University of Cincinnati Department of Classics Podcasts

Welcome to the home for UC Classics Ancient World Podcasts,
produced by the faculty and graduate students of the University of
Cincinnati’s Department of Classics. Come along with us as we explore
compelling stories about the lives of people living in the ancient
Episodes already available cover topics related to the ancient city
of Pompeii and its destruction, while new series in the coming weeks
will feature Cincinnati and its ties to ancient Greek and Roman culture,
and Qumran and the Dead Sea Scrolls (to coincide with an exhibit at the
Cincinnati Museum Center:
These series bring together experts in ancient history, language, and
archaeology from our department, from UC’s Judaic Studies Department,
and from Hebrew Union College to share their passion and knowledge about
the Classical world.
The UC Classics Ancient World Podcasts are suitable for
audiences of all ages with an interest in the past, and make a great
supplement on a visit to a museum, or for middle school, high school,
and college classes!
These podcasts are just one part of our department’s outreach
program, aimed at engaging the wider Cincinnati community and promoting
enthusiasm about the ancient world. Learn more about our offerings of
public lectures, presentations, and educational content at:
The latest series of podcasts has been made possible due to the
generous support of a Society Outreach Grant from the Archaeological
Institute of America:
Click here to subscribe to the Podcasts
Interview Series
the final interview of the 2012-2013 academic year, we hear from Morag
Kersel, assistant professor of Anthropology at Depaul University, and
co-director of the Galilee Prehistory Project in Israel and the
Following the Pots Project in Jordan. In this discussion, Professor
Kersel shares insights from her research on the trade in antiquities
from the Middle East, her thoughts about looting, trafficking, and
collecting ancient artifacts, and some of her experiences as a
contractor for the U.S. Department of State.
this podcast, Christian Cloke sits down with Brian Rose, the James B.
Pritchard Professor of Archaeology in the Department of Classical
Studies at the University of Pennsylvania, and Curator-in-Charge of the
Mediterranean collection of University Museum of Archaeology and
Anthropology. Professor Rose is a Trustee of the American Academy in
Rome, the English-language editor of Studia Troica, former Vice
President of the American Research Institute in Turkey, and former
President of the Archaeological Institute of America, a position he held
from 2007 to 2011. Currently he is the AIA’s 2012/2013 Joukowsky
Lecturer, which brought him back to Cincinnati, where he taught in UC’s
Classics department from 1987 to 2005.
In the first of a new series featuring interviews with leading
scholars in the study of the ancient world, Christian Cloke sits down
with Professor Jodi Magness of the University of North Carolina, Chapel
Hill to discuss her research on Qumran, past and present fieldwork at
sites like Yotvata (a Roman fort in southern Israel) and Huqoq (a
village and synagogue site in Galilee), and learn about eating donkey
and camel in the desert.
For more on Professor Magness, see her website:
To read more about the Dead Sea Scrolls online, visit the Digital Dead Sea Scrolls Project:
Produced and recorded by Christian Cloke; featuring Vivaldi's Gloria.
The Dead Sea Scroll Series
In this exclusive interview, UC Classics Professor Barbara Burrell
talks with Flavius Josephus, former general of the Judaeans, now captive
of the Romans, in the midst of the first Judaean revolt in 71 CE. The
subject of their interview is the Essenes, a community of early Jewish
desert dwellers whom some scholars suggest were the preservers and
possibly the authors of the Dead Sea Scrolls. From the Essenes’ unusual
dining, bathing, and social habits, to their troubled relationship with
the ever-growing Roman Empire, and Josephus’ budding interest in
writing, the two find plenty to discuss!
Written by Barbara Burrell; featuring Barbara Burrell and Holt
Parker; produced by Christian Cloke and Sarah Lima; featuring Vivaldi's
Gloria; recording and editing by R. Aaron Allen Productions.
Professor John Kampen of Methodist Theological School in Ohio and
Hebrew Union College shares his considerable expertise on the Dead Sea
Scrolls and discusses the many types of writing preserved within these
amazing artifacts. He explains that the scrolls contain, in addition to
many fragments of Biblical books, many pseudo-Biblical writings,
original compositions, and a wide array of texts in many genres, a great
number of which have been defined only through the discovery and study
of the Dead Sea Scrolls themselves. Learn firsthand what’s in many of
the scrolls, why this matters, and why the study of the scrolls is so
difficult even today.
Professor Kampen is the author of Wisdom Literature, a commentary on all of the wisdom texts in the Qumran corpus.
Written and performed by Dr. John Kampen (Methodist Theological
School in Ohio and Hebrew Union College); featuring Sarah Lima; produced
by Christian Cloke and Sarah Lima; featuring Vivaldi's Gloria;
recording and editing by R. Aaron Allen Productions.
Join ancient historian Lindsey Haines (UC Classics) for “This Year in
History, 1961” and learn about Yigael Yadin’s discovery of the Babatha
Archives in the Cave of Letters at Nahal Hever in eastern Israel. This
remarkable archive of documents, dated to the 2nd century A.D., contains
the personal legal papers of a woman named Babatha. Learn about this
remarkable ancient woman’s struggles to retain her property, care for
members of her family, and secure her finances during trying political
times when women’s legal rights were not always assured.
Written and performed by Lindsey Haines; produced by Christian Cloke
and Sarah Lima; featuring Vivaldi's Gloria; recording and editing by R.
Aaron Allen Productions.
Dr. Jason Kalman of Hebrew Union College shares the remarkable story
of McGill University’s attempts to purchase scrolls from Cave 4 at
Qumran in the early 1950s. Although the process was complicated, drawn
out, full of international intrigue, and ultimately never brought any
scrolls to Montreal, McGill Professor R.B.Y. Scott’s efforts prompted
others to act and resulted in the preservation of the Dead Sea Scrolls,
whose study has revolutionized our understanding of ancient Judaism.
Dr. Kalman is the co-author with Jaqueline Du Toit of Canada's Big Biblical Bargain: How McGill University Bought the Dead Sea Scrolls (MQUP, 2010) and the author of Hebrew Union College and the Dead Sea Scrolls (HUC-JIR,
2012). The book on HUC and the DSS is now available and can be
purchased by contacting the Klau Library at Hebrew Union College,
Written and performed by Dr. Jason Kalman (Hebrew Union College);
featuring Christian Cloke; produced by Christian Cloke and Sarah Lima;
featuring Vivaldi's Gloria; recording and editing by R. Aaron Allen
Papyri, parchment and scrolls, oh my! In this interview, UC Classics
historian Andrew Connor discusses The Dead Sea Scrolls as artifacts, and
provides us with some of the finer points of ancient writing. Learn how
scrolls were made, what ink scribes used, and how texts are preserved.
Have you ever wondered what the Dead Sea Scrolls and the Declaration of
Independence have in common? Listen to this podcast to find out!
Written by Andrew Connor; featuring Andrew Connor and Sarah Lima;
produced by Christian Cloke and Sarah Lima; featuring Vivaldi's Gloria;
recording and editing by R. Aaron Allen Productions.
In this episode of Radio Romanus Publicus’ “Dry, Hot Air,” set in the
90s A.D., host Terry Maxima visits with author Flavius Josephus, one of
our most important sources for Jewish history in the Greco-Roman
period, especially during the years when the Dead Sea Scrolls were
produced. Josephus wrote extensively on the Essenes, whom many scholars
associate with the Scrolls and the community at Qumran. In the
interview, he describes the relationship of Jews and Judaea to Rome, his
own role in the recent rebellion, and how he’s found a place for
himself among the court of the Roman emperors. Get an insider’s view of
contemporary politics, religion, and hear about the historian’s new and
future projects firsthand!
Written by Dr. Matthew Kraus (UC Judaic Studies); featuring Matthew
Kraus (Flavius Josephus), Desiree Gerner (Announcer), and Rachel Meeks
(Terry Maxima); produced by Christian Cloke and Sarah Lima; featuring
Vivaldi's Gloria; recording and editing by R. Aaron Allen Productions.
It has been over 50 years since approximately 900 Dead Sea scrolls
and fragments were discovered in 11 caves in the neighborhood of Qumran,
Israel. In spite of decades of scholarly debate, many questions remain
about the site. Who lived at Qumran? Was it a fortress, a mansion, an
agricultural center, a pottery workshop, or a commune for an ancient
Jewish sect called the Essenes? Was it where the Dead Sea Scrolls were
written, or just where they were collected? Journey with UC Classics
Professor Barbara Burrell, your archaeological roving reporter, as she
describes Qumran’s surroundings, its features, its finds, and its place
in history.
Written and performed by Barbara Burrell; produced by Christian Cloke
and Sarah Lima; featuring Vivaldi's Gloria; recording and editing by R.
Aaron Allen Productions.
Cincinnati and the Classics Series
In 1939, University of Cincinnati archaeologist Carl Blegen was on
the verge of one of the greatest discoveries of his esteemed career. The
excavations he was leading in western Greece, on the Ano Englianos
Ridge in the municipality of Pylos, had uncovered not only Homer’s
Palace of Nestor, but also a huge deposit of clay record tablets that
led to the decipherment of a prehistoric system of writing. A few short
months into excavations, however, on September 1, 1939, German Forces
invaded Poland. The Second World War had begun, and the astounding
discoveries at Pylos had to be momentarily set aside. Drawing from
Blegen’s correspondence and papers from archives on two continents, this
podcast looks at his life “from the sidelines” in America between 1939
and 1942, as well as his time serving the Office of Strategic Services, a
forerunner of the Central Intelligence Agency.
Written by Andrew Connor; featuring Andrew Connor and Taylor
Coughlan; produced by Christian Cloke and Sarah Lima; featuring
Vivaldi's Gloria; recording and editing by R. Aaron Allen Productions.
Historian David Schwei and Archaeologist Chris Cloke (UC Classics)
report live while on-site in Greece, where they discuss coins found
during excavation. Learn how ancient coins were made, how the Greek and
Roman economies worked, and what we can learn from coins’ images as well
as where they are found. The hosts discuss how the tradition of
including rulers' portraits on money began with Alexander the Great and
continues even today with monarchs such as Queen Elizabeth II. They also
explain how people in the ancient world hoarded their coins in times of
strife or economic uncertainty, and unwittingly created some of
archaeology’s most amazing finds.
Written by David Schwei; featuring Christian Cloke, David Schwei,
and Sarah Lima; produced by Christian Cloke and Sarah Lima; featuring
Vivaldi's Gloria; recording and editing by R. Aaron Allen Productions.
Ancient historian Kristina Neumann and philologist Michael Hanel (UC
Classics) discuss how the modern city of Cincinnati has much in common
with ancient Rome. Learn where the name Cincinnati came from
and what it has to do with early Roman history. Through a look at these
cities’ water supply, their hilly terrain, and their entertainment
venues (from the Roman Colosseum to Paul Brown Stadium, home of the
Bengals), a tour of downtown Cincinnati shows that more than just the
city’s name harkens back to an important Classical past.
Written by Kristina Neumann; featuring Michael Hanel and Kristina
Neumann; produced by Christian Cloke and Sarah Lima; featuring Vivaldi's
Gloria; recording and editing by R. Aaron Allen Productions.
Pompeii Series
UC Classics graduate student Allison Emmerson shares her expertise on
Pompeii’s tombs. She explains ways in which monuments commemorating
individuals, their families, their slaves, and former slaves can offer
insights into how people lived and what they valued. While these tombs
are an important part of the site for studying the dead, they also
played a prominent role in the living city, serving as places to stop
and sit, write graffiti, and even deposit trash.
Journey back in time to meet noted Roman medical writer Aulus
Cornelius Celsus and naturalist Pliny the Elder as they debate the
merits of Greek and Roman medicine! In this episode, listeners can learn
about bone-saws, cataract operations, enemas, strange recipes for
poultices, and the merits of a good bleeding, all done without the
benefit of anesthesia!
While scientists today closely monitor the world’s active volcanoes,
in AD 79 when Mount Vesuvius erupted, there was little warning and panic
took precedence over scientific observation. Fortunately, one famous
Roman politician and writer, Pliny the Younger, was on the scene and in a
series of famous letters made many important observations about the
eruption and its impact on the residents of the Bay of Naples. Join UC
Classics graduate student Mitchell Brown for an in-depth glimpse at
these fascinating contemporary accounts of the destruction of Pompeii.
No trip to Pompeii is complete without a glimpse of the stunning
casts of the site’s ancient residents who were trapped by the eruption
of Mount Vesuvius. Ever since Pompeii’s rediscovery in the 1740s, the
bodies of the volcano’s victims have captivated visitors to the site. UC
Classics graduate student Sarah Lima delves into the study of human
remains at Pompeii, and shares how they have played a prominent role in
the development of modern archaeology and shaped the popular imagination
of the site’s last days.
In this episode of the long-lost Roman cooking show, “The Splendid
Triclinium,” join host Flavia Poma as she talks Roman cuisine with UC
Classics graduate student Kristina Neumann. In Part 1 they examine the
eating habits of the rich and famous, discuss the Roman diet, and take a
closer look at Roman pots, pans, flatware, and dishes. They say “you
are what you eat,” and from Pompeii we can learn a lot about what
ancient Romans ate!
In our second episode of “The Splendid Triclinium,” our host and
guest move from the dining room to the fish market and fast-food
restaurant! While many of the large houses of Pompeii’s wealthiest
citizens had spectacular dining rooms, most of the city’s inhabitants
had humble cooking facilities at home and relied on restaurants and
carry-out menus. Discover where Romans did their grocery shopping, and
learn about recipes for dormice (yes, mice!) and, for the less
adventurous, deep-fried honey cakes.
Go live to the arena of Pompeii in early AD 79 to meet burgeoning
gladiatorial superstar, Severus, fresh off a major victory! Our intrepid
reporter interviews the new champ, learns about his training, his
finishing moves, and asks why it’s so tricky to fight against a lefty!
Severus talks corruption, riots, the politics of the games, and gives
his thoughts on the construction of the new Colosseum in Rome. Learn why
the Romans loved gladiatorial combat so much from someone with
firsthand experience!
Without the eruption of Mount Vesuvius, Pompeii would not be what it
is today, but without a prosperous local economy, there would have been
no site at all. UC Classics professor Peter van Minnen looks to
archaeology and ancient texts to answer the tough questions about how
people in Pompeii made their living. Learn about ancient farming,
shipping, and slavery, and discover how the very volcano which destroyed
the city also gave rise to a booming local wine industry!
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