Wednesday, July 8, 2020

Bibliographia classica orae septentrionalis Ponti Euxini

Bibliographia classica orae septentrionalis Ponti Euxini
Ars, res sacrae & mythologica is the third of a planned series of five volumes dedicated to the bibliography of the northern Black Sea shore in antiquity. An up-to-date bibliographic guide to studies in the ancient history of the Northern Black Sea has long been a desideratum, particularly for Western scholars. The events occurring in the Black Sea countries since 1990 made possible an increasing cooperation towards re-establishing connections that bridge the divides between Classical scholarship in the western and eastern hemispheres. Besides the participation in numerous international conferences organized on the both sides of the former ‘Iron Curtain’, research results were exchanged increasingly, and with time Eastern European researches started to be intensively published in Western journals and book series. Nevertheless, the historiographic positions on the Northern Black Sea coast remain to this date conflicting for the most part. Looking for a way out of this aporia, the PI of this proposal began the compilation and gradual digestion of a bibliography as complete as possible of the Northern Black Sea coast in Antiquity, based on his personal experience of cooperation with both the Eastern and the Western European colleagues. His experience in the field was gained over the last two decades: these saw him scrutinizing libraries and archives as much as cooperating with excavation teams, in scholarly caucuses, in conferences and through correspondence. Such research and networking activities have put him in a position to create a unique bibliography. This statement is endorsed by noumerous letters received by the author from specialists worldwide and through six reviews published so far on BCOSPE I. Bibliographia classica could also not only serve as reference work for topics of the ancient Black Sea area and its adjacent territories, but also as stepping stone for further research and encouragement for constructive dialogues between scholars from West and East.
Download VOL. I
Download VOL. II

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