Monday, July 29, 2013
Over the next three weeks or so activity on AWOL will be light as I move and make the transition from the Institute for the Study of the Ancient World to Penn State University, where I take up the post of Tombros Librarian for Classics and Humanities.
Saturday, July 27, 2013
Babyloniaca, études de philologie assyro-babylonienne
[First posted in AWOL 25 October 2009. Updated 27 July 2013]
Babyloniaca, études de philologie assyro-babylonienne
Babyloniaca, études de philologie assyro-babylonienne
Babyloniaca, études de philologie assyro-babylonienne.Babyloniaca, études de philologie assyro-babylonienne.Babyloniaca, études de philologie assyro-babylonienne.Babyloniaca, études de philologie assyro-babylonienne.Babyloniaca, études de philologie assyro-babylonienne.Babyloniaca, études de philologie assyro-babylonienne.Babyloniaca, études de philologie assyro-babylonienne.Babyloniaca, études de philologie assyro-babylonienne.Babyloniaca, études de philologie assyro-babylonienne.Babyloniaca, études de philologie assyro-babylonienne.
See the full List of Open Access Journals in Ancient Studies
Audio: Lemaire, Levantine Epigraphy and History in the Achaemenid Period
Levantine Epigraphy and History in the Achaemenid Period
Professor André Lemaire, École Pratique des Hautes Études
Tuesday 25 June, Wednesday 26 June and Thursday 27 June 2013, 6.00pm
The British Academy, 10-11 Carlton House Terrace, London SW1Y 5AH
The Achaemenid period in the Levant is generally considered an obscure part of history. However, since 1980, epigraphic discoveries and research have thrown new light on this period. A variety of aspects will be presented across three evening lectures on this subject.
Tuesday 25 June 2013
Levantine Epigraphy and Phoenicia: the kingdoms of Byblos, Sidon and Tyre during the Achaemenid period
The Persian “king of kings” had to rely on the Phoenician navy in his wars against Greece in the Eastern Mediterranean and Phoenicia played the most important part in the satrapy of ‘Avar-Nahara. Since 1980, the dates of important royal Sidonian inscriptions have been revised and various new inscriptions from Byblos, Sidon and Tyre as well as new numismatic studies have been published. They shed new light on the history and extent of the Phoenician kingdoms, especially on their relations with Palestine.
Wednesday 26 June 2013West Semitic Epigraphy and the Judean Diaspora during the Achaemenid Period: Babylonia, Egypt, Cyprus
According to the Biblical texts Kings and Jeremiah, after the fall of Jerusalem, King Nebuchadnezzar deported part of the Judean population to Babylonia while other Judeans took refuge in Egypt. Apart from in the book of Ezekiel, the Bible does not tell us much about their life there. New epigraphic data can now reveal how the Judean refugees’ lived.
Thursday 27 June 2013
Levantine epigraphy and Samaria, Judaea and Idumaea during the Achaemenid period
The historical interpretation of the Biblical books of Ezra and Nehemiah is much debated and these books essentially concern Jerusalem and Judea. The publication of various – mainly Aramaic – contemporary inscriptions (papyri, ostraca, seals, seal-impressions, coins etc) sheds new light on the daily life and religion of the Persian provinces of Samaria, Judaea and Idumaea, especially during the 4th c. BCE. They help us to understand several Biblical texts in their historical and economical context.
Thursday, July 25, 2013
Open Accesss Journal: Ägyptologie NewsPaper
[First posted in AWOL 21 July 2011. Updated 25 July 2013]
Ägyptologie NewsPaper
Ägyptologie NewsPaper
Redaktion, Texte und Abbildungen (sofern nicht anders erwähnt): Gitta Warnemünde
Mein Dank gilt den EEFNEWS und deren zahlreichen Informanten sowie dem Moderator des EEF.Ohne diese schier unerschöpfliche Quelle für hochklassige Artikel aus der Ägyptologie wäre so manche Nachricht an mir vorbeigegangen.
Mai 2013 (10)
April 2013 (6)
März 2013 (10)
Februar 2013 (10)
Januar 2013 (9)
Dezember 2012 (8)
November 2012 (9)
Oktober 2012 (8)
September 2012 (9)
August 2012 (13)
Juli 2012 (15)
Juni 2012 (10)
Mai 2012 (10)
April 2012 (21)
März 2012 (15)
Februar 2012 (15)
Januar 2012 (13)
Dezember 2011 (10)
November 2011 (6)
Oktober 2011 (21)
September 2011 (8)
August 2011 (11)
Juli 2011 (17)
Juni 2011 (16)
Mai 2011 (23)
April 2011 (14)
März 2011 (13)
Februar 2011 (7)
Januar 2011 (11)
See the full List of Open Access Journals in Ancient Studies
Wednesday, July 24, 2013
Coin Hoards of the Roman Republic Online
Coin Hoards of the Roman Republic Online
Coin hoards of the Roman Republic Online (CHRR Online) is a database of Roman Republican coin hoards mainly from the period 155 BC to AD 2. This database began life as a personal research database constructed by Kris Lockyear using a combination of published data and Michael Crawford's personal archive now housed in the British Museum. The online database, which utilises the Numishare application developed by Ethan Gruber, is a joint project between Kris Lockyear (Institute of Archaeology, University College London) and the American Numismatic Society. Project coordination provided by Rick Witschonke of the ANS.
The database is not intended to be a comprehensive listing of hoards of that date. For a detailed discussion of the construction of the database and the data contained within it, please see the FAQ, Lockyear 2007, Lockyear 2013 or Lockyear and Gruber forthcoming.The database is currently Version 1 (beta).The data is freely available to scholars for use in their research. We only ask that you:(a) identify each hoard in your publications using the unique three-character hoard identifier;(b) cite the database in the following manner:Lockyear, Kris (2013). Coin hoards of the Roman Republic Online, version X. New York: American Numismatic Society. Data retrieved from <> on <enter date>.CHRR Online is a Numishare tool based on the stable numismatic identities established by the Nomisma project. The Roman Republican coin data served by Nomisma has been supplied by the British Museum’s Roman Republican Coinage project.
Open Access Journal: Heritage Daily
Heritage Daily
Heritage Daily is an independent online archaeology and palaeontology magazine, dedicated to the heritage and history of the world. We identified the need for a central resource offering the latest archaeological/palaeontological news, journals, articles and press releases.
Our contributors range from students currently studying archaeology at University, professional academics working in the field, historians and those with an interest in the archaeological discipline. We accept stories from anyone wishing to contribute and publish their material on a leading editorial platform.HeritageDaily is staffed by a volunteer team of archaeologists, corresponding from all corners of the world. Staff are based in Norway, the United States, Egypt, Australia and with our main editorial team based in the United Kingdom London.
Gershom Scholem's Zoharic Lexicon Card Catalogue Online
Scholem Card Index
The Zohar is among the preeminent spiritual works of all time. Its history attests to its importance: within three hundred years of its creation (at the end of the 13th century) it had become the central text Kabbalistic text. The Kabbalists regarded it as an authoritative source, a model to be emulated, and an interpretive subject. Gershom Scholem (1897-1982), the father of Kabbalah scholarship, followed suit and made the Zohar the focus of his endeavors.
Scholem's words about various passages, verses and words from the Zohar can be found in the many notations he made in his copy of the Zohar, on notes that he tucked between its pages, which were published in facsimile in 1991/21 as well as in his Milon HaZohar card index, which is now available on the National Library's website.
The catalogue is not a book per se, but personal notes that Scholem took in anticipation of the future writing of a Zohar lexicon. The notes are in the form of white cards, which Scholem stored in impeccable order in a long narrow wooden drawer that fit them perfectly, in his impressive writing desk (which today serves as the Scholem collections librarian's desk at the National Library). Each card deals with a word from the Zohar and includes citations that include this word in its various senses, with references to the Zohar, clarifications of formulation and important notes on the lexicon of the Zohar.
The notes written on the cards include, first and foremost, the meaning of the word and its various connotations, both in linguistic and Kabbalistic terms, and sometimes also symbolic ones. In addition, the cards contain other usages and explanations that elucidate the origin of the word and it etymological development from the ancient texts (Bible, Talmud and Midrashim) or medieval texts – philosophy and Kabbalah, in particular allusions to the works of Moses de Leon who Scholem, for most of his life, regarded as the author of the Zohar. The notes also contain etymological considerations and parallel words in other languages, as well as reference to usage in later Kabbalistic texts and discussion of these words in works by both early and modern Zohar commentators.
To conclude, even though the Scholem card catalogue cannot be regarded as a fully realized dictionary of the Zohar, it is still of tremendous value as the only attempt thus far to prepare a comprehensive dictionary of this kind. Today, the card index is accessible via the Internet and everyone is free to get a glimpse of the greatest Kabbalistic scholar at work, and learn much about his subject as well as his method.
STEP: Scripture Tools for Every Person from Tyndale House, Cambridge
STEP: Scripture Tools for Every Person from Tyndale House, Cambridge
STEP: Scripture Tools for Every Person
This is Tyndale House’s ongoing project to make the best resources for biblical studies freely available to everyone who needs them. The goal is to make the tools capable of working on phones and low-spec computers (even with intermittent or no internet access). The STEP Project aims to grant all believers access to a wealth of resources previously only available to specialist scholars.
Tuesday, July 23, 2013
Crowdsource Project: Mummipedia Wiki
Mummipedia Wiki
The Mummipedia Project taps into the power of the overwhelming popular interest in mummies, and into the firsthand access that individuals and interested societies have to local museum holdings, to expand the depth and breadth of our knowledge of all mummy holdings worldwide.
Have you seen a mummy? Add it to our pages, or add details to existing mummy pages. We want a page for every mummy on earth! Photos, lists, and articles on mummification will help us all to put these mummies into perspective.
Want to see a mummy? Here is a list of mummies that we know about. Find a mummy near you, look-up or visit the museum, and share the information you find! Go ahead and add a page for the museum while you are at it.
Want to learn about the latest mummy research? Check out the AreYouMyMummy blog
Monday, July 22, 2013
Open Access Journal: Sudan Studies Association Newsletter
[First posted in AWOL 3 August 2010. Updated 22 July 2013]
Sudan Studies Association Newsletter
Sudan Studies Association Newsletter
2007: Volume 25 No. 3
2006: Volume 24
2005: Volume 24
2003: Volume 22
2002: Volume 21
No.1 January
No.2 May
No.3 September
2001: Volume 20
No.1 January
No.2 May
No.3 September
2000: Volume 19
No. 1&2 March
No.3 July
1999: Volume 18
No.3 March
No.4 August
No.5 December
1998: Volume 18
No.1 May
No.2 October
No.3 March
1997: Volume 17
1996 : Volume 16
No. 2
No. 3&4
1995 : Volume 15
No. 1
No. 2
1994 : Volume 14
1993 :Volume 13
No. 1
No. 2&3
1992 : Volume 12
No. 2
1991: Volume 11
No. 1
1990 : Volume 10
No. 1
1989 : Volume 9
No. 1 Winter 1988
No.2 Spring
1988: Volume 8
No.1 Winter
No.3 Summer
No.4 Fall
1987 : Volume 7
No.1 Winter
No.2 Spring
No.3 Summer
No.4 Fall
1986 : Volume 6
No. 1 Winter
No.2 Spring
No.3 Summer
No.4 Fall
1985 : Volume 5
No.1 Spring
No.2 Summer
No.3 Fall
No.4 Winter
1984 : Volume 4
No.1 Winter
No.2 Spring
No.3 Summer
No.4 Autumn
1983: Volume 3
No.1 Winter
No.2 Spring
No.3&4 Summer / Fall
1982: Voulme 2
No.1 Winter
No.2 Spring
No.3&4 Fall
1981: Volume 1
No.1 Spring
No.2 Summer
See the full List of Open Access Journals in Ancient Studies
Friday, July 19, 2013
New Online from The Oriental Institute: Heaven on Earth: Temples, Ritual, and Cosmic Symbolism in the Ancient World
OIS 9. Heaven on Earth: Temples, Ritual, and Cosmic Symbolism in the Ancient World
Edited by Deena Ragavan
Oriental Institute Seminars 9
The volume is the result of the eighth Annual University of Chicago Oriental Institute Seminar, held on March 2-3, 2012. Seventeen speakers, from both the US and abroad, examined the interconnections between temples, ritual, and cosmology from a variety of regional specializations and theoretical perspectives. The seminar revisited a classic topic, one with a long history among scholars of the ancient world: the cosmic symbolism of sacred architecture. Archaeologists, art historians, and philologists working not only in the ancient Near East, but also Mesoamerica, Greece, South Asia, and China, re-evaluated the significance of this topic across the ancient world.
Oriental Institute Seminars (OIS) | List of volumes in printTable of Contents
1. Heaven on Earth: Temples, Ritual, and Cosmic Symbolism in the Ancient World. Deena Ragavan
Part I: Architecture and Cosmology
2. Naturalizing Buddhist Cosmology in the Temple Architecture of China: The Case of the Yicihui Pillar. Tracy Miller
3. Hints at Temple Topography and Cosmic Geography from Hittite Sources. Susanne Görke
4. Images of the Cosmos: Sacred and Ritual Space in Jaina Temple Architecture in India. Julia A. B. Hegewald
Part II: Built Space and Natural Forms
5. The Classic Maya Temple: Centrality, Cosmology, and Sacred Geography in Ancient Mesoamerica. Karl Taube
6. Seeds and Mountains: The Cosmogony of Temples in South Asia. Michael W. Meister
7. Intrinsic and Constructed Sacred Space in Hittite Anatolia. Gary Beckman
Part III: Myth and Movement
8. On the Rocks: Greek Mountains and Sacred Conversations. Betsey A. Robinson
9. Entering Other Worlds: Gates, Rituals, and Cosmic Journeys in Sumerian Sources. Deena Ragavan
Part IV: Sacred Space and Ritual Practice
10. “We Are Going to the House in Prayer”: Theology, Cultic Topography, and Cosmology in the Emesal Prayers of Ancient Mesopotamia. Uri Gabbay
11. Temporary Ritual Structures and Their Cosmological Symbolism in Ancient
Mesopotamia. Claus Ambos
12. Sacred Space and Ritual Practice at the End of Prehistory in the Southern Levant. Yorke M. Rowan
Part V: Architecture, Power, and the State
13. Egyptian Temple Graffiti and the Gods: Appropriation and Ritualization in Karnak and Luxor. Elizabeth Frood
14. The Transformation of Sacred Space, Topography, and Royal Ritual in Persia and the Ancient Iranian World. Matthew P Canepa
15. The Cattlepen and the Sheepfold: Cities, Temples, and Pastoral Power in Ancient Mesopotamia. Omur Harmansah
Part VI: Images of Ritual
16. Sources of Egyptian Temple Cosmology: Divine Image, King, and Ritual Performer. John Baines
17. Mirror and Memory: Images of Ritual Actions in Greek Temple Decoration. Clemente Marconi
PART VII: Responses
18. Temples of the Depths, Pillars of the Heights, Gates in Between. Davíd Carrasco
19. Cosmos and Discipline. Richard Neer
- Oriental Institute Seminars 9
- Chicago: The Oriental Institute, 2013
- ISBN-13: 978-1-885923-96-7
- Pp. viii+463; 174 illustrations
- $29.95
- OIS 9. Heaven on Earth: Temples, Ritual, and Cosmic Symbolism in the Ancient World. Edited by Deena Ragavan. 2013.
- OIS 8. Iconoclasm and Text Destruction in the Ancient Near East and Beyond. Edited by Natalie Naomi May. 2012.
- OIS 7. Slaves and Households in the Near East, Edited by Laura Culbertson. 2011
- OIS 6. Divination and Interpretation of Signs in the Ancient World, Edited by Amar Annus. 2010
- OIS 5. Nomads, Tribes, and the State in the Ancient Near East: Cross-disciplinary Perspectives, Edited by Jeffrey Szuchman. 2009.
- OIS 4. Religion and Power: Divine Kingship in the Ancient World and Beyond, Nicole Brisch, ed., 2008. Second printing with minor corrections, 2012.
- OIS 3. Performing Death: Social Analyses of Funerary Traditions in the Ancient Near East and Mediterranean. Nicola Laneri, ed. 2007.
- OIS 2. Margins of Writing, Origins of Cultures. Seth L. Sanders, ed. 2006, 2007.
- OIS 1. Changing Social Identity with the Spread of Islam: Archaeological Perspectives. Donald Whitcomb, ed. 2004.
For an up to date list of all Oriental Institute publications available online see:
The British School at Rome Library and Archive Digital Collections
The British School at Rome Library and Archive Digital Collections
In July 2007, The Getty Foundation awarded a generous grant to the British School at Rome Archive to support the arrangement and description of part of the John Bryan Ward-Perkins photographic collection. As a result of this 2-year project, this website ( of the BSR digital collections was created to present not only the photographic material (Photographs) but also other types of resources which follow into different categories: Maps, Prints, Documents, Postcards, Drawings, Paintings and Manuscripts. The majority of the digital images displayed on this website are represented by the photographs catalogued during the second Getty Foundation funded project (2007-2009).
• In May 2013 the following new collections were added:
- 409 photographs of aqueducts in Lazio from the Thomas Ashby Collection published in I giganti dell’acqua, 2007
- a selection of photographs from the John Henry Parker Collection
- 56 photographs from the Robert Gardner Collection
• Visit the BSR website
Archimedes Project
Archimedes Project
This is the homepage of the Archimedes Project at Harvard University.
The Archimedes Project aims to develop model interactive environments for scholarly research on the history of mechanics and engineering from antiquity to the Renaissance. It is designed to integrate research and knowledge dissemination in new ways and to serve as a proof-of-concept project for open digital libraries on topics in the history of science. The project is funded by the Digital Libraries Initiative Phase 2 program of the National Science Foundation and is a joint endeavor of the Department of the Classics at Harvard University and the Max Planck Institute for the History of Science (MPIWG) in Berlin, Germany. Numerous treatises on mechanics as well as other forms of documentation of mechanical knowledge and practices constitute the project corpus. Ongoing research at Harvard University and the MPIWG on the long-term development of mechanical knowledge and its manifestation in technical terminology and the inferences of practitioners, engineers, and scientists plays an important role in the testbed design. The project demands powerful, linguistically based information technology for handling the variety of languages occurring in the source materials. Source documents are being prepared with tools such as automatic morphological analysis of Latin, Greek, Italian, and Arabic, as well as the automatic linking of sources to modern and historical dictionaries and reference works.
Research tools on Euclid's Elements
Index of propositions with links to online manuscript images.
New technologies for the study of Euclid's Elements: paper by Mark Schiefsky including a description of Archimedes project technology and its application to the study of technical terminology and deductive structures in the Elements.
Project technology developed at Harvard
- Arboreal (content-based XML browser and annotation environment)
- Donatus (morphological analysis for XML texts)
- lists of supplemental forms by language (also available as XML)
- Pollux (direct access to dictionaries)
Other tools
- ficus (automatic insertion of page image and figure attributes for Archimedes documents)
- Tools for the CDLI
- The ATF to XTF converter is now hosted at UPenn
- atf2www converter
For more information...
The Archimedes Project was featured in an article in the Harvard University Gazette (11-13-2003).
Read more about the project's goals, methods, and personnel.
Visit the main Archimedes Project web site (at MPIWG, Berlin).Research notes
- Automatic (Information Processing) Approaches to Document Content in the Archimedes Project
- Support for Arabic Texts in the Archimedes Project
- The Challenge of the Humanities to the World Wide Web (
Project documentation
Thursday, July 18, 2013
Open Access Journals: Transoxiana: Journal Libre de Estudios Orientales
Transoxiana: Journal Libre de Estudios Orientales
ISSN 1666-7050
ISSN 1666-7050
Volumen II
- Transoxiana 14, Agosto 2009
- Transoxiana 13, Agosto 2008
- Transoxiana 12, Agosto 2007
- Transoxiana 11, Julio 2006
Volumen I
- Transoxiana 10, Julio 2005
- Transoxiana 9, Diciembre 2004
- Transoxiana 8, Junio 2004
- Transoxiana 7, Diciembre 2003
- Transoxiana 6, Julio 2003
- Transoxiana 5, Diciembre 2002
- Transoxiana 4, Julio 2002
- Transoxiana 3, Noviembre 2001
- Transoxiana 2, Julio 2001
- Transoxiana 1, Junio 2000
Otras Series
Preprint Series (2005-2006)
Jornadas de Estudios Orientales (2004-2005)
Webfestschrift Series (2003-2004)
See the full List of Open Access Journals in Ancient Studies
Wednesday, July 17, 2013
Prêtres Civique: Les prêtres du culte impérial romain dans les cités de la province d'Asie
Prêtres Civique: Les prêtres du culte impérial romain dans les cités de la province d'Asie
Cette base de données des prêtres du culte impérial romain dans les cités de la province d’Asie est issue d’un travail de doctorat effectué entre 2005 et 2009 sous la direction de Jean-Louis Ferrary (École Pratique des Hautes Études, Paris) par Gabrielle Frija (École Pratique des Hautes Études, Paris - Université Rennes 2)
La prosopographie des prêtres et grands-prêtres des empereurs repose sur un dépouillement systématique des inscriptions des cités d’Asie. Cette recherche a permis de recenser un peu plus de 460 prêtres dans 80 cités différentes ; rapporté à l’ensemble des cités de la province d’Asie et à la période concernée, de l’arrivée au pouvoir d’Auguste à la fin du IIIe siècle, ce nombre est faible pour une charge qui était en général annuelle. Le catalogue des prêtres civiques demande donc à être complété au fur et à mesure des découvertes épigraphiques.
L’objectif de la mise en ligne de la base de données est de faciliter la consultation de la prosopographie ; celle-ci est également disponible auprès de l’auteur sous la forme classique d’un catalogue.
I.Stratonikeia IAph2007 TAM V 2 I.Didyma IG XII 2 I.Ephesos I.Magnesia RPC I I.Pergamon RPC Online Iscr. di Cos EV IGR 4 I.Tralleis I.Cos I.Mylasa MAMA 6 IG XII 5 IG XII 6 TAM V 3 LW EA La Carie II Milet VI 3 CIG Alt.v.Hierapolis BMC Lydia I.Kibyra I.Alexandria RPC II I.Ilion IG XII 3 I.Smyrna BMC Phrygia
Tuesday, July 16, 2013
Directory of Open access Books (DOAB)
Directory of Open access Books (DOAB)
The initial set of offerings includes such things as the following (searching key-word "ancient"):Official launch of the Directory of Open Access Books (DOAB)
The Directory of Open Access books was officially launched on 1 July 2013 at the Open Access Monographs in the Humanities and Social Sciences Conference, The British Library, London.
At the launch, Bas Savenije, Director General of the Dutch National Library and Chairman of the Board of OAPEN Foundation, introduced OAPEN and the reasons to develop the Directory of Open Access Books (view presentation).
Eelco Ferwerda, Director of OAPEN, discussed the development of DOAB since the launch of the beta version in 2012 and outlined its goals: to promote OA book publishing, by increasing the discoverability of OA books, by supporting quality assurance and standards, and by providing an authoritative list of OA book publishers. Ferwerda mentioned the Directory of Open Access Journals as an important example for DOAB. He expects DOAB will need to regularly refine its selection criteria, just as DOAJ is currently doing. He also announced that DOAB will follow DOAJ’s approach to sustain its activities through financial support from the stakeholder community.
DOAB currently lists over 1450 OA books from 49 publishers and more publishers are will be added shortly (view presentation).
DOAB is sponsored by Brill and SpringerOpen. Veronika Spinka, SpringerOpen Books Manager, remarked that “DOAB is already a successful established tool in the scientific community”. “We believe that some form of certification is always needed”, said Sam Bruinsma, Brill’s Vice President Business Development, ”to make sure that Open Access book publishing will succeed”.
The full video of the launch can be found here.
Frauen und Geschlechter
Authors: Rollinger ,Robert --- Ulf ,Christoph ISBN: 9783205775072 Year: 2006 Pages: 436 Seiten Language: de
Publisher: Böhlau
Subject: History
Abstract | Keywords | Free access | Buy the book | Export citation |
Light from Ancient Campfires: Archaeological Evidence for Native Lifeways on the Northern Plains
Author: Trevor R. Peck ISBN: 9781897425961 9781897425978 9781926836300 Year: 2011 Pages: 528 Language: English
Publisher: Athabasca University Press
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Militärsiedlungen und Territorialherrschaft in der Antike
Author: Daubner, Frank Book Series: Topoi ISBN: 9783110222845 Year: 2010 Volume: 3 Pages: VIII;158 Language: German
Publisher: De Gruyter
Subject: History
License: De Gruyter Open Library
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TA 30 - Archaeological Science Under a Microscope : Studies in Residue and Ancient DNA Analysis in Honour of Thomas H. Loy
Authors: Michael Haslam --- Luke Kirkwood --- Gail Robertson --- Alison Crowther --- et al.ISBN: 9781921536854 Year: 2009
Publisher: ANU E Press
License: ANU E-Press Conditions of Use
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Die Freimaurer im Alten Preußen 1738–1806
Author: Gerlach ,Karlheinz ISBN: 9783706543835 Year: 2009 Pages: 1052 Seiten Language: de
Publisher: Studien Verlag
Subject: History
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Cicero, Against Verres, 2.1.53–86: Latin Text with Introduction, Study Questions, Commentary and English Translation
Author: Gildenhard, Ingo ISBN: 9781906924539 9781906924539 9781906924546 9781906924553 9781906924645 9781906924638 Year: 2011 Pages: 199 Language: English
Publisher: Open Book Publishers
Subject: History --- Languages and Literatures
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Kommunikationsräume im kaiserzeitlichen Rom
Author: Mundt, Felix Book Series: Topoi ISBN: 9783110266429 Year: 2012 Volume: 6 Pages: 265 Language: German
Publisher: De Gruyter
Subject: History
License: De Gruyter Open Library
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The Organization of the Pyramid Texts (2 vol. set): Typology and Disposition
Author: Hays ,Harold M. Book Series: Probleme der Ägyptologie ISSN: 01699601 ISBN: 9789004218659 9789004227491 Year: 2012 Pages: Vol. 1 xxxiv, 314 pp Language: English
Publisher: Brill
Subject: Languages and Literatures --- History --- Archaeology
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Akkadische Logogramme![]()
Author: Schramm ,Wolfgang Book Series: Göttinger Beiträge zum Alten Orient ISSN: 18662595 ISBN: 9783941875654 Year: 2010 Pages: 184 Language: German
Publisher: Universitätsverlag Göttingen
Subject: Linguistics --- History
Ein Compendium sumerisch-akkadischer Beschwörungen
Author: Schramm, Wolfgang ISBN: 9783940344175 Year: 2010 Language: German
Publisher: Universitätsverlag Göttingen
Subject: Religion
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Die königlichen Frauen der III. Dynastie von Ur
Author: Weiershäuser, Frauke ISBN: 9783940344106 Year: 2010 Language: German
Publisher: Universitätsverlag Göttingen
Subject: Religion
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Rom und Mailand in der Spätantike: Repräsentationen städtischer Räume in Literatur, Architektur und Kunst
Author: Fuhrer, Therese Book Series: Topoi ISBN: 9783110222142 Year: 2011 Volume: 4 Pages: XX;448 Language: German
Publisher: De Gruyter
Subject: History
License: De Gruyter Open Library
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Musiker und ihr vokales Repertoire - Untersuchungen zu Inhalt und Organisation von Musikerberufen und Liedgattungen in altbabylonischer Zeit
Author: Shehata ,Dahlia Book Series: Göttinger Beiträge zum Alten Orient ISSN: 18662595 ISBN: 9783941875135 Year: 2009 Pages: 479 Language: German
Publisher: Universitätsverlag Göttingen
Subject: History --- History of arts --- Arts in general
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Von der bronzezeitlichen Geschichte zur modernen Antikenrezeption
Authors: Nuss ,Alexander --- Engster ,Dorit --- Lehmann ,Gustav Adolf Book Series: Syngramma. Vorträge aus dem Althistorischen Seminar ISSN: 2193486X ISBN: 9783863950262 Year: 2012 Pages: 213 Language: German
Publisher: Universitätsverlag Göttingen
Subject: Arts in general --- Linguistics --- Archaeology --- History
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Stele und Legende : Untersuchungen zu den keilschriftlichen Erzählwerken über die Könige von Akkade
Author: Haul ,Michael Book Series: Göttinger Beiträge zum Alten Orient ISSN: 18662595 ISBN: 9783941875111 Year: 2009 Pages: 517 Language: german
Publisher: Universitätsverlag Göttingen
Subject: History of arts --- History --- Archaeology --- Linguistics
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Coping With the Gods
Author: Versnel ,H.S. Book Series: Religions in the Graeco-Roman World ISSN: 09277633 ISBN: 9789004204904 Year: 2011 Pages: xiv, 594 pp. Language: English
Publisher: Brill
Subject: History --- Religion
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Babylon: Wissenskultur in Orient und Okzident
Authors: Ess, Margarete --- Cancik-Kirschbaum, Eva --- Marzahn, Joachim Book Series: Topoi ISBN: 9783110222128 Year: 2011 Volume: 1 Pages: XXII;379 Language: German; English
Publisher: De Gruyter
Subject: History
License: De Gruyter Open Library
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Recht und Religion in Europa - zeitgenössiche Konflikte und historische Perspektiven
Authors: Schneider, Irene --- Langenfeld, Christine ISBN: 9783940344625 Year: 2008 Language: German
Publisher: Universitätsverlag Göttingen
Subject: Religion --- Law --- History
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The Public Value of the Humanities![]()
Author: Jonathan Bate Book Series: The WISH List ISBN: 9781849662451 Year: 2011 Pages: 384
Publisher: Bloomsbury Academic
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Ceramics and the Spanish Conquest
Author: Hernández Sánchez ,Gilda Book Series: Early Americas: History and Culture ISSN: 18753264 ISBN: 9789004204409 Year: 2012 Pages: xvi, 252 Language: English
Publisher: Brill
Subject: Economics --- History
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The Archaeology of Political Spaces: The Upper Mesopotamian Piedmont in the Second Millennium BCE
Author: Bonatz, Dominik Book Series: Topoi ISBN: 9783110266405 Year: 2012 Volume: 12 Pages: 230 Language: English; German
Publisher: De Gruyter
Subject: History
License: De Gruyter Open Library
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Ethnic Constructs in Antiquity : The Role of Power and Tradition
Authors: Roymans ,Nico --- Derks ,Ton Book Series: Amsterdam Archaeological Studies ISBN: 9789089640789 Year: 2009 Pages: 368
Publisher: Amsterdam University Press
Subject: History --- Sociology --- Archaeology
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Die Canabae von Carnuntum – eine Modellstudie der Erforschung römischer Lagervorstädte
Authors: Doneus ,Nives --- Doneus ,Michael --- Gugl ,Christian ISBN: 9783700171287 Year: 2013 Pages: 291 Seiten Language: de
Publisher: Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften
Subject: Geography --- History --- Archaeology
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De fiere nachtegaal : Het Nederlandse lied in de middeleeuwen
Authors: Willaert ,Frank --- Grijp ,Louis Peter ISBN: 9789089640215 Year: 2008 Pages: 376
Publisher: Amsterdam University Press
Subject: Languages and Literatures --- Music --- History
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Il paesaggio storico delle Cinque Terre
Author: Storti, Maristella Book Series: Scuole di dottorato ISBN: 8884532736 Year: 2005 Language: Italian
Publisher: Firenze University Press
Subject: Architecture --- History
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Imagining Head Smashed In: Aboriginal Buffalo Hunting on the Northern Plains
Author: Jack W. Brink ISBN: 9781897425008 9781897425046 9781897425091 Year: 2008 Pages: 361 Language: English
Publisher: Athabasca University Press
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World Heritage Angkor and Beyond
Author: Hauser-Schäublin ,Brigitta Book Series: Göttingen Studies in Cultural Property ISSN: 21908672 ISBN: 9783863950323 Year: 2011 Pages: 236 Language: English
Publisher: Universitätsverlag Göttingen
Subject: Political Science --- Social Sciences --- Ethnology
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The Migration Period, Pre-Viking Age, and Viking Age in Estonia
Author: Tvauri ,Andres Book Series: Estonian Archaeology ISSN: 17363810 ISBN: 9789949199365 Year: 2012 Pages: 384 Language: English
Publisher: University of Tartu Press
Subject: Languages and Literatures --- Archaeology
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The Passion of Max von Oppenheim: Archaeology and Intrigue in the Middle East from Wilhelm II to Hitler
Author: Lionel Gossman ISBN: 9781909254206 9781909254213 9781909254220 9781909254237 9781909254244 Year: 2013 Pages: 416 Language: English
Publisher: Open Book Publishers
Subject: History
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Ask Now of the Days that are Past
Author: Eliezer Segal ISBN: 9781552386736 Year: 2005 Pages: 323 Language: English
Publisher: University of Calgary Press
Subject: Religion --- Ethnology
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Trauerspiele mit Gesang und Tanz
Author: Dalinger ,Brigitte ISBN: 9783205774662 Year: 2010 Pages: 382 Seiten Language: de
Publisher: Böhlau
Subject: Performing Arts
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Balkan und Naher Osten
Author: Kaser ,Karl ISBN: 9783205786245 Year: 2011 Pages: 474 Seiten Language: de
Publisher: Böhlau
Subject: History
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Esercito, istituzioni, territorio. Alloggiamenti militari e «case herme» nello Stato di Milano (secoli XVI e XVII)
Author: Buono, Alessandro Book Series: Premio Tesi di Dottorato ISBN: 9788884539472 Year: 2009 Language: Italian
Publisher: Firenze University Press
Subject: History
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Juigchen in den adel der menschelijke natuur. Het verhevene in de Nederlanden (1770-1830)
Author: Christophe ,Madelein ISBN: 9789038216997 Year: 2011 Pages: 411 Language: Dutch
Publisher: Academia Press
Subject: Arts in general --- Sociology --- Social Sciences --- History of arts --- Performing Arts --- Languages and Literatures
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Die hellenistischen Reliefbecher aus Lousoi
Author: Rogl ,Christine ISBN: 9783900305505 Year: 2008 Pages: 224 Seiten Language: de
Publisher: Österreichisches Archäologisches Institut
Subject: Archaeology
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Lezioni di poesia
Author: Pavan, Stefania Book Series: Biblioteca di Studi di Filologia Moderna ISBN: 8884534729 Year: 2006 Language: Italian
Publisher: Firenze University Press
Subject: Languages and Literatures
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How Modern Science Came into the World : Four Civilizations, One 17th-Century Breakthrough
Author: Cohen ,H. Floris ISBN: 9789089642394 Year: 2010 Pages: 832 Language: English
Publisher: Amsterdam University Press
Subject: Science (General)
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Author: Dolenz ,Heimo ISBN: 3900305323 Year: 2001 Pages: 260 Seiten Language: de
Publisher: Österreichisches Archäologisches Institut
Subject: Archaeology
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Die Alpen im Frühmittelalter![]()
Author: Winckler ,Katharina ISBN: 9783205787693 Year: 2012 Pages: 423 Seiten Language: de
Publisher: Böhlau
Subject: Economics --- History
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