Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Open Access Journal: Melilah: Manchester Journal of Jewish Studies

 [First posted in AWOL 16 July 2010, updated 10 June 2014 with the addition of digitization of the 5 original volumes of Melilah (1944-1955) see below]

Melilah: Manchester Journal of Jewish Studies
ISSN 1759-1953
Melilah is an interdisciplinary Open Access journal available in both electronic and book form concerned with Jewish law, history, literature, religion, culture and thought in the ancient, medieval and modern eras. It encourages work from younger scholars at the start of their academic careers as well as contributions from established scholars. The editors are Daniel Langton and Renate Smithuis, supported by a Manchester-based editorial board that includes Philip Alexander, Moshe Behar, Rocco Bernasconi, Jean-Marc Dreyfus, Cathy Gelbin, Alex Samely, and Bill Williams, and an international advisory board that includes Miriam Ben-Zeev, Gad Freudenthal, Moshe Idel, Paul Mendes-Flohr, Shmuel Moreh, Norman Solomon, David Sorkin, Günter Stemberger, Paul Wexler and Eli Yassif.

Melilah was launched in 2004 by Bernard Jackson and Ephraim Nissan under the auspices of the Centre for Jewish Studies at the University of Manchester as the New Series of the journal of the same name founded by Edward Robertson and Meir Wallenstein and published (in Hebrew) by Manchester University Press from 1944 to 1955. Five substantial volumes, each of around two hundred pages, were produced before the series was discontinued. In his editorial foreword to the first edition, Robertson explained that Melilah had been established to promote Jewish scholarship in the face of the threat posed by the Second World War and its aftermath. The title of the journal refers to the ears of corn that are plucked to rub in the hands before the grains can be eaten (Deut. 23:25). 

Index: Original Series

Melilah: A Volume of Studies cover
Melilah: A Volume of Studies was founded by Edward Robertson and Meir Wallenstein, and published (in Hebrew) by Manchester University Press from 1944 to 1955. Five substantial volumes, each of around three hundred pages, were produced before the series was discontinued. In his editorial foreword to the first edition, Robertson explained that Melilah had been established to promote Jewish scholarship in the face of the threat posed by the Second World War and its aftermath; the title of the journal refers to the ears of corn that are plucked to rub in the hands before the grains can be eaten (Deut. 23:25). 

1944, volume 1

Title page, Contents, and Prefaces
Index in eScholar (16)

The Climatological Factor in Yehudah Hallevi's Theory of Prophecy (Altmann, A.)
The Ancient Synagogue of Damwah (Egypt) (Assaf, S.)
The Translation of Jonathan b. Uzziel on the Pentateuch (Gottlieb, W.)
Ibn Ezra, the Karaites and the Halakah (Weis, P.R.)
Moshe Yehudah Abbas (A Hebrew Poet of the 17th century) (Wallenstein, M.)
The Language of the Payyetanim (Zulay, M.)
Maimonides' Treatise on Resurrection. A 13th Century Forgery (Teicher, J.L.)
The Emperor Julianus in the Aggadah of R. 'Ahâ (Marmorstein, A.)
The Kitl (Markon, I.)
The Midrash Haggadol: Its Author, its date and place, and its importance in Rabbinic Literature (Fisch, S.)
A Summary of Mesopotamian Material concerning the Mabbul (Fish, T.)
Byronism in Modern Hebrew Poetry (Klausner, J.)
The Law and the Prophets (Rowley, H.H.)
The Testament of a Simple Jew (Roth, C.)
Samuel Alexander 1859-1938 (Roth, L.)
The Influence of Deutoronomy on Hosea (Sperber, S.)

1946, volume 2

Title page, Contents and Prefaces
Index in eScholar (18)

Kedushah Hymns in the earliest Hechaloth Literature (From an Oxford Manuscript) (Altmann, A.)
Shechter's Letters to Ahad Ha-am (Bentwich, N.)
Islamic Influences on the Hebrew Cultus (Wieder, N)
Ibn Ezra, the Karaites and the Halakah (Weis, P.R.)
Moshe Yehudah Abbas, a Poet of the XVII century (From an Oxford Manuscript) (Wallenstein, M.)
The Word SARAY in Midrash Texts (Wartski, I.)
The Source of Saadia Gaon's Piyyut on the Alphabet  (Zulay, M.)
A Contribution to Hebrew Lexicology (Yalon, H.)
Rashi, an Appreciation (Lipschutz, E.M.)
Discipline in the Ancient Hebrew School (Morris, N.)
The Karaite Daniel Al-Kumisi and his Commentary on the Minor Prophets (Markon, I.D.)
The Cosmology of Solomon Ibn Gabirol (Simon, M.)
The Greatness of Rome and Persia: Their Provinces and Towns (Krauss, S.)
Halachoth Kezubhoth (Zair, R.)
The Ancient Arabic Dialects and their Relationship to Hebrew (Rabin, Ch.)
"The Spiritual Centre" and the Diaspora in the Writings of Ahad Ha-am (Rubinstein, A.)
The Priesthood and the kingdom (Robertson, E.)
The customs of Urbino (Roth, C.)

1950, volumes 3-4

Title page, Contents, and Prefaces
Index in eScholar (24)

Variants in Editing (Zuckerbram, J.)
The Lachish Ostraca (Winton Thomas, D.)
On an Ancient Proverb (Tur-Sinai, N.H.)
The Targums (Kahle, P.)
The Christian Legislation (Krauss, S.)
The Discussions of the Angels with God (Marmorstein, A.)
Was there a Jewish Settlement in Sepphoris after the Talmudic Era (Benayahu, M.)
A Contribution to Hebrew Lexicography (Yalon, H.)
New light on Obscure Expressions in the Midrashic Literature (Wartski, I.)
The history of the Translation into Hebrew of the Canon (Rabin, Ch.)
The Development of Language (Martin, W.J.)
Did the Caliph Omar allow the Jews to Reside in Jerusalem (Goitein, S.D.)
Sa'adia Gaon as Payyetan under Pseudonym (Zulay, M.)
The Legend of the Jewish origin of the Fatimid Caliphs (Lewis, B.)
Ibn Ezra, the Karaites and the Halakha (Weis, P.R.)
An Epithalamic tour-de-force by Yakob Daniel Olmo (Roth, C.)
A Hitherto Unpublished Responsum by Maimonides (Assaf, S.)
The Ten Tribes, the Canaanites and the Anglo-Saxons (Klausner, J.)
M. Y. Abbas, a Poet of the 17th century (from an Oxford MS) (Wallenstein, M.)
A Collection of Poems from the Book "Shirim u-Zemiroth ve-Tishbahoth" (Markon, I.D.)
The Main Teachings of Samuel David Luzzatto (Heller, J.E.)
The Conception of Culture in 'Ahad Haam's Writings (Rubinstein, A.)
The Astronomical Tables and Calendar of the Samaritans (Robertson, E.)
The Secret of the Samaritan Calendar (Akaviah, A.A.)

1955, volume 5

Title page, Contents, and Prefaces
Index in eScholar (17)

Arabic Affinities in the Dialect of Ras Shamra (Gray, J.)
The disruption of Israel's Monarchy (Robertson, E.)
Some aspects of Luzzatto's commentary on Isaiah in the light of DSIA (Rubinstein, A.)
Features in Arabic Translations of the Pentateuch (Edelmann, R.)
The Origin of the Dead Sea Scrolls (Rowley, H.H.)
Were Hillel and Shammai real brothers? (Zulay, M.)
The economic situation of the Jews in Babylon (Jacobs, L.)
Studies in the language of the Midrashim (Wartski, I.)
Beraitha de Shemuel (Akaviah, A.A.)
A new fragment from the 'Sepher Ha-Galuy' of R Saadyah Gaon (Stern, S.M.)
A Piyyut by Smuel the Third (Wallenstein, M.)
The doctrine of R Moses b Joseph Halevi on Providence (Vajda, G.)
An historical document in R Samuel de Medina's Responsa (Lewis, B,)
Karaite funeral poems (Roth, C.)
Some Dramatists of the Haskalah Period in Germany (Rabin, Ch.)
The Autobiography of S. D. Luzzatto (Haezrahi, J.)
Character and mentality of Ahad Haam (Heller, J.)

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