Craft production sites of pre-modern economies
Craft production was a key element of pre-modern economies, the workshop acting as an important point of intersection between exploitation and daily use of resources (e.g. clay/pottery, stone/architectural elements, iron ore/tools). Within the framework of the Research Training Group 1878 »Archaeology of pre-modern economies« funded by the DFG, it is aimed to compile craft production sites attested by archaeological material as exhaustively as possible. This data base is accessible for free all over the world, thus providing an important foundation for further scientific questions and projects as well as an overview on essential aspects of the economic and daily life in pre-modern societies for the broader public.To the data base on craft production sites of pre-modern economies
Database of coinfinds with pamphylian coins
The following database was created as a part of an unfinished dissertation of Fabian Richter with the topic ‘Pamphylian Coin Hoards as Indicators of Economic Interrelations during the Hellenistic Period’. It raises no claim to completeness. The work served as basis for an article published in the journal KUBA: F. Richter, Zur Prägung von Alexander-Tetradrachmen in Pamphylien und der Datierung des Gegenstempels „Anker“ auf pamphylischen Münzen, KuBA 6, 216, im Druck.
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