Saturday, December 31, 2016

Open Access Journal: Numismatic Literature

[First posted in AWOL 22 July 2009, updated 31 December 2016]

Numismatic Literature
ISSN: 0029-6031
American Numismatic Society
Numismatic Literature was the Society's annotated bibliography of published work in all fields of numismatics. At its core NumLit was a text archive that supports multiple delivery formats, one that was designed for longevity in the face of rapid technological innovation. For users, NumLit existed as subject and author indexes that were regularly updated as new titles are entered. The titles were also listed in the reverse order of when they were added. It had been published since 1947 and the final published volume is No. 149 (2007). Please note that NumLit is no longer published. All previous volumes of Numismatic Literature may be read and downloaded via HathiTrust at no charge.

Friday, December 30, 2016

Ancient Jerusalem in VR app

Ancient Jerusalem in VR app
Our first app, Ancient Jerusalem in VR, is available for download on Google play! The app allows users to experience ancient Jerusalem, as it was 2,000 years ago, from four vantage points. Here’s everything you need to know about each of them! Click here to download the app and experience this ancient wonder for yourself.
Modern street level
You are on a 15m column in front of the Temple’s Western Wall. This is the current ground level when you visit the site today. You are surrounded by domestic housing. To your left is Wilson’s Arch and a bridge that gives access to the temple complex. Behind the observer are views of the surrounding landscape including distant glimpses of the fortification wall and residential areas. The remains of the fortification wall are scant in modern Jerusalem, so a reconstructed version is used here based on chronologically parallel examples...

InterClassica: Investigación y Difusión del Mundo Griego y Romano Antiguo

InterClassica: Investigación y Difusión del Mundo Griego y Romano Antiguo


InterClassica es un proyecto inaugurado en mayo de 2006. Tiene como fin la divulgación de contenidos correspondientes a distintos ámbitos del mundo Griego y Romano Antiguos. Se encuentra abierto a la colaboración de todo el que esté interesado en estos campos y pretende proporcionar información rigurosa para ser utilizada y compartida sin ningún tipo de obstáculo ni restricción dado que la educación, el conocimiento, la información y la comunicación esenciales para la cultura y el progreso de los seres humanos.

Thursday, December 29, 2016

Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Open Access Exhibition Catalogue: Syria: A Living History

Syria: A Living History
EXHIBITION Syria: A Living History, October 15, 2016–February 28, 2017 
October 15, 2016, to February 26, 2017
Few countries have captured the world’s attention like Syria has today. Stories of conflict and displacement dominate the media and define people’s awareness of the place. Syria: A Living History brings together artifacts and artworks that tell a different story—one of cultural diversity, historical continuity, resourcefulness, and resilience.

Dr. Filiz Çakır Phillip, Aga Khan Museum
Professor Nasser Rabbat, Aga Khan Program for Islamic Architecture, MIT

Dr. Ross Burns, Sydney, Australia

Tuesday, December 27, 2016

The Latin Library

The Latin Library
These texts have been drawn from different sources. Many were originally scanned and formatted from texts in the Public Domain. Others have been downloaded from various sites on the Internet (many of which have long since disappeared). Most of the recent texts have been submitted by contributors around the world. I have tried to indicate on the Credit Page the edition and date of the original text and who (if known) was responsible for the initial HTML conversion. For the core of the classical texts, special acknowledgement is due to the submissions of Konrad Schroeder, Nicholas Koenig, Andrew Gollan and others to the Project Libellus. These have been downloaded with the permission of the contributors and presented here with additional HTML formatting.

Occasionally texts are submitted by contributors or discovered on the Internet without indication of the edition from which they derive. If I am unable to identify the edition (which is often the case), I have attempted, if feasible, to conform the text to an out–of–copyright edition.

The texts are not intended for research purposes nor as substitutes for critical editions. Despite constant effort to remove “scanner artifacts” and other typographical errors, many such errors remain. The texts are presented merely for ease of on–line reading or for downloading for personal or educational use.

No morphological or vocabulary aid is presented with the texts. Many sites exist for various texts and, most comprehensively, the outstanding Perseus site, where the texts are presented section by section with morphological links.

There are no translations at this site. Please don’t ask. David Camden’s excellent Forum Romanum has a comprehensive list of translations available on line.

I have taken every reasonable precaution to ensure that the Latin texts presented here are in the Public Domain. If any copyright is claimed, please advise us immediately so that we may remove the offending text from the Library.

We need additional texts to expand the Library. We also need your help in making these texts as accurate as possible. If you have other texts to submit, or corrections to the present ones, please contact:
Abelard Addison Adso Dervensis Albertano of Brescia Alcuin Asconius Ambrosius Ammianus Ampelius Anonymus Neveleti Apuleius Aquinas Arnobius Asserius Augustine Augustus Aurelius Victor Ausonius Avianus Bacon Balde Biblia Sacra Bonaventure Boskovic Boym Caesar Campion Cassiodorus Cato Catullus Cicero Christian Creeds Christian Latin Claudian Claudius Caesar Conradus Celtis Dante Cotta Declaratio Arbroathis Descartes Disticha Catonis Donatus Einhard Ennius Epistolae Austrasicae Erasmus Eucherius Eutropius Fabricius Montanus Ficino Florus Foedus Aeternum Forsett Frontinus Gaius Galileo Gellius Gesta Romanorum Girolamo Vida Godfrey of Winchester Gregory of Tours Gregory the Great Gwinne Henry VII Historia Apolloni Horace Historia Augusta Historia Brittonum Hugo of St. Victor Hyginus Hymni et cantica Iacobus de Voragine Ius Romanum Janus Secundus Jordanes Julius Obsequens Junillus Justin Justinian Juvenal Lactantius Landor Legenda Regis Stephani Lhomond Livy Lotichius Lucan Lucretius Luther Magna Carta Maidstone Manilius Marullo Martial Maximianus May Medieval Latin Melanchthon Milton Minucius Felix Mirandola Miscellany Naevius Navagero Neo-Latin Nepos Newton Nithardus Ovid Owen Pascoli Passerat Paulus Diaconus Persius Petrarch Petronius Phaedrus Phineas Fletcher Piccolomini Planctus destructionis Plautus Pliny the Elder Pliny the Younger Poggio Bracciolini Pontano Priapea Propertius Prudentius Pseudoplatonica Quintilian Ricardi de Bury Rimbaud Roman Epitaphs Ruaeus Rutilius Namatianus Sallust Sannazaro Scaliger Sedulius Seneca Septem Sapientum Silius Italicus Statius Stephanus de Varda Suetonius Sulpicia Syrus Tacitus Terence Tertullian Theganus Theophanes Thomas à Kempis Theodosian Code Tibullus Valerius Flaccus Valerius Maximus Varro Vegetius Vegius Velleius Paterculus Virgil Vico Vitruvius Waardenburg

Monday, December 26, 2016

Ammianus Marcellinus Online Project

Ammianus Marcellinus Online Project
“This is the history of events from the reign of the emperor Nerva to the death of Valens, which I, a former soldier and a Greek (miles quondam et Graecus), have composed to the best of my ability. It claims to be the truth, which I have never ventured to pervert either by silence or a lie.” (Amm. Marc. 31.16.9)

“an accurate and faithful guide, who has composed the history of his own times without indulging the prejudices and passions which usually affect the mind of a contemporary” (Edward Gibbon)

“Ammianus is… a great historian, a man of penetrating intelligence and of remarkable fairness…” (A.H.M. Jones)

“the greatest literary genius that the world produced between Tacitus and Dante” (Stein)

This site introduces Ammianus and his work by means of a biography, short essays on important persons in and aspects of his work, a bibliography of important and recent publications.

The site is under permanent construction. Suggestions for improvement, additions to the bibliography and short essays are very welcome. Please contact Jan Willem Drijvers (

Friday, December 23, 2016

Open Access Publication of the Proceedings of the 2nd ICAANE

Proceedings of the 2nd ICAANE
Ingolf Thuesen, Editor
The 2 ICAANE drew some 500-600 participants and a rich set of presentations, which are here published in two volumes, organized in 7 sections. The first 5 sections are included in vol. 1: (1) The Environment; (2) Images of Gods and Humans; (3) The Tell; (4) Excavation Reports and Summaries; and (5) Varia (Chronology, Technology, and Artifacts). Vol. 2 comprises two sections, both on archaeology of the Islamic era.
Published in:
OrientLab Special Issues
The Special Issues of OrientLab are open access publications on the ancient Near East that neither belong to a specific series nor follow a standard format. Works by individual authors will be peer-reviewed; collective works will be accepted with reserve by the Editor, provided they meet scholarly standars and the criterium of the usefulness to the scientific community.
Further Information on the International Congress on the Archaeology of the Ancient Near East

Program of the 2nd ICAANE, Copenhagen, 22-26 May 2000

Wednesday, December 21, 2016

La Prospection archéologique de la vallée du Nil au Sud de la cataracte de Dal (Nubie soudanaise)

La Prospection archéologique de la vallée du Nil au Sud de la cataracte de Dal (Nubie soudanaise)
André Vila
Paris : Centre national de la recherche scientifique
In 1969, a cultural agreement was concluded between the French and Sudanese Governments. On the basis of a protocol included in that agreement, a French Archaeological Research Unit, the SFDAS (Section Française de la Direction des Antiquités du Soudan) was established in the Sudan Antiquities Service to carry out archaeological research in Sudan in collaboration with the NCAM (National Corporation for Antiquities and Museums). This partnership immediately focused on the main priority at the time, namely to perform a survey in the Northern Province of the country, as it was the most endangered area after the building of the Aswan High Dam. With these 15 volumes, ten years of research (1975-1985) published by SFDAS in Sudan are made available to a broader audience, in open-access PDFs.

Tuesday, December 20, 2016

openn-xml: TEI/XML files for the University of Pennsylvania's manuscripts in the Lawrence J. Schoenberg Collection (0001) and the Medieval and Renaissance Manuscripts Collection

openn-xml: TEI/XML files for the University of Pennsylvania's manuscripts in the Lawrence J. Schoenberg Collection (0001) and the Medieval and Renaissance Manuscripts Collection
This repository contains the TEI/XML files for the University of Pennsylvania's manuscripts in the Lawrence J. Schoenberg Collection (0001) and the Medieval and Renaissance Manuscripts Collection (0002). These files are also stored, along with image files, on the Penn-hosted OPenn site ( The root URL for all refrenced images is

The TEI files are ©2015 University of Pennsylvania Libraries. They are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License version 4.0 (CC-BY-4.0 For a description of the terms of use see the Creative Commons Deed

All images referenced by these files and their content are free of known copyright restrictions and in the public domain. See the Creative Commons Public Domain Mark page for usage details,

Job: Research Fellow: Cataloging Open Access Classics Serials (COACS)

Job: Research Fellow: Cataloging Open Access Classics Serials (COACS)
University of London
The Institute of Classical Studies is running a one-year pilot project Cataloging Open Access Classics Serials (COACS), in collaboration with the Combined Library of the ICS and of the Hellenic and Roman Societies, and colleagues in the UK, Germany and the USA. 


The Institute of Classical Studies (ICS) is the national centre for the promotion and facilitation of research into Classics and related disciplines. Founded in 1953 by the University of London and the Hellenic and Roman Societies, it now provides an internationally renowned research library used by scholars from universities throughout the world. It also runs seminar series, conferences and other events aimed at making the results of new research into Greek and Roman Antiquity available to the widest possible audience.

The COACS Project 

The Institute of Classical Studies (ICS) is running a one-year pilot project, Cataloguing Open Access Classics Serials (COACS), in collaboration with the Combined Library of the ICS and of the Hellenic and Roman Societies, and colleagues in the UK, Germany and the USA. This project will leverage the various sites that list or index open access (OA) publications, especially journals and serials in classics and ancient history in the first instance, so as to produce a resource that subject libraries may use to automatically catalogue the publications and articles therein.

The Role 

The Institute of Classical Studies is seeking an engaged and active Developer to work on the COACS project. The primary function of this role is to assess several databases of open access journals in ancient studies and formulate an intermediate metadata format for recording and sharing the serial and article records; build code to help with cataloguing and indexing the contents, and ingest the results into the library catalogue.  The role also requires acting as point of contact for academic project partners and other libraries working with the data and code we create.
Candidates will required a PhD or other postgraduate qualification (awarded or close to completion) in Classical Studies, Digital Humanities, Computer Science, Information and Library Studies or related discipline or equivalent professional experience in the library and information sector. You will have an understanding of the workings of specialist research libraries and a familiarity with metadata formats used in libraries especially MARC, MODS, XML, JSON. Candidates will require proficiency in a high-level programming language (preferably Python, but e.g.. also Javascript, PHP, Perl) and strong English Language and communication skills.

For an informal discussion on this position, please contact Dr Gabriel Bodard on For any recruitment issues or enquiries please contact the recruitment team on

Free publication on emergency evacuation of collections

December 15, 2016
Endangered Heritage Emergency Evacuation of Heritage Collections
New user-friendly handbook launched by ICCROM and UNESCO helps save heritage collections in emergencies. 
Armed conflicts and natural disasters causing deliberate or collateral damage to cultural heritage are more prominent than ever. To help strengthen efforts to save collections from imminent threats, ICCROM and UNESCO have joined forces to produce Endangered Heritage: Emergency Evacuation of Heritage Collections, a practical handbook available for free download.
Built upon years of experience and real-life situations, this publication offers a field-tested, simple workflow for the emergency evacuation of valuable objects that is easy to replicate in any context.
A multi-purpose guide, it is created with a variety of users in mind, with simple language and layout intended for heritage personnel, emergency responders and civilians alike. It offers guidance on when and how to intervene to protect endangered heritage, its illustrations and charts helping readers to understand quickly and begin working.
In crisis situations already underway, it is a fast and easy read that covers the emergency documentation of collections, safe transport and temporary storage.
For institutions that are either in vulnerable areas or generally seeking to create an emergency plan, this booklet will be a valuable aid in disaster preparedness. It will assist users in prioritizing needs and in planning for realistic action within specific circumstances, using limited resources.

Created within the framework of UNESCO’s Emergency Response Actions and ICCROM’s flagship programme on First Aid to Cultural Heritage in Times of Crisis, this tool has been developed with training and learning at the centre of its focus. It is based on the unique body of knowledge amassed through numerous training activities relating to cultural heritage and actual emergencies that have taken place worldwide.

Monday, December 19, 2016

Open Access Journal: Antiqua: Aintzinari Buruzko Jardunaldiak - Jornades sobre la antiqüedad

[First posted in AWOL 16 June 2012, updated 19 December 2016]

Antiqua: Aintzinari Buruzko Jardunaldiak - Jornadas sobre la antiqüedad
Jornadas sobre la antiguedad

      Seneca - De beneficiis: Tradizion del primo libro

       [First posted in AWOL 3 March 2014, updated 19 December 2016]

      Seneca - De beneficiis: Tradizion del primo libro
      "Seneca - De beneficiis" è un blog dove verrà postata, paragrafo dopo paragrafo, la traduzione italiana del I libro del De beneficiis di Seneca.
      A postarla saranno i loro autori, ovvero gli alunni della classe VR del Liceo Scientifico "S. Cannizzaro" di Palermo (a. s. 2013-14), che hanno scelto di affrontare con coraggio e con generosità, nell'anno del loro esame di stato, questa avventura didattica che io, il loro docente di latino, ho proposto.
      Per il loro coraggio e la loro generosità li voglio ringraziare tutti, citandoli per nome: Roberto De Fortis, Emanuele Filingeri, Gianmarco Geraci, Alessandro Li Vigni, Giulio Lo Re, Andrea Messina, Alice Orlando, Roberta Pacino, Emilio Pinto, Giuseppe Pipitone, Francesco Pirillo, Federica Restivo, Riccardo Tarantino, Ornella Urzì, Gloria Varrica. 
      La traduzione sarà il frutto del loro lavoro collettivo, ed è stata concepita come un dono che la classe ha scelto di fare alla comunità, dal momento che non esistono, in rete, edizioni digitali in italiano di questo trattato di Seneca.


      The Inclusive Archaeology Project: Campaigning for Diversity & Accessibility for Everyone in Archaeology

      The Inclusive Archaeology Project: Campaigning for Diversity & Accessibility for Everyone in Archaeology
      Following concerns over a number of years in multiple groups and venues regarding structural barriers to conference attendance, action was suggested to produce a crowdsourced Best Practice for Conference Accessibility guide that will allow for greater inclusivity at future conferences, lectures and meetings. If you would like to add your name to the list of signatories, please get in touch.

      Newly Open Access Journal: Mémoires de l'Académie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres

      Mémoires de l'Académie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres
      L'Academie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres publie les Mémoires présentés par divers savants étrangers à l'Académie, de 1844 à 1975. La collection comportait au départ deux séries, l'une ouverte à divers sujets d'érudition, la seconde aux Antiquités de la France. Et les Mémoires de l'Institut de France  qui réunissaient les textes des communications lues et discutés en séances entre 1821 et 1975.

      Mémoires présentés par divers savants à l'Académie des inscriptions et belles-lettres de l'Institut de France. Première série, Sujets divers d'érudition









      Mémoires présentés par divers savants à l'Académie des inscriptions et belles-lettres de l'Institut de France. Deuxième série, Antiquités de la France



      Histoire et mémoires de l'Institut royal de France

      • 1821
      • 1822
      • 1824
      • 1831

      Mémoires de l'Institut national de France











