Friday, May 31, 2024

Manuscripta Bibliae Hebraicae: The Hebrew Bible Manuscripts in Western Europe (England, France, Germany, Northern Italy) in the 12th and 13th Century: a Material, Cultural and Social Approach

Manuscripta Bibliae Hebraicae

Origins of the project 

In the last decades, we have seen two developments affecting the study of Hebrew Bible manuscripts. Firstly, there is the widespread availability of digitised Hebrew manuscripts on the internet. For example, the collections of the Vatican Library, the libraries of Oxford University, the British Library, Cambridge University Library and the National Library of France are easily accessible online. Secondly, various databases have been created which are dedicated to medieval Hebrew manuscripts in general, not specifically to biblical items. This development started in the early seventies of the previous century with SFAR Data and, in the past decade, the Friedberg Genizah Project and Books within Books databases, amongst others, have been launched. These two advancements have made it possible and desirable to reassess the systematic study of the medieval Hebrew Bible manuscripts that are widely available on the web, from an equally renewed collaborative and transversal perspective.

The great biblical scholar and Masorete Gérard E. Weil commenced working on a systematic study of Hebrew Bible manuscripts, preparing in the early 70’s a “Catalogue général de la Bible hébraïque et du Tafdeveloppedrgum, dans les collections publiques et privées”. Unfortunately, his untimely death in 1986 prevented its continuation. A critical re-evaluation remains crucial nonetheless, both for the insight it affords into the more general phenomena connected to the production of the Hebrew book, and to improve our discernment regarding the types of Bible produced during the Middle Ages and the variety of biblical texts used in the medieval Jewish world. A general, more quantitative insight could facilitate the in-depth research into specific qualitative aspects and thus determine the medieval socio-cultural standards, cultural transfers and socio-cultural practices concerning the transmission of the Biblical text.

Description of the project

Main aims

The starting point for this vast investigation is the Manuscripta Bibliae Hebraicae project directed by Élodie Attia at Aix-Marseille University CNRS (CPAF TDMAM UMR 7297). The aim of this four-year project financed by the French Organization for Scientific Research (ANR) is to introduce a preliminary typology of Hebrew Bibles produced before 1300 CE in Ashkenaz (England, Northern France, Germany, and Northern Italy under German authority). In order to facilitate the development of this preliminary typology, an analytical descriptive database with a multi-criteria search engine is being developed. Initially, the database will be limited to a corpus of circa 115 Ashkenazic manuscripts, either dated or mostly undated, which include biblical text (complete or partial). Later on, this database will enable the processing of a larger number of sources, whether late medieval texts or manuscripts from geocultural areas other than the Ashkenazic region, in order to further the comparative approach needed for an exhaustive look at the ‘Bible’ phenomenon. Finally, it should be stressed that a keen interest in ‘late’ Bibles can be reported for Latin Studies (Boynton & Rilley 2011; Light & Polegh 2013; Ruzzier & Hermand 2015; Togni 2016) but also in Hebrew Studies, as proved by the growing number of projects explicitly reflecting on this subject, among them, the SFB 933 Subproject B4 (Heidelberg); the LEGARAD project on late Sephardic Bibles initiated by Javier del Barco (Madrid). Among other current project dedicated to Bibles are the ERC ParaTextBib project on paratexts in Greek Bibles (Munich), the Biblia Arabica project held by Ronny Vollandt (Munich), and the Textual History of the Bible editorial project concerning the Bible in all languages supervised by Armin Lange (Vienna).

Therefore, the MBH project is not only intended to create a directory of manuscripts as already is the case for Latin (R. Gryson) and Greek (A. Rahlfs) biblical texts, though it could contribute to it. The MBH project and its connected database aspire to facilitate cross-questioning by means of codicological and palaeographical criteria, scribal practices and textual traditions, and the possible uses and functions of biblical manuscripts as object-books. Obviously, the project aims to take into account different kinds of sources: from dated codices (36 SfarData items are described from a codicological point of view) to a majority of non-dated codices and liturgical scrolls, whether the sources are complete, incomplete or fragmentary, which is a methodological novum.



Open Access Journal: Interdisciplinary Egyptology

 [First posted in AWOL 28 May 2022, updated 31 May 2024]
Our logo: orange nb-sign, overlaid with a abstract I and E that also resembles a ceramic drawing. The words Interdisciplinary Egyptology appears above.

Interdisciplinary Egyptology (IntEg) is a peer-reviewed journal which reports on high-quality research that IntEgrates the study of ancient Egypt with other related disciplines. The journal champions Egyptological research with a broad scientific scope that incorporates Egyptology with one or more approaches drawn from related scientific fields.

IntEg promotes research that has a strong foundation in modern historical and archaeological theory, the natural sciences and stringent fieldwork protocols with the highest standards; we promote IntEgrity and IntEgration in Egyptological research. IntEg welcomes research from a broad chronological and geographical scope, in-so-far as it directly relates to the study of Egyptology as a modern, scientific discipline.

IntEg is an independent journal, offering a free-to-publish, fully peer-reviewed, fully Open Access service. All of this is possible because we have an amazing Editorial Team, all of whom are professional Egyptologists across all career stages, who are volunteering their time to bring this service to you. We all believe in the spirit of and need for a journal like IntEg in our field.

Published: 2022-03-30


See AWOL's full List of Open Access Journals in Ancient Studies


Open Access Journal: HIPHIL Novum

[First posted in AWOL  30 February 2013, updated 31 May 2024 (new URLs)]

HIPHIL Novum: Journal for Bible and Digital Resources
ISSN: 1603-6565

HIPHIL Novum publishes articles that investigate biblical linguistics to advance exegesis and translation. It welcomes contributions from new and established scholars. Submissions are welcome in any of the following categories:

  • papers with introductions to their topic and novel findings - maximum 8,000 words inclusive of tables, figure captions, footnotes, but exclusive of bibliography.
  • short papers intended to announce significant findings of international relevance, present ground-breaking research ideas, or summarize PhD dissertations. A short paper should be no longer than 2,500 words, inclusive of tables, figure captions, footnotes, but exclusive of bibliography.
  • conference papers that have been delivered and well-received on significant international conferences. A conference paper should be no longer than 8,000 words, inclusive of tables, figure captions, footnotes, but exclusive of bibliography.

Papers are welcome in any area of biblical linguistics, for example:

  • translation issues, textual variants and emendations, scribal habits, textual history
  • language use in extra-biblical texts, dialects and language development, comparative linguistics, intertextualit
  • syntax analysis, cognitive linguistics, rhetorical-structural analysis, functional-discourse analysis, stylometry, comparative syntax
  • verbal aspect, metaphors, idioms, semantic ranges, contextual markers, morphological nuances and ambiguities, comparative semantics
  • evaluating new and established methodologies, new AI-based techniques, computational linguistics, creating or investigating datasets

New Open Access Journal: Chronolog

ISSN Online: 2794-5197 
Chronolog is written above a line drawing of two vulture wings connected by a circle.

Welcome to Chronolog Journal!

Chronolog is a journal for students concerned with the history, culture, archaeology and language of ancient Southwest Asia and Northeast Africa. The focus of the journal is to provide students at the Department of Cross-Cultural and Regional Studies (CCRS) at the University of Copenhagen (UCPH) and students affiliated with the department through conferences or collaborations, the opportunity to have their first scholarly article published in a peer reviewed journal.

The second issue of Chronolog is out now!

Vol. 2 No. 2 (2024)

We are proud to present the second issue of Chronolog Journal!

As with the first issue of Chronolog, it contains a wealth of information
for students and newly graduates: three peer reviewed papers,
an essay about field archaeology, tips for grant writing, as well
as the editors’ conference recommendations, and spotlights - this
time not on students and graduates but our professors!
The three peer reviewed papers cover vastly different topics, geographical
regions and periods, it encompasses the different regions
and kinds of studies carried out at CCRS (ToRS), from the large picture
using cutting edge scientific techniques, to material studies, to
the textual historical research. All of them providing us with a deeper understanding
of the human past in Southwest Asia and Egypt.

We hope you enjoy reading our second issue.

Kind regards,
The editors of Chronolog
Anna Silberg Poulsen, Maria Diget Sletterød, and Anne Drewsen

Published: 24-05-2024

Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023)

 See AWOL's list of  Open Access Student Journals  

See the full List of Open Access Journals in Ancient Studies



Thursday, May 30, 2024

Open Access Journal: Journal of Greek Linguistics

[First posted in AWOL 12 June 2016, updated 30 May 2024]

Journal of Greek Linguistics
ISSN: 1566-5844
E-ISSN: 1569-9846
Cover Journal of Greek Linguistics
Now available in Open Access, the Journal of Greek Linguistics (JGL) is an established peer-reviewed international journal dedicated to the descriptive and theoretical study of the Greek language from its roots in Ancient Greek down to present-day dialects and varieties. Its target audience includes specialists in both Ancient, Medieval and Modern Greek, besides general linguists
Free access
Open Access
Ἰδού ‘look!’ in the Greek epistolary papyri
Evidence from tone-tune mappings in Ancient Greek music
Open Access


Vol. 23, No. 2 (2023)


Volume: 23 (2023): Issue 1