Qadum: Journal of Excavation Reports from Israel is a peer-reviewed, open-access bilingual journal dedicated to the archaeology of Israel. It is published online by the Israel Antiquities Authority (IAA), featuring archaeological excavation reports conducted under the auspices of the IAA within the Land of Israel.
Current Volume: Volume 1 (2025)
‘En Shaddud: Early Bronze Age Settlement, Middle Bronze and Iron Age Burial Remains and a Hellenistic Farmstead at the Foot of Tel Shaddud
Karen Covello-Paran and Tali Kan-Cipor-Meron‘En Shaddud: Elemental Composition of Two Metal Weapons
Yonah Maor and Yotam AsscherḤorbat Ḥanut: Remains from the Roman to the Ottoman Periods on the Outskirts of the Settlement / חורבת חנות: שרידים מהתקופות הרומית עד העות׳מאנית בשולי היישוב
Anat Beck-Nachtigal and Etan AyalonḤorbat Ḥanut: The Glass Vessels / חורבת חנות: כלי הזכוכית
Yael Gorin-Rosen and Ruth E. Jackson-TalKefar Veradim: An Intermediate Bronze Age Communal Burial Ground in Western Upper Galilee
Edwin C.M. van den BrinkḤorbat Ṭurit (South): A Late Pottery Neolithic Ephemeral Site in the ‘Akko Plain
Dmitry Yegorov and Nuha AghaTiberias: Remains of an Early Islamic Buff Ware Pottery Workshop
Yardenna AlexandreTiberias: Glass Finds and Production Debris
Yael Gorin-RosenʽAmqa: Settlement Remains from the Iron Age, Hellenistic, Roman, Byzantine and Early Islamic Periods
Yardenna Alexandre and Michael Cohen‘Amqa: The Glass Finds
Yael Gorin-RosenʻAmqa: The Coins
Donald T. ArielArd es-Samra: A Protohistoric Settlement on the Outskirts of the ‘Akko Plain / ארד א־סמרה: אתר יישוב פרוטו־היסטורי בשולי מישור עכו
Nimrod Getzov, Jacob Vardi, and Nimrod Marom
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