts are complex water supply line systems that are impressive feats of engineering even by today's standards. Some of the aqueducts are simple water channels, but many contain complex structures such as inverted siphons, tunnels, basins and drop shafts while the channels themselves can be up to 240 km in length. Over 1400 roman aqueducts have been described in the Mediterranean basin and the aim of this website is to present the available corpus of literature on the subject in a systematic way. Besides available literature on each aqueduct, we aim to present summarised data on each aqueduct. However, this is a project in development, and it will take time to add new data and publications, and to update content.
Rome’s World: The Peutinger Map Reconsidered
The Peutinger Map is the only map of the Roman world to come down to us from antiquity. An elongated object full of colorful detail and featuring land routes across Europe, North Africa, and the Near East, it was mysteriously rediscovered around 1500 and then came into the ownership of Konrad Peutinger, for whom it is named. Today it is among the treasures of the Austrian National Library in Vienna. Richard J. A. Talbert’s Rome’s World: The Peutinger Map Reconsidered offers a long overdue reinterpretation and appreciation of the map as a masterpiece of both mapmaking and imperial Roman ideology...'
SITARSistema Informativo Territoriale Archeologico di Roma – è un progetto di archeologia pubblica partecipata promosso dalla Soprintendenza Speciale Archeologia Belle Arti e Paesaggio di Roma. Il suo obiettivo è dare visibilità, trasparenza e diffusione ai dati scientifici degli scavi archeologici della città di Roma: un catasto digitale dedicato al patrimonio di Roma, liberamente accessibile e consultabile da tutti.
Stanford Digital Forma Urbis Romae Project
This site is dedicated to exploring the Forma Urbis Romae, or Severan Marble Plan of Rome. This enormous map, measuring ca. 18.10 x 13 meters (ca. 60 x 43 feet), was carved between 203-211 CE and covered an entire wall inside the Templum Pacis in Rome. It depicted the groundplan of every architectural feature in the ancient city, from large public monuments to small shops, rooms, and even staircases. For more information about the map itself, go to the Map page.
The Syriac Gazetteer
Editors: Thomas A. Carlson (Princeton University) and David A. Michelson (Vanderbilt University)
The Syriac Gazetteer is a geographical reference work of for places relevant to Syriac studies. It is growing from an initial publication of over two thousand place records.
Synagogues Interactive Map
Explore all the Ancient synagogues, that excavated or not excavated, at the land of Israel.

Under the auspices of the UAI, we are creating a huge online open database of the Ancient Roman World. Archaeological sites, toponymy and cartographical data.

TerraWatchers: Crowd Sourced Satellite Image Analysis
TerraWatchers is dedicated to providing web-based, crowdsourced satellite image monitoring and overwatch tools for critical missions related to current events. We use interactive Google Maps© interfaces to display the latest freely available, high-resolution satellite imagery in our mission footprints.
Theban Mapping Project 
Since its inception in 1978, the Theban Mapping Project (TMP, now based at the American University in Cairo) has been working to prepare a comprehensive archaeological database of Thebes. With its thousands of tombs and temples, Thebes is one of the world's most important archaeological zones. Sadly, however, it has not fared well over the years. Treasure-hunters and curio-seekers plundered it in the past; pollution, rising ground water, and mass-tourism threaten it in the present. Even early archaeologists destroyed valuable information in their search for museum-quality pieces.

Today, however, we realize that the monuments of Thebes are a finite resource. If we fail to protect and monitor them, they will vanish, and we and our descendants will all be the poorer. The TMP believes that the first and most essential step in preserving this heritage is a detailed map and database of every archaeological, geological, and ethnographic feature in Thebes. Only when these are available can sensible plans be made for tourism, conservation, and further study.

During the last decade, the TMP has concentrated on the Valley of the Kings. Modern surveying techniques were used to measure its tombs. From the data collected, the TMP is preparing 3-D computer models of the tombs. And of course, the TMP is continuing its excavation of KV 5. For the TMP staff, sharing their work with the interested public is just as important as what they do in the field. This has been done through a series of publications and this growing website.
 Theban Tombs Satellite Mapping Project
Welcome to the Theban Tombs Satellite Mapping Project! The map is designed to be an interactive experience for users. You will be able to zoom in and out, view information about buildings and parking lots, and print out findings. This menu is to help you to understand the functions of the map in order to provide a more fulfilling experience!
al-Ṯurayyā Project
This is a new working version of the al-Ṯurayyā project which currently includes the gazetteer (al-Ṯurayyā Gazetteer, or al-Thurayyā Gazetteer), and the geospatial model of the early Islamic world. Both parts of the project are still under development.
TOPOSText 2.0

ToposText is an indexed collection of ancient texts and mapped places relevant the the history and mythology of the ancient Greeks from the Neolithic period up through the 2nd century CE. It was inspired by two decades of exploring Greece by car, foot, or bicycle, and by clumsy efforts to appreciate επί τόπου the relevant information from Pausanias or other primary sources. The development of mobile electronic devices since 2010 has coincided with an increasingly comprehensive assortment of ancient texts available on the internet. The digital texts I collected on an e-reader in 2012 made clear both the pleasure of having a portable Classics library but also the desperate need to organize the information it contained. Discovering the Pleiades Project, with its downloadable database of thousands of ancient place names and coordinates, opened the door to indexing ancient texts geographically, using a map of Greece as the basic interface.
Traveling with Pausanias: Using Google Earth to Engage Students with Ancient Maps
John Gruber-Miller
December 14th, 2012
There are several files available: Rivers of Pausanias Book 5 (including the rivers of Arcadia, and the Jordan River), Cataracts of the Nile, and Olympic winners named in Pausanias 5.8-9 and their hometowns. To download the .KMZ files (in a compressed/ZIP folder), please click here.
Trismegistos Places (GEO and GEOREF
Currently 30495 place records (GEO) and 117663 place attestation records (GEOREF).
A database of places related to the ancient world
by Trismegistos

Based on the foundations of the Fayum Project (Graeco-Roman Egypt) of the KULeuven and the project Multilingualism and Multiculturalism in Graeco-Roman Egypt of Cologne University.
Unlocking historic landscapes in the eastern Mediterranean
Jim Crow (University of Edinburgh) and Sam Turner (Newcastle University), 2010

In many areas of the Eastern Mediterranean there are landscapes exhibiting exceptional time-depth, where the historic landscape is made up of visible features from many different periods. Our research adapted and used a new technique developed in Britain (Historic Landscape Characterisation - HLC) for the first time in the eastern Mediterranean to study these landscapes. HLC is a method for mapping the landscape that can be used to interpret how and when different elements were created. Using Geographical Information Systems (GIS) we integrated data from historical, archaeological and other sources to create detailed, long-term landscape histories of two case-studies areas.
Vías Romanas en Castilla y León
En este trabajo se presentan los resultados de una labor de investigación llevada a cabo entre los años 2007 a 2010, circunscrita a la Comunidad de Castilla y León. Muchas de las identificaciones proceden de labores que el autor llevaba realizando bastantes años antes sobre la caminería antigua en general y sobre la romana en particular. Se han conseguido identificar unos 2400 kilómetros de caminos romanos ciertos, cuyos vestigios estructurales, constructivos, toponímicos y epigráficos, en este orden y en razón al valor de cada uno de estos factores, nos han determinado su existencia. Vías Romanas en Castilla y León. Archaeological Atlas of Antiquity is the archaeological atlas of classical antiquity. It is a community driven archaeological map, inspired by and modelled after Wikipedia.
The first version of went online in May 2012. It was preceded by a sister website, a roman routeplanner based on the Peutinger map. Since its start, has grown a lot. At the time to this writing, over 140 contributors have added nearly 20,000 locations, approximately 1,000 line tracings and over 3,000 images.
Views of Rome: Anteiquae Urbis Imago
Views of Rome is the online home of the 1773 edition of Pirro Ligorio’s Anteiquae Urbis Imago (Image of the Ancient City) held at Emory University. Originally published in 1561, the Imago is a cartographic reconstruction of fourth-century AD Rome. A high-resolution scan of the map exists as an interactive digital tool for use by students in the classroom and by members of the general public.
Virtual Cilicia Project
Surrounded by the steep Taurus and Amanus mountain ranges, the fertile alluvial plain of Cilicia Pedias in modern Turkey is a true treasury of important monuments from numerous ages. Hittite and Assyrian rock reliefs serve as representations of power at this connection between Anatolia and the Levant. Since it relies on Goggle Earth, the Virtual Cilicia Project is able to show you these monuments as well as the ruins of Bronze and Iron Age settlements like e.g. Karatepe with its world-famous carved orthostats in their natural environments.
Web Atlas of Ceramic Kilns in Ancient Greece
The Web Atlas of Ceramic Kilns in Ancient Greece is the first of its kind GIS database of kiln sites in Greece. Kiln sites cover  almost five millennia, dating from the Prehistoric to Post-Byzantine periods (ca. 3000 BCE-1820 CE). We hope that the Web Atlas will help excavators of kiln sites to quickly contextualize them within their chronological, geographical, and typological horizons, as well as other scholars of Greek antiquity to address questions of ceramic production, distribution, and consumption in various eras and regions. To keep the Web Atlas updated we will welcome additions from our fellow archaeologists, as new sites come to light.

The West Bank and East Jerusalem Searchable Map
This collection includes lists of archaeological sites that have been surveyed or excavated since Israel occupied the West Bank and East Jerusalem in 1967. Since that time, the oversight of the antiquities of the area has devolved on two government bodies: the military administration's Staff Officer for Archaeology (SOA) in Judea and Samaria and the Israel Antiquities Authority (IAA). The IAA, which is responsible for East Jerusalem, is a civil branch of government and its records are open for inspection. Some of the records of the Staff Officer for Archaeology in Judea and Samaria are being accessed in full for the first time as a result of the joint Israeli-Palestinian Archaeology Working Group. This involved a team of Israeli and a team of Palestinian archaeologists and cultural heritage professionals working in concert to create new data resources that document the single, unitary archaeological landscape of the southern Levant, which is now bisected by the modern borders.
 Women of ASOR Map
The “Women of ASOR” Map will act as a networking resource for ASOR’s membership, as it displays the locations of professional female members around the globe – pinpointing the universities, museums or other organizations where they work and the sites at which they excavate...
World Atlas of Language Structures (WALS)
The World Atlas of Language Structures (WALS) is a large database of structural (phonological, grammatical, lexical) properties of languages gathered from descriptive materials (such as reference grammars) by a team of 55 authors (many of them the leading authorities on the subject).


  1. Chuck,
    This is awesome!
    Two sites I might add --


  2. Thanks. Curiously (annoyingly) both Ports Antiques and MEGAJordan were in the queue for inclusion last evening, but got lost somewhere along the line. In any case they are included now.

  3. This is a fantastic resource. Thanks for putting it together.

  4. Fantstic.
    What about ?
    Came across it while browsing this list.

    Danny Syon

  5. Thanks Danny Syon. I have added vici.

  6. How about this one?

    Danny Syon

  7. This is a great job! I would like to add the Adriaticum Mare (AdriAtlas) website:

  8. Is it too late to add ToposText, which links thousands of Greek places, include obscure ones, to the texts that mention them? and iOS and Android free app?

    1. It's never too late (and it should have been included long ago). I have added it.

  9. Your list is great! Thank you!

    May I add
    which lists (among others) ancient sites and links them to relevant literature and other projects and ressources. This is a work in progress.

  10. Two links:

