The National Junior Classical League is an organization of junior and senior high school students sponsored by the American Classical League. It is composed of local and state chapters and is the largest Classical organization in the world today. Its purpose is to encourage an interest in and an appreciation of the language, literature and culture of ancient Greece and Rome and to impart an understanding of the debt of our own culture to that of Classical antiquity.
After 61 years of printing the Torch: U.S., the NJCL is transitioning to a digital format. To celebrate the chronicles of the JCL, we have compiled a timeline of landmarks in our history from a survey of the 200+ issues of the Torch:U.S. published to date. Look back at the introduction of Ludi, the inaugural National Classics Week, and the first example of a state update. As we usher in a new publishing medium, let us reflect on our past to see how far we've come.
See AWOL's full List of Open Access Journals in Ancient Studies
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