Tuesday, June 13, 2023

Latin Epigraphy Scraper (LatEpig) v2.0

The LatEpig tool allows you to query all the inscriptions from the Epigraphic Database Clauss Slaby (www.manfredclauss.de) in a reproducible manner: it saves the search results in a TSV and a JSON file and plots them on an interactive map of the Roman Empire without any prior knowledge of programming in a matter of minutes.

Lat Epig map showing inscriptions containing the term viator (a passer-by), Petra Hermankova, 20/10/2022, epigraphic data: Epigraphic Database Clauss-Slaby


  • Brian Ballsun-Stanton, Macquarie University,
  • Petra Heřmánková, Aarhus University,
  • Ray Laurence, Macquarie University,


This programme allows to extracts the output of a search query from the Epigraphik-Datenbank Clauss / Slaby (EDCS) in a reproducible manner and saves it as a TSV file (i.e. tab separated value) that can be easily opened in your favourite spreadsheet software, or as a JSON file. The search results can be also plotted to a map of the Roman Empire, along with the system of the Roman Provinces, roads, and cities. More on the used datasets in the Data Sources section.

Cite this software

Ballsun-Stanton B., Heřmánková P., Laurence R. LatEpig (version 2.0). GitHub. URL: https://github.com/mqAncientHistory/Lat-Epig/ DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.5211341

If you're using this tool in your research, Star us on Github! (This way, we don't need to put tracking pixels into this notebook to get a sense of how many folks are using our tool!)

If you find a bug or have a feature request, raise an Issue!



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