Monday, August 19, 2024

La ricezione dell’ultimo Alessandro: Mirabilia e violenza al di qua e al di là dell’Indo

Edited by: Francesca Piccioni , Elisabetta Poddighe and Tiziana Pontillo
book: La ricezione dell’ultimo Alessandro
Volume 417 in the series Beiträge zur Altertumskunde

This volume contains 18 papers presented at the International Conference "Mirabilia and violence around the Indus. The last years of Alexander the Great in Latin, Greek and Sanskrit literary reception", held at the University of Cagliari (8-10 March 2023). Divided into three thematic sections (Il mondo classico; L'India e la Cina; Medioevo e Rinascimento), the essays differ in the linguistic varieties of the primary sources analysed, in the chronological range from the first Hellenism to the Renaissance, and in the approach adopted, historical or philological-literary. However, a common thread runs through all the works: the reception of Alexander from a broad and multifocal perspective, ranging from the description of the mirabilia associated with the late Eastern campaign to the contrasting characterisation of the king as a 'philosopher in arms' and an unbridled conqueror. With contributions from several experts in the specific subject and in the various disciplines involved, this book offers an interdisciplinary approach that can stimulate scholars and students in a variety of fields.

Il volume raccoglie 18 contributi, ordinati in tre sezioni tematiche (Il mondo classico; L’India e la Cina; Medioevo e Rinascimento). Si tratta di lavori differenti per varietà delle fonti, cronologia (dal primo Ellenismo all’Umanesimo) e approccio (storico e filologico-letterario), in un ideale dialogo tra cultori di discipline diverse e tra Occidente e Oriente antico, nella prospettiva unificante degli studi sulla ricezione di Alessandro Magno.

  • Language: Italian
  • Publisher: De Gruyter
  • Copyright year: 2024
  • Audience: Classical scholars, historians, philologists, indologists, students
  • Pages
    • Front matter: 11
    • Main content: 447
  • Illustrations
    • Coloured Illustrations: 14
    • Tables: 5
  • Keywords: Alexander; Macedonia; King; Classical antiquity; Indus; reception
  • Published: August 6, 2024
  • ISBN: 9783111427614
  • Published: August 6, 2024
  • ISBN: 9783111407944


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