Sunday, September 19, 2021

Open Access Journal: Mare Nostrum. Estudos sobre o Mediterrâneo Antigo

[First psoted in AWOL 12 January 2014, updated 19 September 2021]

Mare Nostrum. Estudos sobre o Mediterrâneo Antigo
ISSN: 2177-4218
Cabeçalho da página
A revista Mare Nostrum - Estudos sobre o Mediterrâneo Antigo, ligada ao Laboratório de Estudos sobre o Mediterrâneo Antigo da USP, é uma publicação anual editada desde 2010, e está atualmente em seu sexto número. Selecione uma das opções do menu ao lado, ou clique aqui para acessar a edição atual.

Dossiê "Religião, Religiosidade e Cultura Material no Mundo Antigo"

Publicado: 2021-03-12

Edição completa


Ver Todas as Edições


  1. Dear people from AWOL,

    We have recently changed the address of the Journal. Mare Nostrum is now being published using the OJS system and was accepted into the portal for academic journals of the University of Sao Paulo.
    This is the new address of the journal:
    Another important change is that since the
    volume that came out in 2016, Mare Nostrum started to publish articles in English and Spanish as well.
    I hope it is not to late to change that in the AWOL website.

    All the best
    Mare Nostrum team

  2. Dear Mare Nostrum team

    Thanks for keeping me informed. I have updated all the links to Mare Nostrum in AWOL

    Wuth Best Wishes,

    -Chuck Jones-
    [The one and only person from AWOL]

  3. Dear Charles, the one and only one,

    Thank you for your really fast response. The links are perfect!

    All the best,

    Mare Nostrum

    1. Dear Charles,

      I have just noticed that the links are perfect, except for the very first one in the main text body of the post, the one inserted under the word "aqui". This one leads to the old address, and therefore to a dead-end.

      Thanks again,

      All the best,

      Mare Nostrum
