Hortensii is a group of people inside and outside academia who want to alleviate the difficulties facing PhDs without permanent academic jobs. (We take our name from the Roman Quintus Hortensius, who in c. 287 BC sponsored the Lex Hortensia giving civil rights to Roman plebeians; our photograph is of Benjamin Franklin, who would also have wanted to help.) We think that even given current unpleasant realities facing academia many positive steps could be taken; see ‘What to do and why’ for exactly what these are, but to oversimplify grossly our goals are both to reduce the oversupply of disappointed would-be academics and to make life easier for PhDs who choose to remain in academia without a permanent job. We welcome anyone who shares these goals and is in broad agreement with our proposed actions to join us and help implement them, and we ask people with other agendas to respect ours and leave us to it. We are not fighting against anyone or anything and are not affiliated with any movement, political party, or country. Nor are we trying to help individuals gain employment or to interfere in any way with decisions on who should get the limited number of academic jobs available; as we have different subjects and different views on what constitutes good academic work in our fields, we wish to avoid internal dissension by remaining strictly neutral in such matters so we can work together to make life better for a group that badly needs such help. At present the contact person for Hortensii is Eleanor Dickey, a Classicist at the University of Reading in England.
Monday, November 30, 2015
Hortensii: Tackling the problems facing PhDs without permanent jobs
Hortensii: Tackling the problems facing PhDs without permanent jobs
New in OAPEN: Klassizismus in Aktion
Klassizismus in Aktion
Author(s) Wolf, Norbert Christian & Ehrmann, Daniel
Publisher Böhlau, Wien
Published 2015-11-16
Abstract: The collection of essays considers the art journal Propyläen that was edited by Goethe in the years between 1798 and 1800 for the first time as a whole. This enterprise, which was of great significance for the history of aesthetics, will be placed in a new light. The book situates the texts within their historical contexts, and thus provides a key resource for future research, for literary as well as art studies.
Abstract (other language): Die Beiträge des Bandes beschäftigen sich mit der von Goethe herausgegebenen Kunstzeitschrift Propyläen. Erstmals werden die darin veröffentlichten Texte und Abbildungen aus interdisziplinärer Perspektive unter Berücksichtigung des inneren Zusammenhangs der Zeitschrift sowie der zeitgenössischen Kontexte untersucht. Der Forschung soll so ein vertiefender Einblick in die spannungsreiche Beschaffenheit des klassizistischen Weimarer Kunstprogramms eröffnet werden.
Keywords Classicism, Goethe, around 1800, Aesthetics, Literary Theory and Literary History, Art Theory and Art History, Classical Archeology
Language de
Number of pages 462 Seiten
ISBN 9783205200895
Tabbourt Imgharen: La Porte des Anciens
Tabbourt Imgharen: La Porte des Anciens
Différents sites à votre disposition…
Vous pouvez ou pourrez consulter à partir d'ici les sites suivants : A) Maghreb :1) Bibliographie du Maghreb antique et médiéval
Bibliographie par auteurs. Tables de revues, de mélanges,
de congrès, compléments pratiques aux Atlas archéologiques, etc…
2) Photographies aériennes des principaux sites antiques d'Algérie par Edouard Stawski (1961-2)
3) En cours de construction : L'aventure du Magenta : 2000 stèles puniques de Carthage au fond du port de Toulon...
4) En cours de construction : Kabylie antique
5) Outils d'archéologie algérienne
Outils et utilitaires en complément à l'Atlas archéologique de l'Algérie
Notamment 134 pages de compléments bibliographiques à l'Atlas archéologique.
6) Outils d'archéologie tunisienne
Outils et utilitaires en complément à l'Atlas archéologique de la Tunisie
B) France :- Meaux gallo-romain (présentation de la ville antique)
- Meaux : un patrimoine antique en péril (en cours de construction)
- Histoire et Historiens de Seine-et-Marne
C) Turquie :
Alexandria Troas ( En cours de construction)
« Sic ergo quaeramus tamquam inventuri, et sic inveniamus tamquam quaesituri »
« Cherchons comme devant trouver et trouvons comme devant chercher encore »,
Saint Augustin, De Trinitate, IX, 1,1.
Bonne lecture, et merci de vos remarques . .
Saturday, November 28, 2015
Lehrfilm zum Schreiben von Keilschrift
Lehrfilm zum Schreiben von Keilschrift
Lehrfilm zum Schreiben von Keilschrift
Das Institut für Altorientalistik hat einen kurzen Lehrfilm zum Thema Schreiben von Keilschrift mit dem Titel
"Am Anfang war der Keil -- Schrift und Schreiben im Alten Orient"
produziert, den Sie unter folgenden Weblinks aufrufen können.
- in weboptimierter Auflösung (Format MP4)
- in hoher Auflösung (Format MP4)
Open Access Journal: Klesarstvo i graditeljstvo - Building and Stone-masonry
[First posted in AWOL 10 February 2010, updated 28 November 2015]
Klesarstvo i graditeljstvo - Building and Stone-masonry
ISSN: 0353-7897
Klesarstvo i graditeljstvo - Building and Stone-masonry
ISSN: 0353-7897
Časopis Klesarstvo i graditeljstvo je zamišljen kao mjesto sučeljavanja i razmjene znanstvenih spoznaja koja zalaze u područje arheologije, povijesti umjetnosti i graditeljstva, povijesti tehničkih znanosti, očuvanja i zaštite kulturne baštine i kulturnog identiteta sredine, arhitekture i urbanizma, tehnologije branja, obrade, ugradbe i zaštite kamena, petrologije, geologije, rudarstva, područja umjetnosti i klesarstva, kiparstva i dizajna u kamenu. Izuzetno je značajna i njegova didaktička vrijednost za najširi krug građana, ljubitelja kamena i klesarskog umijeća, učenika, studenata akademije i postdiplomaca različitih usmjerenja. Časopis je pokrenut kao realizacija ideje izrečene tijekom proslave 80-te obljetnice osnutka Klesarske škole u Pučišćima. Opseg časopisa obuhvaća sva područja koja s bilo koje strane osvjetljavaju tematiku kamena.Building and Stonemasonry journal is intended as a meeting point for the exchange of scientific knowledge, and the discussion of that knowledge, reaching into areas of archaeology, art history, construction, technical science history, the preservation and protection of the cultural heritage and cultural identity of a certain region, architecture and urbanism, the technology of harvesting, treatment, installation and protection of stone, petrology, geology and mining, as well as the fields of artistry, stone masonry, sculpture, and stone design.Its didactic value is also extremely relevant for a wide group of people; stone and stonemasonry craft lovers, pupils, academy students and post graduates of various orientations. This journal was launched as an implementation of the idea presented during the celebration of the 80th anniversary of the foundation of the Stonemasonry School in Pučišća, on the island of Brač.The volume of the journal encompasses all areas, thus illuminating all the various aspects of stone themes.
2014 Vol. XXV No. 1-4 2013 Vol. XXIV No. 1-2 2012 Vol. XXIII No. 1-4 2011 Vol. XXII No. 3-4 Vol. XXII No. 1-2 2010 Vol. XXI No. 3-4 Vol. XXI No. 1-2 2009 Vol. XX No. 3-4 Vol. XX No. 1-2
See the full List of Open Access Journals in Ancient Studies
Papyrus und Ostraka Projekt: Halle, Jena, Leipzig
Papyrus und Ostraka Projekt: Halle, Jena, Leipzig
Das gemeinsame Vorhaben der Papyrussammlungen in Halle, Jena und Leipzig hat sich zum Ziel gesetzt, die jeweiligen Papyrus-und seit 2009 auch die Ostrakabestände nach gemeinsam entwickelten Kriterien zu katalogisieren, zu digitalisieren sowie gleichzeitig eine Sicherheitsverfilmung durchzuführen. Die Ergebnisse der Digitalisierung und Katalogisierung werden mit Kurzbeschreibung und Bild über diese Seite sowohl den Spezialisten als auch einer breiteren Öffentlichkeit zur Verfügung gestellt. Die Implementierung erfolgte auf Basis des Open Source Projektes MyCoRe, welches von einer Reihe deutscher Universitäten entwickelt wurde und weiterentwickelt wird.
Achtung, die Präsentation der Papyri befindet sich derzeit im Aufbau bzw. in Erweiterung. In den kommenden Monaten wird die Zahl der eingestellten Papyri stetig weiter steigen. Wir freuen uns, dass nach und nach für ausgewählte Ostraka 3D-Darstellungen angeboten werden können. Diese finden Sie in der Ansicht des Objektes unter 'Digitale Dokumente'. Die Darstellung erfolgt mit WebGL. Ob Ihr Browser diese Funktion bereits unterstützt, können Sie unter http://get.webgl.org überprüfen.
Zuletzt bearbeitete Papyri:
Open Access Monograph Series: Ausgrabungen in Sendschirli
[First posted in AWOL 1 March 2012, updated 28 November 2015]
Ausgrabungen in Sendschirli in AMAR
One of a series of AWOL pages seeking to pull together publication series digitized and served through AMAR: Archive of Mesopotamian Archaeological Site Reports
Ausgrabungen in Sendschirli in AMAR
One of a series of AWOL pages seeking to pull together publication series digitized and served through AMAR: Archive of Mesopotamian Archaeological Site Reports
See more Series in AMAR
Friday, November 27, 2015
Open Access Journal: MEDINA: Mediterranean network for the valorization and fruition of inscriptions preserved in museums project Newsletter
MEDINA: Mediterranean network for the valorization and fruition of inscriptions preserved in museums project Newsletter
The main objective of MEDINA is to promote, through innovative means, the knowledge and dissemination of Phoenician and Nabataean inscriptions and artefacts preserved in the Beirut National Museum and in the Museum of Jordanian Heritage at Yarmouk University.In addition to managing the project's activities and progress, the University of Pisa équipe, within this project, will supervise the digital cataloguing of the inscriptions in Jordan and Lebanon, and will catalogue the South Arabian texts preserved in the Museo d'Arte Orientale of Rome. The objects catalogued in this collection will be able to be consulted in a specific section of the DASI web site.
Newsletter No 1 - October 2012 Newsletter No 2 - February 2013 Newsletter No 3 - April 2013
See the full List of Open Access Journals in Ancient Studies
Open Access Egyptology Article Collection from Antiquity
Egyptology Article Collection from Antiquity
el-Hamdulab to the New Kingdom South Tombs Cemetery of Akhenaten's Egypt at Amarna.
We are pleased to be able to present this collection of articles on Egyptology, published in Antiquity. This selection is freely available until the end of 2015. Click here to access this article collection.
Also, never miss an issue of Antiquity by signing-up to receive Table of Contents alerts straight to your inbox.
Barry Kemp, Anna Stevens, Gretchen R. Dabbs, Melissa Zabecki and Jerome C. Rose
Antiquity / Volume 87 / Issue 335 / March 2013, pp 64 - 78 Copyright © Antiquity Publications Ltd 2013
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/S0003598X00048626 (About DOI), Published online: 02 January 2015
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David Wengrow, Michael Dee, Sarah Foster, Alice Stevenson and Christopher Bronk Ramsey
Antiquity / Volume 88 / Issue 339 / January 2014, pp 95 - 111 Copyright © Antiquity Publications Ltd 2014
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/S0003598X00050249 (About DOI), Published online: 02 January 2015
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Raphaël Angevin
Antiquity / Volume 89 / Issue 346 / August 2015, pp 818 - 837 Copyright © Antiquity Publications Ltd, 2015
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15184/aqy.2015.50 (About DOI), Published online: 06 August 2015
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Paul T. Nicholson, Salima Ikram and Steve Mills
Antiquity / Volume 89 / Issue 345 / June 2015, pp 645 - 661 Copyright © Antiquity Publications Ltd, 2015
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15184/aqy.2014.53 (About DOI), Published online: 05 June 2015
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Stan Hendrickx, John Coleman Darnell and Maria Carmela Gatto
Antiquity / Volume 86 / Issue 334 / January 2012, pp 1068 - 1083 Copyright © Antiquity Publications Ltd 2012
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/S0003598X00048250 (About DOI), Published online: 02 January 2015
- Abstract
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Thursday, November 26, 2015
The Rock Inscriptions Project (Sinai Peninsula)
[First posted in AWOL 25 March 2013, updated 26 November 2015]
The Rock Inscriptions Project
The Rock Inscriptions Project
This site presents the data gathered by the Rock Inscription and Graffiti Project at the Institute of Asian and African Studies.
These photographs were assembled before the reversion of the Sinai Peninsula to Egyptian sovereignty in 1982. The collection is designed to make available images of inscriptions, rock drawings, Beduin markings and other epigraphs and to organize them including descriptions, coordinates, and locations. In order to facilitate research into the human traffic in the Wilderness of Sinai, inscriptions in major published corpora have been included, as will be evident.
To the material from Sinai, we have added epigraphs from the Christian Holy Places and also from the Negev desert.
The collection does not claim to be exhaustive in any way.
The images belong to the Rock Inscriptions and Graffiti project and high resolution images for study and eventual publication will be made available to scholars on request sent to: michael.stone@huji.ac.il.
Three volumes of a catalogue have been published:
Michael E. Stone, The Rock Inscriptions and Graffiti Project: Catalogue of Inscriptions. 3 volumes. SBLRBS 28, 29, 31. Atlanta: Scholars Press, 1992–94.
The Armenian and Georgian inscriptions have been published:
Michael E. Stone, The Armenian Inscriptions from the Sinai with Appendixes on the Georgian and Latin Inscriptions by M. van Esbroeck and W. Adler. Harvard Armenian Texts and Studies 6. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1982.
The Ethiopic Inscription has been published:
Emile Puech, 'Une Inscription Ethiopienne ancienne au Sinai (Wadi Hajjaj)', Revue Biblque, 87 (1980) 597-600.
A journal of the Expeditions to the Sinai is currently being edited: Michael E. Stone, A Sinai Diary (forthcoming).
You may view the individual inscription records in one of the following methods:
Wednesday, November 25, 2015
Petra, the Rose-Red City: Google Sreetview Tour
Petra, the Rose-Red City
Over 2,000 years ago, the Nabataeans created Petra—the city of stone. Journey with us behind the iconic facade from the movies, and discover one of the great wonders of the world, forgotten by time itself.
Explore Petra with Streetview
Many people think that Petra begins and ends with Al Khaznah - The Treasury - but as you will learn there is so much more to explore within this ancient city. Stay and walk around here for a while or click below to start exploring Petra in its entirety.
Newly online IFAO Databases
The French Institute of Archaeology is proud to announce that the following databases are now available online :
- Inventaire des archives manuscrites
- Inventaires des archives photographiques et documentation photographique en cours de publication
- Inventaire de la planothèque
- Archives sonores et cinématographiques
- Ostraca
- Archives de Bernard Bruyère (1879-1971)
- Tombes de Deir el Medina: Couverture photographique
- Répertoire des fonds d’archives égyptologiques
Tuesday, November 24, 2015
George Adam Smith, Jerusalem. The Topography, Economics and History From The Earliest Times to A.D. 70
George Adam Smith [1848-1910], Jerusalem. The Topography, Economics and History From The Earliest Times to A.D. 70, Vol. 1. London: Hodder & Stoughton, 1907. Hbk. pp.334. Visit the Download page.
George Adam Smith [1848-1910], Jerusalem. The Topography, Economics and History From The Earliest Times to A.D. 70, Vol. 2. London: Hodder & Stoughton, 1907. Hbk. pp.631. Visit the Download page.
Open Access Greek and Roman Archaeology at OAPEN
Open Access Greek and Roman Archaeology at OAPEN
1 Glass Making in the Greco-Roman World: Results of the ARCHGLASS project
Degryse, Patrick
2 Graz, Originalsammlung des Instituts für Archäologie der Karl-Franzens-Universität
Karl, Stephan; Christidis, Maria; Schwarz, Gerda & Koiner, Gabriele
3 Regional Pathways to Complexity : Settlement and Land-Use Dynamics in Early Italy from the Bronze Age to the Republican Period
Attema, Peter; Burgers, Gert Jan & Leusen, Martijn van
5 Ein Brandhorizont aus der Zeit der Markomannenkriege im südostnorischen Munizipium Flavia Solva
Hinker, Christoph
6 Cult Places and Cultural Change in Republican Italy : A Contextual Approach to Religious Aspects of Rural Society after the Roman Conquest
Stek, Tesse
9 Von der bronzezeitlichen Geschichte zur modernen Antikenrezeption
Lehmann, Gustav Adolf; Engster, Dorit & Nuss, Alexander
10 Keltische Theonymie, Kulte, interpretatio
Hofeneder, Andreas & de Bernardo Stempel, Patrizia
11 Hanghaus 2 in Ephesos. Die Wohneinheit 6. Textband 1
Thür, Hilke & Rathmayr, Elisabeth
12 Meilensteine, Straßen und das Verkehrsnetz der Provinz Karia Milestones, Roads and the Transportation-System of the Province of Caria
Hild, Friedrich
14 Das Kalenderhandbuch von 354 - Der Chronograph des Filocalus, Teil1
Divjak, Johannes & Wischmeyer, Wolfgang
15 Das Kalenderhandbuch von 354 - Der Chronograph des Filocalus, Teil II
Divjak, Johannes & Wischmeyer, Wolfgang
17 Visualisierungen von Kult
Meyer, Marion & Klimburg-Salter, Deborah
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