Some examples of the theses and dissertations available here from Universities in Ohio:
Ohio State University: Classics
Ohio State University: Greek and Latin
1. Berkowitz, Lucille Berman. An index of musical terminology in Homer, The Cycle, and The Hymns.
Degree: MA, Classics, 1961, Ohio State UniversityAdvisors/Committee Members: Jones, W. R.2. Demelis, Kostas D. A comparative study of the tragic and the existential hero: Agamemnon in Aeschylus and Ritsos.
Degree: MA, Classics, 1986, Ohio State UniversityAdvisors/Committee Members: Allison, June W.Keywords: RITSOS; AGAMEMNON; Aeschylean; Existentialists; poem; Greek; HERO3. Figge, Frederick William. Oculi sacerdotis.
Degree: MA, Classics, 1953, Ohio State UniversityAdvisors/Committee Members: Titchener, John B.4. Igriczi-Nagy, Margarita. The commentary of Saint Robert Bellarmine on Psalm 118 in the Explantio in Psalmos.
Degree: PhD, Classics, 2007, Ohio State UniversityKeywords: Saint Robert Bellarmine; Explanatio in psalmos; Psalm 1185. Kennedy, Rebecca Futo. Athena/Athens on Stage: Athena in the Tragedies of Aeschylus and Sophocles.
Degree: PhD, Classics, 2003, Ohio State UniversityKeywords: Athens; Athenian Empire; Athena; Greek Tragedy; Aeschylus; Sophocles; Oresteia; Ajax; Delian League6. Landesman, Stephen Geoffrey. The anonymous Certamen Homeri et Hesiodi : a possible antecedent to the literary agon in Aristophanes' Ranae.
Degree: MA, Classics, 1965, Ohio State UniversityAdvisors/Committee Members: Forbes, Clarence A.7. Meade, Kathryne Ann. Ovid and the Jupiter metamorphoses in the Amores.
Degree: MA, Classics, 1978, Ohio State UniversityAdvisors/Committee Members: Davis, John.8. Roberts, Grace Greenwood. A discussion of the topics referred to by Aulus Gellius concerning Roman private life, Roman religion and Roman military antiquities.
Degree: MA, Classics, 1930, Ohio State UniversityAdvisors/Committee Members: Scott, H. F.9. Wentzel, Rocki Tong. Reception, gifts, and desire in Augustines’s Confessions and Vergil’s Aeneid.
Degree: PhD, Classics, 2008, Ohio State UniversitySubjects: Literature, Classical10. Winters, Timothy F. A collection of the literary and epigraphical testimonia for the Island of Salamis.
Degree: MA, Classics, 1983, Ohio State UniversityAdvisors/Committee Members: Tracy, Stephen.11. Wong, Cynthia Josephine Pietrak. Female roles in the plays of Hroswitha and Terence : the autonomy of celibacy.
Degree: MA, Classics, 1981, Ohio State UniversityAdvisors/Committee Members: Schlam., Carl C.12. Woodman, Jesse Earle. The Expositio totius mundi et gentium : its geography and its language.
Degree: MA, Classics, 1964, Ohio State UniversityAdvisors/Committee Members: Abbott, Kenneth Morgan.
University of Cincinnati: Classics![]()
1. Albicker, Sharonne L. The language of Plautus: his linguistic methods and their reflection of Roman society.
Degree: PhD, Greek and Latin, 2003, Ohio State UniversityKeywords: PLAUTUS; Greek; Punic; Plautus; Hanno; ROMAN; Pseudolus2. Anghelina, Catalin. Variation with intrusive T in Ancient Greek.
Degree: PhD, Greek and Latin, 2004, Ohio State UniversitySubjects: Language, AncientKeywords: kre/aj; adverbs; dialects; dative; GREEK; Homer; Attic3. Ball, Eric L. Guarding the Wild: A Placed Critical Inquiry Into Literary Culture in Modern Nations.
Degree: PhD, Greek and Latin, 2003, Ohio State UniversityKeywords: place; literature; folklore; Crete; Greece; ecology; environment; Kazantzakis; Prevelakis4. Bowden, Chelsea Mina. Isocrates' Mimetic Philosophy.
Degree: MA, Greek and Latin, 2012, Ohio State UniversitySubjects: Ancient Civilizations; Ancient History; Ancient Languages; Classical Studies; Education History; Philosophy; RhetoricKeywords: Isocrates; Philosophy; Plato; Mimesis; Greece; Greek; Oratory; Rhetoric; Antidosis; Nicocles; Athens; Paideia5. Brown, Christopher. An Atticist Lexicon Of The Second Sophistic: Philemon And The Atticist Movement.
Degree: PhD, Greek and Latin, 2008, Ohio State UniversitySubjects: Classical studiesKeywords: Atticism6. Brown, Howard Paul. The pragmatics of direct address in the Iliad: a study in linguistic politeness.
Degree: PhD, Greek and Latin, 2003, Ohio State UniversityKeywords: Ancient Greek; Homer; Iliad; Pragmatics; Politeness Theory; Address; Vocative Case; Direct Address; Patronymics7. Buchholz, Bridget Susan. Body Language: The Limits of Communication between Mortals and Immortals in the Homeric Hymns.
Degree: PhD, Greek and Latin, 2009, Ohio State UniversitySubjects: Classical studiesKeywords: GREEK RELIGION; HOMERIC HYMNS; ANTHROPOMORPHISM8. Bungard, Christopher William. Playing with Your Role in Plautine Theater.
Degree: PhD, Greek and Latin, 2008, Ohio State UniversitySubjects: Classical studiesKeywords: Plautus; Roman comedy; ancient comedy; ancient theater; character; role9. Clauser, Mark D. Lucan's Erictho and the Roman witch tradition.
Degree: PhD, Greek and Latin, 1993, Ohio State UniversityAdvisors/Committee Members: Johnston, Sarah Iles.10. Dobyns, Norita Dalene. Power, performance and the Pythia: the political use of Delphic oracles.
Degree: MA, Greek and Latin, 2005, Ohio State University11. Dubina, Sarah Ann. First and Lasting Impressions: The Didactic and Dialogic Exordia of Apuleius’ Florida.
Degree: MA, Greek and Latin, 2010, Ohio State UniversitySubjects: Classical studiesKeywords: Apuleius; Florida; introductions; programmatic; intertextuality; intratextuality; didactic; dialogic; exordium; exordia12. Freeble, Douglas. The Other Greeks: Metaphors and Ironies of Hellenism in Livy's Fourth Decade.
Degree: PhD, Greek and Latin, 2004, Ohio State UniversityKeywords: Livy; Roman Historography; Ancient Historiography; Ethnography; Thessaly; Manlius; Gaul; Bacchanalia13. Gentile, Kristen Marie. Reclaiming the Role of the Old Priestess: Ritual Agency and the Post-Menopausal Body in Ancient Greece.
Degree: PhD, Greek and Latin, 2009, Ohio State UniversitySubjects: Classical studies; Religion; Womens studies14. Gervasi, Robert A. The concept of Elpis in Thucydides.
Degree: PhD, Greek and Latin, 1981, Ohio State UniversityAdvisors/Committee Members: Lenardon, Robert J.15. Greenberger, Jeff S. Fathers and sons in the Histories of Herodotus.
Degree: PhD, Greek and Latin, 1987, Ohio State UniversityAdvisors/Committee Members: Allison, June.16. Gura, David Turco. A critical edition and study of Arnulf of Orléans’ philological commentary to Ovid's “Metamorphoses”.
Degree: PhD, Greek and Latin, 2010, Ohio State UniversitySubjects: Classical studiesKeywords: Arnulf of Orleans; Ovid's Metamorphoses; medieval latin; textual criticism; latin paleography17. Haluszka, Adria R. THE SACRED DOMAIN: A SEMIOTIC AND COGNITIVE ANALYSIS OF RELIGION AND MAGIC IN THE ANCIENT MEDITERRANEAN WORLD.
Degree: PhD, Greek and Latin, 2010, Ohio State UniversitySubjects: Classical studiesKeywords: Ancient magic; ancient religion; semiotics and religion; cognitive theory of religion18. Heimann, David Francis. Latin word order in the writings of St. Jerome: Vita Pauli, Vita Malchi, Vita Hilarionis.
Degree: PhD, Greek and Latin, 1966, Ohio State UniversityAdvisors/Committee Members: Abbott, Kenneth M.19. Hodges, Gregory W.Q. Ethnographic characterization in Lucan's 'Bellum Civile'.
Degree: PhD, Greek and Latin, 2004, Ohio State UniversityKeywords: Lucan; Latin Epic; Ethnography; Pompey; Caesar; Cato20. Hofstetter, Norman Edmond Barry. Lucian's sources of Christianity in the De Morte Peregrini.
Degree: MA, Greek and Latin, 1986, Ohio State UniversityAdvisors/Committee Members: Hahm, David.21. Hohlfelder, Cynthia Anne. Modes of Expression and Representation in Modern Greek Women’s Prose from 1938-1987.
Degree: MA, Greek and Latin, 1997, Ohio State University22. Hussey, William Driscoll. Politics and poetry in the first two Hymns of Callimachus.
Degree: PhD, Greek and Latin, 1973, Ohio State UniversityAdvisors/Committee Members: Shumaker, John W.23. Jazdzewska, Katarzyna Anna. Platonic Receptions in the Second Sophistic.
Degree: PhD, Greek and Latin, 2011, Ohio State UniversitySubjects: Classical StudiesKeywords: Greek literature, Second Sophistic, Plato, Plutarch, Dio Chrysostom, Aelius Aristides24. Jones Lewis, Molly Ayn. A Dangerous Art: Greek Physicians and Medical Risk in Imperial Rome.
Degree: PhD, Greek and Latin, 2009, Ohio State UniversitySubjects: Classical studies; Health care; HistoryKeywords: Rome; medicine; history. Greco-Roman Medicine; Greece; Malpractice; Legal Risk; Roman Law25. Karge, Ellen. Aspects of Tacitus' presentation of Tiberius as princeps and proconsul.
Degree: PhD, Greek and Latin, 1973, Ohio State UniversityAdvisors/Committee Members: Babcock, Charles L.26. Kritsotakis, Demetrios. Hadrian and the Greek East: Imperial Policy and Communication.
Degree: PhD, Greek and Latin, 2008, Ohio State UniversitySubjects: HistoryKeywords: Hadrian; Rome; Greece; Panhellenion; policy; coinage; propaganda27. Kurmally, Mohammed Yousouf. Martial's attitude towards women.
Degree: PhD, Greek and Latin, 1971, Ohio State UniversityAdvisors/Committee Members: Forbes, Clarence A.28. Ladianou, Aikaterini. Logos Gynaikos: Feminine Voice in Archaic Greek Poetry.
Degree: PhD, Greek and Latin, 2009, Ohio State UniversitySubjects: Classical studiesKeywords: archaic poetry; greek; Sappho; Homer; Alcman; gender; feminine voice; french feminist theory29. Lunsford, Amber Dawn. Romans on parade: representations of Romanness in the Triumph.
Degree: PhD, Greek and Latin, 2004, Ohio State UniversityKeywords: TRIUMPH; ROMANS; Cicero; Plutarch; spectacle; Livy30. Maiullo, Stephen Anthony. From Philosopher to Priest: The Transformation of the Persona of the Platonic Philosopher.
Degree: PhD, Greek and Latin, 2010, Ohio State UniversitySubjects: Classical studiesKeywords: Religion; Philosophy; Plato; Iamblichus; Plutarch; Numenius31. McCloskey, Benjamin Orion. Xenophon’s Kyrou Amathia: Deceitful Narrative and The Birth of Tyranny.
Degree: PhD, Greek and Latin, 2012, Ohio State UniversitySubjects: Classical StudiesKeywords: Xenophon; Socrates; Cyrus the Great32. McGonagle, David John. Rhetoric and biography in Velleius Paterculus.
Degree: PhD, Greek and Latin, 1970, Ohio State UniversityAdvisors/Committee Members: Morford, Mark.33. McIntosh, Gillian Elizabeth. Re-thinking the Roman Domus: how architects and orators construct self, space, and language.
Degree: PhD, Greek and Latin, 2003, Ohio State UniversitySubjects: Language, AncientKeywords: Domus; Architecture; Rhetoric; Literary; Cicero; Vitruvius34. Merriam, Carol U. The feminine world of the Epyllion.
Degree: PhD, Greek and Latin, 1993, Ohio State UniversityAdvisors/Committee Members: Davis, John T.35. Molyviati-Toptsi, Urania. Aeneid VI 724-899: The Myth of the Aeterna Regna.
Degree: PhD, Greek and Latin, 1992, Ohio State UniversityAdvisors/Committee Members: Tracy, Stephen V.36. Nolan, Brian Thomas. Inscribing costs at Athens in the fourth century B.C.
Degree: PhD, Greek and Latin, 1981, Ohio State UniversityAdvisors/Committee Members: Tracy, Stephen V.37. Panagakos, Katherine. Criminal elements: the evolution of the outlaw in the ancient novel.
Degree: PhD, Greek and Latin, 2004, Ohio State UniversitySubjects: Language, AncientKeywords: Ancient Novel; Pirates; Outlaws; Brigands; Boukoloi38. Papalas, Mary Laura. Greek surrealism: from its roots in French surrealism to the poetry of Calas, Engonopoulos, and Embeirikos.
Degree: MA, Greek and Latin, 2002, Ohio State UniversityKeywords: surrealist; GREEK; CALAS; ENGONOPOULOS; EMBEIRIKOS; SURREALISM; Poems39. Paschalis, Michael. Livy's Praefatio and Sallust.
Degree: PhD, Greek and Latin, 1980, Ohio State UniversityAdvisors/Committee Members: Morford, Mark P.O.40. Paule, Maxwell Teitel. Canidia: A Literary Analysis of Horace's Witch.
Degree: PhD, Greek and Latin, 2012, Ohio State UniversitySubjects: Ancient Civilizations; Ancient Languages; Classical Studies; LiteratureKeywords: Horace; Canidia; Witch; Epodes; Satires; Rome; Magic41. Peterson, Anna I. Laughter in the Exchange: Lucian's Invention of the Comic Dialogue.
Degree: PhD, Greek and Latin, 2010, Ohio State UniversitySubjects: Classical studiesKeywords: Lucian, Second Sophistic, Imperial Greek, Ancient Comedy, Platonic Dialogue42. Petrou, Fotina Peter. Road imagery in De rerum natura.
Degree: MA, Greek and Latin, 1981, Ohio State UniversityAdvisors/Committee Members: Snyder, Jane M.43. Poduska, Donald Miles. Synonymous verbs of motion in Plautus.
Degree: PhD, Greek and Latin, 1963, Ohio State UniversityAdvisors/Committee Members: Abbott, Kenneth M.44. Potter, Bradley G. Constructing Caesar: Julius Caesar’s Caesar and the creation of the myth of Caesar in history and space.
Degree: PhD, Greek and Latin, 2004, Ohio State UniversityKeywords: JULIUS CAESAR; Gaul; Rome; Cicero45. Rader, Richard Evan Jr. Shadows on the Son: Aeschylus, Genealogy, History.
Degree: PhD, Greek and Latin, 2007, Ohio State UniversitySubjects: Literature, ClassicalKeywords: Aeschylus; Genealogy; History; Prometheus Bound; Seven Against Thebes; Persians46. Rettig, John William. The Latinity of Martin of Braga.
Degree: PhD, Greek and Latin, 1963, Ohio State UniversityAdvisors/Committee Members: Forbes, Clarence A.47. Rettig, John William. The Latinity of Martin of Braga.
Degree: PhD, Greek and Latin, 1963, Ohio State UniversityAdvisors/Committee Members: Forbes, Clarence A.48. Russo, Nicholas Mark. The imagery of light and darkness in the Oresteia.
Degree: PhD, Greek and Latin, 1974, Ohio State UniversityAdvisors/Committee Members: Lenardon, Robert J.49. Sandy, Gerald Neil. Comparative study of Apuleius' Metamorphoses and other prose fiction of antiquity.
Degree: PhD, Greek and Latin, 1968, Ohio State UniversityAdvisors/Committee Members: Abbott, Kenneth M.50. Schott, C. Joseph Jr. Hesiod's eris and Vergil's labor in the Georgics.
Degree: PhD, Greek and Latin, 1994, Ohio State UniversityAdvisors/Committee Members: Babcock, Charles L.51. Sham, Michael Norman. Athenian pleonexia in Thucydides's history.
Degree: MA, Greek and Latin, 1985, Ohio State UniversityAdvisors/Committee Members: Snyder, Jane.52. Smith, Stephen Michael. Herodotus' use of animals" a literary, ethnographic, and zoological study.
Degree: PhD, Greek and Latin, 1992, Ohio State UniversityAdvisors/Committee Members: Allison, J. W.53. Strater, Henry Anthony. Poetic technique in catullus' satiric epigrams.
Degree: PhD, Greek and Latin, 1971, Ohio State UniversityAdvisors/Committee Members: Davis, John T.54. Taoka, Yasuko. Philosophy and erotics in Seneca's Epistulae Morales.
Degree: PhD, Greek and Latin, 2007, Ohio State UniversitySubjects: Literature, Classical55. Tebben, Joseph Richard. A metrical and lexical study of the homeric hymns.
Degree: PhD, Greek and Latin, 1971, Ohio State UniversityAdvisors/Committee Members: Lenardon, Robert J.56. Thomas, Bridget M. Negotiable identities: the interpretation of color, gender, and ethnicity in Aeschylus' Suppliants.
Degree: PhD, Greek and Latin, 1998, Ohio State University57. Tzifopoulos, Ioannes Zacharias. Pausanias as a steloskopas: an epigraphical commentary of Pausanias' Eliakon A and B.
Degree: PhD, Greek and Latin, 1991, Ohio State UniversityAdvisors/Committee Members: Tracy, S.V.58. Vail, Amy Elva Kaiulani. The last of the Homeridai : Goethe's road to Hermann und Dorothea.
Degree: PhD, Greek and Latin, 2001, Ohio State University59. Wenzel, Aaron Walter. Pots of Honey and Dead Philosophers: The Ideal of Athens in the Roman Empire.
Degree: PhD, Greek and Latin, 2009, Ohio State UniversitySubjects: Ancient civilizations; Ancient languages; Classical studiesKeywords: Athens; late antiquity; cultural symbolism; Second Sophistic60. Wilhelm, Michelle Pach. Pindar: A Literary Study of Pythians 4 and 5.
Degree: PhD, Greek and Latin, 1973, Ohio State UniversityAdvisors/Committee Members: Shumaker, John W.61. Winter, David Robert. Theocritus' Thalysia.
Degree: PhD, Greek and Latin, 1974, Ohio State UniversityAdvisors/Committee Members: Morford, Mark P.O.62. Zarembski, Louis A. A comparison of content and historical method in the anonymous Liber de viris illustribus urbis Romae, Florus, and Velleius paterculus.
Degree: MA, Greek and Latin, 1935, Ohio State UniversityAdvisors/Committee Members: Titchener, John B.
1. ABELL, NATALIE D. The Role of Malta in Prehistoric Mediterranean Exchange Networks.
Degree: MA, Arts and Sciences : Classics, 2008, University of CincinnatiSubjects: Anthropology, ArchaeologyKeywords: Neolithic and Bronze Age Malta; Mycenaean trade; Prehistoric central Mediterranean2. AMORE, MARIA GRAZIA. SETTLEMENT AND BURIAL IN APOLLONIA AND ITS AREA (ALBANIA).
Degree: MA, Arts and Sciences : Classics, 2005, University of CincinnatiSubjects: Anthropology, ArchaeologyKeywords: Archaeology; Anthropology; Albania3. Anderson, Peter John. ‘Fame Is The Spur’: Memoria, Gloria, and Poetry Among the Elite in Flavian Rome.
Degree: PhD, Arts and Sciences : Classics, 2003, University of CincinnatiSubjects: Literature, ClassicalKeywords: Pliny Minor; Martial; Statius; Gloria; Elite Culture4. Arikan Erciyas, Deniz Burcu. STUDIES IN THE ARCHAEOLOGY OF HELLENISTIC PONTUS: THE SETTLEMENTS, MONUMENTS, AND COINAGE OF MITHRADATES VI AND HIS PREDECESSORS.
Degree: MA, Arts and Sciences : Classics, 2003, University of CincinnatiSubjects: Anthropology, ArchaeologyKeywords: Bronze Age; Cyprus; settlement; Alashiya6. ATWOOD, MARK ANDREW. TRAJAN'S COLUMN: THE CONSTRUCTION OF TRAJAN'S SEPULCHER IN URBE.
Degree: MA, Arts and Sciences : Classics, 2006, University of CincinnatiSubjects: History, Ancient7. Barfoed, Signe. An Archaic Votive Deposit from Nemea - Ritual Behavior in a Sacred Landscape.
Degree: MA, Arts and Sciences : Classics, 2009, University of CincinnatiSubjects: ArchaeologyKeywords: Nemea; Archaic Classical Pottery; Corinthian Pottery; Miniature votive pottery; Ritual behavior; Rural spring shrine8. Beasom, Patrick Timothy. Oculi Sunt in Amore Duces: the Use of Mental Image in Latin Love Poetry.
Degree: PhD, Arts and Sciences : Classics, 2009, University of CincinnatiSubjects: Classical studiesKeywords: Latin poetry; love poetry; Catullus; Propertius; Ovid; mental image9. BERKOWITZ, GARY CHARLES. NARRATIVE PROBLEMS IN APOLLONIUS' ARGONAUTICA.
Degree: PhD, Arts and Sciences : Classics, 2002, University of CincinnatiKeywords: Apollonius; Apollonios; Argonautica; Argonatika; Erato10. Beyer, Jennifer Marie. The Iconographic Program of the Architectural Terracotta Relief Plaques from Zone F at Acquarossa.
Degree: MA, Arts and Sciences : Classics, 2003, University of CincinnatiKeywords: architectural terracottas; Etruria; Acquarossa; Archaic Italy11. BRANNIN, ALDER M.W. Princess or Pawn: Creusa of Corinth in Classical Literature and Art.
Degree: MA, Arts and Sciences : Classics, 2008, University of CincinnatiSubjects: Classical studies12. Cloke, Christian F. Aqua Nabataea et Aqua Romana: Signs of Cultural Change in the Waterworks of Ancient Arabia.
Degree: MA, Arts and Sciences : Classics, 2008, University of CincinnatiSubjects: Anthropology, ArchaeologyKeywords: Nabataea; Nabataeans; Roman Arabia; Ancient Waterworks; Romanization13. COTE, JASON M. THEODOSIUS AND THE GOTHS: THE LIMITS OF ROMAN POWER.
Degree: MA, Arts and Sciences : Classics, 2004, University of CincinnatiSubjects: History, AncientKeywords: Theodosius I; Stilicho; Goths; Tervingi14. Dibble, William Flint. The Archaeology of Food in Athens: The Development of an Athenian Urban Lifestyle.
Degree: MA, Arts and Sciences : Classics, 2010, University of CincinnatiSubjects: ArchaeologyKeywords: Athens; Athenian Archaeology; Foodways; Ancient Food Practices; Ancient Urbanism; Urbanization15. EFKLEIDOU, KALLIOPI. SLAVERY AND DEPENDENT PERSONNEL IN THE LINEAR B ARCHIVES OF MAINLAND GREECE.
Degree: MA, Arts and Sciences : Classics, 2004, University of CincinnatiSubjects: Anthropology, ArchaeologyKeywords: MYCENAEAN, AEGEAN, TABLETS, PYLOS, MYCENAE, TIRYNS, THEBES16. EGAN, EMILY CATHERINE. The Stylistic Relationship Between Wall Painting and Vase Painting at the Palace at Knossos During the Neo- and Final Palatial Periods.
Degree: MA, Arts and Sciences : Classics, 2008, University of CincinnatiSubjects: ArchaeologyKeywords: Crete, Knossos, Minoans, Vase Painting, Wall Painting17. EMMERSON, ALLISON L. C. A RECONSIDERATION OF THE FUNERARY MONUMENTS OF ROMAN DACIA.
Degree: MA, Arts and Sciences : Classics, 2007, University of CincinnatiKeywords: Roman Dacia, Funerary Sculpture, Provincial Art, Romanization, Post Colonial Theory18. Fitzsimons, Rodney Desmond. Monuments of Power and the Power of Monuments: The Evolution of Elite Architectural Styles at Bronze Age Mycenae.
Degree: PhD, Arts and Sciences : Classics, 2006, University of CincinnatiSubjects: Anthropology, ArchaeologyKeywords: Mycenae; Mycenaean Architecture; Mycenaean Palaces; Mycenaean State Formation; Mycenaean Tholos Tombs; Shaft Graves19. FURUYA, YUKI. A STUDY OF BUILDING III AT THE NEOLITHIC ACROPOLIS OF HALAI, GREECE.
Degree: MA, Arts and Sciences : Classics, 2004, University of CincinnatiKeywords: Neolithic; Architecture; Archaeology; Central Greece; Halai20. Galsworthy, Carrie. Language and Intent in Empedocles' Cosmic Cycle.
Degree: PhD, Arts and Sciences : Classics, 2010, University of CincinnatiSubjects: Classical studiesKeywords: Empedocles; Presocratic Philosophy; Science; Magic; Cosmology; Religion21. GLAUBIUS, JENNIFER. THE VENETIAN PERIOD IN VOSTIZZA, GREECE, 1685-1715: A GIS ANALYSIS.
Degree: MA, Arts and Sciences : Classics, 2005, University of CincinnatiKeywords: Venetian History; Greek History; GIS (Geographic Information Systems)22. Gordon, Jody Michael. Felicitas Imperii: The Roman African Modes of Antonine Dynastic Commemoration in African Proconsularis (138-192 A.D.).
Degree: MA, Arts and Sciences : Classics, 2004, University of CincinnatiSubjects: History, AncientKeywords: Rome; Antonine Emperors; Roman Africa; Africa Proconsularis; Dynastic Commemoration23. GOROGIANNI, EUGENIA. MIDDLE HELLADIC PERIOD IN BOIOTIA: A STUDY OF SOCIAL ORGANIZATION.
Degree: MA, Arts and Sciences : Classics, 2002, University of CincinnatiSubjects: Anthropology, ArchaeologyKeywords: middle helladic perod in Boiotia; social organization; archaeology; systematic surface suvey; Eutresis24. Gorogianni, Eugenia. Creation Stories: The Archaeological Site Of Ayia Irini, Kea, And The Production Of Archaeological Knowledge.
Degree: PhD, Arts and Sciences : Classics, 2008, University of CincinnatiSubjects: Archaeology; Classical studiesKeywords: Ayia Irini, archaeological practice, archaeological knowledge, Kea, Bronze Age, Greek archaeology, Cyclades25. Harris, Sarah E. BURIALS AND PEER POLITY INTERACTION A CASE STUDY OF BURIALS AT METAPONTO AND TARAS.
Degree: PhD, Arts and Sciences : Classics, 2002, University of CincinnatiSubjects: Language, AncientKeywords: ceramic technology; kilns; pyrotechnology; geometric, archaic, classical; workshops, specialization27. Hatch, Joel S. ELABORATE WISDOM: THE USE OF GNOMIC STATEMENTS IN PINDAR'S EPINIKIAN ODES.
Degree: MA, Arts and Sciences : Classics, 2001, University of CincinnatiKeywords: Gnomic Statements; Peindar28. HATCH, JOEL SIMMONS. POETIC VOICES AND HELLENISTIC ANTECEDENTS IN THE ELEGIES OF PROPERTIUS.
Degree: PhD, Arts and Sciences : Classics, 2007, University of CincinnatiKeywords: Propertius; Roman elegy; Hellenistic poetry; poetic voices29. Hernandez, David R. Excavations of the Roman Forum at Butrint (2004-2007): The Archaeology of a Hellenistic and Roman Port in Epirus.
Degree: PhD, Arts and Sciences : Classics, 2010, University of CincinnatiSubjects: ArchaeologyKeywords: Butrint; Epirus; Forum; Albania; Asclepius; Pastoralism
Degree: MA, Arts and Sciences : Classics, 2004, University of CincinnatiSubjects: History, AncientKeywords: Rome; Porta Triumphalis; Servian Wall; Roman Triumph; Circus Maximus; Codex Coburgensis; Topography of Rome; Triumphal Procession31. Hooker, Mischa A. The Use of Sibyls and Sibylline Oracles in Early Christian Writers.![]()
Degree: PhD, Arts and Sciences : Classics, 2008, University of CincinnatiSubjects: Classical studies; Religion; Religious history; TheologyKeywords: Sibyl; oracles; inspiration; prophecy; Clement of Alexandria; Lactantius; Augustine; Constantine32. HRUBY, JULIE A. FEASTING AND CERAMICS: A VIEW FROM THE PALACE OF NESTOR AT PYLOS.
Degree: PhD, Arts and Sciences : Classics, 2006, University of CincinnatiKeywords: feasting; Pylos; Messenia33. KIERNAN, PHILIP JAMES. IMPERIAL REPRESENTATION UNDER DIOCLETIAN AND THE TETRARCHY.
Degree: MA, Arts and Sciences : Classics, 2004, University of CincinnatiSubjects: Art History; History, AncientKeywords: Diocletian; Tetrarchy; monuments; imperial34. Klabunde, Michael Robert. BOYS OR WOMEN? THE RHETORIC OF SEXUAL PREFERENCE IN ACHILLES TATIUS, PLUTARCH, AND PSEUDO-LUCIAN.
Degree: MA, Arts and Sciences : Classics, 2007, University of CincinnatiKeywords: Athens; Trojan War; Homer; Epic literature; Iconography; Menestheus; Akamas; Demophon; Theseus; Hero36. KRAMER, JEFFREY L. ANALYSIS AND CLASSIFICATION OF THE LATE HELLADIC I POTTERY IN THE NORTHEASTERN PELOPONNESE OF GREECE.
Degree: PhD, Arts and Sciences : Classics, 2004, University of CincinnatiSubjects: Anthropology, Archaeology37. Lafe, Ols. The Earliest Urbanized Settlements in the Hinterland of Apollonia (Albania): 7th – Mid 5th Century B.C.
Degree: MA, Arts and Sciences : Classics, 2004, University of CincinnatiSubjects: Anthropology, ArchaeologyKeywords: Apollonia; Albania; Protourban period; Myzeqe; Mallakastra; Karaburun38. LESK, ALEXANDRA L. A DIACHRONIC EXAMINATION OF THE ERECHTHEION AND ITS RECEPTION.
Degree: PhD, Arts and Sciences : Classics, 2005, University of CincinnatiKeywords: Erechtheion; Athens; Akropolis; Acropolis; ancient architecture; ancient religion; byzantine; Frankish; Ottoman; Athena Polias39. LESK BLOMERUS, ALEXANDRA L. THE ANATOMICAL VOTIVE TERRACOTTA PHENOMENON : HEALING SANCTUARIES IN THE ETRUSCO-LATIAL-CAMPANIAN REGION DURING THE FOURTH THROUGH FIRST CENTURIES B.C.
Degree: MA, Arts and Sciences : Classics, 1999, University of CincinnatiKeywords: Healing cults; Asklepios; Corinth; anatomical votives; ancient religion; Republican Rome40. LIMA, SARAH WHITNEY. FEASTING IN THE BRONZE AGE AND EARLY IRON AGE AEGEAN: VARIABILITY AND MEANING.
Degree: MA, Arts and Sciences : Classics, 2007, University of CincinnatiSubjects: Anthropology, ArchaeologyKeywords: Bronze Age; Iron Age; Euboea; Thebes; Pylos; Palace of Nestor; Nichoria; Lefkandi; Xeropolis; Toumba; Heröon; feasting; banqueting; dining; diacritical41. MCNEARNEY, ELIZABETH HOPE. DOMITIAN: THE MAKING OF A TYRANT.
Degree: MA, Arts and Sciences : Classics, 2006, University of CincinnatiSubjects: History, AncientKeywords: Domitian; Tyranny; Tyrant; Suetonius; Pliny the Younger; Tacitus42. MUNTEANU, DANA LACOURSE. ANCIENT SPECTATOR OF TRAGEDY FACETS OF EMOTION, PLEASURE, AND LEARNING.
Degree: PhD, Arts and Sciences : Classics, 2003, University of CincinnatiKeywords: Minoan Archaeology; religion; archaeological theory; Crete; pre-history44. NEWHARD, JAMES MICHAEL LLOYD. ASPECTS OF LOCAL BRONZE AGE ECONOMIES: CHIPPED STONE ACQUISITION AND PRODUCTION STRATEGIES IN THE ARGOLID, GREECE.
Degree: PhD, Arts and Sciences : Classics, 2003, University of CincinnatiKeywords: lithic analysis; archaeology; aegean prehistory; classics45. OSLAND, DANIEL K. EARLY ROMAN CITIES OF LUSITANIA.
Degree: MA, Arts and Sciences : Classics, 2005, University of CincinnatiKeywords: Roman Provinces; Lusitania; Hispania; Roman Archaeology; Roman Architecture46. Popescu, Valentina. Lucian's Paradoxa: Fiction, Aesthetics, and Identity.
Degree: PhD, Arts and Sciences : Classics, 2009, University of CincinnatiKeywords: Lucian; καὶ; paideia; τὸ; Paradoxa47. Reddoch, Michael J. Dream Narratives and Their Philosophical Orientation in Philo of Alexandria.
Degree: PhD, Arts and Sciences : Classics, 2010, University of CincinnatiSubjects: Judaic studiesKeywords: Philo; dreams; Posidonius; divination; Jacob; Joseph48. Ricciardi, Ryan A. Where Did All the Women Go: The Archaeology of the Soldier Empresses.
Degree: PhD, Arts and Sciences : Classics, 2008, University of CincinnatiSubjects: Archaeology; Art History; Classical studiesKeywords: Roman women; Imperial art; Roman Empire49. RICCIARDI, RYAN ANN. A RECONSIDERATION OF THE ICONOGRAPHY OF THE TRIUMPHAL RELIEFS OF SHAPUR I.
Degree: MA, Arts and Sciences : Classics, 2003, University of CincinnatiKeywords: Roman Imperial East; Sasanian Empire; rock cut reliefs; Shapur I50. Ryan, John Joseph. Geography and the Construction of Character in Sallust’s Jugurtha.
Degree: MA, Arts and Sciences : Classics, 2009, University of CincinnatiSubjects: Classical studiesKeywords: Sallust; Roman geography; Roman ethnography; Roman historiography; Character; Roman history; Roman historians; Roman ethics; virtus51. Shaw, Frank Edward. The Earliest Non-mystical Jewish Use of Iαω.
Degree: PhD, Arts and Sciences : Classics, 2002, University of CincinnatiKeywords: Ancient Judaism; divine name; Tetragrammaton; Septuagint; αω52. SOWERS, BRIAN P. Eudocia: The Making of a Homeric Christian.
Degree: PhD, Arts and Sciences : Classics, 2008, University of CincinnatiSubjects: Classical studiesKeywords: Eudocia; Centos, Cyprian; Magic; Byzantine; Late Antiquity; Homeric reception; Intertextuality; martyrology; gender studies; early Christianity53. Sterrett-Krause, Allison Elizabeth. Evidence for Glass Production From the Yasmina Necropolis of Carthage.
Degree: MA, Arts and Sciences : Classics, 2006, University of CincinnatiKeywords: Roman glass; Carthage; Yasmina Necropolis; Archaeology; Glass Manufacture54. Stocker, Sharon R. Illyrian Apollonia: Toward a New Ktisis and Developmental History of the Colony.
Degree: PhD, Arts and Sciences : Classics, 2009, University of CincinnatiSubjects: Ancient civilizations; Archaeology; Classical studies; HistoryKeywords: Greek colonization; Albania; Illyria; Apollonia; Mallakastra Regional Archaeological Project; survey archaeology55. Stone, Peter J. Ritual Dining, Drinking, and Dedication at Stymphalos: A Case Study in the Influence of “Popular” Culture on Religion.
Degree: MA, Arts and Sciences : Classics, 2007, University of CincinnatiKeywords: Greek sanctuaries; Ritual dining; Communal dining; Religion and society; Hellenistic ceramics; Stymphalos56. SWINFORD, KATHERINE M. THE SEMI-FIXED NATURE OF GREEK DOMESTIC RELIGION.
Degree: MA, Arts and Sciences : Classics, 2006, University of CincinnatiKeywords: ancient Greece; domestic ritual; domestic religion; household ritual; household religion; hearth; altar; Olynthus; Athens; Halieis57. TenWolde, Christopher Andrew. State Formation in the Cretan Bronze Age.
Degree: PhD, Arts and Sciences : Classics, 2008, University of CincinnatiSubjects: Ancient civilizations; Archaeology; Classical studies; Cultural anthropologyKeywords: Crete; Early Bronze Age; Early Minoan; State Formation; Historiography; Site Analysis; Aegean Archaeology; Aegean Prehistory; Minoan Archaeology58. Thorn, Jed M. The Italic Patronage of Early Apulian Red-Figure.
Degree: PhD, Arts and Sciences : Classics, 2010, University of CincinnatiSubjects: Art HistoryKeywords: Apulian; red-figure; South Italy; Ruvo; Apulia; Magna Graecia59. Trego, Kristine M. Life on Board: A Comparative Study of the Shipboard Items from Four Classical to Early Hellenistic Merchantmen.
Degree: MA, Arts and Sciences : Classics, 2004, University of CincinnatiSubjects: History, Ancient
60. Trego, Kristine M. Plutarch's Story of Agesilaos; A Narratological Commentary.
Degree: PhD, Arts and Sciences : Classics, 2009, University of CincinnatiSubjects: Classical studiesKeywords: Plutarch; Agesilaos; Agesilaus; Narratology
Degree: PhD, Arts and Sciences : Classics, 2002, University of CincinnatiSubjects: Anthropology, ArchaeologyKeywords: Archaeology; Greece; Bronze Age Aegean; Mycenae; Late Helladic Civilization62. WILLIAMS, ERIN L. ARCHAEOLOGICAL EXPLORATIONS IN ELIS. A DIACHRONIC STUDY OF THE ALPHEIOS RIVER VALLEY WITH A CATALOGUE OF MATERIAL FROM JEROME SPERLING'S 1939 SURVEY.
Degree: MA, Arts and Sciences : Classics, 2004, University of CincinnatiSubjects: Anthropology, ArchaeologyKeywords: Alpheios river valley; Classics Study Collection; Elis63. WISE, SUSAN J. CHILDBIRTH VOTIVES AND RITUALS IN ANCIENT GREECE.
Degree: PhD, Arts and Sciences : Classics, 2007, University of CincinnatiKeywords: childbirth; infants; religion; ancient Greece; antiquity; Greek; worship; ritual; votive64. ZECH, SILVANA. Coniuratio sese impia tenet (XXXIX,16,3) - Zur Darstellung von Verschwörungen bei Livius.
Degree: MA, Arts and Sciences : Classics, 2008, University of CincinnatiSubjects: Classical studiesKeywords: Livy; Livius; conspiracies; coniuratio; historiography; narratology
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