FocusSJNTS is an academic, peer–reviewed journal with a focus on fostering student scholarship in the area of New Testament studies. The journal was created to serve as a channel through which students can publish their work. While the primary goal is to publish top–quality articles written by students (master's, doctoral, and advanced undergraduate), the journal would gladly welcome the works of scholars and specialists in the field. Likewise, readership is not intended to be limited to students. The editors of SJNTS hope to see a wide circulation of the journal, both among students and the wider academic community.SJNTS is published once a year in the Summer through two forms of media:
1) A traditional publication, which will be made available through Lulu Publishers, printed on quality paper, and bound in paperback form. Individual journal copies may be ordered online at their website Additionally, since Lulu has a partnership with, the journal will soon be made available there also. All current and back issues are $10 plus Shipping and Handling. Note: Since Lulu is a print–on–demand publishing company, they have a no–return policy.2) An online publication, which will be posted at this site in the "Read" section in nicely formatted PDF files. This form of publication allows for easy access, use and dissemination of the journal. The online publication of each new issue will be made available as soon as the review process is complete and all documents are properly formatted. The online publication will typically be published first, followed by the traditional publication.In addition, article abstracts will be uploaded to the "Abstracts" section of this site, so that readers can get a glimpse of the content of each new current issue.
Volume 1, Summer 2010The Didache as a Textual Witness: The Status Quaestionis
Peter Malik
Tyler J. Smith
Jeffrey P. García
See the full List of Open Access Journals in Ancient Studies.
Thanks, downloaded the 3 PDFs, will convert them to mp3s and listen to them tomorrow. Thanks so much.
ReplyDeleteCheers! RichGriese.NET