Friday, May 31, 2024

Open Access Journal: Interdisciplinary Egyptology

 [First posted in AWOL 28 May 2022, updated 31 May 2024]
Our logo: orange nb-sign, overlaid with a abstract I and E that also resembles a ceramic drawing. The words Interdisciplinary Egyptology appears above.

Interdisciplinary Egyptology (IntEg) is a peer-reviewed journal which reports on high-quality research that IntEgrates the study of ancient Egypt with other related disciplines. The journal champions Egyptological research with a broad scientific scope that incorporates Egyptology with one or more approaches drawn from related scientific fields.

IntEg promotes research that has a strong foundation in modern historical and archaeological theory, the natural sciences and stringent fieldwork protocols with the highest standards; we promote IntEgrity and IntEgration in Egyptological research. IntEg welcomes research from a broad chronological and geographical scope, in-so-far as it directly relates to the study of Egyptology as a modern, scientific discipline.

IntEg is an independent journal, offering a free-to-publish, fully peer-reviewed, fully Open Access service. All of this is possible because we have an amazing Editorial Team, all of whom are professional Egyptologists across all career stages, who are volunteering their time to bring this service to you. We all believe in the spirit of and need for a journal like IntEg in our field.

Published: 2022-03-30


See AWOL's full List of Open Access Journals in Ancient Studies


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