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Amsterdam University Press
journal contribution posted on 2024-09-01
ISSN 2156-2253
This volume explores the theme of ethnicity and ethnogenesis in societies of the ancient world. Its starting point is the current view in the social and historical sciences of ethnicity as a subjective construct that is shaped through interaction with an ethnic 'other'. The 13 essays collected in this volume are based on the analysis of historical, epigraphic and archaeological source material and thematically range from Archaic Greece to Early Mediaeval Western Europe. Despite frequent claims by ethnic groups to the contrary, all ethnic formations are intrinsically unstable and dynamic over time. Much of this dynamism is to be understood in close association with conflict, violence and changing constellations of power. The explicit theoretical framework, together with the wide range of case-studies makes this volume indispensable for historians, archaeologists and social scientists with an interest in the ancient world.English
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial (CC BY-NC)
Amsterdam University Press
1. Auflage, 2024Der vorliegende Band präsentiert Beiträge der internationalen Konferenz „Bronze Age Metallurgy. Production-Consumption-Exchange“, welche im Mai 2019 in Wien stattfand. Diese Tagung wurde von der Abteilung für Prähistorie & Westasien/Nordostafrika-Archäologie, Österreichisches Archäologisches Institut, Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften und dem VIAS - Vienna Institute for Archaeological Science, Universität Wien, anlässlich des 20-jährigen Bestehens des archäometallurgischen Labors des VIAS organisiert. Ziel der Veranstaltung war es, die aktuellen Forschungsergebnisse zur Kupferproduktion und -verwendung, zum Handel und Austausch von Rohstoffen sowie zu Legierungspraktiken in Mittel- und Südosteuropa zu diskutieren. Insgesamt wurden 19 Tagungsbeiträge präsentiert, die über neue Resultate zur bronzezeitlichen Metallurgie in den Gebieten des heutigen Österreich, Bosnien-Herzegowina, Kroatien, Ungarn, Deutschland, Italien, Nordmazedonien, Polen, Serbien, Slowenien und der Schweiz berichten. Neun davon werden in diesem Band vorgestellt, sie bieten einen ausgezeichneten Überblick über die neuen Erkenntnisse zur bronzezeitlichen Metallurgie auf dem Balkan und in den angrenzenden Regionen und erweitern damit das Verständnis über metallurgische Prozesse während der Bronzezeit bedeutend.Gefördert durch: Fonds zur Förderung der wissenschaftlichen Forschung (FWF) - Selbstständige PublikationenGefördert durch: Universität Wien ‒ Historisch-Kulturwissenschaftliche Fakultätusgabe:978-3-7001-9483-5, Printausgabe, gebunden, 13.12.2024Ausgabe:978-3-7001-9484-2, E-Book, PDF, nicht barrierefrei, 13.12.2024Auflage:1. AuflageSeitenzahl:227 SeitenFormat:29,7x21cmAbbildungen:zahlr. Farb- und s/w-AbbildungenSprache:EnglischDOI (Link zur Online Edition):
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A relief from the tomb of the Memphite mayor Ptahmose in the Nasher Museum of Art at Duke Universityjournal contribution posted on 2024-09-01
journal contribution posted on 2024-09-01
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Studia graeco-arabica features critical articles and reviews on the transmission of philosophical and scientific texts from and into various languages – Greek, Syriac, Arabic, and Latin – from late Antiquity to the Middle Ages and Renaissance (ISSN Online 2239-012X). Studia graeco-arabica follows a double-blind peer review process.
Studia graeco-arabica 14 (2024) Studies offered to Concetta Luna by her friends, colleagues, and pupils
Table of Contents Nicolas Roudet, Bibliographie des travaux de Concetta Luna (avril 2024), SGA 14 (2024), pp. IX-XVArticles
Part I. Texts, Schools, and History of Science | Textes, écoles, histoire des sciences
1. Francesco Ademollo, Aristotle, Metaphysics Δ 26, 1023 b 26–7: The First Definition of Whole, SGA 14 (2024), pp. 1-6
Affiliation: Dipartimento di Lettere e Filosofia, Università di Firenze
doi: 10.12871/97912560807002
Keywords: Aristotle, Metaphysics, Alexander of AphrodisiasAbstract, Full Text PDF
2. Richard Sorabji, An Application of Social oikeiōsis (Affiliation) to Other Humans in Time of Pandemic, SGA 14 (2024), pp. 7-10
Affiliation: Wolfson College, University of Oxford
doi: 10.12871/97912560807003
Keywords: Stoic theory of oikeiōsis, Ancient Greek philosophy, HieroclesAbstract, Full Text PDF
3. Richard Goulet, La datation de Cléomède, SGA 14 (2024), pp. 11-38
Affiliation: Centre Jean Pépin – UMR8230, CRNS, Paris
doi: 10.12871/97912560807004
Keywords: Cleomedes, Ptolemy’s Catalogue of Stars, Ancient Greek PhilosophyAbstract, Full Text PDF
4. Lorenzo Salerno, I Theologumena Arithmeticae dello ps.-Giamblico: alcune note testuali al capitolo sulla Tetrade, SGA 14 (2024), pp. 39-58
Affiliation: Department of Classics, Stanford University
doi: 10.12871/97912560807005
Keywords: Theologumena Arithmeticae, Ancient Greek Philosophy, ps.-IamblichusAbstract, Full Text PDF
5. Frans A.J. de Haas, Alexander of Aphrodisias on Analysis to the First Principle, SGA 14 (2024), pp. 59-68
Affiliation: Universiteit Leiden, Faculty of Humanities Instituut voor Wijsbegeerte
doi: 10.12871/97912560807006
Keywords: Alexander of Aphrodisias, Quaest. I.1, Prior AnalyticsAbstract, Full Text PDF
6. Henri Hugonnard-Roche, De l’ Isagoge aux Analytiques: Sur quelques étapes de la formation d’un corpus syriaque (puis arabe) de logique à l’époque tardo-antique (et au-delà), SGA 14 (2024), pp. 69-76
Affiliation: Centre Jean Pépin – UMR8230, CRNS, Paris
doi: 10.12871/97912560807007
Keywords: Isagoge, MS Topkapı Ahmet III 3362, school of QenneshreAbstract, Full Text PDF
7. Daniel King, Severus Sebokht On Deductions in Aristotle’s Prior Analytics, SGA 14 (2024), pp. 77-116
Affiliation: Cardiff University, School of History, Archaeology and Religion
doi: 10.12871/97912560807008
Keywords: Severus Sebokht, Prior Analytics, assertoric syllogismsAbstract, Full Text PDF
8. Rüdiger Arnzen, Pieter Sjoerd Hasper, Sophistical Refutations 33: Three Arabic Translations and the Greek Original, SGA 14 (2024), pp. 117-140
Affiliation: Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg | Universität Tübingen, Philosophisches Seminar
doi: 10.12871/97912560807009
Keywords: Sophistical Refutations 33, Yaḥyā ibn ʿAdī, ʿĪsā ibn Zurʿa, Ibn Nāʿima al-ḤimṣīAbstract, Full Text PDF
9. Stefano Gattei, “Vita spoliatus iacerem, nisi dulcedo astronomiae retinuisset animam”. Il manifesto di Regiomontano per un rinascimento delle scienze matematiche (Padova, 1464), SGA 14 (2024), pp. 141-180
Affiliation: Università di Trento, Dipartimento di Sociologia e Ricerca Sociale
doi: 10.12871/979125608070010
Keywords: Regiomontanus, al-Farġānī, History of ScienceAbstract, Full Text PDF
10. Nicolas Roudet, The Name of the Father. About a Mysterious Jesuit Mentioned by Kepler in the Phaenomenon singulare (1609), SGA 14 (2024), pp. 181-192
Affiliation: University of Strasbourg, Bibliothèque de la MISHA (Maison Interuniversitaire des Sciences de l’Homme-Alsace)
doi: 10.12871/979125608070011
Keywords: Phaenomenon singulare, Kepler, History of ScienceAbstract, Full Text PDF
11. Denis Savoie, Teodosio Rossi, le gnomoniste des Papes, SGA 14 (2024), pp. 193-218
Affiliation: Observatoire de Paris (Syrte)
doi: 10.12871/979125608070012
Keywords: Teodosio Rossi, Sundials, History of ScienceAbstract, Full Text PDF
12. Giovanna Varani, Risonanze elleniche e prima modernità. Scorribande letterarie leibniziane nella poesia greca arcaica, SGA 14 (2024), pp. 219-242
Affiliation: Hannover, Leibniz Archives
doi: 10.12871/979125608070013
Keywords: Leibniz, Melanchthon, Greek PoetryAbstract, Full Text PDF
13. Carlo Gabbani, Σῴζειν τὰ φαινόμενα Appunti sulle vicende e i significati di un principio, SGA 14 (2024), pp. 243-264
Affiliation: Pisa, Liceo “U. Dini”
doi: 10.12871/979125608070014
Keywords: History of Science, Epistemology, AristotleAbstract, Full Text PDF
Part II. Platonism and Neoplatonism | Platonisme et néoplatonisme
14. Franco Ferrari, La relazione inafferrabile. Immagini, analogie e metafore nella metafisica di Platone, SGA 14 (2024), pp. 267-284
Affiliation: Università di Pavia
doi: 10.12871/979125608070015
Keywords: Plato, Parmenides,TimaeusAbstract, Full Text PDF
15. Bruno Centrone, “Nulla è più forte dell’episteme” Note sull’intellettualismo etico in Platone tra il Protagora e le Leggi, SGA 14 (2024), pp. 285-292
Affiliation: Università di Pisa, Dipartimento di Civiltà e Forme del Sapere
doi: 10.12871/979125608070016
Keywords: Plato, Protagoras, LawsAbstract, Full Text PDF
16. Dominic J. O’Meara, Sallustius’ On Gods and the Universe A Manual for Teachers of Platonic Philosophy?, SGA 14 (2024), pp. 293-300
Affiliation: Université de Fribourg
doi: 10.12871/979125608070017
Keywords: Sallustius, On Gods and the Universe, Platonic PhilosophyAbstract, Full Text PDF
17. Jan Opsomer, Plutarch’s Predecessors in the Exegesis of Plato, SGA 14 (2024), pp. 301-322
Affiliation: LU Leuven, De Wulf-Mansion Centre for Ancient, Medieval and Renaissance Philosophy
doi: 10.12871/979125608070018
Keywords: Platonic Exegesis, De animae procreatione in Timaeo, Quaestiones platonicaeAbstract, Full Text PDF
18. Federico M. Petrucci, Notes on the Post-Hellenistic Platonist Debate on Divine Causation: Plutarch, Taurus, Atticus, SGA 14 (2024), pp. 323-344
Affiliation: Università di Torino, Dipartimento di Filosofia e Scienze dell’Educazione
doi: 10.12871/979125608070019
Keywords: Middle Platonism; Craftsman-like Causation in Middle Platonism; Platonist Cosmology; Taurus of Beirut; AtticusAbstract, Full Text PDF
19. Gabriele Galluzzo, Plotinus and the Identity Theory of Truth, SGA 14 (2024), pp. 345-370
Affiliation: University of Exeter, Department of Classics, Ancient History, Religion and Theology
doi: 10.12871/979125608070020
Keywords: Plotinus’ Epistemology, Plotinus’ doctrine of the Intellect, Identity Theory of TruthAbstract, Full Text PDF
20. Leonida Vanni, La concezione plotiniana della parcellizzazione (μερισμός) Parte II: l’origine della parcellizzazione dei corpi, SGA 14 (2024), pp. 371-392
Affiliation: Università di Firenze, Dipartimento di Lettere e Filosofia
doi: 10.12871/979125608070021
Keywords: Plotinus, Late Ancient Philosophy, μερισμόςAbstract, Full Text PDF
21. Riccardo Chiaradonna, Lo statuto della differenza specifica: da Alessandro di Afrodisia a Giamblico, SGA 14 (2024), pp. 393-406
Affiliation: Università degli Studi di Roma TRE
doi: 10.12871/9791256080700222
Keywords: Alexander of Aphrodisias, Porphyry, IamblichusAbstract, Full Text PDF
22. Marco Zambon, “La virtú è una veste divina” (Didym., GenT 92, 12) La dottrina della virtú in Didimo il Cieco, SGA 14 (2024), pp. 407-432
Affiliation: Università degli Studi di Padova, Dipartimento di Scienze Storiche Geografiche e dell’Antichità
doi: 10.12871/979125608070023
Keywords: Didymus the Blind, Middle Platonism, Doctrine of VirtueAbstract, Full Text PDF
23. Gerd Van Riel, Proclus. L’abeille. Sur le discours des Muses dans la République Nouvelle édition et traduction, SGA 14 (2024), pp. 433-442
Affiliation: KU Leuven, Institute of Philosophy
doi: 10.12871/979125608070024
Keywords: Proclus’ In Rempublicam, Proclus’ In Timaeum, Collectio PhilosophicaAbstract, Full Text PDF
24. Jean-Pierre Schneider, Les 4 “questions” scientifiques aristotéliciennes et les Introductions à la philosophie de l’Antiquité tardive, SGA 14 (2024), pp. 443-466
Affiliation: Université de Neuchâtel, Faculté de Lettres et sciences humaines
doi: 10.12871/979125608070025
Keywords: Posterior Analytics, Neoplatonic tradition, Prolegomena to philosophyAbstract, Full Text PDF
25. Benedikt Strobel, Carlos Steel, William of Moerbeke’s Twofold Translation of Philoponus’ Commentary on De Anima III 4, 429 a 10–13 A Comparative Analysis with a Greek Retroversion, SGA 14 (2024), pp. 467-518
Affiliations: De Wulf-Mansion Centre for Ancient, Medieval and Renaissance Philosophy | Universität Trier
doi: 10.12871/979125608070026
Keywords: William of Moerbeke, Philoponus’ Commentary on De Anima III 4-8, De IntellectuAbstract, Full Text PDF
25. Stéphane Toussaint, La Vénus de Plotin. Pic contre Ficin, SGA 14 (2024), pp. 519-529
Affiliation: Centre André-Chastel, UMS 8150, CNRS (France)
doi: 10.12871/979125608070026
Keywords: Marsilio Ficino, Giovanni Pico della Mirandola, MS Conv. Soppr. E I. 2562Abstract, Full Text PDF
Part III. The Middle Ages: Texts and Studies | Moyen Âge: textes et études
26. Giovanni Catapano, Sulla divisione delle parole latine in fine di riga Una proposta operativa, SGA 14 (2024), pp. 531-539
Affiliation: Università degli Studi di Padova, Dipartimento di Filosofia, Sociologia, Pedagogia e Psicologia Applicata
doi: 10.12871/979125608070027
Keywords: Latin Literature, Syllable Division Rules, Latin translationsAbstract, Full Text PDF
27. Carmela Baffioni, Philosophical and Scientific Issues in Abū Maʿšar, SGA 14 (2024), pp. 539-554
Affiliation: Università degli Studi di Napoli “L’Orientale” | Institute of Ismaili Studies London
doi: 10.12871/979125608070028
Keywords: Abū Maʿšar al-Balḫī, Book of the Great Introduction to Astrology, Ancient AstrologyAbstract, Full Text PDF
28. Amos Bertolacci, Power and Limits of the Human Mind: On the Arabic Reception of the Analogy of Bats and Daylight in Aristotle’s Metaphysics (II [α], 993 b 9-11), SGA 14 (2024), pp. 555-586
doi: 10.12871/979125608070029
Keywords: Aristotle’s Metaphysics, Alpha Elatton, Arabic Medieval PhilosophyAbstract, Full Text PDF
29. Cecilia Martini Bonadeo, Uno scritto inedito di Yaḥyā ibn ʿAdī Materiali di scuola nel circolo aristotelico di Bagdad (X secolo), SGA 14 (2024), pp. 587-618
doi: 10.12871/979125608070030
Keywords: Yaḥyā ibn ʿAdī, Arabic Medieval Philosophy, Bagdad Aristotelian CircleAbstract, Full Text PDF
30. Issam Marjani, Un glossario di definizioni filosofiche nel Kitāb al-Muqābasāt di Abū Ḥayyān al-Tawḥīdī, SGA 14 (2024), pp. 619-650
Affiliation: Università di Pisa, Centro Linguistico Interdipartimentale
doi: 10.12871/979125608070031
Keywords: Abū Ḥayyān al-Tawḥīdī, Book of Mutual Enligthments, muqābasa 91Abstract, Full Text PDF
31. Tommaso Alpina, Avicenna and the Human Soul as a Mirror: a Myth?, SGA 14 (2024), pp. 651-664
Affiliation: Università degli Studi di Pavia, Dipartimento di Studi Umanistici
doi: 10.12871/979125608070032
Keywords: Avicenna’s theory of the soul, Nafs V 6, Avicenna’s philosophical psychologyAbstract, Full Text PDF
32. Matteo Di Giovanni, Averroes and the Umma of Philosophers, SGA 14 (2024), pp. 665-680
Affiliation: Università di Torino, Dipartimento di Filosofia e Scienze dell’Educazione
doi: 10.12871/979125608070033
Keywords: Averroes, Arabic Medieval Philosophy, Islamic lawAbstract, Full Text PDF
33. Tiziano Dorandi, La traduzione latina dell’ Ethica Nicomachea e del corpus dei commentatori di Roberto Grossatesta con qualche considerazione sulla antiquior translatio, SGA 14 (2024), pp. 681-692
Affiliation: Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, UMR 8230, Centre Jean Pépin
doi: 10.12871/979125608070034
Keywords: Nicomachean Ethics, Robert Grosseteste, corpus ethicum AristotelicumAbstract, Full Text PDF
34. Henryk Anzulewicz, Eine anonyme Abhandlung An anima racionalis sit mortalis und ihr Verhältnis zu Albertus Magnus und seinem Werk Einführung und Textausgabe, SGA 14 (2024), pp. 693-734
Affiliation: Albertus-Magnus-Institut Bonn (Germany)
doi: 10.12871/979125608070035
Keywords: Albert the Great, Liber De Natura et origine animae, Codex CP 439Abstract, Full Text PDF
35. Anna Rodolfi, Individuazione e individualità dell’angelo in Alberto Magno, SGA 14 (2024), pp. 735-754
Affiliation: Università degli Studi di Firenze,
doi: 10.12871/979125608070036
Keywords: Albert the Great, Doctrine of the Individuation of the Angel, Notion of materia spiritualisAbstract, Full Text PDF
36. Jean-Pierre Torrell O.P., La Summa theologiae de saint Thomas d’Aquin Contexte littéraire et propos doctrinal, SGA 14 (2024), pp. 755-766
Affiliation: Université de Fribourg, Faculté de théologie
doi: 10.12871/979125608070037
Keywords: Thomas Aquinas, Summa theologiae, quaestio disputataAbstract, Full Text PDF
37. Marta Borgo, Tommaso d’Aquino, Guglielmo di Moerbeke e la Metafisica di Aristotele Vecchie problematiche e nuove prospettive, SGA 14 (2024), pp. 767-786
Affiliation: Commissio Leonina (Paris) / Universität Luzern
doi: 10.12871/979125608070038
Keywords: Aristotle’s Metaphysics, Thomas Aquinas, William of MoerbekeAbstract, Full Text PDF
38. Adriano Oliva, Le anonime Questiones super I et II Sententiarum del manoscritto Paris, BnF, lat. 15952 Edizione e presentazione delle questioni proemiali, SGA 14 (2024), pp. 787-824
Affiliation: Commissio Leonina / CNRS, PSL, LEM, UFR 8584, Paris
doi: 10.12871/979125608070039
Keywords: Peter Lombard, Sentences, MS BnF lat. 15338Abstract, Full Text PDF
39. Giorgio Pini, From Fixture to Proxy: Thomas Aquinas and Giles of Rome on the Beatific Vision and the Intelligible Species, SGA 14 (2024), pp. 825-836
Affiliation: Fordham University, Philosophy Department
doi: 10.12871/979125608070040
Keywords: Thomas Aquinas, Giles of Rome, Henry of GhentAbstract, Full Text PDF
40. Cecilia Trifogli, Giles of Rome On Divine Knowledge and Divine Ideas, SGA 14 (2024), pp. 837-856
Affiliation: University of Oxford, All Souls College
doi: 10.12871/979125608070041
Keywords: Thomas Aquinas, Giles of Rome, God’s Knowledge of SingularsAbstract, Full Text PDF
41. Guy Guldentops, For Humans’ Sake: Giles of Rome’s Teleological Anthropocentrism in Context, SGA 14 (2024), pp. 857-882
Affiliation: Thomas-Institut der Universität zu Köln
doi: 10.12871/979125608070042
Keywords: Physics, Giles of Rome, anthropoteleologyAbstract, Full Text PDF
42. Mario Bertagna, The Discovery of Definitions: Giles of Rome on Posterior Analytics II 13, SGA 14 (2024), pp. 883-904
doi: 10.12871/979125608070043
Keywords: Posterior Analytics, Giles of Rome, Medieval Latin PhilosophyAbstract, Full Text PDF
43. Costantino Marmo, Frammenti dell’Expositio super Porphyrium di Radulphus Brito nelle glosse di un manoscritto di Santa Croce, SGA 14 (2024), pp. 905-916
Affiliation: Università degli Studi di Bologna, Dipartimento delle Arti
doi: 10.12871/979125608070044
Keywords: Radulphus Brito, Expositio super Porphyrium, Quaestiones super PorphyriumAbstract, Full Text PDF
44. Agostino Paravicini Bagliani, Il papa e gli angeli (s. XIII-XIV), SGA 14 (2024), pp. 917-960
Affiliation: Université de Lausanne
doi: 10.12871/979125608070045
Keywords: Augustine of Ancona, Summa de ecclesiastica potestate, Expositio super ApocalypsiAbstract, Full Text PDF
45. Iacopo Costa, Davide Falessi, Les sens de l’être selon Augustin d’Ancône O.E.S.A. (In Metaph. V 7), SGA 14 (2024), pp. 961-996
Affiliation: Commissio Leonina | Laboratoire d’études sur les monothéismes, UMR 8584 Paris
doi: 10.12871/979125608070046
Keywords: Augustine of Ancona, Metaphysics V 7, Thomas AquinasAbstract, Full Text PDF
46. Amos Corbini, Sicut ait magister noster Egidio Romano visto da tre maestri all’inizio della “seconda scuola agostiniana”, SGA 14 (2024), pp. 997-1024
Affiliation: Università di Torino, Dipartimento di Filosofia
doi: 10.12871/979125608070047
Keywords: Giles of Rome, Second Augustinian School, Hugolinus of OrvietoAbstract, Full Text PDF
47. Gianfranco Fioravanti, Edizione del commento di Antonio da Parma al capitolo 5 della doctrina sexta della prima fen del primo libro del Canone di Avicenna, SGA 14 (2024), pp. 1025-1054
Affiliation: Università di Pisa, Dipartimento di Civiltà e Forme del Sapere
doi: 10.12871/979125608070048
Keywords: Antonio da Parma, Studium of Bologna, De virtutibus animalibus comprehendentibusAbstract, Full Text PDF
49. Marco Di Branco, Da Cartagine a Samarcanda: la tristezza del Conquistatore Considerazioni sulla visita a Santa Sofia di Mehmet Fātiḥ nelle descrizioni di Critobulo di Imbro e Tursun Bey, SGA 14 (2024), pp. 1055-1062
Affiliation: Sapienza Università di Roma, Dipartimento di Storia, Antropologia, Religioni e Spettacolo
doi: 10.12871/979125608070050
Keywords: Tursun Beg, Critoboulus of Imbros, Mehmed IIAbstract, Full Text PDF
50. Pietro Bassiano Rossi, La tradizione esegetica greca nelle Annotationes in Posteriora del domenicano Francesco Silvestri (†1528), SGA 14 (2024), pp. 1063-1074
Affiliation: Università di Torino, Dipartimento di Filosofia e Scienze dell’Educazione
doi: 10.12871/979125608070051
Keywords: Francesco Silvestri, Annotationes in Posteriora, Thomas AquinasAbstract, Full Text PDF
51. Fabrizio Amerini, Étienne Gilson, la filosofia cristiana e la filologia, SGA 14 (2024), pp. 1075-1088
Affiliation: Università di Parma, Dipartimento di Discipline Umanistiche, Sociali e delle Imprese Culturali
doi: 10.12871/979125608070052
Keywords: Étienne Gilson, Christian philosophy, Medieval Latin PhilosophyAbstract, Full Text PDF
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Ansgar Teichgräber - 11. Dezember 2024 - Aktuelles
Nach einem Abgleich der Bestände der Gnomon Bibliographischen Datenbank (GBD) mit den Zeitschriftenarchiven JSTOR und Persée konnten bereits im Februar 2024 fast 90.000 Datensätze mit Direktlinks zu diesen Repositorien angereichert werden. In einem zweiten Schritt wurden nun Datensätze für ca. 75.000 Aufsätze, die bisher in der GBD nicht indexiert waren, vollständig neu erzeugt. Dafür mussten die Ausgangsdaten den Erfassungskonventionen des B3Kat angepasst und in erheblichen Teilen auch formal korrigiert werden. Die dafür notwendigen Arbeiten wurden durch Einsatz von KI effizienter gestaltet.
Die aktuelle Einspielung betrifft Titel aus Zeitschriften, die in Gänze altertumswissenschaftlich relevant sind. Für die Zukunft ist geplant, weitere relevante Titeldaten aus fachübergreifenden Zeitschriften, in denen nur partiell relevante Aufsätze erscheinen, durch Einsatz von KI zu ermitteln und einzuspielen. Ferner wird angestrebt, die für den aktuellen Datenpool erarbeiteten Workflows und Codemodule auch auf weitere einschlägige Datenquellen zu übertragen.