Ancient Narrative
Online ISSN: 1568-3532
Print ISSN: 1568-3540
As the name Ancient Narrative indicates, the areas of interest of the new journal are: Greek, Roman, Jewish novelistic traditions, including novels proper, the "fringe", as well as the fragments; narrative texts of the Byzantine age, early Christian narrative texts - and the reception of these works in modern literature, film and music. Ancient Narrative encourages approaches which range from editorial and philological work on these texts, and literary-theoretical studies, to theological, sociological, cultural and anthropological approaches. No particular area or methodology is preferred. The audience of our journal will thus comprise not only those who are working mainly in classical or religious studies, but all those who are interested in the birth and development of narrative fiction in all its aspects, from antiquity to the modern times.
Ancient Narrative (AN) is first and foremost an electronic journal, in which selected articles will be discussed during a period of several months. At the end of the year the authors have the opportunity to revise their articles. A volume containing all revised articles of the past year will appear both in print and on the website.
AN also publishes special, theme-oriented issues. Your suggestions for such issues are very welcome.
AN is the electronic continuation of the Petronian Society Newsletter (ed. Gareth Schmeling) and the Groningen Colloquia on the Novel (eds. Heinz Hofmann and Maaike Zimmerman). Therefore, AN will, besides full articles, publish bibliographical information as well as brief notes on relevant subjects. The editors will also invite specialists for reviews, which will be published in the electronic journal and in the annual printed volume of AN.
PSN 48
2023Petronian Society Newsletter Volume 48
Edited by Edmund P. Cueva, Shannon N. Byrne and Gareth Schmeling
DOI: 47
2022Petronian Society Newsletter Volume 47
Edited by Edmund P. Cueva, Shannon N. Byrne and Gareth Schmeling
DOI: Modern Literary Theory and the Ancient Novel: Poetics and Rhetoric
2022Modern Literary Theory and the Ancient Novel: Poetics and Rhetoric
Ancient Narrative Supplement 30
Marília Futre Pinheiro, Massimo Fusillo & Stephen A. Nimis (eds.)AN 19
2022ANS 29 Literary memory and new voices in the ancient novel
2022Literary memory and new voices in the ancient novel
Ancient Narrative Supplement 29
Marília P. Futre Pinheiro & J.R. Morgan (eds.)
AN 18
2022PSN 46
2021Petronian Society Newsletter Volume 46
Ed P. Cueva, Shannon N. Byrne, Gareth Schmeling
DOI: 17
2021ANS 28 Prophets, Viziers and Philosophers
2021Prophets, Viziers and Philosophers
Wisdom and Authority in Early Arabic Literature
Ancient Narrative Supplement 28
Emily J. Cottrell (ed.)AN 16
2020PSN 45
2019Petronian Society Newsletter Volume 45
Edited by Edmund P. Cueva, Shannon N. Byrne and Gareth Schmeling
DOI: 27 Some Organic Readings in Narrative, Ancient and Modern
2019Some Organic Readings in Narrative, Ancient and Modern
Gathered and originally presented as a book for John
Ancient Narrative Supplements 27
Ian Repath & Fritz-Gregor Herrmann (eds.)AN 15
2019ANS 26 Literary Currents and Romantic Forms
2019Literary Currents and Romantic Forms:
Essays in Memory of Bryan Reardon
Ancient Narrative Supplements 26
Kathryn Chew, J.R. Morgan, Stephen M. Trzaskoma (eds.)ANS 23 Slaves and Masters in the Ancient Novel
2019Slaves and Masters in the Ancient Novel
Ancient Narrative Supplement 23
Edited by Stelios Panayotakis & Michael Paschalis
with an Introduction by Costas PanayotakisANS 25 The Alexander Romance: History and Literature
2018The Alexander Romance: History and Literature
Ancient Narrative Supplements 22
Richard Stoneman, Krzysztof Nawotka & Agnieszka Wojciechowska (eds.)ANS 24.2 Re-Wiring the Ancient Novel 2: Roman Novels and Other Important Texts
2018Re-Wiring the Ancient Novel
Volume 2: Roman Novels and Other Important Texts
Ancient Narrative Supplements 24.2
Edmund Cueva, Gareth Schmeling, Paula James, Karen Ní Mheallaigh, Stelios Panayotakis, Nadia ScippacercolaANS 24.1 Re-Wiring the Ancient Novel 1: Greek Novels
2018Re-Wiring the Ancient Novel
Volume 1: Greek Novels
Ancient Narrative Supplements 24.1
Edmund Cueva, Stephen Harrison, Hugh Mason, William Owens, Saundra Schwartz (eds.)PSN 44
2018Petronian Society Newsletter Volume 44
Edited by Edmund P. Cueva, Shannon N. Byrne and Gareth Schmeling
DOI: 14
2017ANS 22 Xenophon’s Ephesiaca
2017Xenophon’s Ephesiaca
A Paraliterary Love-Story from the Ancient World
Ancient Narrative Supplements 22
Aldo TagliabueAN 13
2016ANS 21 From Bedroom to Courtroom
2016From Bedroom to Courtroom
Law and Justice in the Greek Novel
Ancient Narrative Supplements 21
Saundra SchwartzPSN 43
2016Petronian Society Newsletter Volume 43
Edited by Edmund P. Cueva, Shannon N. Byrne and Gareth Schmeling
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