Friday, December 27, 2024

Open Access Journal: Marginalia: A Review of Books in History, Theology and Religion

 [First posted in AWOL 23 January 2013, updated 27 December 2024

Marginalia: A Review of Books in History, Theology and Religion
ISSN: 2325-8357
Knowledge is the economy of the future, the key to innovation, and a step on the path towards a more civil and humane society. Marginalia provides universal access to thinkers and artists and creates new knowledge through connecting the separated silos of the university, arts, and culture into a single space of insight and learning, curated by expert editors guided by our vision of democratizing depth in an age drowning in the shallows.
Deep learning for the digital age captures the meaning of marginalia in modern times: the personalized and actionable knowledge inscribed in the margins of a book’s page – not just commentary but new insight that the individual could use to act in the world. But the margins are now digital, and the insights are for everyone.
We publish every other Friday, with some special features appearing at other times.
Marginalia is a Los Angeles Review of Books Channel. LARB Channels are a community of wholly independent, vanguard online magazines specializing in literary criticism, politics, science, the arts and culture, supported by the Los Angeles Review of Books.

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