Friday, June 30, 2023

Homer, Parmenides, and the Road to Demonstration

Benjamin Folit-Weinberg, University of Bristol  

It is widely agreed that Parmenides invented extended deductive argumentation and the practice of demonstration, a transformative event in the history of thought. But how did he manage this seminal accomplishment? In this book, Benjamin Folit-Weinberg finally provides an answer. At the heart of this story is the image of the hodos, the road and the journey. Brilliantly deploying the tools and insights of literary criticism, conceptual history, and archaeology, Folit-Weinberg illuminates how Parmenides adopts and adapts this image from Homer, especially the Odyssey, forging from it his pioneering intellectual approaches. Reinserting Parmenides into the physical world and poetic culture of archaic Greece, Folit-Weinberg reveals both how deeply traditional and how radical was Parmenides' new way of thinking and speaking. By taking this first step toward providing a history of the concept method, this volume uncovers the genealogy of philosophy in poetry and poetic imagery.




Philodorema: Essays in Greek and Roman Philosophy in Honor of Phillip Mitsis

David Konstan
David Sider
Cover of Philodorema: Essays in Greek and Roman Philosophy in Honor of Phillip Mitsis
Copyright Date: 2022
Pages: 451



Remembering and Forgetting the Ancient City

Javier Martínez Jiménez
Sam Ottewill-Soulsby
Series: Impact of the Ancient City
Copyright Date: 2022
Published by: Oxbow Books
Pages: 360

Cities as Palimpsests?: Responses to Antiquity in Eastern Mediterranean Urbanism

Elizabeth Key Fowden
Suna Çağaptay
Edward Zychowicz-Coghill
Louise Blanke
Cities as Palimpsests?
Copyright Date: 2022
Published by: Oxbow Books
Pages: 432



Thursday, June 29, 2023

Open Access Journal: CIPEG Journal: Ancient Egyptian & Sudanese Collections and Museums

[First posted in AWOL 22 December 2017, updates 29 June 2023]

CIPEG Journal: Ancient Egyptian & Sudanese Collections and Museums
ISSN: 2522-2678
The Comité international pour l’égyptologie (CIPEG) is one of 30 International Committees of the International Council of Museums (ICOM). The scope of CIPEG embraces the representation of Egyptian and Sudanese collections across the worldwide museums community, and provides a unique forum for museum professionals and scholars who deal with ancient Egyptian and Sudanese heritage.
In 2017, CIPEG inaugurated the CIPEG Journal: Ancient Egyptian & Sudanese Collections and Museums to serve as a platform for the dissemination of information regarding the study, preservation, and presentation of such collections, monuments and sites worldwide. This open access journal promotes communication and collaboration among museums, museum professionals and others involved in ancient Egyptian and Sudanese collections around the world.
Contributions to the CIPEG Journal comprise papers presented at the previous year’s CIPEG Annual Meeting and its associated workshop, and focus either on the conference theme or on general museum work, collections research, conservation treatments, and exhibition planning, as well as archaeological excavations led by museum teams.

Vol. 6 (2022)

CIPEG Journal No. 6 includes papers that were presented at the 2020 and 2021 CIPEG annual meetings, held online on 13-15 November 2020 and 5-7 November 2021. Due to unprecedented obstacles to scholarly research during this period, the CIPEG Journal exceptionally accepted report-style contributions that highlight the innovative and imaginative ways museums responded to challenges presented by the COVID-19 pandemic. 


Offerings to Maat. Essays in Honour of Emily Teeter
No. 5 (2021)

This Festschrift honours Emily Teeter, former curator at the Oriental Institute Museum at the University of Chicago. Colleagues and friends have contributed articles on a range of Egyptological and museological topics, including publications of museum objects, archival research into the history of collecting, and reports of educational and outreach projects in museums and on excavations.


No. 4 (2020)

Contributions published in CIPEG Journal no. 4 were presented at the 2019 CIPEG Annual Meeting, part of the 25th ICOM General Conference held on 2–7 September in Kyoto, Japan. Papers were invited on the theme ‘The Future of Traditions: Paving the Way for Egyptian Collections Tomorrow’ as well as general museum work.  Additional contributions presented at the CIPEG International Symposium: Egyptological Research in Museums and Beyond, held on 10 September at the Tokyo National Research Institute for Cultural Properties, are included. Other articles related to ancient Egyptian and Sudanese collections and museums but not associated with the annual meeting and international symposium are also featured in the volume.


No. 3 (2019)

The 2018 CIPEG Annual Meeting was held on 4–7 September at The Egypt Centre/Y Ganolfan Eifftaidd, Swansea University, UK. Contributions published in CIPEG Journal no. 3 are papers presented either on the theme ‘Beating Barriers! Overcoming Obstacles to Achievement’ or related to general museum work. Other articles related to ancient Egyptian and Sudanese collections and museums but not associated with the annual meeting are also featured in the volume.



No. 2 (2018)

Many of the contributions published in CIPEG Journal NO. 2 were presented at the 2017 CIPEG Annual Meeting held at the Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago in Chicago, Illinois (USA) on 6-8 September. Papers were invited on the theme ‘The Role of Curators in Museum Research and Exhibits: Tradition, Change, and Looking to the Future’ or general museum work. Other articles related to ancient Egyptian and Sudanese collections and museums but not associated with the annual meeting are also featured in the volume. (2017).


No. 1 (2017)

In 2016, CIPEG held its annual meeting in Milan, Italy, as part of the 24th ICOM General Conference held on 4–7 July. Papers were invited on the theme ‘Egyptological Landscapes: Museums, Libraries, Historical Palaces and Archives’. CIPEG also held a post-conference workshop from 10–12 July at the Museo Civico Archeologico in Bologna, this time with a focus on ‘Egyptological Landscapes: Museums, Resources and Networks among Collections and Institutions’. A selection of papers on these themes, as well as contributions on broader matters of collection research, conservation, exhibitions, and archaeological excavations presented in Milan and Bologna are published here in CIPEG Journal No. 1 (2017).

Wednesday, June 28, 2023

Rome and the Colonial City: Rethinking the Grid

Sofia Greaves
Andrew Wallace-Hadrill
Series: Impact of the Ancient City
Copyright Date: 2022
Published by: Oxbow Books
Pages: 432


Autori: Andrea Barucci, Michela Amendola, Fabrizio Argenti, Chiara Canfailla, Costanza Cucci, Tommaso Guidi, Lorenzo Python, Massimiliano Franci
copertina-horus. TITLEIMGLIGHTBOX





This book explores the application of Deep Convolutional Neural Networks to the field of ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphs transliteration. Such tools belong to the broader field known as Artificial Intelligence (AI), which is probably today the most impacting and disruptive technology we are working on. In the field of ancient languages transliteration and translation, AI applications are just at the beginning, despite they are spreading faster day after day. So, who knows which will be the impact of such technology in the years coming. eBook - Free download.

Analogies végétales dans la connaissance de la vie de l’Antiquité à l’Âge classique

Analogies végétales dans la connaissance de la vie de l’Antiquité à l’Âge classique

Sciences : concepts et problèmes

Pourquoi et comment les médecins recourent-ils aux plantes pour dire et comprendre le corps humain ? De la plante au cosmos en passant par le corps de l’homme, médecins et philosophes conçoivent de façon analogique les semences, la génération, la nutrition, la circulation, la croissance et rassemblent ainsi des choses et des êtres qui peuvent aujourd’hui paraître davantage étrangers les uns aux autres. L’enquête menée à travers des textes médicaux, botaniques, agricoles ou philosophiques européens de l’Antiquité, du Moyen-Âge et de la première Modernité repère les usages des analogies végétales pour dire, penser, voir et soigner le corps humain. Le prisme végétal rend ainsi visible l’intuition d’une communauté des processus élémentaires entre différents types de vivants.

  • Éditeur : Presses universitaires de Franche-Comté
  • Collection : Sciences : concepts et problèmes
  • Lieu d’édition : Besançon
  • Année d’édition : 2023
  • Publication sur OpenEdition Books : 28 juin 2023
  • Nombre de pages : 276 p.
Marine Bretin-Chabrol
Soigner la terre, matrice des plantes

Agriculture et gynécologie chez Columelle

Quentin Hiernaux et Corentin Tresnie
L’analogie dans la botanique d’Andrea Cesalpino

Sources et modèles des historiens anciens, 2

Sources et modèles des historiens anciens, 2

Scripta Antiqua

Fruit d’une large collaboration internationale, le présent volume, qui réunit 35 articles de spécialistes du domaine, se veut une contribution à l’étude de l’écriture de l’histoire dans l’Antiquité, en Grèce et à Rome, d’Hérodote à l’Empire de Byzance. À travers des enquêtes consacrées aux principaux historiens et textes historiques de cette période, ces différents textes donnent lieu à des relectures qui prennent en compte les projets historiographiques de chacun. Car si une idée traverse les diverses enquêtes qui sont rassemblées ici – et la diversité des approches a été dès le départ conçue comme un des traits du volume –, c’est qu’il convient d’aborder chaque témoignage en le replaçant dans le contexte dans lequel il a été composé, car souvent, il en apprend au moins autant sur le moment où il a été écrit que sur celui qu’il décrit. 

  • Éditeur : Ausonius Éditions
  • Collection : Scripta Antiqua | 145
  • Lieu d’édition : Bordeaux
  • Année d’édition : 2021
  • Publication sur OpenEdition Books : 27 juin 2023
  • EAN (Édition imprimée) : 9782356133700
  • EAN électronique : 9782356135940
  • Nombre de pages : 586 p.
Breno Battistin Sebastiani et Olivier Devillers
Natan Henrique Taveira Baptista et Leni Ribeiro Leite
Revisiting Domitian: Epideictic Portraits of a Controversial Emperor




Tuesday, June 27, 2023

Pontica Varia: Poleis e città, culti e rappresentazioni religiose, thiasoi orfici, organizzazione del commercio, «giustizia privata» nella periferia nord-orientale del mondo greco (secoli VII-IV a.c.)

Pontica Varia: Poleis e città, culti e rappresentazioni religiose, thiasoi orfici, organizzazione del commercio, «giustizia privata» nella periferia nord-orientale del mondo greco (secoli VII-IV a.c.)
Pontica Varia

Suppléments du BCH

I risultati degli scavi condotti durante 120 anni da archeologi russi e ucraini nei siti delle antiche colonie greche del Mar Nero settentrionale, come anche sporadiche scoperte fortuite fatte negli stessi luoghi, costituiscono un immenso materiale per ricerche su vari aspetti sia delle poleis di una periferia coloniale non-mediterranea, che era in contatto con nomadi scitici, sia del mondo greco in generale. In tali ricerche si inserisce il presente libro. Esso si occupa principalmente dell’interpretazione filologico-storica di testi epigrafici e letterari, tenendo conto – nella misura in cui l’autore, che non è un archeologo, poteva farlo – delle ricerche degli archeologi. Esso offre contributi allo studio del rapporto tra polis e città, a quello delle innova-zioni nella religione dei Greci del lontano Nord-Est, a quello della religiosità orfica e dei suoi rapporti con le origini della filosofia, a quello della ‘giustizia privata’ (diritto di sylân), a quello dell’organizzazione e dello status sociale del commercio marittimo.

  • Éditeur : École française d’Athènes, École française d'Athènes
  • Collection : Suppléments du BCH | 63
  • Lieu d’édition : Athènes
  • Année d’édition : 2021
  • Publication sur OpenEdition Books : 02 mars 2022
  • EAN (Édition imprimée) : 9782869584624
  • EAN électronique : 9782869585652
  • DOI : 10.4000/books.efa.14015
  • Nombre de pages : 392 p.


Flavian Responses to Nero's Rome

Mark Heerink
Esther Meijer
Cover of Flavian Responses to Nero's Rome
Copyright Date: 2022
Pages: 372

In this interdisciplinary volume, a team of classicists, historians, and archaeologists examines how the memory of the infamous emperor Nero was negotiated in different contexts and by different people during the ensuing Flavian age of imperial Rome. The contributions show different Flavian responses to Nero’s complicated legacy: while some aspects of his memory were reinforced, others were erased. Emphasizing the constant and diverse nature of this negotiation, this book proposes a nuanced interpretation of both the Flavian age itself and its relation to Nero’s Rome. By combining the study of these strategies with architectural approaches, archaeology, and memory studies, this volume offers a multifaceted picture of Roman civilization at a crucial turning point, and as such will have something to offer anyone interested in classics, (ancient) history, and archaeology.

EISBN 978-90-485-5357-0

Official Archive of Akoris

Ancient Akoris is located c.230km south of Cairo on the east bank of the Nile, in what was the Hermopolite nome. A conspicuous rock to the south of the modern village of Tina el-Gabal serves as a good landmark of the site. The vast ruins of ancient city, which measures 600m north-south and 300m east-west, spread on a flat plateau below the rock. The earliest levels have not yet been confirmed due to the deep accumulation of debris of Coptic period, though a rock-cut mastaba and many shaft tombs show that this site was already been inhabited in the Old Kingdom period. Huge rock-cut tombs of the Middle Kingdom period and such monument as the relief of Rameses III testify the continuous occupation of this site, and a monumental rock-cut dedicatory inscription for Ptolemy V indicates that the strategic importance of Akoris was no less appreciated in the Hellenistic Period. The colonnaded chapels in the southwestern area of the city built in the reign of Roman emperor Nero and the small temple of Sarapis in the central area of the city testify the thriving urban life in Akoris under the Roman rule. The city area ceased to be inhabited in c.700 A.D. presumably due to a devastating conflagration.

The site was already known in the 19th century, but it was not until 1981 that a Japanese mission sent by Paleological Association of Japan in Kyoto launched on the first series of systematic excavations of the city area. The result of these excavations was published in 1995 and its PDF file is now available on this website (click here). In 1997 Akoris Archaeological Project was reorganized under the direction of Hiroyuki KAWANISHI, then professor of archaeology at University of Tsukuba, and started the excavations at the area on the northern edge of the city. Yoshiyuki SUTO published the stamped amphora handles of Hellenistic times from this area in 2005, and its PDF file is also available on this website (click here). Recent investigations have been conducted at the southern slope of the conspicuous rock (houses, storerooms, workshops, and tombs of the Third Intermediate Period and the Late Period) and at a large limestone quarry of Ptolemaic period at New Minya, located c. 12km to the south of Akoris. 

Akoris Archaeological Project is a voluntary association of the researchers working at Akoris under the direction of Hiroyuki KAWANISHI, the general director of the project. Its current activities are partly supported by JSPS KAKENHI Grant Number 15H01888 (principal investigator: Yoshiyuki SUTO) under the auspice of Nagoya University Research Center for Cultural Heritage and Texts.

Excavation Report

Preliminary Reports 2015-2017











5 EL-SHOURAFA: The Site of ‘The Crag Great-Of-Victories’?








Sub Projects

AKORIS I Amphora Stamps 1997-2001

1 General View

2 Archaeological Excavation

3 Stamped Amphora Handles

4 Historical Perspectives



1 Preface

2 Archaeological Investigation

3 Investigations in The Ptolemaic Quarry at New Minya

4 Lithic Objects from Thina El-Gabal (Akoris)



1 Preface

2 Preliminary Remarks on The Labor and Organization in The Ptolemaic Quarries Near Akoris

3 Clay Magical Human Figurines Unearthed from Tihna El-Gabal (Akoris)

4 Third Intermediate Period Burials at Akoris

5 Laser Scanning in Akoris



1 Preface

2 Archaeological Investigation

3 Faunal Remains in The South Area

4 Field Survey of Ancient Quarries Near Akoris And New Minya

5 Laser-Scanning at Akoris



1 Preface

2 Clay Cobra Figurines Unearthed From Akoris (Tihna el-Gabal)

3 Fishing in Akoris

4 Exploring The Rural Conditions of Middle Egypt in The Hellenistic Period



1 General View

2 Archaeological Investigations

3 Epigraphic Investigation

4 Architectural Investigation



1 General View

2 Archaeological Investigations

3 South Quarry



1 General View

2 Archaeological Investigations

3 South Quarry



1 General View

2 Archaeological Investigations

3 Quarry



1 General View

2 Archaeological Investigations

3 Quarry



1 General View

2 Archaeological Investigations

3 Quarry



Open Access Journals: Τεκμήρια

[First posted in AWOL 23 September 2009. Updated 27 June 2023]

ISSN: 1106-661x
Online ISSN:1791-7573
Τα Τεκμήρια δημοσιεύουν επιστημονικά άρθρα από το ευρύτερο γνωστικό πεδίο της αρχαιογνωσίας, με ιδιαίτερη έμφαση στην αρχαία ιστορία, την επιγραφική, τη νομισματική, την τοπογραφία και την ιστορική γεωγραφία, καθώς και στη δημοσίευση, αναδημοσίευση ή αξιοποίηση επιγραφικών και νομισματικών τεκμηρίων. Όλες οι υποβαλλόμενες εργασίες, που εμπίπτουν στο πεδίο ενδιαφερόντων του περιοδικού, εξετάζονται υπό τον όρο ότι είναι πρωτότυπες και έχουν αποσταλεί προς δημοσίευση μόνο στα Τεκμήρια. Προς το παρόν, τα Τεκμήρια δεν δημοσιεύουν μεμονωμένες βιβλιοκρισίες. Οι γλώσσες δημοσίευσης είναι η ελληνική, αγγλική, γαλλική, γερμανική και ιταλική.

The journal Tekmeria publishes scholarly articles pertaining to the study of the ancient world, with particular emphasis on Ancient Greek history, epigraphy, numismatics, topography and historical geography, and especially on the publication, republication or exploitation of epigraphic and numismatic materials. All submitted articles that are relevant to the thematic areas covered by the journal are considered by the editorial board, provided they are original and have only been sent to Tekmeria for publication.