[First posted in AWOL 6 August 2020, updated 31 January 2025]
International Voices in Biblical Studies
Welcome to International Voices in Biblical Studies (Online ISSN 1949-8411), an online, peer reviewed, open-access book series that provides a platform for biblical critics and authors particularly from Africa, Asia, Latin America, the Caribbean, the Pacific, and Eastern Europe.The series will publish scholarly, creative, and compelling works that engage the biblical text, its history, reception, and interpretation. Works could be traditional or experimental in method and perspective, but with serious attention to context, be it local, regional or global. Submissions in local vernaculars will also be considered. Whenever possible, the works will be published in English and the primary language of the author.
Biblical Translation as Invasion in Postcolonial Northern GhanaNathan A. Esala, 2024Download Paperback Hardcover Carrying Qoheleth’s Maota (House): An Australian-Samoan Diasporic ReadingBrian Fiu Kolia, 2024Download Paperback Hardcover Context Matters: Old Testament Essays from Africa and Beyond Honoring Knut HolterEdited by Madipoane Masenya (Ngwan'a Mphahlele), Marta Høyland Lavik, Ntozakhe Simon Cezula, and Tina Dykesteen Nilsen, 2023Download Paperback Hardcover Reading Micah in Nigeria: Ethics, Wealth, and CorruptionBlessing Onoriode Boloje, 2023Download Paperback Hardcover Terror in the Bible: Rhetoric, Gender, and ViolenceEdited by Monica Jyotsna Melanchthon and Robyn J. Whitaker, 2021Download Paperback Hardcover Welcoming the Nations: International Sociorhetorical ExplorationsEdited by Vernon K. Robbins and Roy R. Jeal, 2020Download Paperback Hardcover Reading Ecclesiastes from Asia and PasifikaEdited by Jione Havea and Peter H. W. Lau, 2020Download Paperback Hardcover Stories of Minjung Theology: The Theological Journey of Ahn Byung-Mu in His Own WordsAhn Byung-Mu; Translated by In Hanna and Park Wongi , 2019Download Paperback Hardcover Landscapes of Korean and Korean American Biblical InterpretationEdited by John Ahn, 2019Download Paperback Hardcover A Filipino Resistance Reading of Joshua 1:1–9By Lily Fetalsana-Apura, 2019Download Paperback Hardcover A Samoan Reading of Discipleship in MatthewBy Vaitusi Nofoaiga, 2017Download Paperback Hardcover Reading Ruth in Asiaedited by Jione Havea and Peter H. W. Lau, 2015Download Paperback Hardcover Migration and Diaspora: Exegetical Voices of Womenin Northeast Asian CountriesHisako Kinukawa, 2014Download Paperback Hardcover Zer Rimonim: Studies in Biblical Literature and Jewish Exegesis
Michael Avioz, 2013Download Paperback Hardcover Women at Work in the Deuteronomistic History
Mercedes L. García Bachmann, 2013Download Paperback Hardcover The Old Testament and Christian Spirituality: Theoretical and Practical Essays from a South African Perspective
Christo Lombaard, 2012Download Paperback Reading Ezra 9–10 Tu’a-Wise: Rethinking Biblical Interpretation in Oceania
Nasili Vaka’uta, 2011Download Paperback Global Hermeneutics? Reflections and Consequences
Knut Holter and Louis Jonker, 2010Download Paperback
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