Roma Sinica. Mutual interactions between Ancient Roman and Eastern Thought is an original and totally new element in the panorama of classical and comparative studies. The series, generously supported by the SIAC, it aims to publish works concerning the relationships between Ancient Western (Greek, Roman) and Eastern (Korean, Chinese, Japanese) thought. The mutual reception studies include interchange under various profiles (philosophical, religious, historical, literary), translations of Chinese/and Korean texts into Latin and vice versa, philology of ancient Chinese and Latin texts that share a common interest in the two civilizations and so on.
Book Open AccessDavid KonstanVolume 3 in this series
Book Open AccessAndrea Balbo, Jaewon Ahn, Kihoon KimVolume 2 in this seriesBook Open Access
Andrea Balbo, Jaewon AhnVolume 1 in this series
And see AWOL's Alphabetical List of Open Access Monograph Series in Ancient Studies
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