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Ostia: Harbour City of Ancient Rome
Ostia: Harbour City of Ancient Rome
This website is dedicated to Ostia, the harbour city of ancient Rome. Here you will find information for professional archaeologists and historians, for students of Roman archaeology and history, and for interested lay-people.
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Presentation of the website (video)
E.J. Shepherd - E. Benes, Enterprise
Application Integration (EAI) e Beni Culturali: un'esperienza di
gestione informatizzata assistita dalla radiofrequenza (RFId), Archeologia e calcolatori 18 (2007), 293-303.
E.J. Shepherd, Il rilievo topofotografico di Ostia dal pallone (1911), Archeologia aerea 2 (2006), 15-38.
E.J. Shepherd, L'evocazione rapida di un sogno: prime esperienze di teatro all'aperto a Ostia Antica, Acta Photographica. Rivista di fotografia, cultura e territorio, 2/3 (maggio-dicembre 2005), 133-169.
- J.Th. Bakker, The mills-bakeries of Ostia and the distributions of free grain, lecture held at Durham, UK, May 2000; reworked for Descoeudres 2001, and published in French.
I. Gismondi, La Colimbetra del teatro di Ostia, Anthemon, Scritti in onore di Carlo Anti, Venizia 1954, 293 ff.
- L. Constans, "Ostie primitive", Journal des Savants 1926, 436ff. can be consulted on the website of the Bibliothèque Nationale de France.
- G. Calza, Le Terme Ostiensi, Architettura e Arti Decorative 1926, 337-344.
- G. Calza, Le origine latine dell'abitazione moderna (I), Architettura e Arti Decorative 1923, 3-18.
- I. Gismondi, Le origine latine dell'abitazione moderna (II), Architettura e Arti Decorative 1923, 49-63.
- L. Constans, "Les fouilles d'Ostie (1914-17)", Journal des Savants 1917, 465ff. can be consulted on the website of the Bibliothèque Nationale de France.
- G. Calza, Expressions of Art in a Roman Commercial City: Ostia, JRS 5 (1915), 165-172.
- Th. Ashby, Recent Discoveries at Ostia, JRS 2 (1912), 153-194.
- J. Carcopino, "Les recentes fouilles d'Ostie (1909-11)", Journal des
Savants 1911, 448-468 can be consulted on the website of the Bibliothèque Nationale de France.
- J. Carcopino, Ostiensia II - Le quartier des docks, MEFRA (Mél. d'Arch. et d'Hist.) 30 (1910), 397-446.
- J. Carcopino, La mosaïque de la caserne des vigiles à Ostie, MEFRA (Mél. d'Arch. et d'Hist.) 27 (1907), 227-241.
- P. Ducati, "L'ara di Ostia del Museo delle Terme di Diocleziano
(Roma)", MEFRA (Mél. d'Arch. et d'Hist.) 26 (1906), 483-512 can be
consulted on the website of Persée.
Notizie degli Scavi 1897-1903.
- P. Andre, "Le Teatre romain d'Ostie", MEFRA (Mél. d'Arch. et d'Hist.) 11 (1891), 492-505 can be consulted on the website of Persée.
- R. Lanciani, "Les recentes fouilles d'Ostie. La Caserme des Vigiles
et l'Augusteum", MEFRA (Mél. d'Arch. et d'Hist.) 9 (1889), 174-179 can
be consulted on the website of Persée.
- P. Andre, "Les recentes fouilles d'Ostie. Etude et plan des ruines",
MEFRA (Mél. d'Arch. et d'Hist.) 9 (1889), 180-183 can be consulted on
the website of Persée.
- G R. Lanciani, Ricerche topografiche sulla citta di Porto, AdI 40 (1868), 144-195.
Milton Luiz Torres, Christian burial practices at Ostia Antica: backgrounds and contexts with a case study of the Pianabella Basilica, The University of Texas at Austin 2008.
J.Th. Bakker - J.H. Van Dalen - Th.L. Heres - B. Meijlink - A.J.B. Sirks (J. Th. Bakker ed.), The Mills-Bakeries of Ostia. Description and Interpretation, Amsterdam 1999.
J.Th. Bakker, Living
and Working with the Gods. Studies of Evidence for Private Religion and
its Material Environment in the City of Ostia (100 BC - 500 AD), Amsterdam 1994.
G. Lugli - G. Filibeck, Il Porto di Roma imperiale e l'Agro Portuense, Roma 1935.
Small version:
Carta I;
Carta II;
Carta III;
Carta IV
Large version:
Carta I;
Carta II;
Carta III;
Carta IV
G. Calza, Il teatro romano di Ostia, Roma-Milano 1927.
- Lily Ross Taylor, The Cults of Ostia, Bryn Mawr 1912.
L. Paschetto, Ostia, Colonia Romana, Roma 1912.
Small version:
Sommario e prefazione;
fig. 122 (p. 409-410);
Tav. I (on two pages);
Tav. II (on two pages);
Tav. III
Large version:
Sommario e prefazione;
fig. 122 (p. 409-410);
Tav. I (on two pages);
Tav. II (on two pages);
Tav. III
- R. Lanciani, The Tiber and the Claudian Harbor "Ancient Rome in the Light of Recent Discoveries", Boston and New York, 1898, chapter 9.
- R. Fisch, Eine Wanderung nach den Trümmern von Ostia, Berlin, 1898.
- G. Boissier, Promenades Archéologiques, Chapitre cinquième, Ostie, Paris, 1880-1895.
- C.L. Visconti, Le più notabili iscrizioni Ostiensi (1859).
- G A. Nibby, Porto e Fiumicino, Roma 1849.
- G C. Fea, Storia delle Saline d'Ostia introdotte da Anco Marcio quarto re di Roma dopo la fondazione di quella (1831).
- G A. Nibby, Viaggio Antiquario ne' contorni di Roma. Viaggio ad Ostia, Roma 1819.
- G A. Nibby, Viaggio Antiquario ne' contorni di Roma. Escursione all'Isola Sacra, e a Porto, Roma 1819.
- G C. Fea, Relazione di un viaggio ad Ostia e alla villa di Plinio detta Laurentino, Roma 1802.
- J.Th. Bakker, Interview with Alberino Vicari, restorer of Ostian wall-paintings: Italian | English (1987).
- Russell Meiggs, Review of Scavi di Ostia I, The Times, April 17, 1954.
Three articles from The
Times (London) about the excavations: 1) Dec. 31, 1857, p. 6; 2) May 7, 1858, p. 6; 3) Jun. 2, 1858, p. 6.
Tesi di laurea
Travellers' accounts
- L. Couperus, Uit blanke steden onder blauwe lucht: Ostia, April 1911 (in Dutch).
- J.W. Burgon, Letters from Rome to Friends in England: How to see Ostia with Comfort, London 1862, p. 10-12.
- O. Blewitt - J. Murray, A Hand-book for Travellers in Central Italy: Ostia, and the Cities of the Coast of Ancient Latium, London 1850, p. 593-598.
- K.H. Brandes, Wilhelm von Humboldt's gesammelte Werke, V, Berlin 1846, p. 248-249.
- M. Starke, Travels in Europe and in the Island of Sicily: With an Account of the Remains of Ancient Italy, Paris 1836, p. 243-245.
- R. Griffiths, Mad. de la Recke's Travels, The Monthly Review 1820, p. 500-501.
- A. Laurentian, Remarks during a Walk from Rome to Ostia, The Gentleman's Magazine 1817, p. 511-513.
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