Thursday, February 29, 2024

Zoroastrian Hermeneutics in Late Antiquity: Commentary on the "Sūdgar Nask" of "Dēnkard" Book 9

Vevaina, Yuhan Sohrab-Dinshaw

The Sūdgar Nask of Dēnkard Book 9 is one of the most enigmatic and yet fundamental texts of Zoroastrianism. It is a commentary on the ‘Old Avesta’ of the 2nd millennium BCE produced in Pahlavi (Zoroastrian Middle Persian) in the Sasanian (224–651 CE) and early Islamic centuries. This commentary purportedly based on earlier Pahlavi translations and commentaries of lost Young Avestan tractates commenting in turn on the 'Old Avesta' is a value-laden, ideologically motivated discourse that displays a rich panoply of tradition-constituted forms of allegoresis. This terse yet highly allusive text mobilizes complex forms of citation, allusion, and intertextuality from the inherited Avestan world of myth and ritual in order to engage with and react to the profound changes occurring in the relationships between theology, religious praxis, national identity, and imperial politics in Iranian society. Despite its value and importance for developing our nascent understanding of Zoroastrian hermeneutics and the self-conception of the Zoroastrian priesthood in Late Antiquity, this primary source has attracted scant scholarly attention due to the extreme difficulty of its subject matter and the lack of a reliable translation. Volume 32 serves as an intertextual commentary on this often-bewildering text. It contextualizes and historicizes the traditional intersignifications of the Sūdgar Nask which evince indigenous hermeneutical interventions that violate the ‘plain sense’ of meaning, thus challenging our philological approaches to understanding the archaic corpus of the ‘Old Avesta.’ Reading the Sūdgar Nask is a hermeneutic process of traversing texts, genres, and rituals in both the Avestan and Pahlavi corpora, thus activating nodes in a web or network of textual and meta-textual relations that establish new forms of allegoreses or meaning making. It is argued that this entire hermeneutical complex of weaving a ‘new’ text composed of implicit proof text and explicit commentary renews, extends, and, ultimately, makes tradition.

Bandnummer: 32
Umfang/Format: XXXVIII, 476 pages
Sprache: English
Ausstattung: Book (Hardback)
Abmessungen: 17.00 × 24.00 cm
Gewicht: 1080g
Erscheinungsdatum: 28.02.2024
Preise: 98,00 Eur[D] / 100,80 Eur[A]
ISBN: 978-3-447-12114-9
DOI: 10.13173/9783447121149



Cult, Temple, Sacred Spaces: Cult Practices and Cult Spaces in Hittite Anatolia and Neighbouring Cultures. Proceedings of the First International HFR Symposium, Mainz, 3–5 June 2019

Herausgeber: Görke, Susanne / Steitler, Charles W.

In June 2019, the project “Corpus der hethitischen Festrituale” (HFR) invited renowned international scholars to a symposium discussing recent developments in ancient Near Eastern studies regarding the interpretation of philological and archaeological sources from Anatolia and adjacent areas in the 2nd mill. BCE. The symposium focused on questions concerning the archaeology of temples and other sacred places, differentiation of sacred spaces according to written sources, the organization of festivals with a focus on spatial aspects, participation in festivals, and possibilities of interpretation thanks to insights into the cult practices of areas such as Northern Syria, the Levant, Mesopotamia or Egypt.
While the geographic focus of the symposium proceedings is on Hittite Anatolia, the first section includes studies examining rituals and their temple contexts in Egypt, the Levant, Assyria and Babylonia, providing comparative insights for understanding the Hittite festivals. An archaeological section offers new analyses of existing temple finds as well as a presentation of recent discoveries of sacred architecture, including inventories and sealings, in both Anatolia and the Levant. The remainder of the volume consists primarily of Hittitological philological studies of sacred space, analyzing the significance of various places, such as rivers, loci numinosi, roofs, the movement from one place to another within ritual practices, special terminology and characteristics of various festivals, particularities of cults of several cities and regions, the economic aspects of Hittite festivals and their ideological background in Hittite kingship and the king’s connection to festivals.

Herausgeber: Görke, Susanne / Steitler, Charles W.
Bandnummer: 66
Umfang/Format: XVI, 376 pages, 3 diagrams, 61 ill., 2 maps, 27 tables
Sprache: English
Ausstattung: Book (Hardback)
Abmessungen: 17.00 × 24.00 cm
Gewicht: 882g
Erscheinungsdatum: 18.11.2020
Preise: 88,00 Eur[D] / 90,50 Eur[A]
ISBN: 978-3-447-11486-8
DOI: 10.13173/9783447114868

Les lieux de savoir dans l'Athènes démocratique

Dialogues d'histoire ancienne 2023/Supplément27 (S 27)

Page 11 à 29
Page 31 à 44

Partie I : Les lieux du savoir citoyen

Page 47 à 66
Page 67 à 87
Page 89 à 102
Page 103 à 124
Page 125 à 146

Partie II : Les savoirs de la boutique à l’atelier

Page 149 à 166
Page 167 à 190
Page 191 à 215
Page 217 à 236

Partie III : Des savoirs à la maison au savoir sur la maison

Page 239 à 251
Page 253 à 273
Page 275 à 289

Partie IV : Les rites comme lieux de savoir

Page 293 à 317
Page 319 à 341
Page 343 à 362
Page 363 à 389

Partie V : La philosophie cherche son lieu

Page 393 à 413
Page 415 à 431
Page 433 à 457
Page 459 à 476


Open Access Journal: Madrider Mitteilungen

 [First posted in AWOL 23 October 2020, update 29 February 2024]

ISSN: 0418-9744
Die Madrider Mitteilungen sind die Zeitschrift der Madrider Abteilung des Deutschen Archäologischen Instituts. Sie erscheint seit 1960 jährlich. Darin finden sich aktuelle Beiträge zu Themen der Altertumskunde der Iberischen Halbinsel und Nordwestafrikas und ihren Nachbardisziplinen von den Anfängen der Menschheitsgeschichte bis zur Zeit der Reconquista. Es werden Beiträge in deutscher, spanischer, portugiesischer, französischer und englischer Sprache veröffentlicht. Alle Beiträge enthalten Schlagworte und Zusammenfassungen in deutscher, englischer und spanischer oder französischer Sprache. 

Veröffentlicht: 2024-02-28


Alle Ausgaben anzeigen


See AWOL's full List of Open Access Journals in Ancient Studies

Wednesday, February 28, 2024


Even though many people presumably don’t read this section of any web-page, it is necessary to make a few remarks…

This page is non-profit and merely for personal use… and made available for anyone who might find it useful… though it seems to have become more work-intensive after people have discovered it !!!… not sure it shows up on search-engines, so if it is useful, it might be an idea to bookmark it…

Unfortunately has seen it fit to introduce ads in some cases on the various pages to certain viewers… am not sure what they are advertising for… not anything endorsed by this site, especially… and not anything that generates income…

This web-page is originally the result of making lists of gathered archaeological links, mainly about North Africa, the Middle East and India… This was originally done on Spacebook, but the ‘Notes’ function crashed repeatedly, resulting in a lot of wasted effort… These listed links can now be found via the tabs at the top of the page, or via the list of pages…

Many of the collected links are useful in greater contexts than purely Egyptology, or a specific region… an attempt has been made to make some semblance of order… The categories will seem rather arbitrary, of course, and also since so many websites have access to a wide array of resources… To offset this many of the links are in multiple categories…

An attempt will be made to check, weed out, or update dead links, from time to time… this will of course be virtually impossible..

If you find a dead link,  it is possible to highlight and copy the URL, then go to the Way Back Machine at:  and then paste the URL into the web address box to find original versions of the site…

Since this is an ongoing project, new links will gradually be added… and this web-page will be re-posted from time to time on Spacebook, where perusing the news feed has offered up many links…  updates should be posted about once a month, circumstances permitting… suggestions are welcome…

A few remarks about using this web-page might be appropriate:

1. The newly found links and therefore the most recent updates in the lists are marked by  *   … and updates are normally performed off-line and then transferred to this page…

2. Those entirely interested in Egyptology should be aware that many of the links in the other categories are useful as well, especially in the ‘Data and Resources’ part of the ‘In English’ category…

3. Many of the links listed under ‘Homepages’ have access to various resources… which also can be said of pages under many other categories…

4. If anyone wants their link included, this is possible, but only links which are deemed serious will be included, in which case suggestions for the category to include them in would be welcome… just post them below in the comments or on the wall of the Spacebook page, with instructions if it is possible to do so… regionally-focused links should be in the scope of this site…

5. Since the lists are meant to be useful for serious research, and haven’t been vetted academically by anyone at this end of the computer, it is recommended to ask a relevant authority in the case of using found information for academic work, necessarily if in doubt… feedback would be appreciated if it is negative…

The Spacebook page posts are mainly a selection of archaeological news and links, mostly Egyptology, but sometimes also concerning other matters, and also functions as a kind of buffer or short term memory… it is possible to access this page and check out the posts and links without having a Spacebook page of one’s own… much interesting material can be found there… and the latest updates there do reflect in an arbitrary way the newest items of interest within the scope of this page…

The Spacebook page can be found at:

It is possible to contact the website administrator at:

Am grateful that this site is being referred to by other sites, and take it as an appreciation of the work that has gone into it…


Open Access Journal: DIOMEDES

ISSN: 1813-6915 

DIOMEDES. Schriftenreihe des Fachbereiches Altertumswissenschaften, Alte Geschichte, Altertumskunde und Mykenologie der Universität Salzburg (früher: Schriftenreihe des Instituts für Alte Geschichte und Altertumskunde)

Die Zeitschrift DIOMEDES widmet sich den gesamten Altertumswissenschaften.

Sie publiziert Beiträge von etablierten und jungen Wissenschafter/innen und Studierenden. Die Mitarbeit von Studierenden und Wissenschafter/innen des Fachbereiches in der Redaktion wird gefördert.

Die Zeitschrift DIOMEDES (mit zusätzlichen Sonderbänden) erscheint seit 2001.



Tiere im Byzantinischen Reich

Henriette Kroll 

Das Byzantinische Reich (395-1453 n.Chr.) ist seit Langem Gegenstand geisteswissenschaftlicher Untersuchungen. Vor allem die zahlreich vorliegenden Schriftquellen bildeten die Basis, um politische, wirtschaftliche und soziokulturelle Entwicklungen dieser Zeit zu rekonstruieren. Über ganz alltägliche Dinge des Lebens schweigen die Schriftquellen jedoch weitgehend: Sie erschienen nicht erwähnenswert. Dazu zählt auch die Ernährung. Umfassende Arbeiten von naturwissenschaftlicher Seite sind bestens geeignet, um speziell diese Lücke zu schließen und die anhand der Schriftquellen gewonnenen Ergebnisse abzusichern.
Als ein erster Schritt in diese Richtung fasst der vorliegende Band den Status quo der Archäozoologie für das Byzantinische Reich zusammen. Es wird aufgezeigt, welche Erkenntnisse über die byzantinische Viehzucht, die Jagd, den Vogelfang und die Fischerei bereits vorliegen und welche kulturellen, historischen oder ökogeografischen Faktoren diese Wirtschaftszweige in den Provinzen jeweils beeinflussten. Die regionalen und zeitlichen Unterschiede finden ebenso Beachtung wie die Gemeinsamkeiten, dazu auch der Stellenwert der römischen Tradition sowie die Rolle, die das Christentum für die Ernährung spielte.


Die einzelnen Regionen
Überregionaler Vergleich
Farbtafeln 1-16


ISBN 978-3-96929-314-0 (PDF)

