Friday, January 17, 2025

La poésie astrologique dans la littérature grecque et latine

Monteventi, Vanessa
Durant de nombreuses années, la poésie astrologique grecque et latine n'est restée connue que d'un cercle restreint de spécialistes versés dans le domaine. L’objectif de cet ouvrage est de proposer une vision d'ensemble de ces poèmes, en présentant tous les poèmes et fragments de poèmes astrologiques grecs et latins qui ont été conservés depuis la période hellénistique jusqu'à l'Antiquité tardive. Étant donné la forme métrique et le contenu technique de ces compositions, l'enjeu est de considérer l'interaction de ce corpus avec le genre de la poésie didactique, afin de mieux définir la place de ces poèmes astrologiques dans l'histoire littéraire gréco-latine.
poésie didactique; astrologie
9783796540769, 9783796540769
Schwabe Verlag
Publisher website
Publication date and place
Basel, 2020
Schweizerische Beiträge zur Altertumswissenschaft, 49
Ancient, classical and medieval texts




La Renaissance de Tacite - Commenter les Histoires et les Annales au XVIe siècle

Bovier, Kevin
Au XVIe siècle, les humanistes commentèrent pour la première fois les Histoires et les Annales de l’historien romain Tacite. L’objectif de cette étude est de montrer les intérêts et les méthodes de travail de ces commentateurs, ainsi que les stratégies qu’ils développaient pour faciliter l’accès du lectorat au texte antique. Comment les commentaires étaient-ils élaborés ? Pour quel public ? Ces travaux érudits ont-ils permis à Tacite de gagner le statut d’auteur majeur à la fin du XVIe siècle ? En répondant à ces questions et à d’autres encore, l’auteur tente de redéfinir la place de Tacite dans le mouvement humaniste du XVIe siècle et d’offrir de nouvelles perspectives sur la transmission et la réception de ses œuvres à la Renaissance.
Latin; Tacite; Renaissance; humanisme; commentaires; philologie
9783796546204, 9783796546204
Schwabe Verlag
Publisher website
Publication date and place
Basel, 2022
Ancient Greek and Roman literature



The Theme of Love in the 'Romans d'Antiquité'

Jones, Rosemarie
The group of romans antiques comprises the romans of Thèbes, Eneas, Troie and Alexandre, and the poems of Piramus et Tisbé and Narcisus. These works have two points in common: they all deal with material from Greek or Roman antiquity, and they all fall within the twelfth century. Jones studies the way in which the love theme has been treated in each of these works, the draws together the separate threads to see if it is possible to define a concept of love which may be common to all the romans antiques. This book, originally published in 1972 and later given the ISBN 978-1-905981-23-6, was made Open Access in 2024 as part of the MHRA Revivals programme.
9781839546426, 9781839546426
Publication date and place
Cambridge, 1972
Texts and Translations
MHRA Texts and Dissertations, 5
Literary studies: fiction, novelists and prose writers
c 2010 to c 2019



Open Access Journal: Claroscuro: Revista del Centro de Estudios sobre Diversidad Cultural

[First posted in AWOL 5 July 2017, updated 17 January 2025]

Claroscuro: Revista del Centro de Estudios sobre Diversidad Cultural
ISSN:1666-1842 (impreso)
ISSN: 2314-0542 (en línea)
Revista del Centro de Estudios sobre Diversidad Cultural. Publica trabajos de investigación, análisis de problemas teóricos y de casos, reseñas críticas y para abrir debates y contrastar posiciones, haciendo hincapié en la problemática de la diversidad cultural, las variantes teóricas vinculadas con ella y sus consecuencias sociales y políticas. 


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Thursday, January 16, 2025

Purity in Ancient Judaism: Texts, Contexts, and Concepts

Edited by Lutz Doering, Jörg Frey and Laura von Bartenwerffer 
Cover of 'undefined'
[Reinheit im antiken Judentum. Texte, Kontexte und Konzepte.]
2025. VIII, 427 pages.
forthcoming in February 2025
DOI 10.1628/978-3-16-164165-7
Purity plays a central role in ancient Judaism. It is relevant in the encounter with the sacred, especially at the Jerusalem Temple, but also in the context of sacred communities, for example the Qumran yaḥad . Ancients Jews, however, also strove for purity far away from the Temple, both in the land of Israel remote from Jerusalem and in the Diaspora. Yet, means, procedures, and conceptualizations in relation to purity and purification varied. While purity therefore seems to be »everywhere« in ancient Judaism, it is not everywhere the same. The present volume explores different texts and material evidence in relation to purity, impurity, and purification, from both the historic land of Israel and the Diaspora. It adduces comparative evidence from Greece, probes and refines concepts of moral and ritual (im)purity, and traces the relevance of purity debates in nascent Christianity.

Access available

Table of contents:
Laura von Bartenwerffer/Lutz Doering/Jörg Frey: Purity in Ancient Judaism. An Introduction - Christophe Nihan/Julia Rhyder: Purity and Pollution in the Hebrew Bible. The State of the Discussion and Future Perspectives - Yitzhaq Feder: Reconstructing the Holy Camp. Qumran and the Evolution of Purity in Ancient Judaism - Roland Deines: Archaeological Finds as Evidence for Everyday Purity Practice in the Hellenistic-Roman Period in Judea and Galilee - Joseph Scales: The Limits of Evidence. The Miqveh as an Indicator of Jewish Purity Practices in Second-Temple Period Galilee - Carsten Claußen: Purity Observance and Ancient Synagogues. Ancient Jewish Water Installations in the Diaspora - Andrej Petrovic: Inner Purity, Ritual Purity, Conscience. Perspective of the Greek Ritual Norms (on LSCG 139) - Thomas Kazen: Purity as Popular Practice. Erasing the Anachronistic Divide between
Household and Cult - Cecilia Wassén: Purity, Impurity, and In-Between - Michael DeVries: Purity and Cult in the Qumran War Texts. A Reconsideration - Ruben A. Bühner: Purity and Messianism. Some Observations and Surprises Based on the Contrast Between the Messianic Expectations in Pss. Sol. 17 and the Dead Sea Scrolls - Yair Furstenberg: Principles of Gradual Purification in Qumran Law - Laura von Bartenwerffer: First Day Ablutions in Qumran and Philo - Michael B. Cover: Symbolic Purity and the Temple of the Soul in Philo's Allegorical Commentary - Milena Hasselmann: »Be separate said the Lord and I will receive you«. 2 Cor 6:14-7:1 as an Example of the Connection of Purity and Identity in the New Testament - Christina Eschner: Purity and Impurity of Food and People in Acts 10:1-11:18. Is the Abolition of Jewish Food Laws at the Center of the Cornelian Narrative?



New Open Access Journal: Studies in Egyptian Archaeology and Science (SEAS)

ISSN: 3049-5792
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Established in 2022, Studies in Egyptian Archaeology and Science (SEAS) is an international open-access journal that covers the implementation of physical and biological sciences to Egyptian archaeology, philology and art history. SEAS invites contributions with a focus on dating, environmental studies, remote sensing and geophysics including satellite mapping, artefact studies, conservation science and biological anthropology including a strong Egyptological research focus and cultural theory in equal measure. Contributions are expected to be evidence-based, and to follow the highest scientific and ethical standards relevant to an international scientific community.

The Editorial Board of SEAS comprises academics from institutions all over the world. Collaboration of each member of the Editorial Board increases the quality of the peer review process which supports our vision through making sure that every submitted manuscript is reviewed under high ethical standards and following through with fair decisions on publication.

The journal is published by Andromeda, Wembley/ UK and founded in 2017.

Working with Ancient Egyptian Artefacts in the Field and in Museums

See AWOL's full List of Open Access Journals in Ancient Studies

New Open Access Journal: Valonia: A Journal of Anatolian Pasts

Valonia: A Journal of Anatolian Pasts


Valonia: A Journal of Anatolian Pasts is the international, peer-reviewed journal of Koç University’s Research Center for Anatolian Civilizations (ANAMED). Published online in open-access format and in limited print runs, the journal aims to bring forth in a timely manner selections of the latest innovative, critical, and synthetic scientific research on the broad range of subjects that fall within ANAMED’s mission: the archaeology, architectural and art history, heritage, and history of Anatolia and its affiliated geographies, from deep prehistory through Late Ottoman times. Valonia publishes one special or one open-topic issue per year. The selection of topics for special issues as well as articles for open issues aims for chronologically and disciplinarily balanced representation.

Creative Commons

Valonia: A Journal of Anatolian Pasts is an Open Access journal, and all articles are published under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives License ( which permits non-commercial re-use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited and is not altered, transformed, or built upon in any way.

 Volume: 1   - 2024

1. Editorial Introduction: A New Journal From ANAMED
Christopher H. Roosevelt
doi: 10.5505/valonia.2024.58066  Pages 7 - 10
Abstract |Full Text PDF

2. In Memory of Robert G. Ousterhout
Tolga B. Uyar
Page 11
Abstract |Full Text PDF

3. Cappadocia: Old Questions, New Approaches – A Historian’s Perspective
John Haldon
doi: 10.5505/valonia.2024.21931  Pages 17 - 33

4. Byzantine Rock-Cut Architecture in Cappadocia and Beyond: The State of Scholarship
Görkem Günay
doi: 10.5505/valonia.2024.43531  Pages 35 - 63

5. Some Notes on the Byzantine Houses of Cappadocia
Stavros Mamaloukos, Dimitrios Anastasiadis
doi: 10.5505/valonia.2024.29392  Pages 65 - 90

6. Byzantine Settlements in Cappadocia: Lives between Ostentation and Austerity
Fatma Gül Öztürk Büke
doi: 10.5505/valonia.2024.66375  Pages 91 - 109

7. Two Cappadocian Pseudo-Mosaics
Ivan Drpic
doi: 10.5505/valonia.2024.03511  Pages 111 - 134

8. Deconstructing an Iconography: Depictions of Constantine and Helena in Middle Byzantine Cappadocia
Lynn Jones
doi: 10.5505/valonia.2024.54264  Pages 135 - 155

9. The Mavrucan Valley: Documentation of a Byzantine Agricultural Settlement
Nilüfer Peker, Tolga B. Uyar
doi: 10.5505/valonia.2024.32042  Pages 157 - 171

10. Visualizing Mobility in Cappadocia
Scott Redford
doi: 10.5505/valonia.2024.09719  Pages 173 - 191

11. Soil Story: An Earthly Investigation
Sibel Horada, Robert G. Ousterhout
doi: 10.5505/valonia.2024.65375  Pages 193 - 205
Abstract |Full Text PDF

12. Imagining a Cappadocian Future
Robert G. Ousterhout
doi: 10.5505/valonia.2024.46338  Pages 207 - 213
Abstract |Full Text PDF

See AWOL's full List of Open Access Journals in Ancient Studies