Wednesday, October 29, 2014

REVEAL (Reconstruction and Exploratory Visualization: Engineering meets ArchaeoLogy)

REVEAL (Reconstruction and Exploratory Visualization: Engineering meets ArchaeoLogy) 
Inaccuracies, Inconsistencies and Impatience

One of the key problems in archaeology is trying to accurately locate things like trenches, walls, and artifacts in 3D space.  Traditionally, archaeologists describe their finds, manually take measurements, and use hand-drawn sketches and occasional photographs to record the contexts of artifacts, strata, and architectural features.  This methodology suffers from inaccuracy, inconsistent terminology, transcription errors, and just taking too long.  Some things are not recorded at all because their significance is not recognized until too late. 

Other issues for fieldteams include noting what was found, who found it, what are the find’s characteristics, figuring out how all this data should be organized, and how other researchers can assimilate all this information.  Understanding the meaning, context, and function of an object evolves over time as it is examined and categorized, which often involves multiple specialists each of whom may submit data in different formats.  The standard collocation methods don't effectively allow hypothesis testing on all the excavated data in real time; nor allow for planning field strategies while the dig is underway.   Normally, we have to wait until all evidence has been collected, analyzed, and synthesized--that often takes years and is unfair to our colleagues.

Has the transition to digital acquisition technologies improved the situation?  We now have the choice of laser scans, LIDAR, digital photography, databases, CAD, GIS, GPS, total stations, and even smartphones with high-res cameras and custom apps that can be tailored for use during excavations. 

Putting Technology to Work

Using total stations and related equipment to survey a site is time consuming and expensive, only those points that were considered important at the time are recorded, and the points are hard to collate with the rest of the datasets from the site.  GIS is superlative for 2D spatial data, but not so useful as a general purpose data exploration tool, and generally has poor integration with interactive 3D visualizations.   Harris Matrix tools focus on displaying stratigraphic sequences, with little integration with other datatypes.  Custom site-specific databases are uneven in the comprehensiveness of their features and cannot be easily generalized to other excavations.

What site directors really need is a single complete package that keeps things digital from acquisition to publication, integrates all data types, and can be used across different excavations with minimal modification.  The goal would be to ease recording and recall for researchers of all backgrounds.  

That’s exactly what our consortium set out to create.
 [ project | setting | solution | gallery | research ]

National Mission on Monuments and Antiquities, Archaeological Survey of India, Ministry of Culture, Government of India

National Mission on Monuments and Antiquities, Archaeological Survey of India, Ministry of Culture, Government of India
India is perhaps one of the largest repositories of tangible heritage in the world. A major part of this heritage is preserved in her monuments, sites and antiquities of varied nature. The range of such relics, from the past is indeed very vast and covers a long span of time i.e. prehistoric to colonial times. The monuments, sites and antiquities protected and maintained so far by Archaeological Survey of India and State Archaeology Departments are only a fraction of the total repository of the country. However, most of these have not been documented in a uniform format which can provide a common platform to the scholars, researchers and planners for reference, research and its management in a diligent manner. 
Today, the survival of our heritage has been endangered due to climatic, natural and manmade effects. In the recent years there is also an increasing trend of illicit trafficking of antiquities from India. This is mainly due to lack of public awareness, ignorance of law/act and also about the importance of documentation and preservation. There are few cities in the country where number of important monuments and heritage buildings has been listed from time to time by different institutions and organizations but there is no comprehensive database at one place. Therefore, a proper documentation is felt desideratum to build a credible National database in a uniform format. 
To address these issues, National Mission on Monuments and Antiquities (NMMA) has been set up by Government of India with the objective to document unprotected monuments and sites from both secondary sources and antiquities from primary source in a prescribed format. There are various available sources for documenting this heritage which needs to be utilized and collated through a Mission approach to create a credible National data base. This will take shape of State wise as well as National register of unprotected monuments, sites and antiquities.

Likewise, the existing data on antiquities are also available in different format in the form of Registered Antiquities, Catalogued antiquities with central and different formats adopted by different organizations; it is difficult to bring this data base under one umbrella. In this process, National Mission on Monuments and Antiquities has prepared two uniform formats each for documentation of Monuments, Sites and Antiquities and is actively involved in creating the National data base.

NMMA welcomes suggestions and contributions for the preparation of National register on Monuments, sites and antiquities. 

Museums of India: National Portal and Digital Repository

Museums of India: National Portal and Digital Repository

The National Portal and Digital Repository for Indian Museums are developed and hosted by Human-Centred Design & Computing Group, C-DAC, Pune as per the agreement with Ministry of Culture, Government of India. HCDC Group has also developed JATAN: Virtual Museum software which is used for creating the digital collections in various museums and digital archival tools that are used in background for managing the national digital repository of museums. 

Presently as a part of the digitization efforts of the Ministry of Culture, Government of India the digitized collections of 10 selected Museums, as given below, are placed in the digital repository for Indian Museums and also on the National Portal developed by C-DAC, Pune in consultation with the Ministry of Culture along with technical help from the Art Institute of Chicago in the first phase. Subsequently, it will be our endeavour to make available the digitized collections of the remaining museums under the Ministry of Culture/Archaeological Survey of India also on the National Portal.

Éditions de la Bibliothèque nationale de France at OpenEdition Books

Éditions de la Bibliothèque nationale de France
at OpenEdition Books
La Bibliothèque nationale de France est un éditeur public dont le catalogue compte plus de mille titres. Dans le cadre de sa politique de valorisation des collections, la BnF édite des catalogues raisonnés et des ouvrages scientifiques destinés aux chercheurs et aux professionnels des bibliothèques. Ces publications de référence sont le reflet de l’excellence scientifique de l’établissement.
  • Trésors monétaires XXV

    2011-2012 | Saint-Jean-d’Ardières (Rhône), Magny-Cours (Nièvre), Gisors (Eure) et ‎autres trésors

    Michel Amandry (dir.)


Open Access Journal: Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Archaeologica

Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Archaeologica
Czasopismo od 1976 roku wychodziło pod nazwą Acta Uniwersitatis Lodziensis, Zeszyty Naukowe Uniwersytetu Łodzkiego, Nauki Humanistyczno - Społeczne, Folia Archaeologica. Od 1980 roku periodyk ukazuje się pod obecnym tytułem. Zamiesczane na łamach czasopisma prace poświęcone są przede wszystkim zagadnieniom archeologicznym, historycznym i antropologicznym.
Redakcja naukowo - dydaktyczna AUL Folia Archaeologica:
prof. Anna Marciniak - Kajzer (redaktor naczelny)
prof. Lucyna Domańska
prof. Maria Magdalena Mączyńska
dr Aldona Andrzejewska
Nazwa wydawcy: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Open Access Journal: Ancient Greek & Roman Linguistics eJournal

Ancient Greek & Roman Linguistics eJournal 
This eJournal distributes working and accepted paper abstracts having a primary focus on the morphology, grammar and syntax of Greek and Latin and will appear in the Greek of Latin subcategory as appropriate. Work that compares the two to each other or which discusses them in a general context will appear in the General subcategory. There are specific subcategories for Minoan and Mycenaean texts and for Metrics. Additional subcategories and/or subdivisions of them will be added as appropriate. 
Click here to Browse our Electronic Library to view our archives of abstracts and associated full text papers published in this journal.

Ancient Greek & Roman Linguistics eJournal Advisory Board Click on the individual's name below to view the editor or advisory board member's author home page.

Andrew L. Ford

Carin M. Green

Judith Evans Grubbs

Dirk Obbink

Josiah Ober

Andrew M. Riggsby

Ruth S. Scodel

A Socio-Cultural History of the Machine Metaphor
Review of Cognitive Linguistics (2013), 11, 1, p. 145-162
Vladimir Glebkin
Gymnasium 1514
Date Posted: July 15, 2013
Accepted Paper Series

Incl. Electronic Paper Las Actividades De Trabajo En Grupo En Un Entorno Tecnológico: El Caso De Las Lenguas Clásicas (The Group Work Activities in a Technological Environment: The Case of Classical Languages)
Revista de Estudios Latinos (RELat) 9, 2009, 209-234
Cristóbal Macías Villalobos
University of Malaga
Date Posted: July 10, 2013
Accepted Paper Series

Incl. Electronic Paper On the Proto-Indo-European Language of the Indus Valley Civilization (and Its Implications for Western Prehistory)
The Sindhu-Sarasvati Civilization: New Perspectives (Essays in Honor of Dr. S.R. Rao) (2014)
Robin Bradley Kar
University of Illinois College of Law
Date Posted: August 06, 2012
Last Revised: August 06, 2014
Accepted Paper Series

Incl. Electronic Paper Sentence Length in Greek Hexameter Poetry
HEXAMETER STUDIES. QUANTITATIVE LINGUISTICS 11, pp. 107-136, R. Grotjahn, ed., Brockmeyer, 1981
Dee Clayman
City University of New York - Graduate Center
Date Posted: June 20, 2010
Accepted Paper Series

Incl. Electronic Paper Mercury in the Middle: SERMO between the Discursive and the Divine
William Michael Short
University of Texas at San Antonio
Date Posted: April 17, 2010
Working Paper Series

Incl. Electronic Paper The Creation of Language and Language without Time: Metaphysics and Metapragmatics in Genesis 1
Biblical Interpretation: A Journal of Contemporary Approaches vol. 20 issue 3 pp. 205-225 (July 2012)

Date Posted: February 13, 2010
Last Revised: January 17, 2013
Accepted Paper Series

Incl. Electronic Paper Time Series Analysis of Word Length in Oedipus the King
Favonius Supplementary, Vol. I, pp. 65-79, 1987
Dee Clayman
City University of New York - Graduate Center
Date Posted: October 15, 2009
Accepted Paper Series

Incl. Electronic Paper The Representation of ISVC in C and F Structures of LFG: A Proposal
SKASE Journal of Theoretical Linguistics, Vol. 6, No. 1, 2009
Clement Kwamina Insaidoo Appah
Lancaster University - Linguistics and English Language
Date Posted: August 07, 2009
Accepted Paper Series

Incl. Electronic Paper Erotic Emissions in Greek Poetry: A Common Link Between Generalized Integration Networks
Cristóbal Pagán Cánovas
Department of Cognitive Science, University of California San Diego
Date Posted: August 03, 2009
Working Paper Series

Incl. Electronic Paper Review of Joachim Latacz's 'Troy and Homer: Towards a Solution of an Old Mystery'
Princeton/Stanford Working Papers in Classics Paper No. 120503
Joshua T. Katz
affiliation not provided to SSRN
Date Posted: July 01, 2009
Working Paper Series

Incl. Electronic Paper The Riddle of the 'sp(h)ij-': The Greek Sphinx and Her Indic and Indo-European Background
Princeton/Stanford Working Papers in Classics Paper No. 120505
Joshua T. Katz
affiliation not provided to SSRN
Date Posted: July 01, 2009
Working Paper Series

Incl. Electronic Paper What Linguists are Good for
Princeton/Stanford Working Papers in Classics Paper No. 120504
Joshua T. Katz
affiliation not provided to SSRN
Date Posted: July 01, 2009
Working Paper Series

Incl. Electronic Paper The Epic Adventures of an Unknown Particle
Princeton/Stanford Working Papers in Classics Paper No. 070701
Joshua T. Katz
affiliation not provided to SSRN
Date Posted: June 30, 2009
Working Paper Series

Incl. Electronic Paper The Origin of the Greek Pluperfect
Princeton/Stanford Working Papers in Classics Paper No. 070702
Joshua T. Katz
affiliation not provided to SSRN
Date Posted: June 30, 2009
Working Paper Series

Incl. Electronic Paper The Original Meaning of 'Democracy': Capacity to Do Things, Not Majority Rule
Princeton/Stanford Working Papers in Classics Paper No. 090704
Josiah Ober
Stanford University - Department of Classics
Date Posted: October 27, 2007
Working Paper Series

Monday, October 27, 2014

Saturday, October 25, 2014

Open Access Journal: Ancient Greek & Roman History eJournal

Ancient Greek & Roman History eJournal
This eJournal distributes working and accepted paper abstracts having a primary focus on the political history of Greece and Rome. Social History has its own category and purely historiographical papers appear in the History subdivision of the Genre subcategory in Classical Abstracts - Literature. The subcategory for Greek History has four subdivisions: Aegean Bronze Age, Greek Dark Ages, Classical Greece, Hellenistic Greece; and the subcategory for Roman History has six subdivisions: Etruscan & Early Italian, Early Republic, Middle & Late Republic, Early Empire, Middle & Late Empire, Late Antiquity. Papers covering more than one period will appear in as many as are appropriate. Additional subcategories and/or subdivisions of them will be added as appropriate. 
Click here to Browse our Electronic Library to view our archives of abstracts and associated full text papers published in this journal.

Ancient Greek & Roman History eJournal Advisory Board Click on the individual's name below to view the editor or advisory board member's author home page.
Andrew L. Ford

Carin M. Green

Judith Evans Grubbs

Dirk Obbink

Josiah Ober

Andrew M. Riggsby

Ruth S. Scodel
Incl. Electronic Paper Astronomy and Tidal Analysis Applied to the Study of Julius Caesar's Commentarii
Amelia Carolina Sparavigna
Polytechnic University of Turin
Date Posted: August 04, 2016
Working Paper Series

Incl. Electronic Paper The Illiberal Democracy of Ancient Athens
Aristides N. Hatzis
University of Athens - Department of Philosophy & History of Science
Date Posted: July 15, 2016
Working Paper Series

Incl. Electronic Paper Il Cesare Di Arles (Caesar at Arles)
Giovanni Corazzi and Amelia Carolina Sparavigna
Liceo Mariano Buratti and Polytechnic University of Turin
Date Posted: July 13, 2016
Last Revised: July 16, 2016
Accepted Paper Series

Incl. Electronic Paper Intermodalism in the Transportation Network of the Roman Empire
Amelia Carolina Sparavigna and Mauro Maria Baldi
Polytechnic University of Turin and Polytechnic University of Turin
Date Posted: July 06, 2016
Working Paper Series

Incl. Electronic Paper The Decumani of Naples and the Minor Lunar Standstill
PHILICA, Article number 608.
Amelia Carolina Sparavigna
Polytechnic University of Turin
Date Posted: June 01, 2016
Accepted Paper Series

Incl. Electronic Paper Saint Ambrose and His Four Basilicas Guarding the Faith of Mediolanum
Amelia Carolina Sparavigna
Polytechnic University of Turin
Date Posted: June 01, 2016
Working Paper Series

Incl. Electronic Paper Some Notes on the Urban Planning of Mediolanum and on the Orientation of Its Decumanus
Amelia Carolina Sparavigna
Polytechnic University of Turin
Date Posted: May 13, 2016
Last Revised: May 22, 2016
Working Paper Series

Incl. Electronic Paper Roman Towns Oriented to Sunrise and Sunset on Solstices
Amelia Carolina Sparavigna
Polytechnic University of Turin
Date Posted: May 10, 2016
Working Paper Series

Incl. Electronic Paper Catherine the Great of Russia. The 'Cultural Translation' and Its Role for the Moldavian 'Mirror of Princes' at the End of the 18th Century
Alexandra Chiriac
Alexandru Ioan Cuza University
Date Posted: May 07, 2016
Working Paper Series

Incl. Electronic Paper The Appearance of Roman Emperors Rendered by a Face Detection Software
Amelia Carolina Sparavigna
Polytechnic University of Turin
Date Posted: May 02, 2016
Working Paper Series

Incl. Electronic Paper The Biblical Story of the Announcement of Isaac's Birth: A Structural Analysis
Naama A Weiss
Hebrew University of Jerusalem - Faculty of Humanities
Date Posted: April 08, 2016
Working Paper Series

Incl. Electronic Paper From Rome to the Antipodes: The Medieval Form of the World
International Journal of Literature and Arts, 2013, 1(2), 16-25
Amelia Carolina Sparavigna
Polytechnic University of Turin
Date Posted: April 03, 2016
Accepted Paper Series

Incl. Electronic Paper Outlining the Garamantian Kingdom, from Herodotus to the Google Maps
ARCHAEOGATE, ISSN 1973-2953 (2013)
Amelia Carolina Sparavigna
Polytechnic University of Turin
Date Posted: March 23, 2016
Accepted Paper Series

Incl. Electronic Paper Solstices at the Hardknott Roman Fort
PHILICA Article number 442
Amelia Carolina Sparavigna
Polytechnic University of Turin
Date Posted: March 10, 2016
Accepted Paper Series

Incl. Electronic Paper How Rome Enabled Impersonal Markets
Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Economics and Business Working Paper Series 1509
Benito Arruñada
Pompeu Fabra University
Date Posted: February 29, 2016
Working Paper Series

Incl. Electronic Paper Law and Narrative in the Book of Ruth: A Syntagmatic Reading
Bernard Jackson
University of Manchester
Date Posted: December 24, 2015
Working Paper Series

Incl. Electronic Paper The Ban on Circumcision as a Cause of Bar Kokhba's Rebellion
29 Isr. L. Rev. 176 (1995)
Alfredo Mordechai Rabello
Hebrew University of Jerusalem - Faculty of Law
Date Posted: October 26, 2015
Accepted Paper Series

Incl. Electronic Paper A Historical Outline of Byzantine Philosophy and Its Basic Subjects
Res Cogitans.Journal of philosophy at the University of Southern Denmark, Miscellaneous, Nr. 3 – Vol. 1, 73-105.,
Katelis Viglas
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
Date Posted: October 06, 2015
Accepted Paper Series

Incl. Electronic Paper Herodotus' Homer: Troy, Thermopylae, and the Dorians
Matthew, Christopher; Trundle, Matthew (eds.). Beyond the Gates of Fire: New Perspectives on the Battle of Thermopylae. Barnsley: Pen and Sword Military. 117-137 and 202-208, 2013
Peter Gainsford
Victoria University of Wellington
Date Posted: September 28, 2015
Accepted Paper Series

Incl. Electronic Paper Odyssey 20.356-57 and the Eclipse of 1178 B.C.E.: A Response to Baikouzis and Magnasco
Transactions of the American Philological Association 142: 1-22, 2012
Peter Gainsford
Victoria University of Wellington
Date Posted: September 27, 2015
Accepted Paper Series

Incl. Electronic Paper Diocletian, Hadrian, and Octavian Augustus - Disenchanting Roman Emperors
Magdalena Laskowska
Université Paris II - Panthéon-Assas
Date Posted: August 29, 2015
Working Paper Series

Incl. Electronic Paper The 'Night Battle' of Singara: Whose Victory?
The “Night Battle” of Singara: Whose Victory?/Historia i Świat. 2015. Vol. 4. P. 65–70 (2015),
Vladimir Dmitriev
Pskov State University (Russia)
Date Posted: August 23, 2015
Accepted Paper Series

Incl. Electronic Paper Destruction of the Second Temple: Lessons for Today's Leaders
Hershey H. Friedman
City University of New York (CUNY) - Department of Business Management
Date Posted: August 13, 2015
Working Paper Series

Incl. Electronic Paper The Much-Maligned Panegyric: Toward a Political Poetics of Premodern Literary Form
“The Much-Maligned Panegyric: Toward a Political Poetics of Premodern Literary Form,” Comparative Literature Studies 52.2 (2015): 254-288. ,
Rebecca Gould
University of Bristol
Date Posted: August 08, 2015
Last Revised: December 05, 2015
Accepted Paper Series

Incl. Electronic Paper Some Remarks on the Moon Cult of Teutonic Tribes
C.N. Ruggles (ed): Archaeoastronomy in the 1990. Loughborough: Group D Publications Ltd. 98-107.
Emilia Pasztor
Date Posted: July 15, 2015
Accepted Paper Series

Incl. Electronic Paper Концепт BELLUM в 'Деяниях' Аммиана Марцеллина (The Concept of BELLUM in the 'Res Gestae' by Ammianus Marcellinus)
Диалог со временем. 2015. Вып. 51. С. 94-109 (Dialogue with Time. 2015. Issue 51. P. 94-109),
Vladimir Dmitriev
Pskov State University (Russia)
Date Posted: July 04, 2015
Accepted Paper Series

Incl. Electronic Paper Building for the State: A World-Historical Perspective
Princeton/Stanford Working Papers in Classics Paper
Walter Scheidel
Stanford University
Date Posted: May 24, 2015
Working Paper Series

Incl. Electronic Paper Аммиан Марцеллин о тактике персидской элефантерии (Ammianus Marcellinus on the Tactics of the Persian Elephantry)
Исследования и эссе в честь 60-летнего юбилея В.П. Никонорова от друзей и коллег. СПб., 2014. С. 131-139 (Studies and Essays in Honour of V.P. Nikonorov on the Occasion of his 60th Birthday Presented by Friends and Colleagues. St. Petersburg, 2014. P. 131-139),
Vladimir Dmitriev
Pskov State University (Russia)
Date Posted: April 14, 2015
Accepted Paper Series

Incl. Electronic Paper Звездовидные надчеканки на меди Асандра как исторический источник (Star-Shaped Countermarks on a Copper Coins of Asander as a Historical Source)
Mikhail M. Choref
Nizhnevartovsk State University, Students
Date Posted: April 10, 2015
Working Paper Series

Incl. Electronic Paper К прочтению ивритского граффити на штукатурке из Херсонеса Таврического (To Reading of Graffiti in Hebrew on Plaster from Tauric Chersonesos)
Mikhail M. Choref
Nizhnevartovsk State University, Students
Date Posted: March 24, 2015
Last Revised: November 19, 2015
Working Paper Series

Incl. Electronic Paper Osmanli Yönetiminin Oryantalist İnşasi (The Orientalist Construction of the Ottoman Governance)
Studies of Ottoman Domain, Cilt:4 Sayı:7 Ağustos 2014,
Gülay Yilmaz
Date Posted: March 10, 2015
Working Paper Series

Incl. Electronic Paper Gemellus' Evil Eyes (P.Mich. Vi 423-424)
Greek, Roman, and Byzantine Studies 49 (2009) 535–555,
Ari Z Bryen and Andrzej Wypustek
West Virginia University and University of Wroclaw
Date Posted: February 13, 2015
Accepted Paper Series

Incl. Electronic Paper Visibility and Violence in Petitions from Roman Egypt
Greek, Roman, and Byzantine Studies 48, (2008) 181–200,
Ari Z Bryen
West Virginia University
Date Posted: February 13, 2015
Accepted Paper Series

Incl. Electronic Paper Judging Empire: Courts and Culture in Rome's Eastern Provinces
Law and History Review, Volume 30, Issue 3, August 2012, pp 771 811
Ari Z Bryen
West Virginia University
Date Posted: February 13, 2015
Accepted Paper Series

Incl. Electronic Paper The Athenian Trierarchy: Mechanism Design for the Private Provision of Public Goods
The Journal of Economic History, 67(2), 445-480.
Brooks A Kaiser
Gettysburg College - Department of Economics
Date Posted: February 04, 2015
Accepted Paper Series

Incl. Electronic Paper Antiquarianism as Genealogy: Arnaldo Momigliano's Method
History and Theory 53.2 (2014): 212-233.
Rebecca Gould
University of Bristol
Date Posted: January 12, 2015
Last Revised: February 24, 2015
Accepted Paper Series

Incl. Electronic Paper Benford's Law and Numerical Stylization of Monetary Valuations in Ancient Literature
Walter Scheidel
Stanford University
Date Posted: December 23, 2014
Working Paper Series

Incl. Electronic Paper The Historical Development of the Public Administration Concerning the Geto-Dacian Village and the Roman Province of Dacia
The 2nd Global Conference on RO-RUS-NIPONNICA, December 17-18, 2011, Moscova
Mihaela Agata Popescu
Dimitrie Cantemir Christian University
Date Posted: May 05, 2014
Accepted Paper Series

Incl. Electronic Paper Hieroglyphs of the Phaistos Disc: History and Full Text Translation. Of the Cycle – 'The Book of the Egyptian: The Beginning of the Basic Egyptology or a Key to the Understanding of History, Philosophy and World Religion'. Volume I
Vitaly Surnin
Date Posted: February 03, 2014
Working Paper Series

Incl. Electronic Paper Thucydides and Hegemony: Athens and the United States
Review of International Studies 27/4 2001: 593-609
Richard Ned Lebow and Robert E. Kelly
Independent and Pusan National University
Date Posted: January 26, 2014
Accepted Paper Series

Incl. Electronic Paper К вопросу о варваризации римской армии в IV в. н.э. (по данным Аммиана Марцеллина) (About Barbarization of the Roman Army in IV Century AD (According to Ammianus Marcellinus))
Научные ведомости Белгородского государственного университета / Belgorod State University Scientific Bulletin. “History, Political Science, Economics, Information Technologies” Series. 2011. № 7 (102). Issue 18. P. 44–56.,
Vladimir Dmitriev
Pskov State University (Russia)
Date Posted: December 06, 2013
Accepted Paper Series

Incl. Electronic Paper 'Персы получают их из Индии', или Почему парфяне не использовали боевых слонов? ('The Persians Obtain Them from India,' or Why the Parthians Did Not Use Battle Elephants?)
Метаморфозы истории/Metamorphoses of History, 2013, Issue 4, pp. 153-172,
Vladimir Dmitriev
Pskov State University (Russia)
Date Posted: October 13, 2013
Last Revised: December 10, 2013
Accepted Paper Series

Incl. Electronic Paper To Survive, Decentralize! The Barbarian Threat and State Decentralization
Orbis, Fall 2011
Jakub Grygiel
Johns Hopkins University - Paul H. Nitze School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS)
Date Posted: September 28, 2013
Accepted Paper Series

Incl. Electronic Paper Alan Soble's Review of 'The Reasons of Love' by Harry Frankfurt: 'Love and Value, Yet Again'
Essays in Philosophy 6:1 (January 2005)
Alan G. Soble
Drexel University
Date Posted: September 13, 2013
Accepted Paper Series

Incl. Electronic Paper Ancient Roman Munificence: The Development of the Practice and Law of Charity
Rutgers Law Review, Vol. 57, No. 3, p. 1043, 2005, Thomas Jefferson School of Law Research Paper No. 2314731
William Byrnes
Date Posted: August 24, 2013
Last Revised: June 26, 2014
Accepted Paper Series

Cicero and the Education of the Republic's Last Generation
APSA 2013 Annual Meeting Paper, American Political Science Association 2013 Annual Meeting
Joseph DiLuzio
Baylor University - Department of Classics
Date Posted: August 13, 2013
Working Paper Series

Incl. Electronic Paper Integrating Texts and Images in the Study of the Ancient Greek Aulos-Myths
3d Annual Meeting of MOISA: International Society for the Study of Greek and Roman Music and its Cultural Heritage. Moisa Epichorios: Regional Music and Musical Regions. Theory and Practice in Text and Image in Ancient Greece. Ravenna, 1-3 October 2009
Ellen Van Keer
Centrum Leo Apostel for Interdisciplinary Studies (CLEA)
Date Posted: May 12, 2013
Accepted Paper Series

Incl. Electronic Paper Comparing Ancient Worlds: Comparative History as Comparative Advantage
Walter Scheidel
Stanford University
Date Posted: April 02, 2013
Working Paper Series

Incl. Electronic Paper Comparing Comparisons: Ancient East and West
Walter Scheidel
Stanford University
Date Posted: April 01, 2013
Working Paper Series

Incl. Electronic Paper Explaining the Maritime Freight Charges in Diocletian's Price Edict
Walter Scheidel
Stanford University
Date Posted: April 01, 2013
Working Paper Series