Sunday, May 26, 2024

Myth and Drama: Classical Theatre in its Time and in Ours

Maria de Fátima Silva
University of Coimbra
Susana Marques Pereira
University of Coimbra
Rui Tavares de Faria
University of the Azores  
Mito e Drama


This title brings together a set of texts, grouped into two sections: a Part 1, still focused on the old myths and their expression in the ancient theatre, tragic and comic, and a Part 2, which goes through a variety of rewritings, dispersed among the various literatures under discussion.
In addition to returning to the specific analysis of some classical myths and themes, it expands a set of studies on mainly contemporary rewritings, scattered across different literatures of the Latin world, set in specific historical contexts that explain and justify them.

September 26, 2023


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