Wednesday, November 30, 2011

The Robert L. Van Nice Collection

The Robert L. Van Nice Collection 
A processing blog for the Robert L. Van Nice Records and Fieldwork Papers (1937-1985) at the Image Collections and Fieldwork Archives of Dumbarton Oaks Research Library and Collection, Washington, D.C.


This is a blog created by the staff at the Image Collections and Fieldwork Archives of the Dumbarton Oaks Research Library and Collection in Washington, D.C., to chronicle the assessment and processing of the Robert L. Van Nice Records and Fieldwork Collection (1937-1985).

The Collection:
The 70+ boxes of reseach materials and drawings of Van Nice collection document the large scale architectural survey of Hagia Sophia conducted in Istanbul, Turkey from the late 1930′s to the mid 1980′s. Dumbarton Oaks took over responsibility for publication of the detailed architectural plates that Van Nice and his assistants produced from their fieldwork, the first installment of which appeared in 1965.  This installment, published as collotypes in an elephant folio edition has drawn universal praise for its beauty and high standards. In 1986 the second installment was published as a series of plates designed to be added to the same portfolio as the first installment.  A more synthetic narrative to accompany the plates was planned but never finished.
Materials produced during Van Nice’s survey include notebooks, research papers, rubbings of graffiti, brick stamps, and mason’s marks, blue prints, drawings, B&W photographs, slides, negatives, correspondence, and administrative papers. The papers have never been fully processed until now, and we hope to describe here the new things that we find and the lessons we learn while tackling this large and rich collection.

The Creator:
Robert Lawrence Van Nice (1910-1994) was born in Portland, Oregon, and graduated from the University of Oregon before receiving a Masters degree in Architecture from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.  He conducted a large scale study of Hagia Sophia in Istanbul, Turkey, from 1937-1985.  William Emerson, a professor of Van Nice’s at MIT, sponsored the architectural survey from 1937-1957, with Van Nice as his assistant. Dumbarton Oaks then sponsored the project from 1957 until 1985.  Van Nice was a Research Associate of Dumbarton Oaks starting in 1955.

Selective Open Access: Greece & Rome

The Classical Association Blog notes that Greece & Rome is offering free access to the Editors’ highlights, as a part of an effort to make Classics available and accessible to all walks of life:
One of the core aims of the Classical Association is to make Classics available and accessible to all walks of life.  It’s the reason we were founded and it is still the guiding principle of our work today.  One of the ways we seek to achieve this is through our publishing.  In partnership with Cambridge University Press, the CA produces three high quality journals.
Greece & Rome in particular seeks to deliver scholarly research to the wider audience.  But don’t take my word for it – we’re currently offering free access to the Editors’ highlights, so you can see for yourself!  Follow this link (all links open in a new tab) to view the latest sample articles, including:
  • Caesar in Vietnam: Did Roman Soldiers Suffer from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder?
  • Reading Minds in Greek Tragedy
  • Evolving views of Ageing and Longevity from Homer to Hippocrates: Emergence of Natural Factors, Persistence of the Supernatural

The Friedberg Genizah Project Updates

Announcement 10
November 2011
Genazim - the Computerization Unit of the Friedberg Genizah Project – announces the launching of version 8.2 of its website .
Following are some of the additional data and improvments that have been integrated into the website, since the previous announcement of version 8 in July 2011.

A – Images
Cambridge: Since the last announcement about 4 months ago, an additional set of 40,214 images from the CUL Genizah Collection has been integrated in the website, mostly from the collections TS AR, AS, NS, and Or. 2118, bringing the total number of images of Genizah fragments from Cambridge to almost 258,000 images.
British Library: An additional set of 316 images has been integrated in the website.
JTS (Jewish Theological Seminary – New York): A set of 1065 images has been received and integrated, most of them new images, others being improved versions of existing images.
The total number of images in the website is currently about 320,000 images.

B – Software
1. Joins: Information (and statistics) about joins occur now in many pages of the website, from which it was missing, including in the "results" pages of of an advanced search.
2. Images: Two important new functions are now available: a|) after processing an image in ViewOne using the "sun" icon to adjust for optimal contrast, brightness and luminance, the image with the new settings can be saved in the user's workspace for future viewing, b) after rotating a given image in the QuickView function either for straightening it or for allowing easy reading of oblique lines, the image can be send in its new position to ViewOne to be viewed and processed there using the rich repertoire available in ViewOne for such processing; it will be then saved also in the personal workspace for later viewing.
3. Scanned catalogs: New scanned catalog-entries from the Zulay and Widder catalogs about Budapest fragments have been integrated.
4. Institutional registration: A new and straightforward registration system has been implemented for libraries, that enables free and immediate access to the Genizah website for libraries' visitors from up to 20 pcs in that library. 
5. Various improvements: a) frames: the "Frames" structure through which users can add restrictions to the search has been greatly improved and better adapted to the nature of the Domains and the specific structure of the Titles involved; also a better separation between the body of a work and its appended information (preface, appendices, table of contents, etc) has been implemented, b) statistics: the statistical tables that appear in each function section and give a detailed overview of the available information in that section have been greatly enlarged and improved, c) workspace: various icons for specific types of information are now available in the workspace, d) forum: an improved filtering operation is now available for all the notes in the forum, e) restrictions: the time allocated for idle operation has been increased from 40 to 60 minutes.
1) We remind our readers that accredited users can add new information (including "joins") on Genizah fragments to the website (which will appear there with their name appended to it), through the FOLUS system. We urge such users to use this opportunity to enrich the website with new data, to the benefit of the entire Genizah-studies community. Other users who would like to contribute in such a way are kindly asked to send us in email through the "contact us" icon.
2) The users are also encouraged to use the public forum to present new insights, submit queries, open discussions, etc; on Genizah issues; take a look at it now!
3) We remind our users that the Nahum website is available and can be reached through the Genizah website, as well as directly through . It contains almost 100,000 high-quality digital images of Yemenite manuscripts from the Nachum collection, as well as catalog and other data, that can searched and processed using essentially the same tools as available in the |Genizah website.
With a cordial Shalom
פרויקט פרידברג לחקר הגניזה
הודעה 10
נובמבר 2011

גנזים – יחידת המחשוב של פרויקט פרידברג לחקר הגניזה – מודיעה על השקת גירסה 8.2 של אתר הגניזה:
להלן תיאור של השיפורים והנתונים שנוספו באתר מאז ההודעה הקודמת על גירסה 8 ביולי 2011.

א. תמונות
קיימברידג': מאז הודעתנו הקודמת לפני כארבעה חודשים, נוספו באתר עוד 40,214 תמונות מאוסף הגניזה של CUL, ברובן מן האוספים TS: AR, AS, NS   ו-Oriental 2118, ובזה מגיע המספר הכללי של התמונות של קטעי גניזה מקיימברידג' לכ-258,000.
הספריה הבריטית: נוספו 316 תמונות לאתר.
JTS (Jewish Theological Seminary – New York): נתקבלו והוכנסו לאתר 1065 תמונות, רובן תמונות חדשות, ואחרות שהן גירסאות משופרות של תמונות קיימות.
המספר הכולל של תמונות באתר הוא כיום כ-320,000.

ב. תוכנה
1. צירופים: בדפים רבים באתר מופיע בגרסה זו מידע (או סטטיסטיקה) על צירופים, שהיה חסר עד כה, כולל בדפי "תוצאות" של חיפוש מתקדם.
2. תמונות: קיימות שתי פונקציות חשובות חדשות: א) לאחר עיבוד תמונה ב-ViewOne ע"י שימוש באייקון ה"שמש" כדי להגיע לניגוד, בהירות ואור אופיטמליים, אפשר לשמור את התמונה עם הגדרות התצוגה שלה בשולחן העבודה של המשתמש, לצפייה עתידית. ב) לאחר סיבוב תמונה נתונה על ידי פונקציית QuickView לצורך יישורה או לצורך הקלת הקריאה של שורות אלכסוניות, ניתן לשלוח את התמונה במיקומה החדש ל-ViewOne כדי לצפות בה שם ולעבד אותה בעזרת השימוש ברפרטואר העשיר של עיבוד תמונה ב-ViewOne; ואז אפשר לשמור אותה בשולחן העבודה האישי לצורך צפייה בעתיד.
3. קטלוגים סרוקים: הוכנסו סריקות חדשות של ערכים קטלוגיים מהקטלוגים של Zulay ו-Widder על קטעי גניזה של בודפסט, שהיו חסרים עד כה.
4. רישום מוסדות: נוספה מערכת רישום חדשה ופשוטה עבור ספריות, המאפשרת גישה חופשית ומיידית לאתר הגניזה לכל המבקרים בספריות, מתוך עשרים מחשבים המסומנים לכך בספריה.
5. שיפורים שונים: א) מסגרות: מבנה ה"מסגרות", המאפשר למשתמשים להוסיף הגבלות לחיפוש, שופר בהרבה והותאם יותר לטיב התחומים ולמבנה המיוחד של החיבורים; כמו כן נוספה הפרדה טובה יותר בין גוף הספר למידע המצורף לספר (הקדמה, נספחים, תוכן הענינים וכו'). ב) סטטיסטיקות: הטבלאות הסטטיסטיות המופיעות ב"עזרה" של כל פונקציה ונותנות סקירה מפורטת של המידע, הורחבו ושופרו במידה ניכרת. ג) שולחן העבודה האישי: בשולחן העבודה מופיעים כעת אייקונים שונים המאפשרים קבלת סוגים מסוימים של מידע בשולחן העבודה. ד) פורום: קיימת כעת פעולת סינון משופרת לכל ההערות בפורום. ה) הגבלות: הזמן המוקצה לשהייה "בטלה" (ללא כל פעילות) באתר הוגדל מ-40 ל-60 דקות.

  1. אנו מזכירים לקוראינו שמשתמשים מורשים רשאים להוסיף מידע חדש (כולל "צירופים"), אשר יופיעו באתר בתוספת שמו של המשתמש, באמצעות מערכת FOLUS על כל קטעי הגניזה שבאתר, אנו מעודדים משתמשים כאלו להשתמש בהזדמנות הניתנת להם להעשרת האתר במידע חדש לתועלת כל קהילת חוקרי הגניזה. משתמשים נוספים המעוניינים לתרום באופן זה, מוזמנים לשלוח אלינו דואר אלקטרוני דרך "צור קשר".
  2. אנו גם מעודדים את המשתמשים להשתמש בפורום הציבורי כדי להציג הארות חדשות, לשלוח שאילתות, לפתוח דיונים ועוד, על נושאי הגניזה. העיפו מבט בפורום עוד היום!
  3. אנו מזכירים למשתמשי אתר הגניזה את קיומו של אתר Nahum שאפשר להגיע אליו דרך אתר הגניזה, וכן גם ישירות בכתובת: http// אתר זה מכיל קרוב ל-100,000 תמונות דיגיטליות באיכות גבוהה מאוסף כתבי היד התימניים של נחום, וכן גם קטלוג חלקי ומידע נוסף על הקטעים וכתבי היד. אפשר לחפש ולעבד מידע זה תוך שימוש בכלים המצויים שם והזהים לאלו המופיעים באתר הגניזה.

בברכת שלום,

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

JSTOR Early Journal Content Data Bundle

JSTOR Data For Research

Early Journal Content Data Bundle

About the Early Journal Content (EJC)

The Early Journal Content on JSTOR includes journal articles published in the United States before 1923 and articles published in other countries before 1870, and includes discourse and scholarship in the arts and humanities, economics and politics, and in mathematics and other sciences.
On JSTOR, the Early Journal Content is free and available for use by anyone, without registration and regardless of institutional affiliation. The amount of free content will grow over time. As we add more journals to JSTOR, new articles within these time ranges will be added to the Early Journal Content, and will remain freely available.
Making this early journal content freely available is the most recent step in our ongoing work to expand access to content on JSTOR, particularly for individuals who are not affiliated with academic institutions or libraries.

The EJC Data Bundle

We are happy to also make a data bundle for the Early Journal Content freely available to those who would like to conduct data mining or other research across the content.
The data bundle for EJC includes full-text OCR and article and title-level metadata. The Read Me file explains the data in more detail. The currently available data bundle includes all the EJC as of September 7, 2011.
Please note that use of the Early Journal Content bundle is subject to the Early Journal Content Specific Terms and Conditions of Use.
To access the data bundle, please create an account using the very brief registration form, or login if you already have a Data for Research account. We plan to update the bundle on a semi-regular basis and to alert registrants when the bundle has been updated.
The format of the data bundle is a .tar.gz archive containing a readme file explaining the format of the data files, and an XML file for each article in the Early Journal Content bundle.
Once logged in, you can download the Early Journal Content bundle here
The size of the bundle is approx. 2.3 GB compressed, and 7.2 GB inflated.
The bundle was last updated November 11, 2011.
 And see also: 


Monday, November 28, 2011

Open Access Journal: Dig-it-al NEA

 [Originally posted 5/1/10, updated 12/13/10, updated 8 December 2011]

Dig-it-al NEA

Near Eastern Archaeology is pleased to announce its new online venture: Dig-it-al NEA. This online forum features original essays, reviews, and other content to complement the print publication of the journal.
Teaching Archaeology to Undergraduates
Four papers and an iMovie based on presentations given in the session "Teaching Archaeology to Undergraduates and K-12 Schoolchildren" at the 2010 ASOR Annual Meeting co-chaired by Ellen D. Bedell and Eric H. Cline.

Glass and Light: Making the Past Visible at the Johns Hopkins Archaeological Museum
Review of the museum by Catherine P. Foster
Enchanted by an Exposition: Magical Antiquities from Egypt at Leiden
Rijksmuseum van Oudheden, Leiden, Netherlands
October 16, 2010 – March 13, 2011
Review of the Exhibit by Sophie Tews and Sergio Lieverse, Leiden University

God Feminine - A Hidden Side of the Biblical God
Exhibition in the Museum für sakrale Kunst (Jesuitenkirche), Heidelberg, Germany
October 10 – December 19, 2010
Review of the Exhibit by Olaf Rölver, University of Bamberg, Germany
Translated by Robert Schick
Gott weiblich - Eine verborgene Seite des biblischen Gottes
Ausstellung im Museum für sakrale Kunst, Jesuitenkirche, Heidelberg
10. Oktober – 19. Dezember 2010
Olaf Rölver, Lehrstuhl Alttestamentliche Wissenschaften, Universität Bamberg


Taita, King of Palistin: ca. 950–900 B.C.E.? (pdf)
By Benjamin Sass

Givat Ha'Aralot: An Archaeological Parable

By Steven A. Rosen

The Thumb Print

A poem by Jay G. Williams

Near Eastern Archaeology is  available online to subscribers

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Guerreros, Caballos, Armas y Dioses en la Cultura Ibérica

Guerreros, Caballos, Armas y Dioses  en la Cultura Ibérica
El Proyecto ‘El caballo en la Cultura ibérica: estudio arqueológico, social e histórico’ desarrolla un estudio global e interdisciplinar del papel que los équidos desempeñaron en la Cultura Ibérica entre los siglos VI y I a.C., empleando de modo coordinado todas las fuentes de información disponibles (arqueológicas, iconográficas, textuales, numismáticas y faunísticas). Los resultados, en una perspectiva histórica, se relacionan con los de ambientes culturales próximos, tanto en el interior de la Península Ibérica como en el Mediterráneo y en el mundo céltico. Los équidos jugaron un papel muy importante en la antigua sociedad ibérica, en la economía doméstica, en el ámbito de la religiosidad, en el de la guerra y, por último, como símbolo de status social.Esta página web permite una introducción a todos estos aspectos.
El caballo en
el Mundo Ibérico
El caballo en el
ámbito celta
Armas y ritos
en la Cultura ibérica

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Open Access Journal: Archeometriai Műhely

 [First posted in AWOL 3 February 2010. Updated 26 November 2011]

Archeometriai Műhely: elektronikus folyóirat / Archaeometry Workshop: e-journal published by the Hungarian National Museum
ISSN 1786-271X
The Hungarian National Museum initiated a series of lectures and meetings on 27th of February 2000 serving as a basis for the current periodical.

Our aim was to make interdisciplinary research of archaeological finds, features and phenomena understandable, conceivable and controllable in the spirit of mutual information. We aimed at offering a regular forum for the representatives of different branches of science, all contributing to the understanding of archaeological problems where not only the results but also the problems and open questions can be raised.

The creative atmosphere formed around the Workshop has already given impetus for several fruitful and lasting collaboration projects. The results, however, are often being lost without proper publication media.

The same can be raised upon the results of training, started in recent years at several universities and highschools all over Hungary. A number of worthy studies have been made and are currently in progress as university theses, student conference papers and PhD dissertations. Moreover, as a result of national and international collaboration projects, a number of new analytical data and archaeological results supported by scientific arguments are born. The traditional periodicals of the individual branches of sciences and arts cannot undertake the complete publication of resulting data thus a large part of valuable and costly pieces of information remain unpublished. It is absolutely necessary therefore to launch a new periodical, suitable for the fast and easily accessible publication of the new results...

Friday, November 25, 2011

Open Access Journal: Comptes-rendus des séances de l'Académie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres

An up to date version is here.

British Library Digitised Manuscripts Milestone

On 24 November 2011 they completed the digitization of the first five hundred manuscripts:

Digitised Manuscripts 500 landmark

The British Library's Digitised Manuscripts was launched on 27 September 2010. Just over a year on, we have now published online and in its entirety our 500th item.
The most recent upload comprises another 75 Greek manuscripts (approximately 26,000 images), ranging in date from the 9th century to the 18th century. Items in Greek currently constitute by far the greatest part of Digitised Manuscripts, and we hope that, by digitising these manuscripts in full, and by providing enhanced descriptions, we have revolutionised access to this hugely important resource. We are extremely grateful to the Stavros Niarchos Foundation for its generosity and foresight in funding this project.
Aretaeus, De curatione diuturnorum morborum, Book II, 16th century: London, British Library, MS Harley 6326, f. 2r

Digitised Manuscripts at present contains images of 508 items from the British Library's wide-ranging collections, including the Lindisfarne Gospels, a Bach autograph, Civil War papers, India Office records, and Thai astrological drawings. Apart from our Greek manuscripts, more medieval content, comprising scientific books in Latin and various western European vernacular languages, will be published to the site in the coming months.
A full list of the recent Greek upload is given below. Among the highlights are a 9th century copy of Basil of Caesarea’s In Hexaemeron, a 16th century volume of Psalms and Proverbs in English, Latin, Hebrew and Greek, works of St John Chrysostom and St Basil of Ancyra dating from the 11th century, and a copy of Homer’s Odyssey dating from 1479.
Aristophanes, Plutus and Nubes, 15th century: London, British Library, MS Arundel 530, inside front cover

Add 5422
Appian of Alexandria, Historia Romana, 16th century
Arundel 211
Greek-Latin dictionary, 17th century
Arundel 518
Georgios Boustronios, Chronicle of Cyprus, 16th century
Arundel 522
Works of Hesiod and Euripides, 1489
Arundel 523
Constantine Manasses, Chronicle, 1312–1313
Arundel 524
Four Gospels, 11th century
Arundel 525
Letters of Phalaris, 1470
Arundel 526
Manuel Chrysoloras, Erotemata, 15th century
Arundel 528
Compilation for Makarios, Bishop of Helicz, 15th century
Arundel 530
Aristophanes, Plutus and Nubes, 15th century
Arundel 532
Basil of Caesarea, In Hexaemeron, 9th century
Arundel 533
Works of Theodoros Balsamon, 14th century
Arundel 534
Theophylact of Bulgaria, Commentary on the Letters of Paul, 14th century
Arundel 535
Ascetic works of Isaac the Syrian, 14th century
Arundel 537
Medical tracts, 15th century
Arundel 538
Hippocratic works, 15th/16th century
Arundel 540
Euripides, Hecuba, Orestes and Phoenissae, 15th century
Arundel 541
Grammatical works of Hermogenes, 15th century
Arundel 544
St John Chrysostom, In Ioannem, 14th century
Arundel 545
Thucydides, Peloponnesian War, 15th century
Arundel 546
Works of Theodoret of Cyrrhus and Palladius of Helenopolis, 16th century
Arundel 548
Elements of Euclid, 16th century
Arundel 549
Sermons of St Gregory of Nazianzus, 11th century
Harley 825
Letters of Ephraim Pagitt, 1635
Harley 931
Extracts from the Psalms and St Paul, 1623
Harley 1686
Cassianus Bassus, Geoponica, 16th century
Harley 1752
Collection of Hymns and Epigrams, 15th century
Harley 1837
Collations of the Greek Bible, c. 1640–1659
Harley 2427
Psalms and Proverbs in English, Latin, Hebrew and Greek, 16th century
Harley 3318
Works of Philipp Melanchthon and others, 17th century
Harley 5051
Extracts from Greek and Latin authors, 17th century
Harley 5232
Anonymous commentary on the Apophthegmata, 16th century
Harley 5533
Psalter, 12th century
Harley 5542
Tetrastichs on the New and Old Testaments, 16th century
Harley 5544
Kekragaria, with late Byzantine notation, 17th century
Harley 5547
Plato and Aristides, 15th century
Harley 5565
Extracts from Plato, 16th century
Harley 5568
Polybius, 'Excerpta Antiqua', 16th century
Harley 5571
Psalms and Odes, 15th century
Harley 5572
Greek Lexikon, 13th century
Harley 5589
Heron of Alexandria, 16th century
Harley 5591
Photius, Bibliotheca, 16th century
Harley 5597
Collection of fragments, 15th/16th century
Harley 5605
Heron of Alexandria, Pneumatica and De automatis, 16th century
Harley 5614
Liturgies, 15th/16th century
Harley 5618
Hephaestion, Enchiridion de metris, c. 1453–1470
Harley 5631
Chronicle of Constantinople, 1555
Harley 5633
Nectarius, Patriarch of Jerusalem, Περὶ τῆς ἀρχῆς τοῦ πάπα ἀντίρρησις, 1672–1682
Harley 5638
Plutarch and Philostratus, 16th Century
Harley 5643
Patristic miscellany, c. 1600
Harley 5646
Patristica, 16th century
Harley 5653
Psalter, 15th century
Harley 5654
Letters of scholars, 17th century
Harley 5656
Grammatical extracts from Herodian, Tryphon, 15th century
Harley 5658
Homer, Odyssey, 1479
Harley 5668
Olympiodorus, Commentary on Plato's Gorgias, 16th century
Harley 5677
Nicetas, Metropolites of Heraclea, Catena on the Psalms, 17th century
Harley 5689
St John Chrysostom and St Basil of Ancyra, 11th century
Harley 5777
Four Gospels, 15th century
Harley 6290
Grammatica, 15th century
Harley 6296
Porphyrius, De abstinentia, 17th century
Harley 6297
Michael Glykas, Letters, 1595
Harley 6299
Priscian, Psellus, Adamantius, Themistius, 15th century
Harley 6300
Euripides, Hecuba, Orestes and Phoenissae, 16th century
Harley 6303
Greek-Latin dictionary, 17th century
Harley 6305
Galen, c. 1500
Harley 6318
Johannes Stobaeus, Anthology, Books 1 and 2, 16th century
Harley 6319
Lycophron, 16th century
Harley 6323
Ovid, Hesiod, Oracula Sibyllina, 15th century
Harley 6326
Aretaeus, 16th century
Harley 6473
Extracts from J. G. Graevius, Thesaurus Antiquitatum Romanarum, 1697–1698
Harley 6506
Chrysoloras, 15th century
Harley 6510
Epitome of Livy, Greek glossary, 15th century
Harley 6875
Constantine Lascaris, Grammar, 16th century
Harley 6943
Miscellaneous correspondence of John Covel, D.D., 1672–1711

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Museum of Underwater Archaeology Digital Collections

Museum of Underwater Archaeology
The online MUA helps underwater archaeologists and maritime historians present their research on shipwrecks and other sites to the public. Underwater archaeology is a subdiscipline of archaeology, anthropology and maritime history. The links below feature archaeological exhibits and articles.

Image and Document Collections


Shipwrecks Over Time - Yongala


The Shipwrecks Over Time – Yongala project is an experiment in crowd-sourced image collecting. In an effort to capture the changes over time on an…

Asia-Pacific Regional Conference on Underwater Cultural Heritage Proceedings


The collected proceedings of the first inaugural Asia-Pacific Regional Conference on Underwater Cultural Heritage conference.

Gray Literature Bibliographic Database 9-16-2011


The Gray Literature Bibliographic Database is a combined listing of unpublished site reports, manuscripts, and assorted documents that are not…

Asian Maritime Resources Bibliography


This bibliography contains a selection of primary and secondary source materials introducing maritime history and archaeology of China, Japan, Korea,…

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Open Access Journal: ADORANTEN

 [First posted in AWOL 27 July 2009. Updated 13 September 2016]

ISSN 0349-8808

Adoranten is an international peer reviewed rock art magazine and has been published annually since 1970.

The magazine is published in 26 countries to museums, universities, archaeologists and members of the Scandinavian Society for Prehistoric Art. Read more about how to become a member here.

Adoranten focuses on the presentation of world wide prehistoric iconography, recent research, history of religion as well as excavations and archaeological context , which can be related to prehistoric pictures.

Some of the articles from Adoranten can also be read online by utilizing the links below or via the Articles section.
Adoranten 2015

Adoranten 2014

Adoranten 2013

Adoranten 2012

Adoranten 2011

Adoranten 2010

Adoranten 2009

Adoranten 2008

Adoranten 2007

Adoranten 2006

Adoranten 2005

Adoranten 2004

Adoranten 2003

"a simple way for authors to compute their citation metrics and track them over time"

Google Scholar Citations Open To All

Wednesday, November 16, 2011 | 8:30 PM
A few months ago, we introduced a limited release of Google Scholar Citations, a simple way for authors to compute their citation metrics and track them over time. Today, we’re delighted to make this service available to everyone! Click here and follow the instructions to get started.

Here’s how it works. You can quickly identify which articles are yours, by selecting one or more groups of articles that are computed statistically. Then, we collect citations to your articles, graph them over time, and compute your citation metrics - the widely used h-index; the i-10 index, which is simply the number of articles with at least ten citations; and, of course, the total number of citations to your articles. Each metric is computed over all citations and also over citations in articles published in the last five years.

Your citation metrics will update automatically as we find new citations to your articles on the web. You can also set up automated updates for the list of your articles, or you can choose to review the suggested updates. And you can, of course, manually update your profile by adding missing articles, fixing bibliographic errors, and merging duplicate entries.

As one would expect, you can search for profiles of colleagues, co-authors, or other researchers using their name, affiliation, or areas of interest, e.g., researchers at US universities or researchers interested in genomics. You can add links to your co-authors, if they already have a profile, or you can invite them to create one.

You can also make your profile public, e.g., Alex Verstak, Anurag Acharya. If you choose to make your profile public, it can appear in Google Scholar search results when someone searches for your name, e.g., [alex verstak]. This will make it easier for your colleagues worldwide to follow your work.

We would like to thank the participants in the limited release of Scholar Citations for their detailed feedback. They were generous with their time and patient with an early version. Their feedback greatly helped us improve the service. The key challenge was to make profile maintenance as hands-free as possible for those of you who prefer the convenience of automated updates, while providing as much flexibility as possible for those who prefer to curate their profile themselves.

Here is hoping that Google Scholar Citations will help researchers everywhere view and track the worldwide influence of their own and their colleagues’ work.

Monday, November 21, 2011

Open Access Journal: Acta Linguistica Asiatica

Acta Linguistica Asiatica
ISSN: 2232-3317
ACTA LINGUISTICA ASIATICA is a journal devoted to the study of Asian languages, their translation and teaching.

ALA is an interdisciplinary scholarly journal which publishes research papers, survey papers and technical notes on the subjects of Asian linguistics, translation studies and the teaching of Asian languages, book reviews on representative works on the same subjects and reports from outstanding events. ALA encourages the interlinking of different linguistic disciplines, fosters dialogue among different theoretical orientations and their practical application, proposes new approaches to existing research themes, draws attention to relevant questions, informs about recent findings and events in the above areas.

ALA is published three times a year. Articles in each first and second issue are written only in English with an English and a Slovene abstract, while articles in each third issue can also be written in Slovene with a Slovene and an English abstract.

ACTA LINGUISTICA ASIATICA je revija za azijsko jezikoslovje, prevodoslovje in didaktiko azijskih jezikov.
ALA je interdisciplinarna znanstveno-strokovna revija, ki objavlja izvirne znanstvene članke, pregledne znanstvene članke in strokovne članke s področja azijskega jezikoslovja, prevodoslovja in didaktike azijskih jezikov, recenzije reprezentativnih del z istih področij ter poročila o odmevnih dogodkih. ALA spodbuja povezovanje jezikovnih strok, krepi dialog med različnimi teoretskimi orientacijami in prakso, odpira izvirne pristope k obravnavi tem, opozarja na aktualna vprašanja, obvešča o aktualnih dognanjih in dogodkih z omenjenih področij.
ALA izhaja trikrat letno. Članki prve in druge vsakoletne številke so pisani le v angleščini, pri čemer ima vsak članek tudi angleški in slovenski izvleček. Članki tretje številke so lahko pisani tudi v slovenščini, pri čemer ima vsak članek tudi slovenski in angleški izvleček.


Vol 1, No 1 (2011)

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Hatshepsut Project

Hatshepsut Project
A project to locate all possible Hatshepsut- related artifacts in museums and sites all over the world. Also to serve as an information sharing blog on all things Hatshepsut.

Friday, November 18, 2011

Online Deposit of the Work of Individual Scholars

A couple of years ago, I began to collect a list of links to places where scholars were depositing copies of their originally print based word.
Ancient World in Open Access Institutional Repositories
I have added to it on and off, but it remains far from comprehensive.  This is increasingly the case as institutions mandate the open access deposit of their faculty's intellectual product.  Likewise funding agencies are often requiring public access to funded research.  Emerging social media efforts such as have simplified the deposit of (if not always the access to) facsimiles of print publicatons and are flooded with new data. is particularly rich in scholars and scholarship on antiquity.  Many others are simple depositing pdf copies of their articles on private webspace.

It is virtually impossible for one person to maintain anything like a comprehensive list, even within a single field, of scholars using these tools to disseminate their work.  I wonder if there is another model, perhaps a wiki, where those who post their own work online, and those who encounter the work of others online could contribute to a cooperatively produced index.  If you have any ideas along these lines, or would like to participate in such an venture, drop me a a line, or post a public comment below.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Explore Collections of Islamic Art

Now Showing: Islamic Art Collections from Around the World
 A new digital initiative offers online visitors a view of Islamic Art collections at museums from around the world. Over 40 museums in 18 countries are included in Explore Collections of Islamic Art, a resource recently launched by Museum With No Frontiers (MWNF).
Items on view range from paintings and documents to work in metal, ivory, clay and more, dating from the Umayyad dynasty to the late Ottoman period. High resolution photographs allow visitors to see the pieces in detail. The descriptions accompanying many of the collections appear in English and other languages, including Arabic, French, German and Italian.
MWNF plans to expand this resource by adding additional art collections, with objects from museums in Sharjah, Athens and Vienna slated to appear on the site soon.
Photograph: Batha Palace Museum. Image courtesy of the Fine Arts Library, Harvard University.
Contributed by ArchNet Librarian


AD79: Destruction and Recovery
Peter Clements
This site is simply intended to give an overall view of the effects and aftermath of the Vesuvian eruption, a virtual guide book, if you like, for the Campanian towns that were destroyed that day in late summer AD79. The information on the site has been cross checked with as many sources as possible and none of the text relies on a single source.

The written sources of the data are listed in the bibliography, but this has been extensively added to by on-line resources. The plans and maps have all been produced by the author and are based on actual surveys, those in Pompeii on the excellent GIS provided by MainstreetGIS. As mentioned above, the photographs come from a multitude of sources, all of which are referenced in the photo library together with their associated copyright restrictions.

We hope you will enjoy the site. For comments, feedback or suggestions for the site, please use the form on the Contact Us page. If you prefer something less formal, try our 'Shoutbox' on our News and Views page.