Saturday, July 6, 2024

Imitate Anacreon! Mimesis, Poiesis and the Poetic Inspiration in the Carmina Anacreontea

Edited by: Manuel Baumbach and Nicola Dümmler
book: Imitate Anacreon!

Despite their rich tradition, the Carmina Anacreontea transmitted in the Palatine Anthology have received little scholarly attention. This neglect is linked to questions concerning their authenticity. Long read as poems by the ancient lyricist Anacreon, they are now regarded instead as imitations of Anacreontic lyricism. This volume presents the latest findings on the language, poetology, tradition, and reception of this lyrical collection.

  • Language: English
  • Publisher: De Gruyter
  • Copyright year: 2014
  • Audience: Readers interested in Greek poetry, especially anacreontics
  • Pages
    • Front matter: 10
    • Main content: 310
  • Illustrations
    • Illustrations: 3
    • Coloured Illustrations: 4
  • Keywords: Carmina Anacreontea; Anacreon; Greek poetry; lyric; reception
  • Published: April 1, 2014
  • ISBN: 9783110334142
  • Published: March 17, 2014
  • ISBN: 9783110334029


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