Friday, September 28, 2012

Mapping Mediterranean Lands (MEDMAPS)

Mapping Mediterranean Lands (MEDMAPS)
Mapping Mediterranean Lands (MEDMAPS) showcases sixteen important early maps and related information from the collections of American centers for international research in the Mediterranean region. As part of the Digital Library for International Research, under the aegis of the Council of American Overseas Research Centers, this three-year project completed a comprehensive survey of maps in the collections of American research centers in the Mediterranean area and created web-accessible bibliographic records. In addition, this site includes information about unique maps and illustrated plates in atlases and other publications relating to archaeological excavation and exploration.

Mapping Mediterranean Lands is funded by a grant from the U.S. Department of State, Education and Cultural Affairs (ECA), 2002-2005. The three-year survey was conducted by the project's Head Cartographer, Leonora Navari, in cooperation with the American centers for international research. Ms. Navari also wrote the exhibition essays and other project notes.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Open Access Journal: Yemen Update On Line

[First posted in AWOL 9 November 2009. Most recently pdated 26 September 2012]

Yemen Update Online: Bulletin of the American Institute for Yemeni Studies
The electronic version of the AIYS annual bulletin Yemen Update, known here as Yemen Update Online, features articles about research in Yemen, literature reviews, and human interest pieces on Yemeni and Islamic culture. Yemen Update Online was originally designed by Daniel Martin Varisco as Yemen Update Online / Yemen Webdate, incorporating the contents of the paper version of the bulletin as Yemen Update Online, while the Yemen Website section featured exclusive internet-only content.

Gloses et commentaires de la Bible au Moyen Âge Gloses et commentaires de la Bible au Moyen Âge. Portail de ressources numériques
Le projet est né à l'initiative d'un groupe de chercheurs qui, en 2006, ont rédigé un appel à collaboration pour la réalisation d'une édition électronique de la Glosa ordinaria de la Bible (Glose "de Laon", version de l'incunable de l'éditeur Rusch de Strasbourg, 1480/1481). 
Cette édition est mise progressivement à disposition du public. Plus largement, ce site a pour but d'être un portail d'information et de documentation sur les gloses et commentaires de la Bible au Moyen Âge, donnant accès à des ressources numériques créées par notre équipe ou disponibles ailleurs sur Internet.
Vous trouverez ici
  1. Biblia cum glosa ordinaria, 4 volumes, éd. Adolf Rusch, Strasbourg, 1480/1481.
  2. Hugues de Saint-Cher / Hugo de Sancto Caro, Postillae in totam Bibliam : mode image.
  3. Nicolas de Lyre / Nicolaus de Lyra, Postillae in totam Bibliam : mode image.
  4. Pierre Lombard / Petrus Lombardus, Glosa in Psalterium : mode image.
  5. Nicolas de Gorran / Nicolaus de Gorran, In VII epistolas canonicas : mode texte.
  • des transcriptions (d'après l'éd. Rusch) :
Lettres préfaces de saint Jérôme 'Frater Ambrosius' et 'Desiderii mei' (non glosées),
Ruth (glose marginale et interlinéaire), 
Tobie (glose marginale et interlinéaire). 
En préparation : Mathieu, Marc, Jean, Apocalypse.
A terme, nous souhaitons diffuser ici en libre accès l'édition électronique en mode texte de toute la Glose ordinaire de la Bible.
Voir Présentation de l'édition électronique de la Glose.

Pardee on Tropper in AfO 50

Dennis Pardee's 404 page review of J. Tropper, Ugaritische Grammatik (AOAT 273), Ugarit-Verlag, Münster 2000, published as an online supplement to Archiv für Orientforschung 50 was hosted on the website of the Institut für Orientalistik, Universität Wien.

While it is no longer accessible in Vienna, it remains online at the Internet Archive's Wayback Machine:
AfO 50: D. Pardees Rezension von J. Tropper, Ugaritische Grammatik (AOAT 273), Ugarit-Verlag, Münster 2000 (pdf-Format): S. 1-100. 101-200. 201-300. 301-404.  

n.b.:  The moment I posted this, I was told:  The Institut für Orientalistik website was recently revamped but the review is still available, the new url is See also: (click on the tab "Allfälliges").

I'm very glad to see it re-emerge officially. 

Monday, September 24, 2012

Ancient World in Open Access Institutional Repositories

[Originally posted 10/5/09. Most recently updated 24 September 2012]

It is increasingly the case that scholars in ancient studies are depositing copies of their publications in institutional repositories. Some examples are:
Do you know of others doing this? Are your articles in an open access repository? Would you line to be included in this list? Contact me!

Scholars who do not have access to Institutional Repositories for their own work, and who wish to share their scholarship openly might consider the opportunities offered by

[and see also Preprints and Open Access Revisited]

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Diyala Archaeological Database (DiyArDa)

Diyala Archaeological Database (DiyArDa)
An Oriental Institute / University of Chicago Publication and Research Project
Supported by the National Endowment for the Humanities Division for Preservation and Access
The Diyala Database, for the first time, publishes all archaeological materials from the Diyala Expedition, one of the most important excavation projects ever undertaken in Mesopotamia (modern Iraq). 

The current version of this database, using OracleTM as a backend, represents a partial release of these data. Future releases will add and update object descriptions and provide new interfaces with additional links to site photographs, field notes, diary entries, and architectural plans.

Significance of Excavations: Located in the lower Diyala river basin northeast of Baghdad, excavations at the sites of Tell Agrab, Tell Asmar (ancient Eshnunna), Ishchali (ancient Neribtum), and Khafaje (ancient Tutub), have provided some of the most comprehensive data for Mesopotamian archaeology and chronology. Undertaken by the University of Chicago‚ Oriental Institute (1930-1937) and by the University of Pennsylvania (1938-1939), these projects were of an unprecedented scale. Up to 25% of the total area of each site were excavated, uncovering not only the remains of palaces and temples, but also of houses, manufacturing facilities, streets, and urban defensive systems, with some soundings extending as deep as 16 meters below the mounds‚present surfaces. Covering the time between the late Uruk period and the end of the Old Babylonian period (3000-1700 BC), the Diyala material represents a crucial part of Mesopotamia's early history during which large territorial states emerged, cities grew to unprecedented sizes, and the cuneiform writing system emerged. 

Significance of Artifacts: Over 15,000 artifacts, representing all aspects of public and private life, were excavated carefully and recorded systematically: statues, votive plaques, seals, pottery vessels, tools, weapons, jewelry, cosmetic sets, weights, figurines, inlays, toys, and almost 2,000 tablets inscribed with cuneiform inscriptions. Following find divisions between the expedition and Iraq's Department of Antiquities these artifacts entered the collections of the Iraq Museum (Baghdad), the Oriental Institute Museum (Chicago), and the University Museum (Philadelphia). In spite of a comprehensive publication program that resulted in nine volumes‚four on architectural complexes and four on key artifact groups (sculpture, seals, pottery) some 75% of these finds (over 11,000 items) unfortunately remained unpublished to the present day. This is regrettable since this corpus is one of the largest artifact assemblages from a controlled excavation undertaken in Iraq, hence remaining a vital chronological backbone for Mesopotamia's early history. 

The Project: Launched in 1992 the Diyala Database Project will, for the first time, publish all archaeological data from these excavations in an integrated database. Supported by grants from the National Endowment for the Humanities Division for Preservation and Access (1994-1999, 2004-2010), the University of Chicago's Women Board (1997), and by the University of Chicago's Provost Innovative Technology Grant (1999, 2000) archival materials, object registers, field diaries, photographs, plans, and correspondence were scanned, object descriptions entered into database tables, and new photographs of artifacts taken at the Oriental Institute Museum.
Enter your User-name / password or "Guest / Guest" 

Tuesday, September 18, 2012


When in Rome a few years ago, we came across the Santa Costanza, a beautiful 4th century AD church with the most amazing mosaics. But, when we tried to find pictures of them on the Internet afterwards, we drew a blank. Then and there we resolved to photograph the mosaics in their entirety and put the results on line for other people to enjoy. Thus was born. is our archival site for photographs of historical cultural artefacts in Europe, including archaeological sites, buildings, artworks—basically anything that has historical interest and looks great! We aren’t affiliated with any institution or school: but, the more images we have captured, the more we have become convinced that the salient characteristics of digital photography—they’re easy (to take and upload), free and resilient—along with the potential for the Internet to bring these pictures to a mass audience, must be leveraged to assist researchers and students.

The real transformative potential of digital photography has yet to be fully realised. For example, whereas previously a single photograph of the Temple of Hephaestus in Athens was all that the book publisher’s budget would allow, it's now possible to photograph every capital, every sculpture, every cut in the marble, and put it all online for no increase in cost (for no cost at all, really). We also understand that the researcher needs clarity, so we exercise significant post-processing on the photos to make enhance their quality. The result is that often even very prosaic objects, such as column bases, can reveal a new and unexpected beauty. Of course, we can always do better: but, as the technology improves, so do our pictures.

Protome of a griffin.  Bronze cauldron attachment.  Olympia, Greece.  After 650 BC.  

Yet, despite this breakthrough in technology, there are many internet sites aimed at researchers where the proprietors still think like book publishers: what large-scale inclusion requires is a corresponding increase in the sophistication of the user interface. On SquinchPix every photograph is extensively tagged (keyworded). Currently our database holds a third of a million keywords for about 21,000 photos, which enables powerful searching across and aggregation of the records. In addition, every search term can be displayed as a tag- or keyword-map that shows what other terms on the site are associated with your search term and with what frequency: a click of the button brings up the corresponding image subsets. So, from finding one picture to relating a picture to many others—that has been SquinchPix’s journey.

You can read more about us here:

 The description above is  from Pelagios.

Monday, September 17, 2012

Tenth International Congress of Coptic Studies Topical Bibliographies Online

Tenth International Congress of Coptic Studies, Rome, 17-22 September 2012
Plenary sessions, during which invited specialists will give reports on recent developments in the major domains of Coptic studies, according to the following (alphabetical) list:

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Open Access Monographs: The Swedish Institute in Rome

[First posted in AWOL 6 February 2010. Updated 16 September 2012]

The Swedish Institute in Rome. Online Publications
The Swedish Institute in Rome is a research institute, subordinate to the Swedish Ministry of Education (Utbildningsdepartementet). It is the base for excavations and other scientific research in Italy and pursues academic instruction in archaeology and art sciences as well as arranging conferences with themes of interest to the institute. The Institute has at its disposal a building in central Rome with a relatively well-supplied library, archaeological laboratory and c. twenty rooms and smaller apartments for the use of visiting researchers and holders of scholarships.
Projects & Seminars

1 Pompeian plasters. Insula I 9 and Forum
2 Via Tiburtina. Space, movement and artefacts in the urban landscape
3 Art, Conservation, Science. The Lancellotti Collection Project
4 Roman villas around the urbs. Interaction with landscape and environment
5 Pecus. Man and animal in Antiquity
6 The Swedish Institute in Rome. Projects & Seminars

Other online publications
 1 Bengt E. Thomasson - Laterculi praesidium

Saturday, September 15, 2012

GIS in Archaeology: The Complete Guide

GIS in Archaeology: The Complete Guide

Introduction to Geographic Information Systems

Geographic Information Systems (GIS) are tools for the input, analysis and output of spatial data. Geographers initially used these tools for resource management purposes (Burrough 1986). Over the last decade, GIS applications have revolutionized many disciplines in many ways (Marble, 1990), though some disciplines adopted them earlier than others. In the field of archeology, GIS has barely reached the end of the experimental stage. Although it was used fairly regularly in the early 1980?s, (Kvamme, 1996) its present utilization has dramatically increased. At the time this paper was written, over 500 archaeologists worldwide were registered GIS users with the online database "GIS-using archaeologists", developed byPaul Miller and Ian Johnson in 1995. It is suspected that the actual number of GIS users in the archaeology circle is substantially higher.
  Archeology, as a spatial discipline, has used GIS in a variety of ways. At the simplest level, GIS has found applications as a database management for archaeological records, with the added benefit of being able to create instant maps. It has been implemented in cultural resource management contexts, where archaeological site locations are predicted using statistical models based on previously identified site locations. It has also been used to simulate diachronic changes in past landscapes, and as a tool in intra-site analysis; although this last application has not enjoyed the same popularity as the others.

Open Access Journal: Cota zero: revista d'arqueologia i ciència

[First posted in AWOL 2 July 2009. Updated 15 September 2012]

Cota zero: revista d'arqueologia i ciència
ISSN 0213-4640

Cota zero (ISSN 0213-4640) va néixer l'any 1985 com a plataforma editorial per a la divulgació de la recerca, la formació i el debat relacionats amb l'arqueologia científica. L'eix de cada número el constitueix un «Dossier» que tracta en profunditat i de manera transversal un tema monogràfic d'actualitat amb articles d'investigadors de reconeguda vàlua internacional. La interdisciplinarietat que presenta avui l'arqueologia és analitzada a l'apartat «Col·laboracions especials», una secció en la qual destaquen les anàlisis sobre metodologia, pensament i historiografia de la disciplina arreu del món. Un darrer apartat, «Notícies arqueològiques», informa sobre jaciments excavats recentment i en remarca les singularitats patrimonial, cronològica i científica.


























Forschungen zur antiken Sklaverei open access publications

See now here

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Antoninus Pius added to OCRE

Antoninus Pius added to OCRE

Today, the American Numismatic Society is pleased to announce that all coin types of Antoninus Pius from Roman Imperial Coinage (RIC) have been added to Online Coins of the Roman Empire (OCRE).  This increases the total by 2,054 to 10,536 imperial coin types from 27 B.C. to A.D. 161.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Report on the Linked Ancient World Data Institute

Report on the Linked Ancient World Data Institute
Author(s): Thomas Elliott, Sebastian Heath, and John Muccigrosso
Citation: Elliott, Thomas, Sebastian Heath, and John Muccigrosso. Report on the Linked Ancient World Data Institute. Information Standards Quarterly, 2012 Spring/Summer, 24(2/3):43-45.
Abstract: From may 31 to June 2nd, 2012, the Institute for the Study of the Ancient World at New York University hosted the Linked Ancient World Data Institute (LAWDI), an internationally attended workshop funded by the National endowment for humanities' office of Digital humanities (grant number: ht5004811). this three-day event mixed longer presentations by invited speakers with presentations by twenty applicants who had submitted statements of interest on why their work would benefit from intensive interaction with colleagues also pursuing digital publication of scholarly resources on the public internet.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Registry of Anthropological Data Wiki

Registry of Anthropological Data Wiki 

Welcome to the Registry of Anthropological Data WikiEdit

The Registry of Anthropological Data is a resource for anthropologists and any other researchers interested in culture, history, language, and human life in general. It represents a wide-ranging list of fieldnotes, ethnographic source materials, and data in countless digital and physical archives, produced by scores of anthropologists over the last century. But the list is by no means comprehensive. Please contribute to the wiki by adding your knowledge about existing materials, whether they are in archives, digital repositories, or stand-alone websites. We encourage everyone with any knowledge about data collections and research projects to contribute to this wiki!
Why a data registry? It offers numerous advantages to the discipline:
  1. Creation of a go-to location for researchers to identify where the relevant data is archived or deposited, thus accelerating data sharing and discovery.
  2. Flexibility for researchers as they seek to comply with overlapping and evolving mandates, rather than adding another hoop.
  3. Cooperation with existing facilities, rather than competition for resources.
  4. Relatively fast development, because the data registry would not attempt to resolve bedeviling headaches about interoperability of anthropology's extremely diverse data products.
  5. Citation of data sets, thus expediting subsequent discovery and use of that research as well as emphasizing the work done by the original researcher(s) of those data.
The original list of archives incoporated in this wiki is being used courtesy of the Committee for the Preservation of the Anthropological Record.
This is a project conducted by the American Anthropological Association and funded by National Science Foundation grant BCS-1159109. If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, please contact Chelsea by leaving her a message.

Online Resources for Homeric Studies at CHS

Online Resources for Homeric Studies at CHS
The Center for Hellenic Studies offers students and scholars of Homer a particularly deep selection of publications and resources–all freely available online at

The Homer Multitext Project

The Homer Multitext project, the first of its kind in Homeric studies, presents the textual transmission of the Iliad and Odyssey in a historical framework. It offers free access to a library of texts and images, a machine-interface to that library and its indices, and tools to allow readers to discover and engage with the Homeric tradition.

Online Publications

If you have not done so already, we recommend that you review our Introduction to Online Publications.
The CHS website has other scholarly publications not listed here. See especially the the journal Classics@, which features dynamic issues on topics such as the Epic Cycle, and the Homerizon Conference.

I.  Books or Monographs:

Bocchetti, Carla
El espejo de las Musas: El arte de la descripción en la Ilíada y Odisea

Bonifazi, Anna,
Homer’s Versicolored Fabric: The Evocative Power of Ancient Greek Epic Word-Making

Dué, Casey
The Captive Woman’s Lament in Greek Tragedy

A print version of this book is available here.

Dué, Casey
Homeric Variations on a Lament by Briseis

Available for purchase in print here.

Dué, Casey 
Recapturing a Homeric Legacy: Images and Insights from the Venetus A Manuscript of the
Iliad (3.5 MB PDF download)
Also available for purchase in print here.

Dué, Casey, and Ebbott, Mary
Iliad 10 and the Poetics of Ambush
The print version is available for purchase here.

Ebbott, Mary
Imagining Illegitimacy in Classical Greek Literature

Also available for purchase in print here.

Frame, Douglas
Hippota Nestor
Also available for purchase in print here.

Frame, Douglas
The Myth of Return in Early Greek Epic
Published here under a Creative Commons License 3.0.

Levaniouk, Olga
Eve of the Festival: Making Myth in Odyssey 19

Also available for purchase in print here.

Marks, J.
Zeus in the Odyssey

Also available for purchase in print here.

Martin, Richard P.
The Language of Heroes: Speech and Performance in the Iliad

Nagy, Gregory
Greek: An Updating of a Survey of Recent Work

Nagy, Gregory
Greek Mythology and Poetics

Also available for purchase in print here.

Nagy, Gregory
Homer the Classic

The print edition is available for purchase here.

Nagy, Gregory
Homer the Preclassic

A print edition is available for purchase here.

Nagy, Gregory
Homeric Questions

Also available for purchase in print here.

Nagy, Gregory
Homeric Responses

Also available for purchase in print here.

Nagy, Gregory
Homer’s Text and Language
Also available for purchase in print here.

Nagy, Gregory
Plato’s Rhapsody and Homer’s Music: The Poetics of the Panathenaic Festival in Classical Athens
Also available for purchase in print here.

Nagy, Gregory
Poetry as Performance: Homer and Beyond

Also available for purchase in print here.

Nagy, Gregory
Short Writings, Volume 1

Volume one (2012) in a series of online anthologies containing articles written by Gregory Nagy.

Nagy, Gregory
Short Writings, Volume 2

Volume two (2012) in a series of online anthologies containing articles written by Gregory Nagy.

Parry, Milman
L’Épithète Traditionnelle dans Homère : Essai sur un problème de style Homérique
Published here under a Creative Commons License 3.0.

Peradotto, John
Man in the Middle Voice: Name and Narration in the Odyssey

(3.7 MB PDF download)

Petropoulos, J.C.B.
Kleos in a Minor Key: The Homeric Education of a Little Prince

Also available for purchase in print here.

Power, Timothy
The Culture of Kitharôidia
A print version is available for purchase here.

Roth, Catharine P.
“Mixed Aorists” in Homeric Greek

Slatkin, Laura
The Power of Thetis and Selected Essays

Also available for purchase in print here.

II. Articles, Essays, and Lectures

Classics@, Issue 9, “Defense Mechanisms,
Aitken, Ellen
“An Early Christian Homerizon? Decoy, Direction, and Doxology.”
[PDF Version (562 Kb)]
Armstrong, Richard H.
“From Huponoia to Paranoia: On the Secular Co-optation of Homeric Religion in Vico, Feuerbach, and Freud.”
[PDF Version (388 Kb)]
Bakker, Egbert J.
“Rhapsodes, Bards, and Bricoleurs: Homerizing Literary Theory.”
[PDF Version (185 Kb)]
Burgess, Jonathan
Tumuli of Achilles.”
[PDF Version (4821 Kb)]
Dué, Casey
“The Invention of Ossian.”
[PDF Version (1794 Kb)]
Ebbott, Mary
“Butler’s Authoress of the Odyssey: Gendered Readings of Homer, Then and Now.”
[PDF Version (354 Kb)]
Edmonds, Radcliffe G. III,
Recycling Laertes’ Shroud: More on Orphism and Original Sin.”
2008 online first edition published under a Creative Commons License 3.0.

Frame, Douglas
“The Homeric Poems after Ionia: A Case in Point.”
[PDF Version (2519 Kb)]
Graziosi, Barbara
“Homer and the Definition of Epic.”
[PDF Version (251 Kb)]
Güthenke, Constanze
“The Philhellenic Horizon: Homeric Prolegomena to the Greek War of Independence.”
[PDF Version (453 Kb)]
Haubold, Johannes
“Homer between East and West.”
[PDF Version (237 Kb)]
Knippschild, Silke
“Homer to the Defense: The Accademia degli Incogniti and the opera Il Ritorno d?Ulisse in Patria in Early Modern Venice.”
[PDF Version (284 Kb)]
Martin, Richard
“Cretan Homers: Tradition, Politics, Fieldwork.”
[PDF Version (370 Kb)]
Marwede, David,
A Structural Analysis of the Meleagros Myth.”
Published here for the first time under a Creative Commons License 3.0.  Based on a report for a seminar directed by Gregory Nagy and held at the Johns Hopkins University in the fall semester of 1973.

Muellner, Leonard
“Discovery Procedures and Principles for Homeric Research.”
[PDF Version (226 Kb)]
Muellner, Leonard
Homeric Anger Revisited.” Classics@, Issue 9, “Defense Mechanisms”

Nagy, Gregory,
See Short Writings, Volumes 1 and 2 above.

Porter, James
“Making and Unmaking: The Achaean Wall and the Limits of Fictionality in Homeric Criticism.”
[PDF (496 kb)]
Prince, Cashman Kerr
Poeta sovrano? Horizons of Homer in Twentieth-Century English-Language Poetry.”
[PDF Version (707 Kb)]
Rousseau, Philippe,
The Plot of Zeus.”

Walsh, Tom
“Cretan Homer’s Fragment of Tradition.”
[PDF Version (231 Kb)]

III. Primary Texts

Samuel Butler’s translation, revised by Timothy Power, Gregory Nagy, Soo-Young Kim, and Kelly McCray. Published here under a Creative Commons License 3.0.

Homeric Hymn to Aphrodite (PDF, 94KB), translation of poem by Gregory Nagy (see next item for illustrated version)
Homeric Hymn to Aphrodite, Drawings by Glynnis Fawkes, translation by Gregory Nagy. Published at (
On Heroes

Translated by Ellen Bradshaw Aitken and Jennifer K. Berenson Maclean, published by Society for Biblical Literature. Copyright, Society for Biblical Literature.

IV. Discussion Series

The Center for Hellenic Studies offers web-based seminars through on-line lecture and discussion series. Such series are part of the Center’s mission to promote the study of Hellenic Civilization and to engage as wide an audience as possible.
Homer’s Poetic Justice
The Homeric Odyssey & the Cultivation of Justice

V. Open Learning Course

Gregory Nagy
Concepts of the Hero in Greek Civilization

As part of its educational mission, CHS offers free access to a distance learning course taught by Center Director Gregory Nagy. Concepts of the Hero in Greek Civilization provides an engaging introduction to the major themes of ancient Greek myth, cult, and poetics. All readings are in translation and include the epics of Homer, seven tragedies, two Platonic dialogues, and the dialogue On Heroes by Philostratus. We invite you to learn more by accessing all the content from 2010 via our blog post on kleos@CHS.
And see also Open Access Publications of the Center for Hellenic Studies

Special Issue of BMSAES: Mariners and traders: Connections between the Red Sea littoral, Arabia and beyond

Mariners and traders: Connections between the Red Sea littoral, Arabia and beyond
BMSAES, Issue 18: August 2012
This issue of BMSAES contains the proceedings of the Annual International Egyptological Colloquium, entitled Mariners and traders: Connections between the Red Sea littoral, Arabia and beyond, and Rudolfo Fattovich’s Raymond and Beverley Sackler Foundation Distinguished Lecture in Egyptology, ‘Egypt’s trade with Punt: Recent discoveries on the Red Sea coast,' both held at The British Museum on 2 August 2011. 
Professor Fattovich’s contribution neatly summarizes a decade of extraordinary finds at Middle Kingdom Mersa Gawasis/Wadi Gawasis on Egypt’s Red Sea coast. The colloquium papers present other important, new fieldwork elucidating ancient maritime and over-land routes connecting Egypt to the Levant, East Africa, Arabia, Central Asia and India and dating from as early as the Old Kingdom through the Byzantine period. 
Julie Anderson, who organised the colloquium, guest-edited the volume. Editorial assistance was provided by Tifffany Chezum, Ruiha Smalley, Alice Springuel, Michaela Binder, Elisabeth R. O'Connell and especially Topy Fiske.
Elisabeth R. O’Connell


Egypt’s trade with Punt: New discoveries on the Red Sea Coast
Rodolfo Fattovich

Glassware from Roman Egypt at Begram (Afghanistan) and the Red Sea trade
Rachel Mairs

From the sea to the deserts and back: New research in Eastern SudanAndrea Manzo
Ras Budran and the Old Kingdom trade in Red Sea shells and other exotica
Gregory Mumford

Ayn Sukhna and Wadi el-Jarf: Two newly discovered pharaonic harbours on the Suez Gulf
Pierre Tallet

Port communities and the Erythraean Sea tradeRoss I. Thomas
From the Roman Red Sea to beyond the Empire: Egyptian ports and their trading partners
Roberta Tomber

Building pharaoh’s ships: Cedar, incense and sailing the Great Green
Cheryl Ward

A preliminary assessment on the pottery assemblage from the port town of Adulis (Eritrea)
Chiara Zazzaro and Andrea Manzo

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Brunner Digital (Egyptological) Collection at Macquarie University

Brunner Digital Collection
The Brunner Collection was formed through a donation by Professors Hellmut Brunner and Emma Brunner-Traut in the early 1990s. The donation consisted of books, journals, reprints, catalogues and pamphlets in the field of Egyptology, many of which were annotated by Professor Brunner.
Over the past 60 years the collection has expanded through purchases from the Rundle Foundation for Egyptian Archaeology. The collection now contains over 2,000 titles including long runs of major journals, as well as several thousand offprints which are rare and valuable.

In 2005, funding from a Vice-Chancellor's Development Fund was used to establish the Brunner Digitisation Project. The main objective of this project was to digitise selected volumes from the Brunner Collection in collaboration with the Department of Ancient History and the Learning and Teaching Centre to create the Brunner Digital Collection.
Digitised titles can be found in the Library's Catalogue by performing an author search for Brunner Digitisation Project.

Due to copyright conditions, access to some titles is limited to Macquarie University authorised staff and students. Any restrictions will be indicated in the title.
 The following titles in the Brunner Digital Collection appear to be accessible without restriction: