Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Virtual brown bag lunch entitled, "Online Teaching: From Triage to Best Practices" on Thursday, April 2, 2020, at 12 PM to 1 PM EDT.

As a benefit for all members, the Early Career Scholars of ASOR will present a virtual brown bag lunch entitled, "Online Teaching: From Triage to Best Practices" on Thursday, April 2, 2020, at 12 PM to 1 PM EDT.

Ticketing is free and managed on a first-come, first-served basis. Registered attendees will be emailed access information for the Zoom event. Please bring your questions, so that we can make this conversation as useful as possible!

Experienced online teachers and new-to-online instructors will discuss opportunities, challenges and best practices. We will chat about accessibility issues, online vs. face to face course design, synchronous vs. asynchonous course elements, intellectual property etc.

James Paradiso, online curriculum designer at the University of Central Florida's Center for Distributed Learning and Sarah Norris, Scholarly Communications Librarian (Digital Rights) at the John C. Hitt Library will join the conversation. Tiffany Earley-Spadoni and Tine Rasalle, experienced online instructors, will moderate the discussion.

Register here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/asor-ecs-presents-online-teaching-from-triage-to-best-practices-tickets-101236358674

The International Greek New Testament Project has set up an online seminar for New Testament textual criticism

The International Greek New Testament Project has set up an online seminar for New Testament textual criticism
As a result of the coronavirus pandemic, a number of conferences on the New Testament due to take place in the next few months have been cancelled. In order for scholars of the text of the New Testament still to benefit from sharing news of current research, the International Greek New Testament Project is establishing a series of online seminars for those who had papers accepted at such conferences to present their work online to a global audience.

The series of seminars, entitled “Text-Critical Thursdays” is planned to run throughout May and June. Each session will last one hour on the Zoom platform, and will include one or two papers and time for discussion. The time will normally be from 1500 to 1600 UTC, but may vary according to the location of the presenters. Subject to the agreement of presenters, each session will be recorded and made available online for those who are not able to participate in the live session
A dedicated mailing list has been set up for the seminar through the UK’s JISCmail service. Details of the seminar timetable, links to join the presentations and accompanying material will be disseminated on this ‘NTTC’ list. In addition it may be used for discussion of the paper and news of publications in the field (which would normally be displayed at such conferences). This is an openly accessible, public list on which individuals manage their own subscriptions and all posts will be moderated.

Those interested in presenting work at the seminar should contact Professor Hugh Houghton at the University of Birmingham, who is co-ordinating this initiative on behalf of the IGNTP. Participants have already signed up from the USA, Switzerland, the UK and Australia.

Monday, March 30, 2020

The Digital Atlas of Roman Sanctuaries in the Danubian Provinces (DAS)

The Digital Atlas of Roman Sanctuaries in the Danubian Provinces (DAS)


Maps are the best tools for visualising big data, especially in the age of Google Maps and modern network studies. Numerous big projects focusing on Roman history are using already this surface to present their database also in form of maps, which help us to understand many specific details and local particularities of provinces or larger entities within the Roman Empire and beyond. There are fantastic maps focusing on global maps of the Graeco-Roman worldepigraphic material of the empire, the Roman cities and settlements, a map which compares ancient and medieval Europe,  the terra sigillata production sites, the amphorae and other pottery production sites, Roman economy and their sites and the Roman roads and networks. 
When it comes to Roman religion however, we are in a pretty bad situation. Although there are monumental projects focusing on mapping Roman sanctuaries and religious sites in GalliaItaly or Germaniae,  none of these projects has a digital map yet. Some projects are focusing on individual divinities or religious groups, such as the Isiac cults,  Mithras or early Christian communities. These new projects tries to visualise the monumental work and heritage of M. J. Vermaseren and the EPRO series, where numerous maps were also published focusing on individual divinities or small group religions.

Expected results

The Digital Atlas of Roman Sanctuaries in the Danubian Provinces (DAS) will be the first comprehensive digital  and open access representation of public and semi-public (secondary) sacralised spaces founded and maintained during the Principate in the territory of the Danubian provinces. The atlas will be a result of the research grant focusing on Roman religious communication in the Danubian provinces and will be published online here in a Google Mymap surface in the following order and approximate dates:
  • March 2020: Sanctuaries of Dacia
  • May 2020: Sanctuaries of Raetia
  • September 2020: Sanctuaries of Noricum
  • December 2020: Sanctuaries of Pannoniae
  • March 2021: Sanctuaries of Moesia Superior
  • May 2021: Sanctuaries of Moesia Inferior
  • September 2021: complete bibliography and references
  • end of 2021: monograph on Roman religious communication in the Danubian provinces
  • 2022: Catalogue of sanctuaries in printed version
The project intends also to publish the catalogue of sanctuaries in the Danubian provinces.

Technical details and legend

The digital atlas is based on a Google Mymap site. The searching engine of the Google Map allows endless possibilities of keywords, which will result the santuaries, divinities, personal or geographical names marked on the map too.
The map presents the limits of each province, a short historical description of each of the Danubian provinces. Each of the settlements, where sanctuaries were attested, have a vignette, a specific icon and a description based on the nature of the settlement (municipium/colonia / legionary fort, vicus militaris/auxiliary fort, bath-complex, mining settlement, cave). Each of these short descriptions mention the location, a short  history of research and an overall analysis of the votive / religious sources of the settlement. In most of the cases, the votive inscriptions are listed from the EDH with a shortlink. There is also a DARE link, although since 2020 the new tile map of the Digital Atlas of the Roman Empire is not  functioning at the moment. In some cases, there will be links to various digital projects, such as the Lapidarium Musei Zilahensis-Pars Epigraphica, Biblioteca Digitala or the projects of the digitalclassicist.org. Each of the short settlement description has an essential bibliographic reference and in most of the cases photographs from open access sources. In most of the cases, there will be hyperlinks to digital databases, such as the Biblioteca Digitala.
The map contains 3 type of sacralised spaces: archaeologically attested (orange), epigraphically attested (purple) and presumed (blue). Each of the presented sanctuaries follows the same structure: location (in some cases with GPS data), dimensions, description, archaeological repertory and bibliography.  In some cases, the archaeological repertory is represented in few photos.

Open Access Monograph Series: Corpus Vasorum Antiquorum

 [First posted in AWOL 25 April 2010. Updated 30 March 2020]

Corpus Vasorum Antiquorum

The Original Project

Corpus Vasorum Antiquorum is the oldest research project of the Union Académique Internationale.

The first meeting to organise the project was held in Paris in 1919.

Edmond Pottier (1855 -1934) initiated it and produced the first fascicule for the Louvre in 1922.

Pottier's role in developing CVA is the subject of "A corpus of ancient vases" in Revue Archéolgique 2004.

Pottier had become a curator in the Louvre in 1884, two years before all of its ancient pottery was incorporated into the Department of Oriental Antiquities. 

When the Louvre purchased several thousand ancient vases from the Campana Collection it became the largest collection of ancient pottery in the world. Many types were represented, for example Proto-Elamitic pottery which Pottier had been the first to publish in 1912.
Pottier's vision of the types of pottery in CVA was broad - all ancient pottery from Europe, the Mediterranean, the Near East and the Middle East. 

Pottier's vision of publishing every example of so many different types of ancient pottery was ambitious and not easily realised.

In 1956 it was suggested that Greek and related wares only should be published; these now dominate CVA. By 2004 more than 300 fascicules have been published by more than 120 collections in 26 countries.

CVA Online

In 2000 the International Committee of CVA asked the Beazley Archive to prepare a feasibility study for the digitisation of out of print fascicules, approximately 250 for the web. Later that year the Union Académique Internationale formally invited the Beazley Archive to undertake the project. 

In 2001 The Getty Grant Program awarded £75,000 for a three-year project to be carried out in Oxford.

The CVA project, to digitise these fascicules began in 2002 and ended in September 2004. The project is on-going; new fascicules are being published and participating museums have the opportunity to contribute to the on-line database.
You may look at individual out of print fascicules of CVA page by page or plate by plate. Choose a fascicule from the:
and select 'Browse Text' or 'Browse Plates'.
If a fascicule appears on this list that is still in print please inform info@CVAonline.org.
Simple Search: To find individual vases in a given fascicule, choose the 'Search Pottery' option on the:
Advanced Search: Please use the advanced search facility for searches by fabric, shape and technique across the whole range of CVAs. A much wider range of fields is available for Athenian black- and red-figure pottery.

CVA by Country

This list gives the names of Museums and Collections that have contributed to CVA, in alphabetical order by country. Select Browse Text to view text page by page, and Browse Plates to view plates.


AUSTRALIA, The Nicholson Museum, The University of Sydney, (AUSTRALIA 1) Not yet available
AUSTRALIA, The Nicholson Museum, (AUSTRALIA 2) Not yet available


VIENNA, Kunsthistorisches Museum i (AUSTRIA 1, pls. 1 - 50) Browse Text | Browse Plates | Search Pottery
VIENNA, Kunsthistorisches Museum ii (AUSTRIA 2, pls. 51 - 100)   Browse Text | Browse Plates | Search Pottery
VIENNA, Kunsthistorisches Museum iii (AUSTRIA 3, pls. 101 - 150)     Browse Text | Browse Plates | Search Pottery
VIENNA, Kunsthistorisches Museum iv (AUSTRIA 4, pls. 151 - 200)        Browse Text | Browse Plates | Search Pottery
VIENNA, Kunsthistorisches Museum v (AUSTRIA 5, pls. 201-288) Not yet available


BRUSSELS, Musées Royaux d'Art et d'Histoire i (BELGIUM 1, pls. 1 - 48)
BRUSSELS, Musées Royaux d'Art et d'Histoire ii (BELGIUM 2, pls. 49 - 96)    Browse Text | Browse Plates | Search Pottery
BRUSSELS, Musées Royaux d'Art et d'Histoire iii (BELGIUM 3, pls. 97 - 151) Browse Text | Browse Plates | Search Pottery


TORONTO, Royal Ontario Museum i (CANADA 1, pls. 1 - 42) Browse Text | Browse Plates | Search Pottery


CYPRUS, Cyprus Museum and Larnaca District Museum i (CYPRUS 1, pls.1-40) Browse Text | Browse Plates | Search Pottery
CYPRUS, Private Collections i (CYPRUS 2, pls. 41 - 82) Browse Text | Browse Plates | Search Pottery

Czech Republic

PRAGUE, Université Charles i (CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1, pls. 1 - 50, unnumbered) Browse Text | Browse Plates | Search Pottery
PRAGUE, Musée National i (CZECHOSLOVAKIA 2, pls. 51 - 100) Browse Text | Browse Plates | Search Pottery
PRAGUE, Université Charles ii (CZECHOSLOVAKIA 3, pls. 101 - 152) Browse Text | Browse Plates | Search Pottery
PILSEN, Musée de la Boheme de l'Ouest (CZECH REPUBLIC 4) Not yet available


COPENHAGEN, Musée National i (DENMARK 1, pls 1 - 49) Browse Text | Browse Plates | Search Pottery
COPENHAGEN, Musée National ii (DENMARK 2, pls. 50 - 98) Browse Text | Browse Plates | Search Pottery
COPENHAGEN, Musée National iii (DENMARK 3, pls. 99 - 146) Browse Text | Browse Plates | Search Pottery

COPENHAGEN, Musée National iv (DENMARK 4, pls. 147 - 195) Browse Text | Browse Plates | Search Pottery
COPENHAGEN, Musée National v (DENMARK 5, pls. 196 - 235) Browse Text | Browse Plates | Search Pottery
COPENHAGEN, Musée National vi (DENMARK 6, pls 236 - 275) Browse Text | Browse Plates | Search Pottery
COPENHAGEN, Musée National vii (DENMARK 7, pls. 276 - 315) Browse Text | Browse Plates | Search Pottery
COPENHAGEN, Musée National viii (DENMARK 8, pls. 316 - 362) Browse Text | Browse Plates | Search Pottery
COPENHAGEN, Thorvaldsens Museum (DENMARK 9, pls 363-452) Not yet available
COPENHAGEN, Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek (DENMARK 10, pls 453-584) Not yet available


FINLAND, Finland 1 Not yet available


PARIS, Musée du Louvre i (FRANCE 1, pls. 1 - 49) Browse Text | Browse Plates | Search Pottery
PARIS, Musée du Louvre ii (FRANCE 2, pls. 50 - 98) Browse Text | Browse Plates | Search Pottery
COMPIÈGNE, Musée de Compiègne, (Musée Vivenel) i (FRANCE 3, pls. 99 - 131) Browse Text | Browse Plates | Search Pottery
PARIS, Musée du Louvre iii (FRANCE 4, pls. 132 - 180) Browse Text | Browse Plates | Search Pottery
PARIS, Musée du Louvre iv (FRANCE 5, pls. 181 - 229) Browse Text | Browse Plates | Search Pottery
MOURET Collection, Fouilles d'Ensérune (FRANCE 6, pls. 230 - 284). Browse Text | Browse Plates | Search Pottery
PARIS, Bibliothèque Nationale, Cabinet des Médailles i (FRANCE 7, pls. 285 - 332) Browse Text | Browse Plates | Search Pottery
PARIS, Musée du Louvre v (FRANCE 8, pls. 333 - 384) Browse Text | Browse Plates | Search Pottery
PARIS, Musée du Louvre vi (FRANCE 9, pls. 385 - 434) Browse Text | Browse Plates | Search Pottery
PARIS, Bibliothèque Nationale, Cabinet des Médailles ii (FRANCE 10, pls. 435 - 482) Browse Text | Browse Plates | Search Pottery
PARIS, Musée du Louvre vii (FRANCE 11) Index analytique: Louvre i - vi Browse Text | Index
PARIS, Musée du Louvre viii (FRANCE 12, pls. 483 - 529) Browse Text | Browse Plates | Search Pottery
SÈVRES, Musée National (FRANCE 13, pls. 530 - 592) Browse Text | Browse Plates | Search Pottery
PARIS, Musée du Louvre ix (FRANCE 14, pls. 593 - 640) Browse Text | Browse Plates | Search Pottery
PARIS, Palais des Beaux - Arts, Collection Dutuit (FRANCE 15, pls. 641 - 688) Browse Text | Browse Plates | Search Pottery
PARIS, Musée National Rodin (FRANCE 16, pls. 689 - 728) Browse Text | Browse Plates | Search Pottery
PARIS, Musée du Louvre x (FRANCE 17, pls. 729 - 776) Browse Text | Browse Plates | Search Pottery
PARIS, Musée du Louvre xi (FRANCE 18, pls. 777 - 824) Browse Text | Browse Plates | Search Pottery
PARIS, Musée du Louvre xii (FRANCE 19, pls. 825 - 872) Browse Text | Browse Plates | Search Pottery
LAON, Musée de Laon i (FRANCE 20, pls. 873 - 924) Browse Text | Browse Plates | Search Pottery
PARIS, Musée du Louvre xiii (FRANCE 21, pls. 925 - 972) Browse Text | Browse Plates | Search Pottery
PARIS, Musée du Louvre xiv (FRANCE 22) Index Browse Text | Index
PARIS, Musée du Louvre xv (FRANCE 23, pls. 973 - 1019) Browse Text | Browse Plates | Search Pottery
LIMOGES and VANNES, Musée Adrien Dubouché (FRANCE 24, pls. 1020 - 1067) Browse Text | Browse Plates | Search Pottery
PARIS, Musée du Louvre xvi (FRANCE 25, pls. 1068 - 1123) Browse Text | Browse Plates | Search Pottery
PARIS, Musée du Louvre xvii (FRANCE 26, pls. 1124 - 1179) Browse Text | Browse Plates | Search Pottery
PARIS, Musée du Louvre xviii (FRANCE 27, pls. 1180 - 1227) Browse Text | Browse Plates | Search Pottery
PARIS, Musée du Louvre xix (FRANCE 28, pls. 1228 - 1283) Browse Text | Browse Plates | Search Pottery
RENNES, Musée des Beaux - Arts et d'Archéologie (FRANCE 29, pls. 1284 - 335) Browse Text | Browse Plates | Search Pottery
TOURS and BOURGES (FRANCE 30, pls. 1337 - 1388) Browse Text | Browse Plates | Search Pottery
PARIS, Musée du Louvre xx (FRANCE 31, pls. 1389 - 1432) Browse Text | Browse Plates | Search Pottery
PARIS, Musée du Louvre xxi (FRANCE 32) Index: Louvre xv - xx Browse Text | Index
PARIS, Musée du Louvre xxii (FRANCE 33, pls. 1433-1488) Browse Text | Browse Plates |Search Pottery
PARIS, Musée du Louvre xxiii (FRANCE 34, pls. 1489 - 1532) Browse Text | Browse Plates | Search Pottery
PARIS, Musée du Louvre xxiv (FRANCE 35, pls. 1533 - 1572) Browse Text | Browse Plates | Search Pottery
NANTES, Musée Dobrée (FRANCE 36, pls. 1573 - 1624) Browse Text | Browse Plates | Search Pottery
ENSERUNE, Musée National (FRANCE 37, pls. 1573 - 1612) Browse Text | Browse Plates | Search Pottery
PARIS, Musée du Louvre xxv (FRANCE 38, pls. 1613 - 1672) Browse Text | Browse Plates | Search Pottery
PARIS, Musée du Louvre xxvi (FRANCE 39) Not yet available
LILLE. Palais des Beaux-Arts, Université Charles-de-Gaulle (FRANCE 40) Not yet available
PARIS, Musée du Louvre xxvii (FRANCE 41) Not yet available
PARIS, Musée du Louvre xxviii (FRANCE 42) Not yet available


BONN, Akademisches Kunstmuseum i (GERMANY 1, pls. 1 - 46) Browse Text | Browse Plates | Search Pottery
BERLIN, Antiquarium i (GERMANY 2, pls. 47 - 94) Browse Text | Browse Plates | Search Pottery
MUNICH, Museum Antiker Kleinkunst i (GERMANY 3, pls. 95 - 146). Browse Text | Browse Plates | Search Pottery
BRAUNSCHWEIG, Herzog Anton Ulrich - Museum (GERMANY 4, pls. 147 - 194) Browse Text | Browse Plates | Search Pottery
VIENNA i, Universität und Professor Franz v. Matsch (GERMANY 5, pls. 195 - 248) Browse Text | Browse Plates | Search Pottery
MUNICH, Museum Antiker Kleinkunst ii (GERMANY 6, pls. 249 - 298) Browse Text | Browse Plates | Search Pottery
KARLSRUHE, Badisches Landesmuseum i (GERMANY 7, pls. 299 - 340) Browse Text | Browse Plates | Search Pottery
KARLSRUHE, Badisches Landesmuseum ii (GERMANY 8, pls. 341 - 384) Browse Text | Browse Plates | Search Pottery
MUNICH, Museum Antiker Kleinkunst iii (GERMANY 9, pls. 385 - 434) Browse Text | Browse Plates | Search Pottery
HEIDELBERG, Universität i (GERMANY 10, pls. 435 - 478) Browse Text | Browse Plates | Search Pottery
ADOLPHSECK, Schloss Fasanerie i (GERMANY 11, pls. 479 - 530) Browse Text | Browse Plates | Search Pottery
MUNICH, Museum Antiker Kleinkunst iv (GERMANY 12, pls. 531 - 586) Browse Text | Browse Plates | Search Pottery
MANNHEIM, Reiss - Museum i (GERMANY 13, pls. 587 - 640) Browse Text | Browse Plates | Search Pottery
LEIPZIG, Archäologisches Institut der Universität i (GERMANY 14, pls. 641 - 693) Browse Text | Browse Plates | Search Pottery
MAINZ, Universität i (GERMANY 15, pls. 694 - 741) Browse Text | Browse Plates | Search Pottery
ADOLPHSECK, Schloss Fasanerie ii (GERMANY 16, pls. 742 - 785) Browse Text | Browse Plates | Search Pottery
ALTENBURG, Staatliches Lindenau - Museum i (GERMANY 17, pls. 786 -827) Browse Text | Browse Plates | Search Pottery
ALTENBURG, Staatliches Lindenau - Museum ii (GERMANY 18, pls. 828 - 876) Browse Text | Browse Plates | Search Pottery
ALTENBURG, Staatliches Lindenau - Museum iii (GERMANY 19, pls. 877 - 923) Browse Text | Browse Plates | Search Pottery
MUNICH, Museum Antiker Kleinkunst v (GERMANY 20, pls. 924 - 977) Browse Text | Browse Plates | Search Pottery
BERLIN, Antiquarium ii (GERMANY 21, pls. 978 - 1029) Browse Text | Browse Plates | Search Pottery
BERLIN, Antiquarium iii (GERMANY 22, pls. 1030 - 1079) Browse Text | Browse Plates | Search Pottery
HEIDELBERG, Universität ii (GERMANY 23, pls. 1080 - 1124) Browse Text | Browse Plates | Search Pottery
GOTHA, Schlossmuseum i (GERMANY 24, pls. 1125 - 172) Browse Text | Browse Plates | Search Pottery
FRANKFURT AM MAIN i (GERMANY 25, pls. 1173 - 1212) Browse Text | Browse Plates | Search Pottery
STUTTGART, Württembergisches Landesmuseum i (GERMANY 26, pls. 1213 - 1283) Browse Text | Browse Plates | Search Pottery
HEIDELBERG, Universität iii (GERMANY 27, pls. 1284 - 1331) Browse Text | Browse Plates | Search Pottery
MUNICH, Museum Antiker Kleinkunst vi (GERMANY 28, pls. 1332 - 1379) Browse Text | Browse Plates | Search Pottery
GOTHA, Schlossmuseum ii (GERMANY 29, pls. 1380 - 1431) Browse Text | Browse Plates | Search Pottery
FRANKFURT AM MAIN ii (GERMANY 30, pls. 1432 - 1476) Browse Text | Browse Plates | Search Pottery
HEIDELBERG, Universität iv (GERMANY 31, pls. 1477 - 1524) Browse Text | Browse Plates | Search Pottery
MUNICH, Museum Antiker Kleinkunst vii (GERMANY 32, pls. 1781 - 1848) Browse Text | Browse Plates | Search Pottery
BERLIN, Antiquarium iv (GERMANY 33, Pls. 1577 - 1632) Browse Text | Browse Plates | Search Pottery
HANNOVER, Kestner - Museum i (GERMANY 34, pls. 1633 - 1680) Browse Text | Browse Plates | Search Pottery
KASSEL, Staatliche Kunstsammlungen i (GERMANY 35, pls. 1681 - 1728) Browse Text | Browse Plates | Search Pottery
TÜBINGEN, Antikensammlung der Universität i (GERMANY 36, pls. 1729 - 1780) Browse Text | Browse Plates | Search Pottery
MUNICH, Antikensammlungen viii (GERMANY 37, pls. 1781 - 1848) Browse Text | Browse Plates | Search Pottery
KASSEL, Staatliche Kunstsammlungen ii (GERMANY 38, pls. 1849 - 1892) Browse Text | Browse Plates | Search Pottery
WÜRZBURG, Martin von Wagner Museum i (GERMANY 39, pls. 1883 - 1926) Browse Text | Browse Plates | Search Pottery
BONN, Akademisches Kunstmuseum ii (GERMANY 40, pls. 1927 - 1966) Browse Text | Browse Plates | Search Pottery
HAMBURG, Museum für Kunst und Gewerbe i (GERMANY 41, pls. 1976 - 2014) Browse Text | Browse Plates | Search Pottery
MAINZ, Römisch - Germanisches Zentralmuseum i (GERMANY 42, pls. 2015 - 2057) Browse Text | Browse Plates | Search Pottery
MAINZ, Römisch - Germanisches Zentralmuseum ii (GERMANY 43, pls. 2058 - 2101) Browse Text | Browse Plates | Search Pottery
TÜBINGEN, Antikensammlung der Universität ii (GERMANY 44, pls. 2102 - 2145) Browse Text | Browse Plates | Search Pottery
BERLIN, Antikenmuseum - ehemals Antiquarium v (GERMANY 45, pls. 2146 - 2201) Browse Text | Browse Plates | Search Pottery
WÜRZBURG, Martin von Wagner Museum ii (GERMANY 46, pls. 2202 - 2245) Browse Text | Browse Plates | Search Pottery
TÜBINGEN, Antikensammlung der Universität iii (GERMANY 47, pls. 2246 - 2297) Browse Text | Browse Plates | Search Pottery
MUNICH, Antikensammlungen ix (GERMANY 48, pls. 2298 - 2365) Browse Text | Browse Plates | Search Pottery
NORDRHEIN - WESTFALEN i (GERMANY 49, pls. 2366 - 2413) Browse Text | Browse Plates | Search Pottery
FRANKFURT AM MAIN iii (GERMANY 50, pls. 2414 - 2465) Browse Text | Browse Plates | Search Pottery
WÜRZBURG, Martin von Wagner Museum iii (GERMANY 51, pls, 2466 - 2517) Browse Text | Browse Plates | Search Pottery
TÜBINGEN, Antikensammlung der Universität iv (GERMANY 52, pls. 2518 - 2569) Browse Text | Browse Plates | Search Pottery
BERLIN, Antikenmuseum vi (GERMANY 53, pls. 2570 - 2617) Browse Text | Browse Plates | Search Pottery
TÜBINGEN, Antikensammlung der Universität v (GERMANY 54, pls. 2618 - 2665) Browse Text | Browse Plates | Search Pottery
KIEL, Kunsthalle, Antikensammlung i (GERMANY 55, pls. 2666 - 2721) Browse Text | Browse Plates | Search Pottery
MUNICH, Antikensammlungen x (GERMANY 56, pls. 2722 - 2769) Browse Text | Browse Plates | Search Pottery
MUNICH, Antikensammlungen xi (GERMANY 57, pls. 2770 - 2833) Browse Text | Browse Plates | Search Pottery
GÖTTINGEN, Archäologisches Institut i (GERMANY 58, pls.2834 - 2881) Browse Text | Browse Plates | Search Pottery
BONN, Akademisches Kunstmuseum iii (GERMANY 59, pls.2882 - 2945) Browse Text | Browse Plates | Search Pottery
KARLSRUHE, Badisches Landesmuseum iii (GERMANY 60, pls. 2946 - 2993) Browse Text | Browse Plates | Search Pottery
BERLIN, Antikenmuseum vii (GERMANY 61, pls. 2994 - 3041) Browse Text | Browse Plates | Search Pottery
BERLIN, Antikenmuseum viii (GERMANY 62, pls. 3042 - 3089) Browse Text | Browse Plates | Search Pottery
MAINZ, Universität ii (GERMANY 63, pls. 3090 - 3141) Browse Text | Browse Plates | Search Pottery
KIEL, Kunsthalle, Antikensammlung ii (GERMANY 64, pls. 3142 - 3193) Browse Text | Browse Plates | Search Pottery
MUNICH, Antikensammlungen xii (GERMANY 65, pls. 3194 - 3245) Browse Text | Browse Plates | Search Pottery
FRANKFURT AM MAIN, Universität & Liebieghaus (GERMANY 66, pls. 3246 - 3313) Browse Text | Browse Plates | Search Pottery
ERLANGEN, Antikensammlung der Friedrich-Alexander-Universität i (GERMANY 67, pls. 3314 - 3361) Browse Text | Browse Plates | Search Pottery
TÜBINGEN, Antikensammlung der Universität vi (GERMANY 68, pls. 3362 3417) Browse Text | Browse Plates | Search Pottery
TÜBINGEN, Antikensammlung der Universität vii (GERMANY 69, pls. 3418 - 3477) Browse Text | Browse Plates | Search Pottery
GIESSEN, Antikensammlung der Universität i (GERMANY 70, pls. 3478-3525) Browse Text | Browse Plates | Search Pottery
WURZBURG, Martin von Wagner Museum vi (GERMANY 71, pls. 3526-3580) Browse Text | Browse Plates | Search Pottery
HANNOVER, Kestner - Museum ii (GERMANY 72, pls. 3581-3643) Browse Text | Browse Plates | Search Pottery
GÖTTINGEN, Archäologisches Institut ii (GERMANY 73, pls. 3644-3690) Browse Text | Browse Plates | Search Pottery
BERLIN, Antikensammlung ix (GERMANY 74, pls. 3691-3750) Browse Text | Browse Plates | Search Pottery
MANNHEIM, Reiss-Engelhorn-Museen (Ehemals Reiss-Museum) ii GERMANY 75, pls. 3751-3806) Browse Text | Browse Plates | Search Pottery
DRESDEN, Staatliche Kunstsammlungen - Skulpturensammlung i (GERMANY 76, pls. 3807-3860) Browse Text | Browse Plates | Search Pottery
MUNICH, Antikensammlungen xiii (GERMANY 77, pls. 3861-3940) Browse Text | Browse Plates | Search Pottery
MUNICH, Antikensammlungen xiv (GERMANY 78, pls. 3941-4012) Browse Text | Browse Plates | Search Pottery
BOCHUM, Kunstsammlungen der Ruhr-Universitat i (GERMANY 79, pls. 4013-4071) Browse Text | Browse Plates | Search Pottery
LEIPZIG, Antikenmuseum der Universitat iii (GERMANY 80, pls. 4072-4152) Browse Text | Browse Plates | Search Pottery
BOCHUM, Kunstsammlungen der Ruhr-Universitat ii (GERMANY 81, pls. 4153-4228) Browse Text | Browse Plates | Search Pottery
BOCHUM, Kunstsammlungen der Ruhr-Universitat iii (GERMANY 82, pls. 4229-4299) Browse Text | Browse Plates | Search Pottery
GOTTINGEN, Archaologisches Institut der Universitat iii (GERMANY 83, pls. 4300-4385) Browse Text | Browse Plates | Search Pottery
ERLANGEN, Antikensammlung der Friedrich-Alexander-Universität ii (GERMANY 84, pls. 4386-4444) Browse Text | Browse Plates | Search Pottery
BERLIN, Antikensammlung x (GERMANY 85, pls. 4445-4500) Browse Text | Browse Plates | Search Pottery
BERLIN, Antikensammlung xi (GERMANY 86, pls. 4501-4580) Browse Text | Browse Plates | Search Pottery
MUNICH, Antikensammlungen xv (GERMANY 87, pls. 4581-4665) Browse Text | Browse Plates | Search Pottery
MUNICH, Antikensammlungen xvi (GERMANY 88, pls. 4666-4729) Browse Text | Browse Plates | Search Pottery
BERLIN, Antikensammlung xii (GERMANY 89, pls. 4730-4777) Browse Text | Browse Plates | Search Pottery
JENA, Sammlung Antiker Kleinkunst der Friedrich-Schiller-Universitat i (GERMANY 90, pls. 4778-4843) Browse Text | Browse Plates | Search Pottery
HAMBURG, Museum für Kunst und Gewerbe ii (GERMANY 91, pls. 4844-4926) Browse Text | Browse Plates | Search Pottery
GOTTINGEN, Archaologisches Institut der Universitat iv (GERMANY 92, pls. 4927-4993) Browse Text | Browse Plates | Search Pottery
BERLIN, Antikensammlung xiii (GERMANY 93, pls. 4994-5056) Browse Text | Browse Plates | Search Pottery
BERLIN, Antikensammlung xiv (GERMANY 94, pls. 5057-5116) Browse Text | Browse Plates | Search Pottery
BERLIN, Antikensammlung xv (GERMANY 95, pls. 5117-5195) Browse Text | Browse Plates | Search Pottery
MUNICH, Antikensammlungen xvii (GERMANY 96) Browse Text | Browse Plates | Search Pottery
DRESDEN, Staatliche Kunstsammlungen - Skulpturensammlung ii (GERMANY 97) Browse Text | Browse Plates | Search Pottery
MUNICH, Antikensammlungen xviii (GERMANY 98) Browse Text | Browse Plates | Search Pottery
BERLIN, Antikensammlung xvi (GERMANY 99) Browse Text | Browse Plates | Search Pottery

German Democratic Republic

SCHWERIN, Staatliches Museum i (GDR 1, pls. 1 - 61) Browse Text | Browse Plates | Search Pottery
LEIPZIG, Antikenmuseum der Universität ii (GDR 2, pls. 62 - 11) Browse Text | Browse Plates | Search Pottery
BERLIN, Antikensammlung (Pergamonmuseum) i (GDR 3, pls. 112 - 164) Browse Text | Browse Plates | Search Pottery

Great Britain

LONDON, British Museum i (GREAT BRITAIN 1, pls. 1 - 44) Browse Text | Browse Plates | Search Pottery
LONDON, British Museum ii (GREAT BRITAIN 2, pls. 45 - 92) Browse Text | Browse Plates | Search Pottery
OXFORD, Ashmolean Museum i (GREAT BRITAIN 3, pls. 93 - 142) Browse Text | Browse Plates | Search Pottery
LONDON, British Museum iii (GREAT BRITAIN 4, pls. 143 - 190) Browse Text | Browse Plates | Search Pottery
LONDON, British Museum iv (GREAT BRITAIN 5, pls. 191 - 238 Browse Text | Browse Plates | Search Pottery
CAMBRIDGE, Fitzwilliam Museum i (GREAT BRITAIN 6, pls. 239) Browse Text | Browse Plates | Search Pottery
LONDON, British Museum v (GREAT BRITAIN 7, pls. 285 - 332) Browse Text | Browse Plates | Search Pottery
LONDON, British Museum vi (GREAT BRITAIN 8, pls. 333 - 380) Browse Text | Browse Plates | Search Pottery
OXFORD, Ashmolean Museum ii (GREAT BRITAIN 9, pls. 381 - 431) Browse Text | Browse Plates | Search Pottery
LONDON, British Museum vii (GREAT BRITAIN 10, pls. 432 - 479) Browse Text | Browse Plates | Search Pottery
CAMBRIDGE, Fitzwilliam Museum ii (GREAT BRITAIN 11, pls. 480 - 527) Browse Text | Browse Plates | Search Pottery
READING, University of Reading i (GREAT BRITAIN 12, pls. 528 - 567) Browse Text | Browse Plates | Search Pottery
LONDON, British Museum viii (GREAT BRITAIN 13, pls. 568 - 615) Browse Text | Browse Plates | Search Pottery
OXFORD, Ashmolean Museum iii (GREAT BRITAIN 14, pls. 616 - 655) Browse Text | Browse Plates | Search Pottery
NORTHAMPTON, Castle Ashby (GREAT BRITAIN 15, pls. 656 - 717) Browse Text | Browse Plates | Search Pottery
EDINBURGH,National Museums of Scotland (GREAT BRITAIN 16, pls. 718 - 777) Browse Text | Browse Plates | Search Pottery
LONDON, British Museum ix (GREAT BRITAIN 17, pls. 778 - 859) Browse Text | Browse Plates | Search Pottery
GLASGOW (GREAT BRITAIN 18, pls. 860 - 919) Browse Text | Browse Plates | Search Pottery
WINCHESTER, Winchester College (GREAT BRITAIN 19) Not yet available
LONDON, British Museum x (GREAT BRITAIN 20) Not yet available
HARROW, Harrow School. i (GREAT BRITAIN 21) Not yet available
ABERDEEN, Aberdeen University: Marischal Collection (GREAT BRITAIN 22) Not yet available
READING. Reading Museum Service (Reading Borough Council) i (GREAT BRITAIN 23) Not yet available
OXFORD, Ashmolean Museum iv (GREAT BRITAIN 24) Not yet available
LONDON, British Museum xi (GREAT BRITAIN 25) Not yet available


ATHENS, Musée National i (GREECE 1, pls. 1 - 50) Browse Text | Browse Plates | Search Pottery
ATHENS, Musée National ii (GREECE 2, pls. 51 - 98) Browse Text | Browse Plates | Search Pottery
ATHENS, National Museum iii (GREECE 3, pls. 99 - 148) Browse Text | Browse Plates | Search Pottery
ATHENS, National Museum iv (GREECE 4, pls. 149 - 212) Browse Text | Browse Plates | Search Pottery
THESSALONIKI, Archaeological Museum (GREECE 5, pls. 213 - 278) Browse Text | Browse Plates | Search Pottery
THEBES, Archaeological Museum (GREECE 6) Not yet available
MARATHON, Marathon Museum (GREECE 7) Not yet available
ATHENS, National Museum v (GREECE 8 pls. 412-521) Not yet available
ATHENS, Benaki Museum i (GREECE 9) Not yet available
RHODES, Archaeological Museum. (GREECE 10) Not yet available
ATHENS, Museum of Cycladic Art (GREECE 11) Not yet available
ATHENS, National Museum vi (GREECE 12) Not yet available
THESSALONIKI, Aristotle University, Cast Museum (GREECE 13) Not yet available


BUDAPEST, Musée des Beaux - Arts i (HUNGARY 1, pls. 1 - 52) Browse Text | Browse Plates | Search Pottery
BUDAPEST, Musée des Beaux - Arts ii (HUNGARY 2) Not yet available


IRELAND, University College Dublin, University College Cork (IRELAND 1, pls. 1 - 61) Browse Text | Browse Plates | Search Pottery


ROME, Museo Nazionale di Villa Giulia i (ITALY 1, pls. 1 - 49) Browse Text | Browse Plates | Search Pottery
ROME, Museo Nazionale di Villa Giulia ii (ITALY 2, pls. 50 - 98) Browse Text | Browse Plates | Search Pottery
ROME, Museo Nazionale di Villa Giulia iii (ITALY 3, pls. 99 - 147) Browse Text | Browse Plates | Search Pottery
LECCE, Museo Provinciale i (ITALY 4, pls. 148 - 197) Browse Text | Browse Plates | Search Pottery
BOLOGNA, Museo Civico i (ITALY 5, pls. 198 - 247) Browse Text | Browse Plates | Search Pottery
LECCE, Museo Provinciale ii (ITALY 6, pls. 248 - 299) Browse Text | Browse Plates | Search Pottery
BOLOGNA, Museo Civico ii (ITALY 7, pls. 300 - 349) Browse Text | Browse Plates | Search Pottery
FLORENCE, R. Museo Archeologico i (ITALY 8, pls. 350 - 405) Browse Text | Browse Plates | Search Pottery
RHODES, Museo Archeologico i (ITALY 9, pls. 406 - 456) Browse Text | Browse Plates | Search Pottery
RHODES, Museo Archeologico ii (ITALY 10, pls. 457 - 508) Browse Text | Browse Plates | Search Pottery
CAPUA, Museo Campano i (ITALY 11, pls. 509 - 558) Browse Text | Browse Plates | Search Pottery
BOLOGNA, Museo Civico iii (ITALY 12, pls. 559 - 608) Browse Text | Browse Plates | Search Pottery
FLORENCE, R. Museo Archeologico ii (ITALY 13, pls. 609 - 657) Browse Text | Browse Plates | Search Pottery
PALERMO, Museo Nazionale i (ITALY 14, pls. 658 - 706) Browse Text | Browse Plates | Search Pottery
TARANTO, R. Museo Nazionale i (ITALY 15, pls. 707 - 757) Browse Text | Browse Plates | Search Pottery
UMBRIA, Musei Comunali i (ITALY 16, pls. 758 - 802) Browse Text | Browse Plates | Search Pottery
SYRACUSE, Museo Archeologico Nazionale i (ITALY 17, pls. 803 - 854) Browse Text | Browse Plates | Search Pottery
TARANTO, R. Museo Nazionale ii (ITALY 18, pls. 855 - 901) Browse Text | Browse Plates | Search Pottery
GENOVA, Museo Civico d'Archeologia Ligure di Genova i (ITALY 19, pls. 902 - 940) Browse Text | Browse Plates | Search Pottery
NAPLES, Museo Nazionale i (ITALY 20, pls. 941 - 990) Browse Text | Browse Plates | Search Pottery
ROME, Museo Preistorico L. Pigorini (ITALY 21, pls. 991 - 1022) Browse Text | Browse Plates | Search Pottery
NAPLES, Museo Nazionale ii (ITALY 22, pls. 1023 - 1063) Browse Text | Browse Plates | Search Pottery
CAPUA, Museo Campano ii (ITALY 23, pls. 1064 - 1098) Browse Text | Browse Plates | Search Pottery
NAPLES, Museo Nazionale iii (ITALY 24, pls. 1099 - 1130) Browse Text | Browse Plates | Search Pottery
TARQUINIA, Museo Nazionale i (ITALY 25, pls. 1131 - 1166) Browse Text | Browse Plates | Search Pottery
TARQUINIA, Museo Nazionale ii (ITALY 26, pls. 1167 - 1204) Browse Text | Browse Plates | Search Pottery
BOLOGNA, Museo Civico iv (ITALY 27, pls. 1205 - 1248) Browse Text | Browse Plates | Search Pottery
ADRIA, Museo Civico i (ITALY 28, pls. 1249 - 1292). Browse Text | Browse Plates | Search Pottery
CAPUA, Museo Campano iii (ITALY 29, pls. 1293 - 1332) Browse Text | Browse Plates | Search Pottery
FLORENCE, Museo Archeologico iii (ITALY 30, pls. 1337 - 1380) Browse Text | Browse Plates | Search Pottery
MILAN, Civico Museo Archeologico (ITALY 31, pls. 1381 - 1424) Browse Text | Browse Plates | Search Pottery
TURIN, Museo di Antichita i (ITALY 32, pls. 1425 - 1468) Browse Text | Browse Plates | Search Pottery
BOLOGNA, Museo Civico v (ITALY 33, pls. 1469 - 1512) Browse Text | Browse Plates | Search Pottery
VERONA, Museo del Teatro Romano i (ITALY 34, pls. 1513 - 1556) Browse Text | Browse Plates | Search Pottery
TARANTO, Museo Nazionale iii (ITALY 35, pls. 1557 - 1600) Browse Text | Browse Plates | Search Pottery
ROME, Musei Capitolini i (ITALY 36, pls. 1601 - 1644) Browse Text | Browse Plates | Search Pottery
FERRARA, Museo Nazionale i (ITALY 37, pls. 1645 - 1688) Browse Text | Browse Plates | Search Pottery
FLORENCE, Museo Archeologico iv (ITALY 38, pls. 1689 - 1732) Browse Text | Browse Plates | Search Pottery
ROME, Musei Capitolini ii (ITALY 39, pls. 1733 - 1776) Browse Text | Browse Plates | Search Pottery
TURIN, Museo di Antichita ii (ITALY 40, pls. 1777 - 1820) Browse Text | Browse Plates | Search Pottery
ORVIETO, Museo Claudio Faina i (ITALY 41, pls. 1821 - 1864) Browse Text | Browse Plates | Search Pottery
FLORENCE, Museo Nazionale v (ITALY 42, pls. 1865 - 1906) Browse Text | Browse Plates | Search Pottery
TRIESTE, Civico Museo di Storia ed Arte (ITALY 43, pls. 1907 - 1950) Browse Text | Browse Plates | Search Pottery
CAPUA, Museo Campano iv (ITALY 44, pls. 1951 - 1995) Browse Text | Browse Plates | Search Pottery
PARMA, Museo Nazionale di Antichita i (ITALY 45, pls. 1996 - 2036) Browse Text | Browse Plates | Search Pottery
PARMA, Museo Nazionale di Antichita ii (ITALY 46, pls. 2037 - 2080) Browse Text | Browse Plates | Search Pottery
COMO, Civico Museo Archeologico 'Giovio' i (ITALY 47, pls 2081 - 2125) Browse Text | Browse Plates | Search Pottery
FERRARA, Museo Archeologico Nazionale ii (ITALY 48, pls. 2126 - 2169) Browse Text | Browse Plates | Search Pottery
MILAN, Collezione 'H.A.' i (ITALY 49, pls. 2170 - 2210) Browse Text | Browse Plates | Search Pottery
PALERMO, Collezione Mormino, Banco di Sicilia i (ITALY 50, pls. 2211 - 2254) Browse Text | Browse Plates | Search Pottery
MILAN, Collezione 'H.A.' ii (ITALY 51, pls. 2255 - 2294) Browse Text | Browse Plates | Search Pottery
GELA, Museo Archeologico Nazionale i (ITALY 52, pls. 2295 - 2337) Browse Text | Browse Plates | Search Pottery
GELA, Museo Archeologico Nazionale ii (ITALY 53, pls. 2338 - 2377) Browse Text | Browse Plates | Search Pottery
GELA, Museo Archeologico Nazionaleiii (ITALY 54, pls. 2378 - 2421) Browse Text | Browse Plates | Search Pottery
TARQUINIA, Museo Nazionale iii (ITALY 55, pls. 2422 - 2465) Browse Text | Browse Plates | Search Pottery
GELA, Museo Archeologico Nazionale iv (ITALY 56, pls. 2466 - 2512) Browse Text | Browse Plates | Search Pottery
FIESOLE, Collezione Costantini i (ITALY 57, pls. 2513 - 2560) Browse Text | Browse Plates | Search Pottery
FIESOLE, Collezione Costantini ii (ITALY 58, pls. 2561 - 2600) Browse Text | Browse Plates | Search Pottery
CHIUSI, Museo Archeologico Nazionale i (ITALY 59, pls. 2601 - 2642) Browse Text | Browse Plates | Search Pottery
CHIUSI, Museo Archeologico Nazionale ii (ITALY 60, pls. 2643 - 2684 Browse Text | Browse Plates | Search Pottery
AGRIGENTO, Museo Archeologico Regionale i (ITALY 61, pls. 2685 - 2777) Browse Text | Browse Plates | Search Pottery
GROSSETO, Museo Archeologico i (ITALY 62, pls. 2778 - 2817) Browse Text | Browse Plates | Search Pottery
GROSSETO, Museo Archeologico ii (ITALY 63, pls. 2818 - 2867) Browse Text | Browse Plates | Search Pottery
ROME, Museo Nazionale di Villa Giulia iv (ITALY 64, pls. 2868 - 2913) Browse Text | Browse Plates | Search Pottery
ADRIA, Museo Archeologico Nazionale ii (ITALY 65, pls. 2914 - 2964) Browse Text | Browse Plates | Search Pottery
NAPLES, Museo Nazionale iv (ITALY 66, pls. 2965 - 3007) Browse Text | Browse Plates | Search Pottery
VIBO VALENTIA, Museo Statale "Vito Capialbi" (ITALY 67, pls. 3008 - 3047) Browse Text | Browse Plates | Search Pottery
GIOIA DEL COLLE, Museo Archeologico Nazionale (ITALY 68, pls. 3048 - 3087) Not yet available
NAPLES, Museo Nazionale v, Raccolta Cumana (ITALY 69, pls. 3088 - 3167) Not yet available
TARANTO, Museo Nazionale iii (ITALY 70) Not yet available
NAPLES, Museo Nazionale vi (ITALY 71) Not yet available
AGRIGENTO, Museo Archeologico Nazionale ii (ITALY 72) Not yet available
MATERA, Museo Nazionale di Matera "Domenico Ridola". i (ITALY 73) Not yet available
FLORENCE, Museo Archeologico Nazionale vi (ITALY 74) Not yet available
GELA, Museo Archeologico Nazionale v (ITALY 75) Not yet available
CALTAGIRONE, Museo della cerámica, collezione Russo-Perez i (ITALY 76) Not yet available
NAPLES, Museo Nazionale vii, Collezione Borbonica (ITALY 77) Not yet available
NAPLES, Museo Nazionale viii, Collezione Spinelli (ITALY 78) Not yet available
RUVO DI PUGLIA, Museo Nazionale di Ruvo di Puglia i (ITALY 79) Not yet available
RUVO DI PUGLIA, Museo Nazionale di Ruvo di Puglia ii (ITALY 80) Not yet available


Rotfigurige Vasen in Japanischen Sammlungen i (JAPAN 1, pls. 1 - 50, unnumbered) Browse Text | Browse Plates | Search Pottery
Schwarz - und Rotfigurige Vasen in Japanischen Sammlungen ii (JAPAN 2, pls. 51 - 114) Browse Text | Browse Plates | Search Pottery


THE HAGUE, Musée Scheurleer i (NETHERLANDS - Pays Bas 1, pls. 1 - 48) Browse Text | Browse Plates | Search Pottery
THE HAGUE, Musée Scheurleer ii (NETHERLANDS - Pays Bas 2, pls. 49 - 94) Browse Text | Browse Plates | Search Pottery
LEIDEN, Rijksmuseum van Oudheden i (NETHERLANDS 3, pls. 95 - 147) Browse Text | Browse Plates | Search Pottery
LEIDEN, Rijksmuseum van Oudheden ii (NETHERLANDS 4, pls. 148 - 201) Browse Text | Browse Plates | Search Pottery
LEIDEN, Rijksmuseum van Oudheden iii (NETHERLANDS 5, pls. 202 - 255) Browse Text | Browse Plates | Search Pottery
AMSTERDAM, Allard Pierson Museum i (NETHERLANDS 6, pls. 256 - 319) Browse Text | Browse Plates | Search Pottery
LEIDEN, Rijksmuseum van Oudheden iv (NETHERLANDS 7, pls. 320 - 373) Browse Text | Browse Plates | Search Pottery
AMSTERDAM, Allard Pierson Museum ii (NETHERLANDS 8, pls. 374 - 452) Browse Text | Browse Plates | Search Pottery
AMSTERDAM, Allard Pierson Museum iii (NETHERLANDS 9) Browse Text | Browse Plates | Search Pottery
AMSTERDAM, Allard Pierson Museum iv (NETHERLANDS 10) Browse Text | Browse Plates | Search Pottery
AMSTERDAM, Allard Pierson Museum v (NETHERLANDS 11) Browse Text | Browse Plates | Search Pottery
AMSTERDAM, Allard Pierson Museum vi (NETHERLANDS 12) Browse Text | Browse Plates | Search Pottery

New Zealand

NEW ZEALAND (NEW ZEALAND 1, pls. 1 - 48 unnumbered). Browse Text | Browse Plates | Search Pottery


Public and Private Collections (NORWAY 1, pls. 1 - 52 unnumbered) Browse Text | Browse Plates | Search Pottery
Public and Private Collections (NORWAY 2) Not yet available


GOLUCHOW, Musée Czartoryski (POLAND 1, pls. 1 - 54) Browse Text | Browse Plates | Search Pottery
CRACOW, Collections de Cracovie (POLAND 2, pls. 55 - 96) Browse Text | Browse Plates |Search Pottery
POLAND, Collections Diverses (POLAND 3, pls. 97 - 129) Browse Text | Browse Plates | Search Pottery
WARSAW, Musée National i (POLAND 4, pls. 130 - 177) Browse Text | Browse Plates | Search Pottery
WARSAW, Musée National ii (POLAND 5, pls. 178 - 231 unnumbered) Browse Text | Browse Plates | Search Pottery
WARSAW, Musée National iii (POLAND 6, pls. 232 - 279) Browse Text | Browse Plates | Search Pottery
WARSAW, Musée National iv (POLAND 7, pls. 280 - 332) Browse Text | Browse Plates | Search Pottery
WARSAW, Musée National v (POLAND 8, pls. 333 - 376) Browse Text | Browse Plates | Search Pottery
WARSAW, Musée National vi (POLAND 9, pls. 377 – 430) Browse Text | Browse Plates | Search Pottery
WARSAW, Musée National vii (POLAND 10, pls. 1 - 136) Browse Text | Browse Plates | Search Pottery
CRACOW 1, (Jagiellonian University Collections) (POLAND 11) Not yet available


BUCAREST i, Musée National des Antiquités (RUMANIA 1, pls. 1 - 45) Browse Text | Browse Plates | Search Pottery
BUCAREST ii, (RUMANIA 2, pls. 46 - 88) Browse Text | Browse Plates | Search Pottery


MOSCOW, Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts i (Russia 1, pls. 1 - 66) Not yet available
MOSCOW, Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts ii (Russia 2, pls. 67 - 107) Not yet available
MOSCOW, Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts iii (Russia 3, pls. 108 - 151) Not yet available
MOSCOW, Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts iv (Russia 4) Not yet available
MOSCOW, Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts v (Russia 5) Not yet available
MOSCOW, Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts vi (Russia 6) Not yet available
MOSCOW, Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts vii (Russia 7) Not yet available
ST. PETERSBURG, The State Hermitage Museum St. Petersburg i (Russia 8) Not yet available
ST. PETERSBURG, The State Hermitage Museum St. Petersburg ii (Russia 9) Not yet available
ST. PETERSBURG, The State Hermitage Museum St. Petersburg iii (Russia 10) Not yet available
ST. PETERSBURG, The State Hermitage Museum St. Petersburg iv (Russia 11) Not yet available
ST. PETERSBURG, The State Hermitage Museum St. Petersburg v (Russia 12) Not yet available
ST. PETERSBURG, The State Hermitage Museum St. Petersburg vi (Russia 13) Not yet available
ST. PETERSBURG, The State Hermitage Museum St. Petersburg vii (Russia 14) Not yet available
ST. PETERSBURG, The State Hermitage Museum St. Petersburg viii (Russia 15) Not yet available
ST. PETERSBURG, The State Hermitage Museum St. Petersburg ix (Russia 16) Not yet available
MOSCOW, Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts viii (Russia 17) Not yet available
ST. PETERSBURG, The State Hermitage Museum St. Petersburg x (Russia 18) Not yet available
ST. PETERSBURG, The State Hermitage Museum St. Petersburg xi (Russia 19) Not yet available
ST. PETERSBURG, The State Hermitage Museum St. Petersburg xii (Russia 20) Not yet available
ST. PETERSBURG, The State Hermitage Museum St. Petersburg xiii (Russia 21) Not yet available

Serbia and Montenegro

Serbia and Montenegro, Musée National (SERBIA AND MONTENEGRO 1) Not yet available


MADRID, Musée Archéologique National i (SPAIN 1, pls. 1 - 49) Browse Text | Browse Plates | Search Pottery
MADRID, Museo Arqueologico Nacional ii (SPAIN 2, pls. 50 - 98) Browse Text | Browse Plates | Search Pottery
BARCELONA, Musée Archéologique i (SPAIN 3, pls. 99 - 138) Browse Text | Browse Plates | Search Pottery
BARCELONA, Musée Archéologique ii (SPAIN 4, pls. 139 - 178) Browse Text | Browse Plates | Search Pottery
ULLASTRET, Musée Monographique (SPAIN 5, pls. 179 - 228) Browse Text | Browse Plates | Search Pottery
EIVISSA, Musée (SPAIN 6, pls. 229 - 265) Browse Text | Browse Plates | Search Pottery


LUND, Museum of Classical Antiquities i (SWEDEN 1, pls.1-25) Browse Text | Browse Plates | Search Pottery
STOCKHOLM, Medelhavsmuseet and National Museum i (SWEDEN 2, pls.26-65) Browse Text | Browse Plates | Search Pottery
GÖTEBORG, Public Collections (SWEDEN 3, pls. 66 - 108) Browse Text | Browse Plates | Search Pottery
STOCKHOLM, Medelhavsmuseet and National Museum ii (SWEDEN 4, pls. 109 - 143) Not yet available


GENEVA, Musée d'Art et d'Histoire i (SWITZERLAND 1, pls. 1 - 42) Browse Text | Browse Plates | Search Pottery
ZÜRICH, Öffentliche Sammlungen (SWITZERLAND 2, pls. 43 - 98) Browse Text | Browse Plates | Search Pottery
GENEVA, Musée d'Art et d'Histoire ii (SWITZERLAND 3, pls. 99 - 146) Browse Text | Browse Plates | Search Pottery
BASEL, Antikenmuseum i (SWITZERLAND 4, pls. 147 - 202) Browse Text | Browse Plates | Search Pottery
OSTSCHWEIZ TICINO (SWITZERLAND 5, pls. 203 - 256) Browse Text | Browse Plates | Search Pottery
BASEL, Antikenmuseum und Sammlung Ludwig ii (SWITZERLAND 6, pls. 257 - 312) Browse Text | Browse Plates | Search Pottery
BASEL, Antikenmuseum und Sammlung Ludwig iii (SWITZERLAND 7, pls. 313 - 368) Browse Text | Browse Plates | Search Pottery
BASEL, Antikenmuseum und Sammlung Ludwig iv (SWITZERLAND 8) Not yet available


TURKEY, Silifke Museum (TURKEY 1) Not yet available


HOPPIN and GALLCATIN COLLECTIONS (U.S.A. 1, pls. 1 - 53) Browse Text | Browse Plates | Search Pottery
PROVIDENCE, Rhode Island School of Design (U.S.A. 2, pls. 54 - 85) Browse Text | Browse Plates | Search Pottery
MICHIGAN, University of Michigan at Ann Arbor i (U.S.A. 3, pls. 86 - 133) Browse Text | Browse Plates | Search Pottery
BALTIMORE, The Robinson Collection i (U.S.A. 4, pls. 134 - 181) Browse Text | Browse Plates | Search Pottery
BERKELEY, University of California i (U.S.A. 5, pls. 182 - 243) Browse Text | Browse Plates | Search Pottery
BALTIMORE, The Robinson Collection ii (U.S.A. 6, pls. 244 - 294) Browse Text | Browse Plates | Search Pottery
BALTIMORE, The Robinson Collection iii (U.S.A. 7, pls. 295 - 338 Browse Text | Browse Plates | Search Pottery
FOGG Museum and GALLATIN Collections (U.S.A. 8, pls. 339 - 412) Browse Text | Browse Plates | Search Pottery
NEW YORK, Metropolitan Museum of Art i (U.S.A. 9, pls. 413 - 460) Browse Text | Browse Plates | Search Pottery
SAN FRANCISCO, (U.S.A. 10, pls. 461 - 490) Browse Text | Browse Plates | Search Pottery
NEW YORK, Metropolitan Museum of Art ii (U.S.A. 11, pls. 491 - 532) Browse Text | Browse Plates | Search Pottery
NEW YORK, Metropolitan Museum of Art iii (U.S.A. 12, pls. 533 - 580) Browse Text | Browse Plates | Search Pottery
BRYN MAWR, Bryn Mawr College i (U.S.A. 13, pls. 581 - 622) Browse Text | Browse Plates | Search Pottery
BOSTON, Museum of Fine Arts i (U.S.A. 14, pls. 623 - 680) Browse Text | Browse Plates | Search Pottery
CLEVELAND, Museum of Art i (U.S.A. 15, pls. 681 - 728) Browse Text | Browse Plates | Search Pottery
NEW YORK, Metropolitan Museum of Art iv (U.S.A. 16, pls. 729 - 780) Browse Text | Browse Plates | Search Pottery
TOLEDO, Museum of Art i (U.S.A. 17, pls. 781 - 840) Browse Text | Browse Plates | Search Pottery
LOS ANGELES, County Museum of Art i (U.S.A. 18, pls. 841 - 892) Browse Text | Browse Plates | Search Pottery
BOSTON, Museum of Fine Arts ii (U.S.A.19, pls. 893 - 943) Browse Text | Browse Plates | Search Pottery
TOLEDO, The Toledo Museum of Art ii (U.S.A. 20, pls. 944 - 1003) Browse Text | Browse Plates | Search Pottery
OMAHA, Joslyn Art Museum i (USA 21, pls. 1004 - 1056) Browse Text | Browse Plates | Search Pottery
PHILADELPHIA, The University Museum i (U.S.A. 22, pls. 1057-1110) Browse Text | Browse Plates | Search Pottery
MALIBU, J. Paul Getty Museum i (U.S.A. 23, pls. 1111 - 1170) Browse Text | Browse Plates | Search Pottery
URBANA - CHAMPAIGN, University of Illinois i (U.S.A. 24, pls. 1171 - 1234) Browse Text | Browse Plates | Search Pottery
MALIBU, J. Paul Getty Museum ii (U.S.A. 25, pls. 1235 - 1294) Browse Text | Browse Plates | Search Pottery
MALIBU, J. Paul Getty Museum iii (U.S.A. 26, pls. 1295 - 1352) Browse Text | Browse Plates | Search Pottery
MALIBU, J. Paul Getty Museum iv (U.S.A. 27, pls. 1353 - 1412) Browse Text | Browse Plates | Search Pottery
BALTIMORE, Walters Art Gallery i (U.S.A. 28, pls. 1413 - 1472) Browse Text | Browse Plates | Search Pottery
PHILADELPHIA, The University Museum ii (U.S.A. 29, pls. 1473 - 1516) Not yet available
MALIBU, J. Paul Getty Museum v (U.S.A. 30, pls. 1516 - 1561) Not yet available
MALIBU, J. Paul Getty Museum vi (U.S.A. 31, plates 1562 - 1605) Not yet available
MALIBU, J. Paul Getty Museum vii (U.S.A. 32, plates 1606 - 1663) Not yet available
MALIBU, J. Paul Getty Museum viii (U.S.A. 33, pls. 1664 - 1740) Not yet available
MALIBU, J. Paul Getty Museum ix (U.S.A. 34) Not yet available
CLEVELAND, Museum of Art ii (U.S.A. 35) Not yet available
MISSOURI-COLUMBIA, University Museum of Art and Archaeology (U.S.A. 36) Not yet available
NEW YORK, Metropolitan Museum of Art v (U.S.A. 37) Not yet available
YALE, Yale University Art Gallery i (U.S.A. 38) Not yet available
YALE, Yale University Art Gallery ii (U.S.A. 39) Not yet available


ZAGREB, Musée National i (YUGOSLAVIA 1, pls. 1 - 48). Browse Text | Browse Plates | Search Pottery
ZAGREB, Musée National ii (YUGOSLAVIA 2, pls. 49 - 96) Browse Text | Browse Plates| Search Pottery
BELGRADE, Musée du Prince Paul i (YUGOSLAVIA 3, pls. 97 - 127) Browse Text | Browse Plates | Search Pottery
SARAJEVO, Musée National (YUGOSLAVIA 4, pls. 128 - 175) Browse Text | Browse Plates | Search Pottery
See also: Crous, Jan W. Konkordanz zum Corpus Vasorum Antiquorum. Roma, 1942