Monday, January 30, 2012

Video: A Symposium on Haremhab: General and King of Egypt

The Department of Egyptian Art,  The Metropolitan Museum of Art presents
A Symposium on Haremhab: General and King of Egypt
May 5, 2011
The Grace Rainey Rogers Auditorium

Held in conjunction with the special exhibition
Haremhab, The General Who Became King
November 16, 2010 -- July 4, 2011

Sunday, January 29, 2012

News from the CDLI: Mellon-funded digitization of the Geneva cuneiform collection

Mellon-funded digitization of the Geneva cuneiform collection
We are delighted to announce a successful digitization collaboration between the Musées d’Art et d’Histoire of Geneva (MAH) and the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation-supported research project "Creating a Sustainable Digital Cuneiform Library (CSDCL)."

Under the general direction of the Cuneiform Digital Library Initiative (CDLI - Los Angeles/Berlin), CSDCL is dedicated to the digital capture, persistent archiving and web dissemination of major cuneiform collections in the US, Europe and the Middle East. The 950 cuneiform artifacts of the MAH, originally collected by the noted Swiss Assyrioliogist Alfred Boissier (1867-1945, PhD 1890 at Leipzig under F. Delitzsch) and acquired by the Museum in 1938, represent a significant archive of texts in a major Swiss collection. In communications dating back to early 2008 between one of us (Englund) and Antoine Cavigneaux of the University of Geneva, the capture of the MAH cuneiform collection was discussed and a plan for this collaboration presented by Cavigneaux to the Museum early in 2011. With the support of Geneva graduate student Émilie Pagé-Perron, CDLI's catalogue documenting the MAH collection, then numbering 391 entries of published texts dating to the 3rd millennium BC as well as to the Old Assyrian period, was supplemented with the full electronic catalogue of artifacts supplied by the Museum. Once an agreement of cooperation was signed between CDLI and MAH, CSDCL's Max Planck Institute for the History of Science (Berlin) postdoctoral researcher Ludek Vacin arranged for two capture missions to Geneva, that took place in July and November of 2011. Following fatcross-processing and cleansing in Los Angeles of the raw images created by Vacin, these files have now been posted to the CDLI website, and can be viewed at <>. Pagé-Perron and Emmert Clevenstine of the University of Geneva are correcting the bibliographical and text content references in the MAH catalogue, and the imaging of some few remaining texts by Ms. Pagé-Perron will complete the formal capture of the originals.

MAH enthusiastically joined this effort to make available its complete cuneiform collection to the world-wide community of web researchers and informal learners. This new web content will assist cuneiform specialists in the collation of existing  editions, including ca. 290 Ur III records published by H. Sauren in MVN 2 (1974); 52 Old Assyrian texts by P. Garelli in RA 59-60 (1965-1966); 20 Ur III letters by E. Sollberger, TCS 1 (1966), as well as 8 ED IIIb accounts by the same author in Genava 26 (1948); and 30 texts from various periods by W. Deonna in Genava 17 (1939) (in JCS 5 [1951], Sollberger published catalogue treatments of a large number of still unedited MAH tablets). We believe that general access to images of all text artifacts establishes the broadest possible foundation for integrative research on MAH and related cuneiform inscriptions by the scholarly community, and we are particularly keen to assist specialists in the preparation of scholarly editions of the nearly 500 documents currently listed as "unpublished unassigned" in our catalogue entries (<>)

We are confident that our adherence in this collaboration to the principles of open access expressed, for instance, in the "Berlin Declaration on Open Access to Knowledge in the Sciences and Humanities," promulgated by the German Max Planck Society (<>), best serves all in the Humanities, but particularly those in the fields of dead language research so dependent on access to source materials for their work. In opening to world-wide inspection cuneiform collections such as that located in Geneva, we join other cultural heritage and research institutions in CDLI's 'extended family' who believe that humanists should make every effort to fulfill their curatorial and scholarly responsibilities to permanently archive, and to make available to the public all artifacts of shared world history that are in their immediate, or indirect care.

For the Musées d’Art et d’Histoire: 
Jean-Luc Chappaz, Conservateur, Musées d'art et d'histoire de la Ville de Genève

For the Cuneiform Digital Library Initiative: 
Robert K. Englund, Director, CDLI, and Professor of Assyriology, UCLA 
Jürgen Renn, Co-Director, CDLI, Executive Director, Max Planck Institute for the History of Science, Berlin, and Professor, Humboldt University

Open Access Journal: Cronica cercetărilor arheologice din România

[First posted in AWOL 25 January 2010. Updated 29 January 2012]

Cronica cercetărilor arheologice din România, 1983 - 2010. Rapoarte preliminare de cercetare arheologică
Archaeological Excavations in Romania, 1983 - 2010.
Preliminary Excavation Reports
Rapoarte ilustrate publicate anual:
Cronica Cercetărilor Arheologice din România, Campania 2010, publicat în mai 2011.
Descărcați volumul (doar text) in format pdf 4.22 MB
Addenda: 29. Jac, com. Creaca, jud. Sălaj [Porolissvm]

campania 2009, campania 2008, campania 2007, campania 2006, campania 2005, campania 2004, campania 2003, campania 2002, campania 2001, campania 2000, campania 1999

Digital Library of the Istria Archaeological Museum

Arheološki Muzej Istre 
Posebno izdanje Histria archaeologica

Friday, January 27, 2012

Open Access Journal: Journal of the International Association of Buddhist Studies

Journal of the International Association of Buddhist Studies
ISSN 0-193-600XX
The Journal of the International Association of Buddhist Studies (ISSN 0-193-600XX) is the organ of the International Association of Buddhist Studies. The JIABS welcomes scholarly contributions in all areas of Buddhist Studies. A double-blind peer-review process is used to ensure the high academic quality of all contributions.

This website offers full access to the JIABS. Current issues will be available online 60 months after their appearance in print. We apologize that, for technical reasons, it is currently not possible to make available the most recent issues to IABS members through this website.


JIABS 1/1 (1978)

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Berliner Papyrusdatenbank

BerlPap: Berliner Papyrusdatenbank

Die Berliner Papyrusdatenbank (BerlPap) ist ein von der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft gefördertes Projekt zur Digitalisierung großer Bestände der Berliner Papyrussammlung: Ziel dieses Vorhabens ist die Bereitstellung einer Datenbank im Internet, die digitale Abbildungen und alle relevanten Metadaten zu den in griechischer und lateinischer Sprache verfaßten Texten der Berliner Papyrussammlung enthält, die sich auf Papyri, Ostraka, Pergamenten, Holz- und Wachstafeln sowie Papier erhalten haben. Die Internet-Datenbank soll somit allen Altertumswissenschaftlern und am antiken Ägypten Interessierten Zugang zu hochwertigen Abbildungen der Originalobjekte und zusätzlichen Informationen bieten. Verlinkungen mit anderen Datenbanken erlauben die Erweiterung der Erkenntnisse.

Open Access Journal: Mainake

ISSN: 0212-078X
Revista de la Diputación Provincial de Málaga de periodicidad anual. Su objetivo es acoger y difundir los estudios y las novedades de Prehistoria, Protohistoria y Arqueología e Historia de la Antigüedad Clásica y del Medioevo. Presta especial atención a temas relacionados con la provincia de Málaga, aunque en estrecha correspondencia con los trabajos que se desarrollan en tales campos en los ámbitos nacional e internacional.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Open Access Libraries: Vivarium

Vivarium is the home of digitized manuscripts, art, rare books, photographs, and other resources from two Benedictine monastic and educational communities in central Minnesota. It is a searchable database delivering a variety of digital objects. Vivarium was created and is maintained by the Hill Museum & Manuscript Library.
Hill Museum & Manuscript Libraryicon
The Hill Museum & Manuscript Library has been preserving manuscripts photographically for over 40 years. Over the years, other collections of art, rare books, photographs, etc., have been added to HMML's holdings

EMIP Ethiopian Manuscripts and Scrollsicon
The EMIP Collection of Ethiopian Manuscript Images is the result of the work of the Ethiopian Manuscript Imaging Project (EMIP) to digitize manuscripts and magic scrolls held in private collections in North America

eBeth Arké Syriac Studies Collectionicon
eBeth Arké is a collection of digitized materials related to Syriac studies and the churches of the Syriac Christian tradition. It is a project of Beth Mardutho: The Syriac Institute. 


Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Open Access Journal: Revista d’Arqueologia de Ponent

See now here

Newly Online from the Oriental Institute's Backlist: Excavations in the Plain of Antioch II

For an up to date list of all Oriental Institute publications available online see:
The Oriental Institute Open Access Publications

Hima Mesopotamia "Protecting the Land Between Two Rivers"

Hima Mesopotamia "Protecting the Land Between Two Rivers"
Hima Mesopotamia is an international NGO dedicated to the health of the people and ecosystems of the Mesopotamian Marshes through the promotion of responsible stewardship of the Tigris–Euphrates watershed.

By creating a network of individuals & organizations that are involved in water, health, ecological, economic, and human rights issues in the Middle East, Hima Mesopotamia aims to provide a forum for cultural and environmental information exchange to support ecological and cultural health.
Our Vision: the restoration and maintenance of the ecological and cultural heritage of the Tigris Euphrates watershed.

Our Mission: To nurture the eco-cultural heritage of the Tigris-Euphrates watershed through

  1. Outreach, coordination and capacity building among grassroots organizations working throughout the watershed, policy makers, and the international community.
  2. Synthesis of scientific information, traditional and local knowledge.
  3. Provide a forum for cultural and environmental information exchange between individuals, local, national, and international groups via art, media, public speaking and scientific conferences.
Eco-Cultural Restoration of the Mesopotamian Marshes, Southern Iraq

October 2012 Eco Summit Symposium

SER Conference Summary

Hima Mesopotamia Brochures

Ending the Silence

Physico-Chemical Assessment of Euphrates River between Heet and Ramadi Cities, Iraq

Managing Change in the Marshlands-Iraq's Critical Challenge

Marshland White Paper (UNESCO)

Declaration Cover Letter (English)

Declaration Cover Letter (Arabic)

Basrah Declaration
Turkey and Dams

The Sealands Archaeology and Environment Program Online

The Sealands Archaeology and Environment Program:  Connecting viable pasts to sustainable futures
The Sealands Archaeology and Environment Program conducts archaeological, geoarchaeological, and paleoenvironmental research, in order to understand how cities in Iraq sustained themselves through deep time. The results of this work will guide projects to restore environmental services to Iraq's southern cities, promote resilient environmental management strategies, and support sustainable lifeways for the future.

We take our name from the marsh realm between Sumer and Elam, known during the second millennium BCE as “The Sealands” or “Mat Tamti,” which encompassed much of the area of the now-dry Hammar marshes. Based on inscriptions from the site, Roux suggested that Tell Abu Salabikh, formerly at the center of Lake Hammar, was seat of the historical figure Marduk-apla-iddina II (biblical Merodach-Baladan), and center city of The Sealands.
Always a place of refuge and sustenance at the heart of the Mesopotamian marshlands, The Sealands, and their highly productive marshland lifeways, remain virtually unexplored by archaeologists.

Monday, January 23, 2012

Update: SEAL: Sources of Early Akkadian Literature

Recent additions to SEAL: Sources of Early Akkadian Literature 
  • Erra and Naramsin (SEAL (Dec. 2011)
  • Adapa (SEAL (Dec. 2011)
  • Catalogue of literary texts from Ebla (Dec. 2011)
  • KAR 158 (SEAL 10.3.2.) (Nov. 2011)
  • Nergal and Ereskigal (SEAL (Nov. 2011)
  • Zimrilim epic (SEAL (Nov. 2011)
  • Adad hymn (SEAL (Sept. 2011)

Open Access Journal: Palaeohispanica

Palaeohispanica. Revista sobre lenguas y culturas de la Hispania Antigua
ISSN 1578-5386

Arqueología, Epigrafía, Numismática, Filología, Lingüística e Historia de la Hispania Antigua

Palaeohispanica. Revista sobre lenguas y culturas de la Hispania Antigua, 11
descargar en formato PDF

Palaeohispanica. Revista sobre lenguas y culturas de la Hispania Antigua, 10 (Serta Palaeohispanica in honorem Javier de Hoz)
descargar en formato PDF

Palaeohispanica. Revista sobre lenguas y culturas de la Hispania Antigua, 9 (Acta Palaeohispanica, X)
descargar en formato PDF

Palaeohispanica. Revista sobre lenguas y culturas de la Hispania Antigua, 8
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Palaeohispanica. Revista sobre lenguas y culturas de la Hispania Antigua, 7
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Palaeohispanica. Revista sobre lenguas y culturas de la Hispania Antigua, 6
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Palaeohispanica. Revista sobre lenguas y culturas de la Hispania Antigua, 5. (Acta Palaeohispanica, IX)
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Open Access Journal: Buletinul Muzeului Judetean Teleorman - Seria Arheologie

Buletinul Muzeului Judetean Teleorman - Seria Arheologie
ISSN 2065-5290

În anul 1934, în timpul sărbătoririi centenarului oraşului Alexandria, consiliul comunal hotărăşte să înfiinţeze un muzeu al oraşului care să expună şi să păstreze documentele găsite în diferite arhive, cât şi unele materiale ce dovedeau existenţa şi cultura populaţiei de pe aceste meleaguri. Muzeul a fost instalat, la început, într-o încăpere din localul primăriei, iar în anul 1936 a fost strămutat într-o încăpere a Palatului Cultural „Victor Antonescu”.
 La data de 1 mai 1952 s-a deschis, în mod real, un Muzeu de Istorie a Alexandriei, în care erau expuse documente privind întemeierea oraşului, monede, ceramică, dovezi materiale din diferite epoci istorice.
Din anul 1974, Muzeul Orăşenesc de Istorie Alexandria devine Muzeul Judeţean de Istorie Teleorman. Conservă o importantă colecţie de arheologie, preponderent din epoca neolitică şi epoca geto-dacică, cu numeroase obiecte provenite din staţiunile de la Ciolănesti Deal, Măgura, Siliştea, Vităneşti, Albeşti, Orbeasca de Sus, Zimnicea etc., dar şi o colecţie de numismatică reprezentată printr-o serie de tezaure monetare descoperite la Alexandria, Balta Sărată, Poiana, Poroschia, Schitu, Sfinţeşti, Ulmeni etc. O valoroasă colecţie etnografică zonală este valorificată printr-o expoziţie permanentă pavilionară.
Între anii 1998 - 2004 a participat la un proiect internaţional româno-britanic de cercetare a locuirii neo-eneolitice de pe Valea Teleormanului alături de Muzeul Naţional de Istorie a României şi Universitatea din Cardiff.
În perioada 2003 - 2004 a derulat un program de cercetare a procesului de colectivizare a agriculturii în judeţul Teleorman, program finanţat de către Guvernul Statelor Unite ale Americii prin intermediul Secţiei Afaceri Publice din Bucureşti şi al Asociaţiei "Prietenii Muzeului".
În prezent derulează mai multe proiecte internaţionale sau naţionale de cercetare arheologică ce vizează mai multe epoci: paleoliticul (împreună cu Misiunea Arheologică Franceză în Romania şi Institutul de Arheologie „Vasile Pârvan”, Bucureşti), neo-eneoliticul (împreună cu Muzeul Naţional de Istorie a României), evul mediu (împreună cu Muzeul Brăilei).
Buletinul Muzeului Judetean Teleorman: Seria Arheologie 1 - 2009
Buletinul Muzeului Judetean Teleorman: Seria Arheologie 2 - 2010
Buletinul Muzeului Judetean Teleorman: Seria Arheologie 3 - 2011

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Opinions of ancient philosophers

Opinions of ancient philosophers (Prototype of a collection of all ancient testimonies related to philosophers of greco-roman world)
This collection of testimonies aims at collecting in a database the text of the sources related to the so-called presocratic philosophers. 

This collection of testimonies has been at first limited to Milesian (Thales, Anaximander, Anaximenes) and Eleatic philosophers (Xenophanes, Parmenides, Zeno, Melissus). This limitation was only a practical one. This web site, and the database attached to it, is only to be considered as a prototype of what an exhaustive collection of testimonies related to presocratic philosophers should look like. The work has not to be considered as a finished one : indexations, at many levels, have not been completed, texts are still lacking, etc. 

Any remark or critical comment will be appreciated. 

Cette collection de témoignages vise à rassembler au sein d’une base de données informatique le texte des sources relatives aux philosophes dits présocratiques ou préplatoniciens. 

Dans un premier temps, la collecte des témoignages ne sera cependant systématique que pour les philosophes Milésiens (Thalès, Anaximandre, Anaximène) et Eléates (Xénophane, Parménide, Zénon, Mélissos). Cette limitation pratique tient au caractère de « prototype » de cette base de données, qui reste en voie d’élaboration tant pour ce qui concerne les entrées de textes que les formes de leur indexation. Nous la publions seulement à titre de proposition, soumise à la critique.




A propos

Friday, January 20, 2012

Graphic: Quantifying Digital Humanities 

Open Access Journal: Arqueología

[First posted in AWOL 1 January 2010. Updated 6 July 2015]

ISSN: 0327-5159 (Versión impresa)  
ISSN: 1853-8126 (Versión en línea)
ARQUEOLOGÍA es una publicación semestral con referato del Instituto de Arqueología, Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, Universidad de Buenos Aires (25 de Mayo 217, 3er piso, C1002ABE, Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires, Argentina). Esta revista publica trabajos originales e inéditos sobre Arqueología así como resultados de investigaciones multidisciplinarias pero guiadas arqueológicamente. De esta manera, la revista busca consolidarse como un espacio profesional de comunicación y discusión de ideas dentro del campo de la disciplina. La revista publica contribuciones teóricas, metodológicas o casos de estudio de cualquier región (del país o del exterior) y período, pudiendo los trabajos enviarse tanto en castellano como en inglés. Los autores envían sus manuscritos en forma de ARTÍCULOS o NOTAS (manuscritos breves que presentan resultados preliminares sobre investigaciones en curso). Estas contribuciones son sometidas a evaluación por investigadores de nuestro país y/o del exterior. Asimismo, la revista publica COMENTARIOS CRÍTICOS de artículos ya publicados, que admiten derecho a réplica por parte de los autores del trabajo comentado. También se publican RESEÑAS BIBLIOGRÁFICAS y RESÚMENES DE LAS TESIS DE LICENCIATURA Y DOCTORADO de temática arqueológica defendidas en la Facultad de Filosofía y Letras de la Universidad de Buenos Aires.
Esta publicación se encuentra indexada en Latindex, DialnetREBIUNScopusDOAJAnthropological Index Online, Hollis Classic e IPUFyL.
Integrante del Núcleo Básico de Revistas Científicas Argentinas (Resolución 2485/14 del CONICET)

ARQUEOLOGÍA is an bi-annual peer-reviewed publication of the Instituto de Arqueología, Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, Universidad de Buenos Aires (25 de Mayo 217, 3er piso, C1002ABE, Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires, Argentina). This journal publishes original papers on archaeology as well as results of interdisciplinary -although archaeologically oriented- research. Thus, the journal seeks to establish a professional arena for communication and discussion of ideas within the field of the discipline. Suitable topics for manuscripts include theory, methodology or case studies of any region (either argentine or foreign) and period. The contributions can be published in Spanish as well as in English. Authors submit their contributions as ARTICLES or NOTES (brief manuscripts that present preliminary results of on-going research). These contributions are reviewed by national and/or international researchers. The journal also welcomes COMMENTS on articles already published. In this case, the authors whose paper is being commented are given the chance to submit their reply. BOOK REVIEWS and SUMMARIES OF THE GRADUATE THESIS AND DOCTORAL DISSERTATIONS in archaeology defended at the Facultad de Filosofía y Letras of the Universidad de Buenos Aires are published as well.
This publication is indexed in Latindex, Dialnet
REBIUNScopusDOAJAnthropological Index Online, Hollis Classics and IPUFyL.

Tomo 22 (2016)
(en evaluación - under review)

Tomo 21-1 (2015)
(en diagramación - in layout)

Tomo 21-Dossier (2015)
(en evaluación - under review)

 Tomo 9 (1999)