Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Numismatic News: 158 Bactrian coins from the Dutch National Collection added to BIGR

Recently, Simon Glenn and Gunnar Dumke identified the Bactrian and Indo-Greek coins in the National Numismatic Collection of the Netherlands at De Nederlandsche Bank, linking them to URIs in the Bactrian and Indo-Greek Rulers (BIGR) project. These 158 new coins bring the total number of objects linked to the typology to 5,670, adding the sole photographic example for at least a handful of types.

Apollodotus II 17.3, with one NNC-DNB example: RE-00076


Der Alltag des Todes: Funeräre Praktiken in Deir el-Medine im Neuen Reich

Claudia Näser
 In Der Alltag des Todes , Claudia Näser explores mortuary practices in New Kingdom Egypt (1470–1070 BC) based on a dataset from Deir el-Medina, the community of workmen who built the tombs in the Valley of the Kings. Highly skilled, these workmen also constructed their own tombs in the cemeteries around Deir el-Medina. Their use of mortuary consumption to negotiate professional and social positions led to the development of a commercial sector for the production of decorated funerary objects, primarily coffins, with an accompanying textual record.
Combining archaeological and textual evidence, Claudia Näser outlines the development of mortuary practices in this tightly-knit community across fourhundred years. She reconstructs and systematizes the processes of assembling the burial equipment and the mechanics of the burial itself. She also discusses a range of later ' intracultural ' interventions, in­cluding grave plundering and subsequent inspections, tidying-up and reburial. Using a micro-historical approach, Claudia Näser reveals a multi­dimen­si­onal network of actors and factors that con­ditioned mortuary expressions: religious concepts, access to knowledge and economic resources, individual and collective experiences and aspirations, as well as the contingencies of when and how someone died. Across 600 pages, Der Alltag reveals a uniquely detailed panorama of ancient Egyptian mortuary practices.

GHP Egyptology 35

708 pages, A4,

PRINT version - hard cover (£100), will appear at end of July 2024

ISBN 978-1-906137809
ISBN 978-1-906137885 (e-book)


Classical Antiquity and Medieval Ireland

Clarke, Michael (editor)
Poppe, Erich (editor)
Torrance, Isabelle (editor)
Through an extensive series of extracts and accompanying interpretative and contextual essays, this volume showcases the expertise in classical learning that flourished in medieval Gaelic Ireland. Providing translations of all excerpts, it situates better known ‘antiquity sagas’ in the Middle Irish language, such as Togail Troí (The Siege of Troy, based on Dares Phrygius), Imtheachta Aeniasa (The Wanderings of Aeneas, based on Virgil’s Aeneid), In Cath Catharda (The Civil War, based on Lucan) and Togail na Tebe (The Siege of Thebes, based on Statius), within the broader constellation of medieval Irish literature that references and engages with classical antiquity. Included are synchronistic poetry and world chronologies; lesser-known Irish poetry and prose recounting episodes from Graeco-Roman mythography and featuring, for instance, Jason and the Argonauts, Ulysses and Penelope, Agamemnon and Clytemnestra, Daedalus and the Minotaur; linguistic and metaphysical tracts; place-name lore; and medieval historiographies of Alexander the Great, Hercules, and warriors of Irish legend recast as classical heroes. Creating access to this body of texts and revealing the marked influences of classical concepts on the imaginative resources of medieval Ireland fills a conspicuous lacuna in our knowledge of classical reception in European literatures. The ebook editions of this book are available open access under a CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 licence on www.bloomsburycollections.com. Open access was funded by the European Research Council, grant no. 818366.
9781350333284, 9781350333284, 9781350333291
Publication date and place
London, 2024
Bloomsbury Studies in Classical Reception,
Literary studies: ancient, classical and medieval


The Neolithic Site of Eh-Sayyeh / Jordan: Final Report on the Results from the Archaeological Investigations 2013–2015

List of Contributors

 Cover OrA 44

The archaeological site of eh-Sayyeh is located north of the city of az-Zarqa in central Jordan and was re-explored between 2013 and 2015 after initial investigations in the 1990s. It has a longer sequence of Neolithic layers from the late 8th and 7th millennia BC (calibrated dates) and shows also traces of more recent occupation up to Late Antiquity. The results of the 2013–2015 excavations prove that the settlement phases LPPNB (7500–7000/6900 BC) and PPNC (7000/6900–6400 BC) are characterised by clear continuities in terms of subsistence, architecture and the inventory of chipped lithic finds, which can be traced in part to the Yarmoukian.


June 27, 2024

Print ISSN


Bibliographic Information and Reviews


  • Foreword
    Karin Bartl, Zeidan Kafafi
  • I Introduction
  • I. 1 The site and its setting
    Karin Bartl, Zeidan Kafafi, Thomas Urban
  • I. 2 History of archaeological research in the Wadi az-Zarqa region
    Karin Bartl, Zeidan Kafafi, Thomas Urban
  • I.3 Aims
    Karin Bartl, Zeidan Kafafi, Thomas Urban
  • I. 4 Recording methods
    Karin Bartl, Zeidan Kafafi, Thomas Urban
  • II The Architecture
  • II.1 Introduction
    Karin Bartl, Zeidan Kafafi
  • II.2 The West Area
    Zeidan Kafafi, Karin Bartl
  • II.3 The Central Area
    Laura Dietrich, Kristina Pfeiffer, Karin Bartl
  • II.4 The East Are
    Zeidan Kafafi, Dörte Rokitta-Krumnow
  • II.5 Summary
    Karin Bartl, Zeidan Kafafi
  • III The Radiocarbon Dates
    Bernhard Weninger, Karin Bartl
  • IV The Chipped Lithic Finds
    Dörte Rokitta-Krumnow
  • V The Pottery
  • V.1 Pottery Typology
    Zeidan Kafafi
  • V.2 Pottery Technology
    Mustafa al-Naddaf
  • VI The Small Finds
  • VI.1 Catalogue of small finds
    Karin Bartl
  • VI.2 Functional analyses on selected finds
    Laura Dietrich
  • VII The Botanical Remains
    Reinder Neef
  • VIII The Faunal Remains
    Norbert Benecke
  • IX The Human Remains
    Julia Gresky
  • X Summary and Conclusions
    Karin Bartl, Zeidan Kafafi
  • الملخص والاستنتاجات
    Karin Bartl, Zeidan Kafafi
  • Bibliography
  • Figures and Plates, Credits
  • List of Contributors (alphabetical order)


Monday, July 1, 2024

Das römische Spielewesen in der Spätantike

Alexander Puk
book: Das römische Spielewesen in der Spätantike
Volume 48 in the series Millennium-Studien / Millennium Studies

Daily life in Late Antiquity was heavily influenced by the tradition of Roman games. This is the first comprehensive study of the world of games in Late Antiquity, with special attention to specific forms of games in the provinces. Using both documentary and archeological sources, the author suggests new regional and chronological differentiations in the development of games.

  • Published: December 11, 2014
  • ISBN: 9783110337594
  • Published: November 17, 2014
  • ISBN: 9783110337457




Erscheinungsformen und Handhabungen Heiliger Schriften

Edited by: Joachim Friedrich Quack and Daniela Christina Luft
book: Erscheinungsformen und Handhabungen Heiliger Schriften
Volume 5 in the series Materiale Textkulturen

This study focuses on Holy Scriptures as material objects. What are the contexts for the appearances and the usages of these objects? Is there a difference between Holy Scriptures and other objects, and is it inevitably their sacred content that renders them holy? Interdisciplinary perspectives offer new incentives for understanding the material phenomenon of the ‘Holy Scriptures’.

  • Language: German
  • Publisher: De Gruyter
  • Copyright year: 2015
  • Audience: Religious scholars, classics scholars, ethnologists, art historians
  • Pages
    • Front matter: 7
    • Main content: 349
  • Illustrations
    • Coloured Illustrations: 40
  • Keywords: Materiality; Holy Scripture; usage practices
  • Published: December 17, 2014
  • ISBN: 9783110371277
  • Published: November 26, 2014
  • ISBN: 9783110371246


69th Rencontre Assyriologique Internationale Livestream



Medicine, Health, and Healing in the Ancient Mediterranean (500 BCE–600 CE): A Sourcebook: Instructor Resources

Medicine, Health, and Healing in the Ancient Mediterranean (500 BCE–600 CE): A Sourcebook: Instructor Resources

  • by Kristi Upson-Saia (Author), Heidi Marx (Author), Jared Secord (Author)
  • June 2023


Sunday, June 30, 2024

Antike Mythologie in christlichen Kontexten der Spätantike

Edited by: Hartmut Leppin
book: Antike Mythologie in christlichen Kontexten der Spätantike

It is well known that classical mythology outlasted the Christianization of the Roman Empire. This volume undertakes a new investigation of the complex conditions under which it continued to exist and thrive in Late Antiquity. Particular attention is devoted to the polemical and educational contexts in which classical mythology was often used, and to strategies designed to neutralize or assimilate it.

  • Languages: German, English
  • Publisher: De Gruyter
  • Copyright year: 2015
  • Audience: Classicists, scholars of Ancient History and literary theory, museums
  • Pages
    • Front matter: 8
    • Main content: 318
  • Illustrations
    • Other: 16 Taf.
  • Keywords: Mythology; Late Antiquity; Christianity; Paganism
  • Published: March 10, 2015
  • ISBN: 9783110404951
  • Published: February 26, 2015
  • ISBN: 9783110400434



Languages from the World of the Bible

Edited by: Holger Gzella
book: Languages from the World of the Bible

The breakthrough of the alphabetic script early in the first millennium BCE coincides with the appearance of several new languages and civilizations in ancient Syria-Palestine. Together, they form the cultural setting in which ancient Israel, the Hebrew Bible, and, transformed by Hellenism, the New Testament took shape. This book contains concise yet thorough and lucid overviews of ancient Near Eastern languages united by alphabetic writing and illuminates their interaction during the first 1000 years of their attestation. All chapters are informed by the most recent scholarship, contain fresh insights, provide numerous examples from the most pertinent sources, and share a clear historical framework that makes it easier to trace processes of contact and convergence in this highly diversified speech area. They also address non-specialists. The following topics are discussed: Alphabetic writing (A. Millard), Ugaritic (A. Gianto), Phoenician and Hebrew (H. Gzella), Transjordanian languages (K. Beyer), Old and Imperial Aramaic (M. Folmer), Epigraphic South Arabian (R. Hasselbach), Old Persian (M. de Vaan/A. Lubotsky), Greek (A. Willi). 

  • Published: December 23, 2011
  • ISBN: 9781934078631
  • Published: December 19, 2011
  • ISBN: 9781934078617


Rom und Mailand in der Spätantike: Repräsentationen städtischer Räume in Literatur, Architektur und Kunst

Edited by: Therese Fuhrer
book: Rom und Mailand in der Spätantike

The multidisciplinary contributions to this collection of papers look at Rome as the cultural and Milan as the political capital in the 4th and 5th centuries. In the literature of the time both cities were perceived as spaces in which the political and clerical power struggles, and the political and cultural changes which were so important for the Latin West took place. The cities are thereby understood as “stages‎” upon which the world theatre of the politics of power, culture and the church was produced. The reconstruction of both “stage settings” is based on texts, inscriptions and archaeological remains.

  • Volume published in the new series of the Excellence Cluster Topoi
  • New, multidisciplinary study
  • The cities of Rome and Milan as cultural and political units in the 4th and 5th centuries
  • Language: German
  • Publisher: De Gruyter
  • Copyright year: 2012
  • Audience: Academics, Institutes, Libraries
  • Pages
    • Front matter: 20
    • Main content: 448
  • Illustrations
    • Other: Div. Abb., 6 farb. Taf./Var. ill., 6 col. plates
  • Keywords: Milan; Rome
  • Published: November 30, 2011
  • ISBN: 9783110222142
  • Published: November 17, 2011
  • ISBN: 9783110222135


Les publications archéologiques de la région d’Adjara (Géorgie)

L’Agence de la protection du patrimoine culturel d’Ajara (Géorgie) publie sur son site les principales publications archéologiques concernant la région de Batoum, avec notamment les sites de Vani et de Gonio Apsaros.

Un site bienvenu pour des publications difficiles à trouver en dehors de Géorgie.

Les ouvrages en ligne : https://ajaraheritage.ge/ge/publications


Saturday, June 29, 2024

Bilder schreiben: Virtuose Ekphrasis in Philostrats "Eikones"

Mario Baumann
book: Bilder schreiben

The work Eikones (Imagines/Images) by Philostratus consists of 64 fictitious descriptions of images. Mario Baumann analyzes the aesthetic virtuosity which characterizes this text. The speaker who formulates the descriptions proves himself a master in interpreting the images. He creates a unique textual composition of images which continually surprises and challenges the reader due to its diversity. The text of Eikones takes up the tradition of literature and at the same time changes it through the creation of new combinations, always revealing the virtuosity of the author.

  • Language: German
  • Publisher: De Gruyter
  • Copyright year: 2011
  • Audience: Scholars, Institutes, Libraries
  • Pages
    • Front matter: 10
    • Main content: 218
  • Keywords: Philostratus; Eikones; Paideia
  • Published: March 30, 2011
  • ISBN: 9783110254068
  • Published: March 17, 2011
  • ISBN: 9783110254051


New Open Access Journal: Sinus Persicus: The International Journal of Persian Gulf Studies

Welcome to the online submission and editorial system for Sinus Persicus
Sinus Persicus is the official journal of Tissaphernes Archaeological Research Group. The journal was established by Dr. Shahin Aryamanesh. Sinus Persicus is an international, peer reviewed journal, publishes high-quality, original research. Sinus Persicus is a journal devoted to Archaeology, history, linguistics, religion, epigraphy, numismatics, and history of art of the Persian Gulf region, encompassing both prehistoric and historic periods. The journal’s geographic range spans the northern and southern coasts of the Persian Gulf, Strait of Hormuz, Persian Gulf islands, and Gulf of Oman.

Volume 1 (2024)

The Persian Gulf Khark: The Island’s Untold Story

Pages 23-25


Bahram Tajrishy



See AWOL's full List of Open Access Journals in Ancient Studies

Shipwrecked: Disaster and Transformation in Homer, Shakespeare, Defoe, and the Modern World

Cover of Shipwrecked - Disaster and Transformation in Homer, Shakespeare, Defoe, and the Modern World

Shipwrecked: Disaster and Transformation in Homer, Shakespeare, Defoe, and the Modern World presents the first comparative study of notable literary shipwrecks from the past four thousand years, focusing on Homer’s Odyssey, Shakespeare’s The Tempest, and Defoe’s Robinson Crusoe. James V. Morrison considers the historical context as well as the “triggers” (such as the 1609 Bermuda shipwreck) that inspired some of these works, and modern responses such as novels (Golding’s Lord of the Flies, Coetzee’s Foe, and Gordon’s First on Mars, a science fiction version of the Crusoe story), movies, television (Forbidden PlanetCast Away, and Lost), and the poetry and plays of Caribbean poets Derek Walcott and Aimé Césaire.

The recurrent treatment of shipwrecks in the creative arts demonstrates an enduring fascination with this archetypal scene: a shipwreck survivor confronting the elements. It is remarkable, for example, that the characters in the 2004 television show Lost share so many features with those from Homer’s Odyssey and Shakespeare’s The Tempest.

For survivors who are stranded on an island for some period of time, shipwrecks often present the possibility of a change in political and social status—as well as romance and even paradise. In each of the major shipwreck narratives examined, the poet or novelist links the castaways’ arrival on a new shore with the possibility of a new sort of life. Readers will come to appreciate the shift in attitude toward the opportunities offered by shipwreck: older texts such as the Odyssey reveals a trajectory of returning to the previous order. In spite of enticing new temptations, Odysseus—and some of the survivors in The Tempest—revert to their previous lives, rejecting what many might consider paradise. Odysseus is reestablished as king; Prospero travels back to Milan. In such situations, we may more properly speak of potential transformations. In contrast, many recent shipwreck narratives instead embrace the possibility of a new sort of existence. That even now the shipwreck theme continues to be treated, in multiple media, testifies to its long-lasting appeal to a very wide audience.

Hardcover : 9780472119202, 256 pages, 15 Figs., 6 x 9, April 2014
Open Access : 9780472902101, 256 pages, 15 Figs., 6 x 9, March 2020

This open access version made available with the support of libraries participating in Knowledge Unlatched.




Garden of Egypt: Irrigation, Society, and the State in the Premodern Fayyum

Cover of Garden of Egypt - Irrigation, Society, and the State in the Premodern Fayyum

Garden of Egypt: Irrigation, Society, and the State in the Premodern Fayyūm is the first environmental history of Egypt’s Fayyūm depression. The volume studies human relationships with flowing water, from the third century BCE to the thirteenth century CE. Until the arrival of modern perennial irrigation in the nineteenth century, the Fayyūm was the only region of premodern Egypt to be irrigated by a network of artificial canals. By linking large numbers of rural communities together in shared dependence on this public irrigation infrastructure, canalization introduced to Egypt a radically new way of interacting both with the water of the Nile and with fellow farmers. Drawing upon ancient Greek papyri, medieval Arabic literature, and modern comparative evidence, this book explores the ways in which the Nile’s water, local farmers, and state power together continually reshaped this irrigated landscape over more than thirteen centuries. Following human/water relationships through both space and time further helps to erode disciplinary boundaries and bring multiple periods of Egyptian history into contact with one another.

Open Access : 9780472904402, 290 pages, 15 Figures, 6 Maps, 11 Tables, 6 x 9, June 2024
Hardcover : 9780472133529, 290 pages, 15 Figures, 6 Maps, 11 Tables, 6 x 9, June 2024



Friday, June 28, 2024

Militärsiedlungen und Territorialherrschaft in der Antike

Frank Daubner
book: Militärsiedlungen und Territorialherrschaft in der Antike

In a series of case studies, the contributions assess the extent to which in the Ancient World control over large territories relied on the settlement of active or retired soldiers. The central question is that of the link between the historical situation of the foundation, those involved, and the location of the settlement on the one hand and, on the other, the strategic importance which can be derived from these factors for the domination of territories on land and sea, roads, frontiers, other towns, a previous population etc.; in other words the connection between spatial conditions and historical events.

  • Language: German
  • Publisher: De Gruyter
  • Copyright year: 2011
  • Audience: Academics, Institutes, Libraries
  • Pages
    • Front matter: 8
    • Main content: 158
  • Illustrations
    • Illustrations: 17
  • Published: December 23, 2010
  • ISBN: 9783110222845
  • Published: December 13, 2010
  • ISBN: 9783110222838


Mischungen beim antiken Gelage: Reflexionen des frühgriechischen Symposions

Renate Schlesier
book: Mischungen beim antiken Gelage

While ancient banquets are gaining traction in international research, they still pose a number of interpretative challenges. By concentrating on the early Greek symposium, this volume reviews previous interpretative models and develops new questions. It reveals that manifold mixtures – physical, visual, linguistic, cultural – shaped the Greek banquet from the beginning.

  • Language: German
  • Publisher: De Gruyter
  • Copyright year: 2024
  • Audience: Scholars from the fields of ancient history, classical philology, archaeology, gender studies, religious studies
  • Pages
    • Front matter: 8
    • Main content: 157
  • Illustrations
    • Illustrations: 3
    • Coloured Illustrations: 33
  • Published: June 17, 2024
  • ISBN: 9783111425221
  • Published: June 17, 2024
  • ISBN: 9783111416748