Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Advancing FAIR+CARE Practices in Cultural Heritage survey how you collect, manage, preserve, curate, share, and store cultural information

 Advancing FAIR+CARE Practices in Cultural Heritage survey how you collect, manage, preserve, curate, share, and store cultural information

The survey invites you to describe how you collect, manage, preserve, curate, share, and store cultural information (broadly defined) during the course of your work/life. Your participation will be anonymous. While the survey is structured around FAIR and CARE data practices, survey respondents do not need to have familiarity with the FAIR and CARE principles. Thank you so much for taking the time to share your expertise and experiences to help guide this work! The survey will be open until May 31, 2024. 

A few important points: 
- The survey should take approximately 30 minutes, depending on how detailed you are in your responses. 
- The survey will save your progress, so you may leave at any time and return later to complete it (within 7 days).
- The only question with a required answer is "I consent" below. You may skip any other questions that do not apply to your experience/sector. 

Who is doing the research?
This survey is developed by the FAIR+CARE Cultural Heritage Network, supported by the Advancing FAIR+CARE Practices in Cultural Heritage project, a 3-year initiative funded by the Institute of Museum and Library Services (awarded to the Alexandria Archive Institute). The project aims to develop, disseminate, and promote ethical good practice guidance and governance models for digital data in the cultural heritage sector.

How will I be asked to provide data?
You will be asked to participate in one or both of the following activities aimed at collecting quantitative and qualitative evaluation data: 
(1) Responding to the Online Survey of Cultural Heritage Professionals as an individual
(2) Responding to the Online Survey of Cultural Heritage Professionals as a representative of an organization

Will my participation be confidential?
Yes. This survey is anonymous. No one, including the researchers, will be able to associate your responses with your identity. Your participation is voluntary. You may choose not to take the survey, to stop responding at any time, or to skip any questions that you do not want to answer. Your completion of the survey serves as your voluntary agreement to allow the anonymous data gathered to be used for this study and in future research. 

What will happen to my data?
The data will be used in analysis to inform the development of guidelines and tools related to improving FAIR+CARE practices around cultural heritage data. Survey data will be securely stored and will be retained for use in future research. Copies of the data will also be stored electronically on both password-protected hard drives and a password-protected online storage account. 

Who should I contact if I have questions?
Should you have any questions or concerns about the research or your contribution to it, please contact Sarah Kansa at​ or via mail at 125 El Verano Way, San Francisco, CA 94127. 

Click below to consent to this study and proceed with the survey. Thank you in advance for your participation! 


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