Friday, June 21, 2024

Studien zur ptolemäischen Baupräsenz: Entwicklung und Charakteristika frühptolemäischer Architektur und Bauornamentik

Jedrzejewski, Jakub
[thumbnail of Jedrzejewski_Jakub.pdf] PDF



List of Contributors



April 26, 2024

Bibliographic Information and Reviews

Marmor Numidicum, also known as Giallo antico, is one of the best known and most widespread colored marbles of antiquity, and was quarried in Simitthus, today Chimtou in Tunisia. The present study is a holistic interdisciplinary approach to marmor Numidicum and combines the results from different research disciplines. The basis is a collection of archaeological material for the recording of the spectrum of use and the distribution of the marble in the Mediterranean area from the 2nd century B.C. to the 3rd century A.D. Based on this dataset, conclusions are drawn in a diachronic perspective both on the marble extraction and chronology in the quarries and on the urban genesis as well as the use and distribution range of the marble. The results are correlated by means of comparisons with administrative structures and questions of ownership, too. The study presents a periodization and localization of all variants of the marble to their extraction areas, considering archaeometric analyses of samples from the quarries for the first time in research. Another aspect concerns the role of marmor Numidicum within ancient trade systems. In order to get closer to these perspectives, questions about extraction, actors in trade networks, transport and logistic issues are comparatively analyzed with the help of the spectrum of use and distribution in diachronic evaluations and contextualized in case studies with the model of the chaîne opératoire. Theories and models from New Institutions Economics are discussed, too. Regarding the use of the local marble, the study yielded the result that the city of Simitthus and its quarries formed an entangled unit over the periods studied. Thus, for one of the most important colored marbles of antiquity a single study is now available.


marbles, colored marbles, ancient economy, ancient marble trade, ancient marble decorations, materiality, ancient quarries


  • Vorwort der Herausgeber
  • Vorwort des Autors
  • 1 Einleitung
  • 1.1 Zielsetzung und Fragestellungen
  • 1.2 Forschungsstand zu antiken Buntmarmoren
  • 1.4 Methodisches Vorgehen und theoretische Modelle der Arbeit
  • 2 Die Marmorbrüche von Simitthus/Chimtou
  • 2.1 Geographische Rahmenbedingungen
  • 2.2 Modell der periodisierten Keilspalttechniken nach Josef Röder
  • 2.3 Chronologische Anhaltspunkte in den Marmorbrüchen von Simitthus/Chimtou
  • 2.4 Archäometrische Untersuchungen und Varianten des marmor Numidicum
  • 3 Diachrone Materialaufnahme und Steinbruchgeschichte
  • 3.1 Verwendung und Distribution des marmor Numidicum vom 2. Jh. – 27 v. Chr.
  • 3.2 Verwendung und Distribution des marmor Numidicum von 27 v. Chr. – 96 n. Chr.
  • 3.3 Verwendung und Distribution des marmor Numidicum von 96–161 n. Chr.
  • 3.4 Verwendung und Distribution des marmor Numidicum von 161–235 n. Chr.
  • 3.5 Marmor Numidicum nach dem Abzug der kaiserlichen Amtsträger
  • 4 Zum Handel mit marmor Numidicum und den chaînes opératoires
  • 4.1 Diachrone Perspektive: marmor Numidicum in der späten Republik
  • 4.2 Chaîne opératoire: marmor Numidicum in der späten Republik
  • 4.3 Diachrone Perspektive: Kaiser(zeit)‑licher Handel mit marmor Numidicum
  • 4.4 Substituierung des marmor Numidicum
  • 4.5 Marmorpreise
  • 5 poikilia et varietas. Zur Wahrnehmung des marmor Numidicum in der Antike
  • 6 Synthese
  • Zusammenfassung
  • Summary
  • Anhang
  • Anhang 1 Tabellarische Übersicht der Schriftquellen
  • Anhang 2 Übersicht der Architekturfragmente aus Giallo Antico vom Augustusforum
  • Anhang 3 Übersicht zu den Theatern
  • Anhang 4 Übersicht zur Kleinplastik
  • Anhang 5 Steinbruchinschriften und epigraphische Evidenz zu den Akteuren
  • Anhang 6 Übersicht zu den Marmorpreisen und Kalkulationen
  • Schaubilder zu den chaînes opératoires
  • CO1: Schaubild zur chaîne opératoire der späten Republik
  • CO2: Schaubild zur chaîne opératoire der frühen Kaiserzeit
  • CO3: Schaubild zur chaîne opératoire der hohen Kaiserzeit
  • Marmoranalysen
  • A: Die Marmorproben aus den Steinbrüchen von Simitthus/Chimtou
  • B: Bericht zur Analyse der Gesteinsproben
  • C: Marmorproben aus Chimtou und dem Archäologischen Zentrum Berlin
  • Abbildungsverzeichnis
  • Literaturverzeichnis
  • Distributions- und Übersichtskarten
  • Konkordanzliste der Befunde und Funde im iDAI.objects-Online Supplement
  • Register
  • Tafeln 1–18


Ancient Phokis: New approaches to its history, archaeology and topography. International Conference, DAI Athens, 30 March – 1 April 2017

List of Contributors


June 1, 2024


Bibliographic Information and Reviews

This volume of the International Conference held in Athens in 2017, jointly organised by the German Archaeological Institute and the École Française d‘Athènes, brings together for the first time a cross-section of current research on ancient Phokis.
As a region in the heart of ancient Greece, Phokis was of central importance for transport and travel. Politically and culturally, it was therefore often exposed to the interests and influences of neighbouring powers. A considerable number of mostly small poleis shaped the political landscape. In Delphi and Abai (Kalapodi), two oracles exercised an early impact far beyond the borders of the country. A substantial amount of recent fieldwork has contributed significantly to expanding our picture of ancient Phokis. The 32 papers collected in this volume cover the time span from the Iron Age to the Early Byzantine period. They address topics ranging from historical issues to settlement archaeology, sacred topography, material culture and the architectural design of the sanctuaries; from analyses of individual matters and broad material genres, to enquiries into aspects of a particular ›Phokian‹ identity. Thus, for the first time, a broad overview of the previous research tradition, desiderata, and new perspectives for future research into ancient Phokis is provided.




Open Access Journal: Bulletin of the International Association for Paleodontology

[First posted in AWOL 10 August 2010. Updated 21 June 2024]

Bulletin of the International Association for Paleodontology
ISSN: 1846-6273 (Online)
logo Bulletin of the International Association for Paleodontology
The International Association for Paleodontology (IAPO) was established in 2007 and has members worldwide. The IAPO's mission as a non-profit organization is three-pronged: It works to advance research and increase knowledge about oral and general health of ancient populations by promoting paleodontological and bioarchaeological researches. IAPO supports and represents the scientific community interested in paleodontology by facilitating professional development within the research community and providing member services. IAPO strives to facilitate the communication and application of research findings within other scientific areas.
Vol. 1 No. 2
Vol. 1 No. 1

Thursday, June 20, 2024

Open Access Journal: Anales de Filología Clásica

[First posted in AWOL 5 October 1017, updated 20 June 2024]

Anales de Filología Clásica
ISSN: 0325-1721 (impreso)
ISSN: 2362-4841 (en línea)
Anales de Filología Clásica es una revista académica con arbitraje del Instituto de Filología Clásica (Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, Universidad de Buenos Aires) que se ha publicado desde 1939. Reúne contribuciones originales e inéditas (artículos y reseñas bibliográficas) acerca de variados aspectos del mundo grecolatino antiguo y medieval: lingüísticos, literarios, retóricos, filosóficos, históricos, artísticos y la proyección de los mismos en edades posteriores. Su objetivo es ofrecer un espacio de discusión e intercambio en el área de los Estudios Clásicos. A partir del número 25 (2012) se integra al portal de publicaciones de acceso abierto, libre y gratuito de la Facultad de Filosofía y Letras de la Universidad de Buenos Aires.
Está abierta a especialistas e investigadores/as tanto del país como del extranjero y acepta colaboraciones escritas en español, inglés, francés, italiano, portugués y alemán.
Los trabajos presentados se someten a arbitraje externo doble ciego realizado por pares expertos.
En su versión online publica dos volúmenes por año, que se reunen en un único número anual en versión impresa.


1-25 de 35
See AWOL's List of

Open Access Journal: Gallia

 [First posted in AWOL 8 December 2009, updated 20 June 2024]

eISSN - 2109-9588
Créée en 1942 par le CNRS, Gallia est la revue de référence de l’archéologie nationale. Son champ chronologique couvre la Protohistoire, depuis le premier âge du Fer, l’Antiquité et l’Antiquité tardive jusqu’à la fin des royaumes mérovingiens. Son champ géographique est celui de l’ancien espace « gaulois », correspondant aux provinces romaines des Trois Gaules, de la Narbonnaise et des Germanies, ainsi que les territoires immédiatement limitrophes qui participent à leur destinée. En ce sens, Gallia accueille des articles, en français ou en anglais, sur des sites ou des découvertes majeures en France, mais aussi dans les pays voisins si leur intérêt concerne la Gaule en général.
La revue est soutenue par le ministère de la Culture et le CNRS.
Created in 1942 by the National Center for Scientific Research, Gallia is the leading journal in the field of French archaeology. The journal publishes in-depth articles about ancient Gaul, from the Early Iron Age, Antiquity to the end of the Merovingian kingdoms. The geographical field encompasses the former Gallic space: the Roman provinces of the Tres Gallia (Three Gauls), the Narbonensis, the Germanies, as well as immediately bordering territories which participate in their fate. The journal welcomes articles, written in English or French, on sites or major discoveries in France but also in the nearby countries.
The Journal is supported by the French Ministry of Culture and the National Center for Scientific Research.

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