Trismegistos People is a tool dealing with personal names of non-royal individuals living in Egypt in documentary texts between BC 800 and AD 800,
including all languages and scripts written on any surface. Not
included are pharaohs, emperors, and saints; people attested in texts
outside Egypt (with the exception of some Prosopographia Ptolemaica entries) or people living outside Egypt (no consuls!); and names from non-documentary texts (again with the exception of some Prosopographia Ptolemaica entries).

TM People consists of a complex set of prosopographical and onomastic databases. At the heart of the structure is the REF database, which lists attestations of people identified by personal names (currently 535,569 records). The PER database
of individuals, which at present includes 375,091 person records, forms
the prosopographical component. The onomastic structure consists of
three tiers, dealing with names (NAM), name variants (NAMVAR), and
declined name variants (NAMVARCASE) respectively. The Nam database
currently has 36,413 names. Each of these standard names is connected
to a set of variants, often in different languages / scripts, in the NamVar database (219,501 variants). For each of these variants, declined forms were created in the NamVarCase database. This last database is the largest, with 1,148,974 entries, and forms the link between REF and NAMVAR & NAM.
Each of these databases has its limitations, set out below in
the following sections. REF does not yet cover all Trismegistos Texts
and has not yet been checked for completeness or mistakes, while
prosopographical identifications in PER are a never-ending and often
difficult exercise (read more...);
the names in NAM could and often should be grouped otherwise, while
some adaptations to the Latin name system may still be needed (read more...);
and the transliterated Egyptian variants in NAMVAR, as well as Greek
accentuation (in all databases), are not always standardized (read more...).
We hope, however, that even in its current state the tool may
prove useful enough to avert nemesis. Also, digital instruments such as
TM People have the advantage that they can be updated and improved
easily. We would therefore be very grateful if users not only show
clemency, but also help us improve the quality: suggestions and mistakes
can be reported by clicking on 'Report an error' in the header above.
Online databases tend not to be quoted, or only reluctantly.
Often scholars will not document the use of digital tools and point to
the (printed version of the) sources directly. Gradually, however,
scholarship seems to enter a new phase where online edition is taking
over the front position from paper copy. For this purpose, we have
developed stable numeric identifiers for each entry in each of the TM
People databases. For more information, please consult the 'How to cite' section below.
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