Nubian Monasteries

This page aims to bring the Nubian monasticism closer to the community of sholars and wider audience as well.
In 2012 I’ve started a program regarding
Nubian monasteries. Thanks to the hospitality of the Oriental
Institute, University of Chicago and generosity of the Foundation for
Polish Science and de Brzezie Lanckoronski Foundation I lead a project
on publishing the Qasr el-Wizz monastery carried out by a team of
European scholars. The monastery has been fully excavated by George
Scanlon on behalf of the Oriental institute in 1965, yet only two
preliminary reports in Journal of Egyptian Archaeology has been
published. Our objective is to publish the entire material recovered at
the site and made this exceptional collection available for the public.
I am also implementing the Polish Centre
of Mediterranean Archaeology project at the Ghazali monastery, Northern
Province, Sudan sponsored by the Qatar Sudan Archaeological Project. It
is one of the best preserved and picturesque
sites in Sudan. The main objective is preservation of the historic site
and its various historical and cultural values for future generations.
It consists of two modules: excavations and site management which in
turn contains protection, conservation and presentation of the site. The
latter part is being done in cooperation with a
leading company in the field in site management in the Nile valley.
In March 2015 I have received a grant
no. 2014/13/D/HS3/03829 from the National Science Centre, Poland to
produce the monograph on Nubian monasteries and compare them with the
monastic communities in other countries in the peripheries of the
Byzantine world. This website was created thanks this funding
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