Saturday, March 1, 2025

Open Access Journal: Forum Kritische Archäologie

 [First posted in AWOL 24 October 2013, updated 1 March 2025]

Forum Kritische Archäologie
ISSN: 2194-346X

Das Interesse an den politischen Dimensionen der Archäologie hat global stark zugenommen, was auch zur Infragestellung von Wahrheitsbehauptungen der archäologischen Forschung selbst führte. Auseinandersetzungen dieser Art reichen von Forderungen der Rückführung von Kulturgütern bis hin zur Frage, wer über die Vergangenheit Anderer forschen, reden oder schreiben darf oder welches Verhältnis wir zu den “Anderen” der Vergangenheit entwickeln können und sollten. Man kann heute kaum von einer ethisch fundierten, gesellschaftlich verantwortlichen Archäologie reden, wenn sie sich nicht mit diesen Themen beschäftigt.

Forum Kritische Archäologie hat zum Ziel, die Auseinandersetzung mit solchen Fragen im deutschsprachigen Raum zu fördern. [weiter lesen]
Interest in the political dimensions of archaeology has grown dramatically around the world. One of the outcomes has been a questioning of archaeological truth claims, which in turn has led to demands for the return of cultural property, questioning who may research, speak and write about the past of Others, and considerations of what kinds of relations we can and should develop to past Others. Today it is scarcely possible to speak about an ethically based, socially responsible archaeology without engaging with these themes.
Forum Kritische Archäologie has as its goal to further discussions of these and related issues, especially within the framework of the German-speaking archaeological community. [read more]

Richard Bussmann and the Editorial Collective of Forum Kritische Archäologie
A Critical Archaeology of Ancient Egypt: Grass-roots, Gender, and Decolonisation.
An Interview with Richard Bussmann


Twelfth Issue (2023)

Research Contributions

V. P. J. Arponen and René Ohlrau
Archaeological Interpretation and Current Events: Some Reflections on the War in Ukraine from the Point of View of Philosophy of Archaeology and Anthropology

Theme Issue: Archaeology as Empowerment: For Whom and How?
Comments on Scholarly Activism

FKA Editorial Collective / FKA-Herausgeber*innenkollektiv
Archaeology as Empowerment: For Whom and How? Comments on Scholarly Activism
Archäologie als Empowerment: Für wen und wie? Kommentare zu wissenschaftlichem Aktivismus

Félix A. Acuto
Making Archaeology Available to the Subaltern: Towards an Engaged, Militant Archaeology

M. Dores Cruz
One Size Does Not Fit All: Theory and Practice of Decolonizing Archaeology in Africa

Tonia Davidovic-Walther
Eine neutrale Wissenschaft ist nicht möglich

Maryam Dezhamkhooy
Archaeology as Activism: A Southwest Asian Perspective

Pınar Durgun
Is Protest Really the Problem in Museums? (Imagine) Museums as Places of Dialogue, Collaboration, and Disruption

Marieluise Hahn, Anna Koch, Raphaelle Müller
Archäologie ist nie unpolitisch – Ideen zu herrschaftsfreien Archäologien

Johannes Jungfleisch and Chiara Reali
The Archaeology of the Egyptian Revolution and Counterrevolution. An Archaeology that Has Never Occurred

Beatriz Marín-Aguilera
Archaeology as Necessarily Political

Allison Mickel
Active Archaeology in the Middle East

Gabriel Moshenska
A Gloves-off Activist Archaeology?

Ulrich Müller
Aktivistische Archäologie – JA!

Martin Porr and Henny Piezonka
Indigenous Concerns, Archaeology, and Activism

Uzma Z. Rizvi
Archaeology as Radical Care

Erhan Tamur
In Defense of Incremental Change

Geesche Wilts
Aktivismus in der Archäologie als Chance

Nicolas Zorzin
What Concrete Forms Might an Activist Scholarly Archaeology Take? – Two Examples of Experimental Projects

Johannes Müller
Activism: The End of History – Adjourned

FKA Editorial Collective / FKA-Herausgeber*innenkollektiv
Empowerment by Whom and for Whom?
Empowerment durch wen und für wen?


[Download Reader: Archaeology as Empowerment]


Theme Issue: Archaeology, Nation, and Race – Critical Responses
(edited by Raphael Greenberg and Yannis Hamilakis)

Raphael Greenberg and Yannis Hamilakis

Despina Lalaki
Hellenism, Hebraism, and the Ideological Underpinnings of Modernity

Bruce Robbins
Modernity as the Villain of the Piece

Matthew C. Reilly
Decolonize Whom, What, or When?

Allison Mickel
Purification in Practice & Dialogue

Lynn Swartz Dodd
The Discussion of Who or What Matters

Erhan Tamur
The "Discoverer" and the "Informant"

Ido Koch
The Study of the Ancient and Recent Past in Israel: The View from Tel Ḥadid

Raphael Greenberg and Yannis Hamilakis
Archaeology, Coloniality and Modernity: A Response

[Download Reader: Archaeology, Nation, and Race – Critical Responses]

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