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In 2002 the study group from Heidelberg University re-installed the exhibition at the Zafar Site Museum, which had stood empty since its expansion in 1981. In 2008 the museum became cluttered with materials from other excavations. Today owing to a lack of political stability, it is inaccessible to foreigners.
This ZVM is not an academic publication but aims to make Zafar and Himyar available to a wider public. Scientific publications are available and also in press.
First enter http://zafar.iwr.uni-heidelberg.de into your browser head. The necessary software loads automatically. You can navigate with the mouse: The wheel lets you advance and retreat. By holding down the left mouse key you can turn left or right or traverse up and down. To get further information about an artifact, zoom in on it and in the information window on the right you can select an information page about that object. To re-enter the ZVM click above “browse”
Our thanks go to the Interdisciplinary Center for Scientific Computing in Heidelberg for getting the ZVM online.
An introduction to the Zafar Virtual Museum appears online in Forum Archaeologiae - Zeitschrift für klassische Archäologie 62 / III / 2012:
Über 250 Jahre (270–523 n.Chr.) beherrschten die Himjaren mit ihren Alliierten das Gros der Arabischen Halbinsel. In ihrer Hauptstadt Zafar treffen wir auf eine Schlüsselstelle der Weltgeschichte, ... [mehr] Laura Pecchioli, Paul Yule, Fawzi Mohamed
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