Sunday, February 28, 2010

Open Access Journal: Variability and Evolution

Variability and Evolution

The journal Variability and Evolution was founded by Jerzy Szweykowski, Krzysztof Łastowski and Janusz Piontek, Professors of Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań in 1991. Jerzy Szweykowski edited first four volumes and Janusz Piontek has been the editor from the 5th volume (1996).

Starting from the 6th volume (1997) Variability and Evolution has been published by the Institute of Anthropology of Adam Mickiewicz University and also has possessed the Board of International Collaborators.

See the full List of Open Access Journals in Ancient Studies.

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Open Access Journal: The Internet Journal of Biological Anthropology

The Internet Journal of Biological Anthropology™
ISSN: 1939-4594

See the full List of Open Access Journals in Ancient Studies.

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Saturday, February 27, 2010

Open Access Journal: Anthropological Review

Anthropological Review
ISSN: 1898-6773
Anthropological Review Continues
Przegląd Antropologiczny (Vols. 1–63) and
Przegląd Antropologiczny – Anthropological Review (Vols. 64–69)
ISSN: 0033-2003

Anthropological Review, appearing annually, publishes (since 1997) in English, and is a scientific journal devoted to issues in physical anthropology and related fields of science. The journal has had a long tradition of publication since its founding, in 1926.

2009 (Vol. 72)

2008 (Vol. 71)

2007 (Vol. 70)

2006 (Vol. 69)

2005 (Vol. 68)

2004 (Vol. 67)

2003 (Vol. 66)

2002 (Vol. 65)

2001 (Vol. 64)

2000 (Vol. 63)

1999 (Vol. 62)

See the full List of Open Access Journals in Ancient Studies.

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Thursday, February 25, 2010

Best of the Web Nominees - 2010

Best of the Web Nominees - 2010 are now available for review at, a collaborative space for professionals creating culture, science and heritage on-line, hosted by Archives & Museum Informatics. All of them are interesting, and two have particular interest for students of Antiquity. Both are in the Exhibition category:

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Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Open Access Journal: Bulletin of Information on Computing and Anthropology (BICA

Bulletin of Information on Computing and Anthropology (BICA)
The occasion for writing this piece was the editorial labour in preparing an online version of BICA The Bulletin of Information on Computing in Anthropology which is now available on the Internet.1 The original BICA was a pioneering serial,2 edited by John Davis, which appeared intermittently from 1984 to 1988. Its early editions are of continuing interest for a variety of reasons, as attested by the citation of its articles in mainstream journals.

BICA was originally published on a more or less samizdat basis. It was not sold, but distributed to about 500 subscribers. Its primary purpose was to promote the use of technology in anthropological research. Topics ranged from discussions of the use of expert systems to elucidate marriage patterns and musical improvisations, to the general problems of using computers in the field (the importance of peanut butter as a means of extracting pests from within a computer is not to be overlooked)...

See the full List of Open Access Journals in Ancient Studies.

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Saturday, February 20, 2010

Multilingual Numismatic Glossary

Translations of Numismatic Terms
This page provides numismatic and database terminology to internationalize numismatic databases.
If you would like to add a language or correct the existing translations, please email Chris Hopkins
A team of volunteers has been working throughout the past year to provide
the translations. The Catalan, Dutch, French, German, Italian, Portuguese,
Russian and Spanish translations are complete (or nearly so) while work is
still in progress for Greek, Persian and Arabic.

I extend my sincere thanks to the volunteers who have made, and continue to
make, this project possible:
Alfredo De La Fe
Carlos Verdura
David Wigg-Wolf
Giulio De Florio
Jorge Cavalheiro
Joris Aarts
Khodadad Rezakhani
Lluís Mendieta
Mostafa Faghfoury
Patrick Pasmans
Pierre R. Monney
Uwe Ellerbrock
Vadim Nikitin
Walter Bloom

The translations database will remain on the Internet for free use by any

Your comments, constructive criticism and suggestions are welcome. If you
would like to add a language, correct the existing translations, add a new
term or become a volunteer editor, please email me...
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Thursday, February 18, 2010

New Publication Series from the Oriental Institute: Oriental Institute Digital Archives (OIDA)

Oriental Institute Digital Archives (OIDA) Volume I
Letters from James Henry Breasted to His Family, August 1919 - July 1920

Edited by John A. Larson

This presentation is based on the letters that James Henry Breasted wrote home to his family during the first expedition of the Oriental Institute to the Middle East (August 1919-July 1920). These original letters in the Oriental Institute Archives were transcribed into digital form and are presented - unedited - with supporting illustrations.

* Oriental Institute Digital Archives 1
* Chicago: The Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago, 2010
* Pp. 281; 7 figures, 9 illustrations

For an up to date list of all Oriental Institute publications available online see AWOL - The Ancient World Online - 2: The Oriental Institute Electronic Publications Initiative.

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Newly Online at the Oriental Institute: Divination and Interpretation of Signs in the Ancient World

Divination and Interpretation of Signs in the Ancient World
Edited by Amar Annus
Oriental Institute Seminars 6
Chicago: The Oriental Institute, 2010

Divination and Interpretation of Signs in the Ancient World

Edited by Amar Annus

Oriental Institute Seminars 6

The concept of sign, a portent observed in the physical world, which indicates future events, is found in all ancient cultures, but was first developed in ancient Mesopotamian texts. This branch of Babylonian scientific knowledge extensively influenced other parts of the world, and similar texts written in Aramaic, Sanscrit, Sogdian, and other languages. These papers are based on talks presented at the seminar Science and Superstition: Interpretation of Signs in the Ancient World, held March 6-7, 2009, and investigate how much we know about the Babylonian theory and hermeneutics of omens and the scope of their possible influences on other cultures and regions.

Table of Contents:

  1. Amar Annus. On the Beginnings and Continuities of the Mesopotamian Omen Sciences
  2. Francesca Rochberg. ‘If P, then Q’: Toward a Theory of Signs in Babylonian Divination
  3. James Allen. Greek Philosophy and Signs
  4. Ulla Susanne Koch. Three Strikes and You're Out! A View on Cognitive Theory and the First-Millennium Extispicy Ritual
  5. Edward L. Shaughnessy. Arousing Images: The Poetry of Divination and the Divination of Poetry in Early China
  6. Niek Veldhuis. The Teory of Knowledge and the Practice of Celestial Divination
  7. Eckart Frahm. Reading the Tablet, the Exta, and the Body: The Hermeneutics of Cuneiform Signs in Babylonian and Assyrian Text Commentaries and Divinatory Texts
  8. Scott B. Noegel. "Sign, Sign, Everywhere a Sign": Script, Power, and Interpretation in the Ancient Near East
  9. Heeßel. The Calculation of the Stipulated Term in Extispicy
  10. Abraham Winitzer. The Divine Presence and Its Interpretation in Early Mesopotamian Divination
  11. Barbara Böck. Physiognomy in Ancient Mesopotamia and Beyond: From Practice to Handbook
  12. Seth Richardson. On Seeing and Believing: Liver Divination and the Era of Warring States
  13. Cynthia Jean. Divination and Oracles at the Neo-Assyrian Palace: The Importance of Signs in Royal Ideology
  14. JoAnn Scurlock. Prophecy as a Form of Divination; Divination as a Form of Prophecy: New Light on Sennacherib at Jerusalem and Nahum
  15. John Jacobs. Traces of the Omen Series Shumma izbu in Cicero's De divinatione
  16. Martti Nissinen. Response from a Biblical Scholar: Prophecy and Divination
  • Oriental Institute Seminars 6
  • Chicago: The Oriental Institute, 2010
  • ISBN-13: 978-1-885923-68-4
  • Pp. viii + 352; 10 figures, 1 table
  • $27.95
For an up to date list of all Oriental Institute publications available online see AWOL - The Ancient World Online - 2: The Oriental Institute Electronic Publications Initiative.

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Open Access Journal: Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik (ZPE)

Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik (ZPE)
Das Projekt "Digitalisierung der ZPE" ist entstanden auf Initiative von Prof. Richard Hamilton, Bryn Mawr College. Es wird gefördert aus Mitteln der Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, der Nordrhein-Westfälischen Akademie der Wissenschaften und der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft. Ziel ist, sukzessive Aufsätze aus früheren Bänden der ZPE zum Download zur Verfügung zu stellen. Der Download ist nur zum persönlichen Gebrauch zulässig und vorläufig kostenlos. Das Copyright bleibt beim Verlag Dr. Rudolf Habelt GmbH, Bonn. Zum Lesen und Drucken der heruntergeladenen Dateien wird Acrobat Reader 4.0 benötigt.

Volumes 73 (1988) - 133 (2000) are accessible online.

See also the nearly full run (moving wall) of ZPE at JSTOR

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Monday, February 15, 2010

AWOL Administrative Note and Statistics

Last last week AWOL came to a number of milestones

Some other numbers
  • 441 entries.
  • 20 users are known to be subscribed by way of feed readers and aggregators.
  • 932 email address are subscribed through Feedburner to receive daily notifications of new content.
  • AWOL has had 91,689 page loads from 54,620 unique visitors of whom 14,587 made repeat visits [use of data distributed to email subscribers is presumably not heavily represented in these numbers since all data and links are sent for local use].
I appreciate the interest and support of those of you who use AWOL, and encourage you to comment, make suggestions, and share the content when appropriate (noting the button which now appears on all new and revised pages).

Administrative notes with user statistics have been posted in March 2012, November 2011, October 2011July 2011, April 2011, January 2011December 2010October 2010, August 2010July 2010, May 2010, and  January 2010.

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Saturday, February 13, 2010

Announcement: New Technology for Digitization of Ancient Objects and Documents

New Technology for Digitization of Ancient Objects and Documents; joint project of the Archaeological Computing Research Group (ACRG) and the School of Electronics and Computer Science (ECS), Southampton and the Centre for the Study of Ancient Documents (CSAD), Oxford, the Cuneiform Digital Library Initiative (CDLI), Los Angeles-Philadelphia-Oxford-Berlin, and the Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature (ETCSL), Oxford.


We are pleased to announce the award of a 12-month grant under the Arts and Humanities Research Council’s Digital Equipment and Database Enhancement for Impact (DEDEFI) scheme to develop a “Reflectance Transformation Imaging (RTI) System for Ancient Documentary Artefacts”.

The project is a collaboration between Dr. Graeme Earl (ACRG) and Dr. Kirk Martinez (ECS) of the University of Southampton, and Professor Alan Bowman and Dr Charles Crowther (CSAD) and Dr Jacob Dahl (Oriental Studies) from the University of Oxford. In the course of the next year, the team will develop two RTI systems to capture images of documentary texts and archaeological material. The partners in the project share a commitment to opening digital access to cultural heritage; results will be made publicly available through the development and use of open source software to process the outputs of the RTI systems, allowing other researchers to take advantage of the new technology.

RTI technology enables the capture of detailed surface properties from high-resolution still or video images. The RTI systems developed by the project will allow researchers to study documentary and other artefacts remotely in great detail without being restricted by fixed lighting angles. The result will be to ensure that high-quality digital versions of these materials can be consulted by scholars worldwide.

In the piloting phase of the project, RTI technology will be tested on a selection of documents including Vindolanda stilus tablets, stone inscriptions, Linear B and cuneiform tablets in the Ashmolean Museum, Oxford, and cuneiform tablets in other collections across the UK. It will also include capture of a broad range of archaeological materials, focusing on a number of particularly high-impact artefacts, in order to raise the public profile of open access, and of open source-driven RTI technology. The project includes a broad range of advisors and partners from across the arts, humanities and sciences, drawn from academia, industry, local government and the third sector. In the longer term, the new digital resources that will be created will be fed into and will add value to existing digital corpora such as those managed by the Archaeology Data Service (ADS), CSAD, CDLI and ETCSL, and will contribute towards the broadest possible academic and general public access to cultural heritage collections in the UK and beyond.

Dr. Jacob L. Dahl
Oriental Institute
University of Oxford

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Saturday, February 6, 2010

Open Access Journal: Arqueología Suramericana/Arqueologia Sul-Americana

Arqueología Suramericana/Arqueologia Sul-Americana
South America is an active region in the production of archaeological knowledge and in the formulation of alternative approaches to the past, both from a disciplinary and a contextual point of view. Yet, there was no written medium to disseminate the cultural production of the sub-continent related to the discourses on the past based on objects. That is the reason behind the collective work of South American archaeologists for the creation of a new journal, Arqueología Suramericana/Arqueologia Sul-Americana, published by the Department of Anthropology, Universidad del Cauca (Colombia) and the Ph.D. Program on Social Sciences of the School of Humanities of the Universidad Nacional de Catamarca (Argentina), with the support of the World Archaeological Congress. According to WAC purposes, the journal aims to promote and spread the production of archaeology and related disciplines in South America, emphasizing a critical perspective that allows a dialogue with representations about the past that have been traditionally marginalized from academic spaces. The journal hopes to create bridges of understanding, communication, and discussion between the two large South American worlds, Brazil and the Spanish-speaking countries, which have consistently ignored each other for so long. It is sad that the barrier of two similar languages have split the sub-continent in such a way, especially because South American countries share similar problems and possibilities that can be tackled with collective enterprises, such as this one, that strive go beyond the borders erected by the deliberate ignorance of the others. Arqueología Suramericana/Arqueologia Sul-Americana is an international, peer reviewed journal published twice a year (January and July). The journal publishes papers on archaeology or related disciplines discussing issues whose geographical or geopolitical locus is South America . Contributions can be sent to the following account: Subscriptions can also be solicited by writing to that account.
Volume 1, Number 1Volume 1, Number 1Volume 1, Number 1
Volume 1, Number 2Volume 1, Number 2Volume 1, Number 2
Volume 2, Number 1Volume 2, Number 1Volume 2, Number 1
Volume 2, Number 2 Volume 2, Number 2Volume 2, Number 2
Volume 3, Number 1 Volume 3, Number 1Volume 3, Number 1
Volume 3, Number 2 Volume 3, Number 1Volume 3, Number 1
Volume 4, Number 1 Volume 3, Number 1Volume 3, Number 1
Volume 4, Number 2 Volume 3, Number 1Volume 4, Number 2
Volume 5, Number 1 Volume 5, Number 1Volume 5, Number 1

See the full List of Open Access Journals in Ancient Studies.

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Friday, February 5, 2010

New Ancient World Content in JSTOR

Multidisciplinary and Discipline-Specific Collections at JSTOR
The following journals have been added to the JSTOR archive. More detailed information about titles and collections, along with delimited lists, can be accessed from JSTOR's Available Collections page.

International Journal of the Classical Tradition
(Arts & Sciences VIII)
Release Content: Vol. 1, No. 1 (Summer, 1994) – Vol. 13, No. 2 (Fall, 2006)
Moving Wall: 3 years
Publisher: Springer
ISSN: 1073-0508

Journal Description: The first journal exclusively dedicated to the reception of Greek and Roman antiquity by other cultures, from the ancient world to the present time, International Journal of Classical Tradition's primary focus is on the creative use of the ancient Greco-Roman heritage in a broad range of scholarly endeavors. Articles are published in five languages. The journal includes articles, short notes, research reports, review articles, and news of the field. The official journal of the International Society for the Classical Tradition.
Materiali e discussioni per l'analisi dei testi classici (Arts & Sciences VIII)
Release Content: Nos. 1-53 (1978-2004)
Moving Wall: 5 years
Publisher: Fabrizio Serra editore
ISSN: 0392-6338

Journal Description: The journal, MD has contributed enormously to the methodological renewal of classical philology studies, reviving and renewing the most effective and respected techniques of the last two centuries, from traditional philology to contemporary hermeneutics. MD first came out in 1978, at the initiative of a team of young Italian Classical scholars. The most signal among them were the Latinists Gian Biagio Conte and Alessandro Barchiesi, and the anthropologist Maurizio Bettini. The Board soon became International, attracting especially what were then avanguard scholars engaged in bringing poststructuralist literary criticism to the study of Classical texts. Today MD typically includes studies of literary criticism alongside shorter notes and studies of the textual transmission of the Classics. Each issue numbers between 200 and 220 pages, and the total number of pages so far has reached 15,000 pages.

Moving Wall Reduction
The moving wall for the following title has been reduced from 5 years to 3 years at the request of the publisher.

The Annual of the British School at Athens
(Arts & Sciences V)
Release Content: Vols. 100-101 (2005-2006)
Moving Wall: 3 years
Publisher: The British School at Athens
ISSN: 0068-2454

Previously Missing Issues
The following previously missing issues have been added to the JSTOR archive.

Classics Ireland (Ireland)
Release Content: Vol. 9 (2002)
Moving Wall: 3 years
Publisher: Classical Association of Ireland
ISSN: 0791-9417
Journal of the Galway Archaeological and Historical Society (Ireland)
Release Content: Vol. 12, No. 3/4 (1924/1925);
Vol. 54 (2002)
Moving Wall: 4 years
Publisher: Galway Archaeological & Historical Society
ISSN: 0332-415X
Speculum (Arts & Sciences I; Language & Literature)
Release Content: Vol. 49, Index (1974)
Moving Wall: 5 years
Publisher: The Medieval Academy of America
ISSN: 0038-7134

The Ancient World in JSTOR: AWOL's full list of journals in JSTOR with substantial representation of the Ancient World.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Open Access Journal: Archaeologia Polona

Archaeologia Polona: Journal of Archaeology
Archaeologia Polona is a Polish archaeological journal edited and published in the English language annually by the Institute of Archaeology and Ethnology of the Polish Academy of Sciences, intended for an international audience. Its main purpose is to present a wide range of various approaches to the most important problems of contemporary archaeology.

It was established in 1958 with intention to popularize Polish archaeology abroad by publishing translations of the most important papers which previously were published in Polish in journals edited by the Institute, mostly in "Archeologia Polski". Until 1990 the journal was published by the Ossolineum Publishing House.
Vols 1 (1958) - 40 (2002) available in full text, subsequent volumes in abstract.

See the full List of Open Access Journals in Ancient Studies.

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Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Open Access Journal: Archaeology Southwest

Archaeology Southwest
Our award-winning, full-color magazine explores topical issues in the archaeology of the southwestern United States and northwestern Mexico. The magazine is published quarterly. Back issues prior to 2004 are available in PDF format for free from the menu on the right. For a one-year subscription and unlimited access to more recent issues, join the Center today! Current members, please note: until further notice, please contact Membership Coordinator Kate Sarther Gann for PDFs of recent back issues of Archaeology Southwest.
See the full List of Open Access Journals in Ancient Studies.

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Open Access Journal: Archaeologia Lituana

Archaeologia Lituana

Open Access Journal: Ancient Nepal

Ancient Nepal
Published by the Department of Archaeology in Kathmandu, Nepal, Ancient Nepal (प्राचीन नेपाल) is a journal devoted to pre-history and field archaeology in the Himalayas. Special interests include epigraphy, manuscripts, numismatics, archives, art, anthropology, architecture and museum studies. Contributions should be concise and based on hitherto unpublished data, and sent to the Director General of the Department of Archaeology. The journal dates from October 1967 and is still soliciting contributions. The following index of the titles and authors of the Nepali articles was prepared by staff at Madan Puraskar Pustakalya (MPP) in Kathmandu. Please note that the unevenness in the naming and page numbering of certain articles reflects inconsistencies in the original journal.

On account of the compression format we have used for the PDF files, we advise that you install the most recent version of Adobe Acrobat which can be downloaded by clicking here. Please send us a short email to say whether this service is of interest and utility to you. Feedback will determine whether we proceed with the digitisation of other journals of Himalayan studies

See the full List of Open Access Journals in Ancient Studies.

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Open Access Journal: Actualidades Arqueológicas

Actualidades Arqueológicas: Pasado en presente
Arqueófilos , es una unión de estudiantes jóvenes que germina en un contexto de desaire hacia los nuevos talentos y de un vicio de resguardo en las viejas y agotadas teorías. Pretendemos nunca dejar de ser alumnos -en todo lo que implica-; sin embargo, nos enfrentamos al mundo del mercado, la oferta y la demanda con ganas de competir y trabajar lealmente, sin agraviar al otro.

La idea de formar un grupo, como plataforma para el desarrollo de proyectos y el debate de inquietudes en torno a los problemas arqueológicos, nace en una nueva y reciente generación de investigadores con un ideal de cambio y una necesidad de abrir nuevos espacios de publicación.

Iniciamos este proyecto en el contexto que el mundo nos brinda, un ambiente de perseverancia y esperanza ante los asaltos y atentados permanentes de los grupos de poder, que pretenden imponer sus parciales visiones de la realidad, por encima de una historia y de una herencia que se mantienen a la espera de ser escuchadas.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Thesaurus Linguae Graecae (TLG®) Updates

Added to the TLG since the beginning of 2009

Post CD-ROM #E Authors

Updated on: 2010-01-26

1515 MOERIS Attic.
2702 Michael PSELLUS Epist., Hagiogr., Phil., Polyhist. et Theol.
3074 Constantinus MANASSES Hist. et Poeta
4090 CYRILLUS Alexandrinus Theol.
001 $*(O *PO/LEMOS TH=S *TRWA/DOS& (hide)
9022 Joannes TZETZES Gramm. et Poeta

Updated on: 2009-02-11

2057 SOCRATES Scholasticus Hist.
2833 Pseudo-GREGENTIUS Biogr., Hagiogr. et Legal.
3024 Constantinus STILBES Poeta et Rhet.
3207 Georgius TORNICES Epist. et Rhet.
3218 Manuel CARANTENUS Rhet.
3365 PHRANGOPULUS Joannes Rhet.
3366 Andronicus II PALAEOLOGUS Imperator Hist.
4040 PHOTIUS Lexicogr., Scr. Eccl. et Theol.
4090 CYRILLUS Alexandrinus Theol.
4321 RHETORIUS Astrol.

See more TLG News here.

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