This is a list of the Antiquity focused open access student journals I know about. I am sure there are more, please comment and let me know what I have missed.
53 titles to date.
- AGORA: The Undergraduate Journal of UBC Classical, Near Eastern and Religious Studies
- Amphora: An Ancient World Journal
- Andrews University Seminary Student Journal (AUSSJ)
- Anemoi: Journal of Pre-Modern Studies
- AnthroJournal: The Collegiate Journal of Anthropology
- Auctor: A journal for postgraduates in Classics
- Axis Mundi
- Berkeley Undergraduate Journal of Classics
- Brown Classical Journal
- The Byzantinist: The Newsletter of the Oxford Byzantine Society
- Chronika: The Institute for European and Mediterranean Archaeology Graduate Student Journal
- Chronolog
- Constellations
- The Corvus Journal of Classics and Ancient History
- Crossroads: An Interdisciplinary Journal for the Study of History, Philosophy, Religion and Classics
- Digressus: The Internet Journal for the Classical World
- Diogenes
- Discentes: The Undergraduate Magazine for the Department of Classical Studies at the University of Pennsylvania
- Distant Worlds Journal (DWJ)
- eisodos: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur und Theorie
- From the Archives of the Devotees of Nisaba
- Furnace: The Postgraduate Journal of the Ironbridge International Institute for Cultural Heritage, University of Birmingham
- Gorffennol: The Swansea University History and Classics Online Journal and Blog
- The Haley Classical Journal
- Hirundo: the McGill Journal of Classical Studies
- Hey!Zeus! The Yale Undergraduate Journal of Classics
- Hortulus: The Online Graduate Journal of Medieval Studies
- The International Journal of Student Research in Archaeology (IJSRA)
- The Journal of Near and Middle Eastern Civilizations
- Kroeber Anthropological Society Papers
- Lumen et Vita
- Metis
- Minerva: Journal of Classical Translation
- Mythological Studies Journal
- Neo: The Classics Students Journal
- New Classicists
- Orient: A Near & Middle Eastern Civilizations Student Union Publication (formerly Journal of Near & Middle Eastern Studies)
- Papers from the Institute of Archaeology, University College London
- Past Imperfect
- Pegasus: Journal of the Department of Classics and Ancient History in the University of Exeter
- Philomathes: A Journal of Undergraduate Research in Classics
- The Post Hole
- Plêthos: Revista Discente de Estudos Sobre a Antiguidadee o Medievo
- Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of Postgraduates in Ancient Literature
- Pseudo-Dionysius
- Routes de l'Orient: Revue d'Archéologie de l'Orient Ancien
- Studia Antiqua: A Student Journal for the Study of the Ancient World
- Studies in Mediterranean antiquity and classics
- Sunoikisis Undergraduate Research Journal
- Terra Incognita
- TOTEM: The University of Western Ontario Anthropology Journal
- The Undergraduate Journal of Anthropology and Archaeology
- Vexillum: The Undergraduate Journal of Classical and Medieval Studies
- vis-à-vis: Explorations in Anthropology
See AWOL's full List of Open Access Journals in Ancient Studies