Thursday, June 27, 2024

Open Access Journal: Theoretical Roman Archaeology Journal (TRAJ)

[First posted in AWOL 28 December 2017, updated 27 June 2024]

Theoretical Roman Archaeology Journal (TRAJ)
ISSN: 2515-2289

The Theoretical Roman Archaeology Journal (TRAJ) is a peer-reviewed, open access journal, providing a venue for innovative and interdisciplinary research in the field of Roman Archaeology. The journal promotes the use of theoretical approaches to the Roman past and facilitates fresh interpretations of datasets, rather than solely the presentation of archaeological data. The geographical scope of the journal is the whole of the Roman world at its greatest extent, including areas beyond the frontiers where Roman influence was evident. The journal’s temporal scope is from the Bronze Age to the Late Antique period; however, the subject of most contributions will usually range from the third century BC to the fifth century AD. 

Research Articles

Book Reviews

Editor-in-Chief: Katherine A. Crawford

Guest Editors: Ozren Domiter and Antonia Kovač

Special Issue Editors: Thomas Derrick and Giacomo Savani

*Cover Image Credit: Zoran Alajberg - Peristyle in Split, Croatia.

Research Articles

Book Reviews


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