Dr. Liz Potter, ICS Publications Manager, reports on an
initiative to make the Institute’s publications freely accessible
the UK and EU, there are a range of initiatives currently aiming to make
research widely and freely accessible to all. Publishing on an ‘Open
Access’ (OA) basis makes research outputs free at the point of use, and thus
aims to maximise their impact. OA publication is concerned to make research more
easily accessible and reusable for as wide a range of audiences as possible—for
research, for innovation, for teaching, and to support public engagement.
line with these initiatives, the ICS is starting to make its publications
available on an Open Access basis. The Institute’s activities
have included publication since its early days: the Bulletin of the Institute of Classical Studies (BICS) was first published in 1954; and
the Bulletin’s associated Supplements have been published on an
occasional basis since 1955. For our Open Access work, we are starting with our
recent Supplements.
Eros and the Polis (BICS Supplement 119)
The articles in this edited volume take a historicizing approach to the conventions and expectations or erôs
in the archaic and classical polis. Focusing on the poetic genres, they
pursue issues including: the connection between homosexual erôs and politics; sexual practices that fell outside societal norms; the roles of sôphrosynê (self-control) and akrasia (incontinence) in erotic relationships; and the connection between erôs and other socially important emotions such as charis, philia, and storgê.
Creating Ethnicities and Identities in the Roman World (BICS Supplement 120)
This volume explores how practices of ethnic categorization formed
part of Roman strategies of control across their expanding empire. It
also considers how people living in particular places internalized these
identities and developed their own sense of belonging to an ethnic
Persuasive Language in Cicero’s Pro Milone (BICS Supplement 121)
This innovative approach to Cicero’s persuasive language applies
ideas from modern linguistics to one of his most important speeches. The
reading of Pro Milone which emerges not only contributes to
our understanding of late republican discourse, but also suggests a new
methodology for using the study of language and style to illuminate
literary/historical aspects of texts.
The Digital Classicist 2013 (BICS Supplement 122)
This wide-ranging volume showcases exemplary applications of digital
scholarship to the ancient world and critically examines the many
challenges and opportunities afforded by such research. As such it is a
contribution to the development of scholarship both in the fields of
classical antiquity and in Digital Humanities more broadly.
Profession and Performance (BICS Supplement 123)
This volume brings together six papers relating to oratory, orators, and oratorical delivery in the public fora
of classical Greece and Rome. They range from the Athenian courts and
Assembly to Cicero’s Rome, from the ‘Second Sophistic’ to the late Roman
Empire. A final paper reflects on the continuing relevance of rhetoric
in the modern, highly professionalized practice of the law in England.
Marathon: 2,500 Years (BICS Supplement 124)
This volume includes twenty-one papers originally presented at a
colloquium in the Peloponnese in 2010 to mark the 2,500th anniversary of
the battle of Marathon. It is a celebration of Marathon and its
reception from classical antiquity to the present era.
Our aim is to publish more of our recent backlist on this platform in the coming months. Watch this space! The BICS Mycenaean Studies
I’ve previously
reported on this blog, the abstracts from the ICS Mycenaean Seminar are also
now published online on Humanities Digital Library. The seminar has been convened
by the Institute since the 1950s, and summaries of the seminars have been
published as part of BICS since 1963. Starting with
the 2015-16 series, the Mycenaean summaries are now published
separately online, and become far more widely available as Open Access
publications. Click these links to read The
BICS Mycenaean Seminar 2015-16 and The
BICS Mycenaean Seminar 2016-17; the summaries of the 2017-18 and
2018-19 year are coming soon! by Liz Potter
The AWOL Index: The bibliographic data presented herein has been programmatically extracted from the content of AWOL - The Ancient World Online (ISSN 2156-2253) and formatted in accordance with a structured data model.
AWOL is a project of Charles E. Jones, Tombros Librarian for Classics and Humanities at the Pattee Library, Penn State University
AWOL began with a series of entries under the heading AWOL on the Ancient World Bloggers Group Blog. I moved it to its own space here beginning in 2009.
The primary focus of the project is notice and comment on open access material relating to the ancient world, but I will also include other kinds of networked information as it comes available.
The ancient world is conceived here as it is at the Institute for the Study of the Ancient World at New York University, my academic home at the time AWOL was launched. That is, from the Pillars of Hercules to the Pacific, from the beginnings of human habitation to the late antique / early Islamic period.
AWOL is the successor to Abzu, a guide to networked open access data relevant to the study and public presentation of the Ancient Near East and the Ancient Mediterranean world, founded at the Oriental Institute, University of Chicago in 1994. Together they represent the longest sustained effort to map the development of open digital scholarship in any discipline.
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