Friday, March 30, 2018

The Main Sanctuary of Amun-Re in the Temple of Hatshepsut at Deir El-Bahari

The Main Sanctuary of Amun-Re in the Temple of Hatshepsut at Deir El-Bahari
Z.E. SzafraƄski - editor, F. Pawlicki - text, A. Golijewska - layout and typesetting

Open Access Journal: Open Quaternary

Open Quaternary
ISSN: 2055-298X
Open Quaternary is an international peer-reviewed venue for contributions that consider the changing environment of the Quaternary, as well as the development of humanity. This scope is intentionally broad, and covers a range of specialisms such as geomorphology, palaeoclimatology, palaeobotany, palynology, vertebrate and invertebrate palaeontology, zooarchaeology, geoarchaeology, biological anthropology and Palaeolithic archaeology.
You can also read the Open Quaternary blog by clicking here.

Thursday, March 29, 2018

Inventory of Byzantine Churches on Cyprus

[First posted in AWOL 30 June 2015, updated 29 March 2018]

Inventory of Byzantine Churches on Cyprus
This collection of data was originally intended to serve as a tool and support for the author’s doctoral dissertation, dealing with the architecture of these buildings and its possible interpretations in the context of the island’s economy, demography and culture [Papacostas (1999a)]; but it is being made available online as an inventory to facilitate further research on the monuments. New discoveries constantly add to the corpus of relevant monuments, as does further study of the architecture and fresco decoration of structures hitherto ascribed to or appearing at first sight to date from later centuries. While this collection, therefore, is neither comprehensive, nor complete, largely representing the state of scholarship at the turn of the millennium, we hope that it can be of use to colleagues. In particular, we would encourage the use of the urls provided here to accompany relevant materials, particularly images, that they may be publishing online. 

We are extremely grateful to the A.G. Leventis Foundation, whose generous support has made this publication possible.

How to cite
The full bibliographical description of this publication: Tassos Papacostas, Inventory of Byzantine Churches on Cyprus, London 2015, ISBN 978-1-897747-31-5, available at This should be abbreviated to iBCC - so Church 15 can be described as iBCC 15, available at



Architectural Lantern Slides

Architectural Lantern Slides
The University of Notre Dame’s Architecture Library holds a set of about 4,500 “lantern slides” produced by the French company G. Massiot & cie. The collection is undated, but the photographs appear to have been taken between approximately 1870 and 1914, primarily between 1890 and 1910. Lantern slides were most popular, and often sold as pedagogical sets, in the early decades of the 20th century.
European architecture, with approximately 2,900 of the photographs, is the primary focus of the collection. Most come from France (~1,000) and Italy (~800); other countries are represented, but in significantly lower numbers. Asia, the Middle East, Africa, and the Americas combined are pictured in fewer than 500 slides. The remaining ~1,200 photographs represent paintings, sculpture, and decorative arts.
In 2007, the slides were cleaned and transferred to archivally-sound storage boxes. A selection of about 2,700 were scanned as 4800 DPI TIFFs, and lower-resolution versions were loaded into a Flickr collection. An image cataloger was hired to prepare records for each.
Although detailed and modern images of many of these sites exist, the lantern slides present an historical look at the sites, including many bystanders and artifacts which were intentionally or unintentionally a part of the image. The Egyptian set includes images of workmen and bearers, in attire of the period and using tools of the time. Many European images include photographs of persons in attire of the period. Means of conveyance from ox- or horse-drawn wagon to automobiles and streetcars are in the background of some images. The lantern slides may therefore be of interest to a wider audience than architecture historians and students.
Arrangement: The slides are arranged into country-level sub-collections based on notes taken from the original lantern slides. Because these images were created during the late 19th and early 20th century, the names of these countries reflects the countries and occupied colonial territories of the time. Collections include information about the 2017 name of the country as well as older place names. Images themselves generally have more modern location data, often including latitude and longitude, included.

The Sportula: Microgrants for Classics Students

The Sportula: Microgrants for Classics Students
We provide microgrants to students equally regardless of institutional affiliation, research interests or academic merit, or political affiliation. Although our founders personally stand in solidarity with radical leftist student and economic justice movements, we are here for ALL students including ones who may disagree with our political philosophy. We believe that no one should have to pretend to be someone they’re not or curry favor with power just to get their most basic economic survival needs met.
This is also why we seek to formalize/supplement the informal systems of micro-help already existing in contemporary classics departments—because these systems are often based on creating or maintaining relationships with professors and as such are disproportionately available to students who are already comfortable/connected within academia...