CLAROS. Concordance of Greek inscriptions
This new version of CLAROS contains more than 605.000 equivalences coming from over 1000 collections. In general terms (with the main exceptions of the concordances of SEG and BE), we only collect references to editions and translations, not to commentaries that do not include the Greek text or a translation. We think that, once the editions are located, it will be easy to find further critical bibliography. Nevertheless, we have exceptionally gathered references to commentaries in the case of those collections that mix both types of references in their concordance, not being easy to separate them.
In this fifth upgrade we want to emphasize two specially significant facts:
1. Among the new equivalences established through direct reading, more than 23.000 correspond to the years 1978-2010 of the Bulletin Épigraphique of the Revue des Études Grecques. It has been an arduous work but from now on the users of the BE will finally be able to consult a quite complete on-line concordance of this valuable working tool, with more than 58.000 references for the years 1922-2010.
2. But, undoubtedly, the main contribution of this upgrade, apart from 150.000 new concordances, is the introduction of almost 180.000 external links that connect the results of bibliographical searches with digital versions of publications. There are three kinds of links, each of them in a different color:![]()
The red links connect with PDF papers in subscription platforms, which require some kind of payment for consulting complete papers, like JStor or Periodicals Archive Online.
The green links connect with hard copies (journals or books) in PDF or JPG format that may be consulted without restrictions in all kinds of platforms or repositories (École Française d'Athènes, Köln Universität, Gallica, Universitätsbibliothek Heidelberg, Persée,, Internet Archive, etc.).
The blue links connect with digital editions of inscriptions, including both original editions (The Princeton Project on the Inscriptions of Anatolia in Searchable Greek Inscriptions, Inscriptions of Aphrodisias Project, Inscriptions of Israel / Palestine, etc.) and digital versions of corpora simultaneously or previously published (Inscriptiones Graecae, Monumenta Asiae Minoris Antiqua XI, Inscriptions of Roman Tripolitania, etc.).
CLAROS Presentation
Data Base
Abbreviations List
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