- Twelve hundred addresses are subscribed to the AWOL by email function (up from nine hundred on 15 February, 2010)
- AWOL surpassed 128,540 page loads. (ca. 40,000 since 15 February, 2010)
- The List of Open Access Journals in Ancient Studies contains 648 titles (49 titles added since 15 February, 2010) and remains the most popular page in AWOL.
I appreciate the interest and support of those of you who use AWOL, and
encourage you to comment, make suggestions, and

appears at the bottom of all new and revised pages).
I am seeking your assistance in particular in identifying scholarship on the ancient world which is appearing unembargoed in institutional repositories. Please direct me to your own or other useful collections and I will add them to the AWOL page Ancient World in Open Access Institutional Repositories.
Administrative notes with user statistics have been posted in March 2012, November 2011, October 2011, July 2011, April 2011, January 2011, December 2010, October 2010, August 2010, July 2010, May 2010, and January 2010.
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