Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Edited by: Martin Bentz and Patrick Zeidler
book: Dependency and Social Inequality in Pre-Roman Italy

In the past, most studies on Pre-Roman societies in Italy (1st millennium BCE) focused on the elites, their representation and cultural contacts. The aim of this volume is to look at dependent and marginalized social groups, which are less visible and often even difficult to define (slaves, servants, freedmen, captives, ‚foreigners‘, athletes, women, children etc.). The methodological challenges connected to the study of such heterogeneous and scattered sources are addressed. Is the evidence representative enough for defining different forms of dependencies? Can we rely on written and pictorial sources or do they only reflect Greek and Roman views and iconographic conventions? Which social groups can’t be traced in the literary and archaeological record? For the investigation of this topic, we combined historical and epigraphical studies (Greek and Roman literary sources, Etruscan inscriptions) with material culture studies (images, sanctuaries, necropoleis) including anthropological and bioarchaeological methods. These new insights open a new chapter in the study of dependency and social inequality in the societies of Pre-Roman Italy. 

  • Language: English
  • Publisher: De Gruyter
  • Copyright year: 2024
  • Audience: historians, archaeologists, anthropologists
  • Pages
    • Front matter: 6
    • Main content: 402
  • Illustrations
    • Illustrations: 65
    • Coloured Illustrations: 44
    • Tables: 18
  • Keywords: Slavery; dependency; etruria; funerary achaeology; iconography
  • Published: October 21, 2024
  • ISBN: 9783111558417
  • Published: October 21, 2024
  • ISBN: 9783111344089



"Charis" oder Riskante Reziprozität: Versuche über Gaben und Künste

Sabine Mainberger

book: "Charis" oder Riskante Reziprozität

What brings and keeps people together? In Marcel Mauss’s theory of the gift, art is attributed a crucial social function. Starting with the issue of the sociopolitical relevance of aesthetics, this volume compares central concepts from art theory by looking at selected works, spanning Greek and Roman antiquity, the Early Modern period, and Schiller's theoretical writings, right up to the Fluxus artworks of the late twentieth century. 

  • Language: German
  • Publisher: De Gruyter
  • Copyright year: 2024
  • Audience: Scholars of literary, art, and cultural studies, anthropology; those interested in philosophy and social and cultural theory
  • Pages
    • Front matter: 7
    • Main content: 370
  • Keywords: Aesthetics; sociology of art; the gift (motif)
  • Published: October 21, 2024
  • ISBN: 9783111553528
  • Published: October 21, 2024
  • ISBN: 9783111552965



Prokop und der soziale Kosmos der Historiographie: Exkurse, Diskurse und die römische Gesellschaft der Spätantike

Jakob Riemenschneider
book: Prokop und der soziale Kosmos der Historiographie
Volume 108 in the series Millennium-Studien / Millennium Studies

Procopius of Caesarea was one of the last authors of classical antique historiography. His major volume on Justinian’s wars is the most important historical source on the sixth century. This new interpretation of, above all, his manifold explorations reveals Procopius to have been a versatile author who was familiar with all facets of contemporary Roman society and served the various interests of his audience. 

  • Published: October 21, 2024
  • ISBN: 9783111547640
  • Published: October 21, 2024
  • ISBN: 9783111546865



›Humanitas‹ in the Imperial Age: From Pliny the Younger to Symmachus

Simone Mollea
book: ›Humanitas‹ in the Imperial Age
Volume 1 in the series Lumina

This book investigates one of the most polysemic Latin words, humanitas. While the first chapter briefly retraces the history of humanitas from its origins, the book as a whole focuses on its uses in the pagan literary texts from the Trajanic (late first century CE) to the Theodosian age (late fourth century CE). The aim of this study is to explore the extent to which the different meanings usually attributed to humanitas by dictionaries (roughly ‘human nature’, ‘education and culture’, ‘philanthropy’) are much more nuanced and in continuous relation with one another, and how the use of humanitas by some authors often performs clear rhetorical and/or ideological strategies.

This book is therefore not only a lexicographical study, but pays careful attention to the wider historical and cultural contexts in which humanitas was employed. More specifically, the use of humanitas reveals the ways in which Roman authors considered themes that were at the core of their conception of culture and civilisation, such as the relationship between being learned and behaving morally, the ideas of moral nobility and clemency, the notion that a value concept can distinguish one category of men from another, or even one historical period from another.

  • Language: English
  • Publisher: De Gruyter
  • Copyright year: 2024
  • Audience: Classicists, Roman and Greek historians, historians of ideas, Renaissance studies scholars
  • Pages
    • Front matter: 18
    • Main content: 379
  • Illustrations
    • Coloured Illustrations: 2
    • Tables: 2
  • Keywords: Latin literature; Roman imperial age; History of ideas
  • Published: October 21, 2024
  • ISBN: 9783111510507
  • Published: October 21, 2024
  • ISBN: 9783111500881

Monday, October 14, 2024

La musica nell'Impero Romano: Testimonianze teoriche e scoperte archeologiche

a cura di Eleonora Rocconi
La musica nell'Impero Romano

Questi atti raccolgono i contributi presentati durante il secondo convegno di MOISA, International Society for the Study of Greek and Roman Music and its Cultural Heritage, l’associazione internazionale fondata nel 2006 allo scopo di promuovere la conservazione, l’interpretazione e la valorizzazione della musica e della teoria musicale greca e romana e la sua eredità culturale sino al presente (www.moisasociety.org).
Nella cultura romana, come in quella greca, la musica ricopriva un ruolo fondamentale nella società civile e religiosa, oggi ricostruibile solo parzialmente grazie allo studio capillare e interattivo di fonti di varia natura: teorica, letteraria, organologica e archeologica. I contributi raccolti nel presente volume ad opera dei maggiori esperti in campo internazionale nel settore della musica antica presentano una molteplicità di approcci allo studio della documentazione superstite, arricchendo reciprocamente le prospettive di ricerca grazie al dialogo costante e fecondo tra le diverse discipline specialistiche. Ne emerge un quadro variegato e stimolante, che testimonia l’ampliamento della documentazione storica riguardante la musica nel mondo antico e la sua fondamentale importanza per chiunque voglia comprendere a pieno le civiltà classiche.

Collana: Atti

Area Tematica: Scienze dell'antichità, filologico letterarie e storico artistiche

ISBN: 978-88-96764-02-2

Anno: 2010

Pagine: 178

Formato: 17 x 24 cm


Open Access Journal: Judaica. Neue digitale Folge (JNDF)

[First [posted in AWOL 14 October 2021, updated 14 October 2024]
Judaica. Neue digitale Folge (JNDF)
Logo in der Kopfzeile
Judaica. Neue digitale Folge (JNDF) ist eine 2019 gegründete wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift mit Peer Review zu allen Bereichen der Jüdischen Studien von der Antike bis zur Moderne. Sie erscheint zweimal pro Jahr. JNDF ist eine Nachfolgezeitschrift der Judaica. Beiträge zum Verstehen des Judentums, die in 74 Jahrgängen als Printversion erschien. Die neue Judaica veröffentlicht Artikel in deutscher, französischer und englischer Sprache. Wie ihre Vorgängerzeitschrift hat sie einen starken Bezug zur Judaistik der Schweizer Universitäten, steht aber selbstredend allen als wissenschaftliche Plattform offen. Redaktionssitz ist das Institut für Judaistik der Universität Bern. Neben Artikeln publiziert JNDF auch Rezensionen.

See AWOL's full List of Open Access Journals in Ancient Studies

Open Access Journal: BAF-Online: Proceedings of the Berner Altorientalisches Forum

 [First posted in AWOL 7 June 2018, updated 14 October 2024]

BAF-Online: Proceedings of the Berner Altorientalisches Forum
ISSN: 2504-2076

BAF Online
BAF-Online is the publication platform of the Berner Altorientalisches Forum (BAF). It makes available to the public within the shortest possible delays vidcasts of the talks that have been held at the BAF. The vidcasts published at BAF Online have been peer-reviewed by members of the BAF scientific committee and are quotable. The aim of BAF-Online is to facilitate the dissemination and publication of ideas prior to final results.

The Berner Altorientalisches Forum (BAF) is an annual international meeting designed to bring together researchers of the Ancient Near East specialising in different areas and disciplines. There is no theme. Participants are encouraged to communicate their ideas as concisely as possible. Talks last no more than 10 minutes and are vidcasted.

The idea of setting up a forum designed to bring together specialists from all disciplines active in all areas of the Ancient Near East broadly defined was put forward by Johanna Tudeau in January 2015. The BAF project followed, developed in the course of a conversation between Johanna and Mirko Novák. The first BAF took place in Bern on 24-25 June 2016, organised by Johanna and Hannah Mönninghoff with the support of the BAF Committee


Panel GIGA.MEŠ: Techniques of digital reconstruction

Panel ŠAMḪAT: Methodologies of heritage preservation/reconstruction